Archive for May 16th, 2020

RFID Implantation Scenario APA Paper

****This assignment utilizes Turnitin. This means that this assignment has two Drop boxes; one for submitting a paper to Turnitin as a draft and one for submitting the final version to the instructor for grading. Both submissions are required for this assignment. Since a draft is required, please allow yourself time to complete the draft, submit to Turnitin, and make any needed updates prior to submitting the final paper.  Please see instructions for using Turnitin in the Course Overview module under Useful Resources.


The government has created a committee to investigate the potential of implanting a radio-frequency implantable device (RFID or commonly known as a chip) in every U.S. citizen OR on the use of the smart card (i.e. card that incorporates an individuals medical care record). In order to reduce the issues surrounding patient safety including patient identification, and maintenance of a complete and accurate history of disease processes and medications, this RFID or smart card will contain all of the individuals medical information.

When the patient arrives at a point-of-care, the RFID or the smart card is scanned, and all of the information is uploaded into the provider Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. Upon discharge, information is then downloaded back to the RFID or the smart card.

You have been invited as a nursing representative for your state to provide a report to the committee regarding the use of the RFID or the smart card. Choose one of these technologies and complete the following information to produce your report.


Create and introduction paragraph describing the topic (RFID or Smartcard), explain what will be addressed in the paper, and evaluate the pros and cons of using implantable devices or the Smartcard.
Create an introduction: Introduce the topic (RFID or Smartcard)
Body of the Paper:

Evaluate the Pros and Cons:
Analyze the pros and cons of the use of the implanted RFID or the Smartcard. To assist you in analysis, explore the US Food and Drug Administration Guidance Document ( (Links to an external site.) ) and investigate other sources on the internet or in the current literature. There are companies currently producing chips. Read marketing information found online for companies producing chips for additional background information.
Explain how you use smart devices in your personal life. How has this technology been incorporated in society?
Assess the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications:
What are the potential legal, ethical, and social implications, which should be considered if implementing and using RFID or the Smartcard if it is instituted, in your practice setting?
Identify populations who might greatly benefit from the use of the RFID or the Smartcard? (e.g. people with Alzheimers, children, those with cognitive disabilities, etc.).
Refer to the scenario above. How would the redundancy of information be addressed for the RFID or the Smartcard
Evaluate the Scenario and Discuss a Policy to Incorporate
Identify how your organization could incorporate the use of either of these technologies (RFIDs or other smart devices, such as Smart phone) in the practice setting?
Discuss the logistics. How would a healthcare provider access the information from the patients RFID or the Smartcard?
In thinking of the scenario above, identify the extent that patients can access their own information? Can the user access the exact same information as the healthcare provider?
What types of policies might be needed at your healthcare facility to safeguard patients who have an implanted RFID or the Smartcard?
Conclusion and Recommendation
Draft a conclusion statement which summarizes a possible recommendation for using RFID or Smartcard devices or explain why you feel further consideration of use is not warranted.

Grammar and APA Format
Present your analysis in a scholarly, 4-6 page, APA-formatted paper with the following elements:
Title Page (not included in page count)
Citations throughout
Introduction Catch the readers attention with interesting facts and supporting sources.
Body of analysis:
Present the pros and cons about the RFID or the smart card. Think globally and historically.
Identify the ethical, legal, and social implications of RFID or the Smartcard
Discuss policies to incorporate at your facility to safeguard patients with RFIDs or the Smartcard.
Conclusion and Recommendation Summarize the analysis and offer a recommendation. Is the RFID or the Smartcard a plausible method for the future of health care interoperability and portability of health information?
Reference Page (not included in page count)

Important note to students: Pay close attention not only to the details of this assignment but also to the spelling, grammar, and syntax of your work.  You are encouraged to use your Galen resources such as Grammarly, APA Style Central, etc. to complete this assignment.

