Archive for May 16th, 2020

Property Investigation and Data Collection

Assume you are a real estate investor. Target a specific New York City investment property for investigation and analysis. Inspect the property to the extent possible. Collect as much data as you can on the issues identified below. Write a preliminary due diligence report which presents and discusses the data that you collected on your property in a narrative format. The documents should be attached to the report and be referred to as Exhibit 1, Exhibit 2, etc. Use a professional writing style (avoid personal pronouns) and include citations in the narrative and bibliography. You may use APA or MLA format.

Property Description
1. Geographic location, photo, map
2. Size (if land, number of acres; if built, number of stories)
3. New or existing construction
4. Market and SubMarket
5. Proximity to transmit/infrastructure?
6. Approximate amount of rentable space?
Map and legal description.

Title and Ownership Issues
1. Who holds legal title to the property? (Fee simple or leasehold)
2. Are there any mortgages or liens recorded against the property?
3. Any recorded or known leases?
4. Any recorded easements or restrictive covenants?
Deed, ground lease, net lease

Property Condition Assessment
A. When was the property built?
B. What is its construction? (brick, steel, woodframe, etc.)
C. What is the flood risk level?
D. What is the propertys overall physical condition?
E. Any building, health or safety code violations of record?
F. Any environmental risks posed that could affect value?
by age (pre1978 leadbased paint)
by use (manufacturing/industrial)
by location (EPA)
Photos of multiple elevations, if possible/aerial shot Violation search report

Zoning and Land Use Constraints
A. What is the propertys zoning map designation?
B. What are the permissible uses of the property under current zoning laws?
C. What uses are prohibited?
D. Is the property a landmark or located in a landmark district?
E. FAR: How big is the lot? What is the propertys Floor Area Ratio? Are
there setback requirements in this district? Is the lot fullybuilt?

NYC Zoning and Land Use (“ZOLA”)

NYC Dept. of Finance Automated City Register Information System (“ACRIS”)

NYC Dept. of Buildings – Buildings Information System

Social Determinant of Health

Step 1: Select a social determinant of health (SDH) that is outside of the individuals control from the SDH model. Can be found on world health organization web site.

Step 2: Explain by providing 2 examples of why your selected SDH should be a concern to doctors.

No cover page, no header or footer on paper, no title needed and no filler titles or spaces in the paper. Times new roman, 12 pt, thank you.

Discussion Sonia Sanchez and June Jordan

We continue our look at the Black Arts Movement. This week we are focusing more exclusively on female poets of the Black Arts Movement with Sonia Sanchez and June Jordan. Select one of the themes from the list below and give us your “reading” (meaning interpretation) of either one poem by Sonia Sanchez or one by June Jordan. For your examples of poems by Sanchez or Jordan, you are not limited to the poems from our reading this week in the anthology; if you want to go online and find a poem by Sonia Sanchez or June Jordan, may do so, or you may stick to the poems listed for our reading this week out of the anthology (you may do this either way). In your response, give us the title of the poem and poet; if it is in the anthology, give the page number for it, but if it is one you retrieved online then give us the link to the poem. I am excited to see your poem selections and how you read/interpret the poem’s meaning. I want you to think about and consider does the poem speak an element of “truth” that women can relate to? Specifically, how may the poem address women of color? Who is the poet speaking to in the poem? Is the poet herself speaking through the poem or has the poet constructed a persona (mask, image, character) to speak for others?

Here are the list of themes. Again, select one theme as your literary lens to “read” the poem through and to use to analyze/interpret the poem’s meaning.

Black Activism (Social Activism)
Women’s reproductive rights
Women and labor/work
Emotional loss or emotional trauma
Abuse or trauma
Women’s history
Women’s rights
Family History
The environment/Nature
Women as survivors, warriors, goddesses, powerful
Before you respond, I want  you to watch the videos placed here of Sonia Sanchez and June Jordan reading their own poetry. The poems they are reading may not be the poem you have selected to write about–and that is okay! But, I want you seeing, hearing how the poet sounds when the poet reads her own work! It is important to get a sense of the way the poet brings life and energy to her work!



Native Am-Iroquois-Beadwork

This paper is for a writing/CTD 415 History of Textiles class. My topic is Native American Iroquois Beadwork. I have the rubric that I will drop below. I have downloaded some articles and publications I can forward to you. Since my classes have been postponed due to COVID-19, I’m having a harder time getting the materials I need. Once I Have a writer assigned for this paper could they please email me so I can add further instructions and information for the paper.

5 jewelry artists who inspire me

In an age where social media is prevalent, your research project will be an exercise in utilizing your networking skills to find an artist whose work resonates with you – deeply resonates with you.  You will write about them, their work, and how the two intertwine.  You must choose a contemporary artist, preferably one that is still living, but one that has died within the past 10 years is acceptable.  Fortunately, many living contemporary artists are friendly, and if you ask nice enough, might give you an interview.