RFID Smartcard Implantation APA Paper Rubric 2019
RFID Smartcard Implantation APA Paper Rubric 2019
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
5.0 pts
Provides a thorough introduction paragraph which serves to introduce the choice of topic (RFID or Smartcard).
0.0 pts
Does not complete.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePros and cons about the RFID or the Smartcard.
5.0 pts
Excellent and thorough assessment of the pros and cons of smartcard implantation.
4.0 pts
Satisfactory assessment of the pros and cons of smartcard implantation.
3.0 pts
Fair assessment of the pros and cons of smartcard implantation.
2.0 pts
Inadequate assessment of the pros and cons of smartcard implantation.
1.0 pts
Substandard and unacceptable
Substandard and unacceptable assessment.
0.0 pts
Does not complete.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssess the Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications for using the RFID or the Smartcard
5.0 pts
Excellent articulation of ethical and legal issues regarding smartcard implantation.
4.0 pts
Satisfactory articulation of ethical and legal issues regarding smartcard implantation.
3.0 pts
Fair articulation of ethical and legal issues regarding smartcard implantation.
2.0 pts
Inadequate articulation of ethical and legal issues regarding smartcard implantation.
1.0 pts
Substandard and unacceptable articulation of ethical and legal issues regarding smartcard implantation.
0.0 pts
Does not complete.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluate the Scenario and Discuss a Policy, or Policies, to Incorporate Related to the Use of RFIDs or Smartcards
5.0 pts
Excellent, insight and articulation into the policies enforced at students current place of employment or other facility. Relates his/her own experience directly to the topic in a clear and concise manner.
4.0 pts
Satisfactory insight and articulation into the policies enforced at students current place of employment or other facility. Discusses his/her experience and somewhat relates the experience to the topic in a clear and concise manner.
3.0 pts
Fair insight and articulation into the policies enforced at students current place of employment or other facility. Discusses some of his/her experience but is somewhat unclear about how it relates to the topic.
2.0 pts
Inadequate insight and articulation into the policies enforced at students current place of employment or other facility. Discusses very little of his/her experience but does not directly relate it to the topic in a clear manner.
1.0 pts
Substandard insight and articulation into the policies enforced at students current place of employment or other facility. Fails to explain how his/her experience directly relates it to the topic.
0.0 pts
Does not complete.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion and Recommendation
5.0 pts
Excellent conclusion of the topic with clear, thorough and well written and recommendation. Summarizes analysis to a high level.
4.0 pts
Satisfactory conclusion of the topic with clear and well written recommendations properly summarized from analysis.
3.0 pts
Fair conclusion of the topic that is somewhat unclear in structure. Summarization of the analysis is not directly addressed in the recommendations.
2.0 pts
Inadequate conclusion of the topic that is unclear and lacking structure. Fails to summarize the analysis in recommendation and/or is unclear about recommendations.
1.0 pts
Substandard conclusion lacking in content, unorganized or unstructured. Offers unclear recommendations that are not properly drawn from analysis.
0.0 pts
Does not complete.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar and APA Formatting
5.0 pts
APA Paper in proper format, complete with title page, introductory paragraph, conclusion paragraph, headings, formatting and reference page, within 4-6-page limit. Excellent use of grammar with proper formatting. Presentation has been proof-read and free of errors.
4.0 pts
APA Paper with a rare minor APA formatting error, but with title page, introductory paragraph, conclusion paragraph, headings, formatting and reference page and is within 4-6-page limit. Satisfactory use of grammar with proper formatting. Presentation contains minor errors.
3.0 pts
APA Paper with a few APA formatting errors with title page, introductory paragraph, conclusion paragraph, headings, formatting and reference page, or outside 4-6-page expectation. Fair use of grammar with proper formatting. Presentation contains some errors in grammar and contains minor spelling errors.
1.0 pts
Many APA errors, missing many aspects of APA paper with title page, introductory paragraph, conclusion paragraph, headings, formatting and reference page and is outside 4-6-page expectation. Inadequate use of grammar with proper formatting. Presentation contains obvious errors in grammar and spelling.
0.0 pts
Not written in APA Format
0.0 pts
Substandard and unacceptable
Substandard and unacceptable APA Paper. Lacks attention to most if not all APA formatting with title page, introductory paragraph, conclusion paragraph, headings, formatting and reference page, and is outside 4-6-page expectation. Substandard and unacceptable use of grammar with no proper formatting. Presentation was clearly not proofed for grammar or spelling.

Any topic (writer’s choice)



The Monomyth or Hero’s Journey is a popular formula used in many modern movies, like Star Wars, Lord of The Rings, and Harry Potter.

It outlines a series of trials, tribulations, and obstacles that a character must endure on their journey or quest.

The following articles outline The 17 Stages of the Monomyth.

There is also an important document attached to this email.


For your assignment, you will choose / create / imagine a character and run them through various stages of the monomyth.

You may use yourself as the lead character; i.e. you may use your real life as the monomyth, or make it up, creatively.

You may also make it based on a person in history, whether a family member OR a celebrity.

You may NOT use a movie or book or television show.

Basically, you are creating an outline for a movie or a book.

This should be approximately 7 to 8 pages and will require revision.

Use the attached handout as your guide. Erase my writing under the headline, keep the headline, and write your answers.

For example:

The Call To Adventure

Under each headline you will identify the moment the character goes through the stage.

Refusal of the Call

These moments do not have to be explained in-depth. It could be anywhere from a couple sentences to a paragraph.

Supernatural Aid

You can just summarize what happens during the stage OR you can write it in scene, with dialogue and movement, ectera.

Crossing of the First Threshold 

Think of it like this. The assignment is basically answering twenty questions. For example, just put “What is” in front of each stage. Like, “what is” the Call to Adventure, “what is” the Refusal of the Call, ect.

Belly of the Whale

This is easier than it may sound. And if you have questions, ask.

Road of Trials

This stage is a three part question. There will be three trials in your monomyth. 

Meeting with the Goddess

Hope all of this is clear. Just take your time and follow directions.

You will do fine. 


Select a facility from below to use in your final project. You will use this facility in Weeks 3 through 5. If you would like to use a facility not listed here, please check with your instructor for approval.

    Birthing center
    Doctors office

Research the facility.

Write a 260- to 350-word summary. Your summary should:
    Describe the facility you selected and its purpose in the health care industry.
    Identify the populations who use the facility.
    Identify key characteristics of the facility.
    Explain why you have selected this type of facility.

Sustainability-Climate Change

1. Find a current news story related to a sustainability topic and write a one page summary of the story. Topic I picked is Climate change.

2. How does the news story apply to what we have learned in class, please cite 2 references to course readings or materials.

Any topic (writer’s choice)


The first novella we will read this semester is Dec (2.0)

It’s an easy read — it’s set in Miami, and I wrote it.

If ya didn’t order it, I’m attaching a free .pdf of the book. It’s attached below.

You can also still order a hard copy of the book but it’s up to you. Order here if you want a hard copy.. 


If you don’t understand satire, study the definition of satire.

To truly understand satire this video example is really strong.

You are to write at least a 6 page creative satire based on Dec 2.0.. 

As always, typed, double space, Times Roman, 12 pt font.

Here are some ideas..

1. Write your own chapter of the book.

Capture Miami in your own personal satire. It’s you as the main character..

Do something or go somewhere Miami-related. Something that you would do, maybe down here in South Miami or Kendall.

A holiday gathering. A trip to the roller rink or santa’s enchanted forest. Anything.

But make sure you interact with at least one character from the story..

2. Tell a story though one of the characters. Put yourself in their frame of mind and write away.

If you have another idea, go for it. I won’t say no –but it needs to be a satire and connect to the materials or themes satirized in Dec 2.0. 

Your satire will be due at the end of the term in your final portfolio.

city development

task1:Most cities, especially those in very large cities in developing countries, which are struggling with limited budgets and an infrastructure deficit, see urban infrastructure, especially water infrastructure and green infrastructure, as a large expense. The videos seem to suggest that infrastructure should be seen as investments (they provide benefits, which can be regarded as a return on investment). Do you believe that urban infrastructure should be seen as an investment and city governments should take that approach as a motivation to provide adequate urban infrastructure?
task2:In some cities, public transport operates on a cost recovery basis (ticket price set to cover the costs of maintaining and operating the system), with no or limited subsidies from the municipal or higher levels of government. In other cities, public transport is free (Tallin, Estonia) or heavily subsidized, leading to increased ridership and less congested cities. (As of this month, March 2020, Luxembourg, a small country in Europe has made all public transport free: bus, streetcar, train). Are you in support of or against city and higher levels of government providing large subsidies for public transport? If yes, what benefits may such a measure bring? If not, why not (list a few reasons)?