This is not a biography, this is an exercise is conceptual development.  You can give at most, half a page of their history, unless their history is a fundamental influence on their practice.

You need to find an artist with a well-defined artist statement.  Finding an artist that appeals to you but doesn’t have enough information means you find another artist.

Questions you should answer in your report:

Why does this artist use jewelry, or other body adornment, as their medium?  (I.E. why is it important for the work to live on the body?)
Every artist is a visual storyteller.  What do they want us to think/feel?
What is their aesthetic? Why do you suppose they choose that?
What about their work inspires to you?


3 images.  Include Title, materials, dimensions and year of creation

Treadway Tire Company: Job Dissatisfaction and High Turnover at the Lima Plant.

You will provide a detailed and specific response to each question below.  Be comprehensive and make it your best work.

In general, what are the major causes of job turnover and job dissatisfaction? How do these lead to people leaving an organization?
(1-page maximum)
In general, what factors impact motivation on the job? (1-page maximum)
In general, what causes conflict in organizations. (1/2-page maximum)
Analyze the case using the McKinsey 7S Model. Discuss each of the seven elements of the
model as they relate to the situation at Treadway Tire Company. Some may not be applicable in this case, but you must consider each and
determine whether it applies or not.
What are the major issues at Treadway? Be specific and not general, giving examples from the case.
What is the relationship between line foremen at Treadways Lima Plant and other groups within the plant:
general supervisors and area managers, top management, the union, hourly workers, and each other? Explain.
How do line foremen feel about their jobs? Why? What would you suggest to improve their job motivation?
What are the consequences of those feelings? Explain.
What are the elements of the work system that contribute to the problem? Be comprehensive. What could you do to correct the problems?
What interventions (action plan) should Ashley Wall recommend? Provide details and suggestions for implementation.
Dont be short in your response to this question.
This case write-up must be 12 pages minimum.

Grading Rubric

Answers are comprehensive, complete, and well-reasoned.
Answers are supported by the facts from the case, by learning from course textbook, and by other scholarly sources.
Any material from other sources is properly cited and referenced.
Sources are cited in the text.
Follow these guideline  when submitting responses:

Submit response(s) in one file
Include a cover page
Include a reference page
Include in-text citations per APA
Please repeat the question prior to responding
(The coversheet and reference sections do not count as pages when a minimum number of pages is required).

chapter 5

2 pages reflection paper (1 page summarizing the main concepts from the chapter and 1 page giving your critical evaluation of those concepts).

Required Text:  Pickren & Rutherford, A History of Modern Psychology in Context, 2010.



In this project, you will discuss the Value stream management of a company you choose. Your discussion must be specific and refer to one production or service delivery process throughout most of the project. Read the instructions carefully. Do not just put generic theory; the discussion must be specific, you must apply the theory and use the tools we discuss in class. The practical examples must refer to your companys activity and must be explained in the text.
I choose the Almarai company and specifically, I choose to make the current and future map about the evaporated milk process in Almarai company and I need to make both of these maps in Visio software.

Speak On

Find the attached and amend by adding the following parts:

Executive summary
executive summary that illustrates in a succinct yet exhaustive manner the main contents of your writeup,


The introduction in your report should provide an overview of the business situation or the business problems presented in the case. Are there one or more main issues that need to be solved? Are there alternative decisions that could be taken and would lead to different pathways that could help solving or addressing such issue(s)? Who are the main actors who are supposed to take these decisions?


In the analysis section your investigation of the different possible ways that could help addressing the issue(s) you introduced at the previous section should be developed. Possible different alternatives of action should be singularly evaluated. What is good/bad, difficult/easy, costly/productive, safe/risky, promising/unlikely about each of them? Alternatives should also be contrasted against each other, so that their pros and cons can be better appraised. Attention should then be given to figures and decision maker(s) presented in the case. What are their actual roles, empowerment, abilities and, thus, possibilities to implement each alternative of action in a successful or non-successful way?


The conclusions of the report should present your synthesis and recommendations. Your synthesis extracts the best course of action from all alternatives as they emerge from the previous section. You have to justify your choice with facts and logical reasoning, that you will select from the analysis. Your recommendations need to be convincing and substantiated.


In 2013, Google Ideas and  Arbor Networks created a live data visualization of DDoS attacks around the world. In October 2013, the United States was one of the most popular destination countries for these types of attacks.  (To see the map, visit


In your opinion, is it ethically acceptable to use a denial-of-service attack to shut down a Web server that distributes child pornography?  (What type of hacker would do this?  a. hacker, b. cracker, c. hactivist –Explain.)

State which ethical theory may support your position/answer to the question.