Immanuel Kant’s definition of genius applied to contemporary art

Given Kants definition of genius, how can we apply it to contemporary artists? Use Kant and examples from contemporary art and artists texts.

APPLY Kant’s definition of genius to contemporary artists and art (produced in the second half of the 20th century until now, different from modern art).

I uploaded the sections of The Critique of Judgment in which he defines genius as ‘kant.pdf’. Definitely read all of that attachment and take notes (might be helpful to look my notes over first). The ‘additional.pdf’ is the other part of The Critique of Judgment that we were assigned to read so that you can get a sense of Kant’s overall view of art and beauty if need be. I also included the excerpts from Barnette Newman which could be used as an artists text if it’s relevant and coherent with the essay. Some of Newman’s later work fits in the contemporary period.

Please use at least 2 examples of contemporary artists. I was thinking Banksy and Andy Warhol, but whatever artists you see best fit are fine.

If possible, compare contemporary artists to genius(es) of Kant’s time. Who do you think he considered a genius (artists before 1790)?

Please utilize my notes on Kant’s definition of genius:

Genius is the talent (natural endowment) which gives the rule to art. Since talent, as an innate faculty of the artist, belongs itself to nature, we may put it this way: Genius is the innate mental aptitude (Ingenium) through which nature gives the rule to art.

-originality must be its primary property
-the work of a genius must also be exemplary
    -not derived from imitation, they must serve that purpose for others

-according to Kant genius applies only to fine art, NOT to science
      -it cannot be learned
      -science follows rules, doesn’t create them
      -science is a theoretical faculty
      -art is a productive and practical (as in practice) faculty

The mental powers whose union in a certain relation constitute genius are imagination and understanding

Key components:

1 talent for art, not science
2 presupposes a definite concept of the product as its end. Hence it presupposes understanding, but, in addition, a representation, indeterminate though it be, of the material, i.e. of the intuition, required for the presentation of that concept, and so a relation of the imagination to the understanding.
4 the unsought and undesigned subjective purposiveness in the free harmonizing of the imagination with the understandings conformity to law presupposes a proportion and accord between these faculties such as cannot be brought through any observance of rules, whether of science of mechanical imitation, but can only be produced through the nature of the subject.

Genius, according to these presuppositions, is the exemplary originality of the natural endowments of a subject in the free employment of his cognitive faculties.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Nationalist Composers in Europe

Extreme Nationalism began in Europe 1840 -1925 and composers became heavily involved in aspects of patriotism and protectionism in support of their native countries.  These composers used their music to make deliberate statements about political difficulties their countries were facing such as foreign interference and domination, to invoke national pride among citizens, to showcase unique ethnic characteristics they were proud of, and to celebrate their county in the concert-halls of world.

Choose TWO (2) Nationalist composers from the list below, from 2 different countries, and thoroughly address the items about each one using the following format:

COMPOSER #1 ___________________________ Country___________________

1)  Provide complete biographical information about this composer (15 pts);

2)  Provide a complete history of the “nationalist/political issues” facing their country during this composer’s life,  and explain why & how these composers were “nationalistically” involved;  how was their music used, what did they promote, why was it important for that country?  (20 pts.);

3)  Describe two (2) examples of their nationalistic compositions and the background / reasons these pieces were written;  what is “nationalistic” about these pieces?  (15 pts). 

COMPOSER #2 ___________________________ Country____________________

1)  Provide complete biographical information about this composer (15 pts);

2)  Provide a complete history of the “nationalist/political issues” facing their country during this composer’s life,  and explain why & how these composers were “nationalistically” involved; how was their music used, what did they promote, why was it important for that country?  (20 pts.);

3)  Describe two (2) examples of their nationalistic compositions and the background / reasons these pieces were written; what is “nationalistic” about these pieces?  (15 pts).

Your Paper must discuss each composer separately and be divided into sections 1) 2) 3)  as shown above.

RUSSIA:    Glinka / Rimsky-Korsakov / Borodin / Tchaikovsky

POLAND:    Chopin / Moniuszko

CZECH REPUBLIC:    Smetana / Dvorak / Janacek

NORWAY:  Grieg

FINLAND:  Sibelius

SWEDEN:  Alfven

HUNGARY:    Bartok / Kodaly

ROMANIA:  Enescu

SPAIN:    Albeniz / de Falla / Granados

MEXICO:    Ponce

ENGLAND:    Elgar / Vaughn-Williams / Parry / Holst

USA:    Copland / MacDowell / Ives

When submitting your Research Paper,  DO NOT copy from Google. docs and attempt to paste directly into the Text Box!  The coding in Google. docs does not allow your text to “wrap” appropriately, and your assignment comes out with single line sentences that are 7 miles long! 

If you are using, please copy/paste from Google docs. into a program like Word Pad or Note Pad, and THEN copy from one of those into your Text Box space.  This process removes the code that prevents the text wrapping and your Paper will appear in normal and readable paragraph form.  Papers that do not have the proper format (“wrapped”) will not be counted.

All sources must be credited (any bibliographic format is acceptable, but MLA preferred) and all submissions will be automatically checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign & Turnitin.  Any papers found to contain plagiarized content will receive an E for failure (See MOD A Grading Policy and Course Syllabus). This assignment is worth 100 points.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

A brief about me:-

I was an international student in the US, I studied abroad for six years and then worked there for a half a year after graduation,

I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business administration concentrated in finance, took multiple different business courses throughout my time as a student, and I also worked as an international student assistant at the university. I volunteered and was member of the finance club at the university, and was member of the soccer club.

After graduation, I worked there as credit analyst in a loan company (financial service) for a while then returned back from abroad.

I currently work as an internal auditor in a bank.

Now, I am trying to pursue a master degree abroad in Europe and have a new beginning in different region, and interact with people from different various background. I’ve chosen a master in business analytics because I want to go into more the technical side of business. Information Systems
Data Science and Business Intelligence.

So, these questions are for the admission to the school i am applying for and hoping to get accepted.

I am fully occupied with work and personal things, I am hoping to find a good communicator and writer who can help.

Please let me know if you have any questions..

Here are the admission questions, I need at least one page for each.

Application essays are your opportunity to tell us more about yourself and detail your interests, values and goals. We are interested in what motivates you, evidence of leadership and team work, why you are looking to pursue a Master and what you will bring to the SCHOOL community. Essays are a vital part of your application and we recommend that you spend a significant amount of time in their preparation. They must be specific to the current application (400 words).

Please tell us your motivation for applying to this college Master in Business Analytics, including your interest for the college.

How do you envision your professional career ?

How will you contribute to the college Master in business analytics program ?

What matters most to you, and why ? Tell us the values and experiences that have shaped the person you are

5. Add any information you consider pertinent for the jury (not already detailed in the rest of your application)

Please let’s communicate.

Women of the blacks arts movement reflective Essay

For this reflective essay, I want you to piggyback off what youll write in this discussion( Order 165293383) If you selected in the discussion to write about Sonia Sanchez, then continue your analysis on Sanchez, or if you wrote in the weekly discussion about June Jordan then continue your analysis on Jordan. Develop a two page reflection that reflects upon how a poem (your choice either from the anthology or one you find online) by Sanchez or Jordan reflects women’s liberation (particularly for women of color) and women’s social justice or protest against social oppressions. I would like for you to find one outside source on your own to help back up and support your viewpoint; please quote at least once from the secondary (outside) source you use, and quote from the poem itself. Place both the poem and the outside source on a works cited page (works cited does not count toward the two pages of content). Should you need to write more than two pages and go over that page limit, that is perfectly fine! Write as much as you need to address the themes of women’s liberation, social justice, and protest, within the poem. Even if the poem you are looking at is about the theme of love or relationships, think about how that theme can be used by a female poet to make a larger, broader statement about the treatment of women in society. I am really looking forward to seeing your responses and reflections this week on these two fabulous, historic, talented, and amazing black poets! As always, use MLA format with your heading, in text citations, and works cited.