Archive for May 16th, 2020

Portfolio of routine legal correspondence

This assignment will require the student to build a portfolio of routine legal correspondence. The types of correspondence will be representations of required correspondence at various stages of a client matter and directed to various parties in a client matter.

Read and familiarize yourself with the fact scenario below. You will be required to draft a series of legal correspondence based on the fact scenario.

Fact Scenario:

Ms. Brandi Maguire has retained you today. During the initial 30 minute consultation a week ago today, she informed you that she had filed a human rights application (HRTO File: 2019-123-45) against her former employer XYZ Property Management Inc. for discrimination based on her disability. She is seeking $100,000.00 in damages. The hearing is scheduled for 60 days from today. You have reviewed the application, which Ms. Maguire drafted on her own behalf, and the response from the Respondent. You do not want to give your final opinion on the success of the application until you review all of Ms. Maguire’s documents as it relates to her application. You have not been given her employment records and her medical records. Ms Maguire gives you her permission to obtain the documents on her behalf and have them sent directly to your office. The hearing date is quickly approaching and you need to request and receive these documents immediately.

Based on the information you have reviewed so far, you do not believe that the application will be successful. You advise Ms. Maguire that she should attempt to settle the matter without a hearing. Ms. Maguire has given you authority to try and settle with the Respondent. You think that this matter could be settled for $30,000.00. Ms. Maguire has also indicated that she would like a written apology, and a reference letter included in the settlement.

It has now been one month since Ms. Maguire retained you. You have not yet received the documents from Ms. Maguire’s physician, and Dr. Robertson has indicated that there is a cost of $568.15 to copy her medical file.

The same day you drafted the letter to the Respondent, you received a response indicating that they are not going to settle and are looking forward to your client losing.

You also received a notice from the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, reminding you of the deadline to provide the documents you will be relying on at the hearing to the Respondent and to the Tribunal.


Based on the above fact scenario, draft the following legal correspondence, using full block, mixed punctuation:

Letter for her employment records (including necessary authorizations)
Letter for her medical records (including necessary authorizations)
Letter for regarding settlement
Reporting/Status letter
Assignment Steps:

Review the assignment instructions and rubric to ensure you understand the requirements and expectations.
Set up a plan for your communication strategy. For example, do you need any additional information? Have you written to the correct party?
Create a draft of each of your letters. (Do not submit your draft documents)
Review, edit, and proofread your letters. You may find it helpful to use Appendix A in your textbook for an editing checklist.
Make the appropriate corrections
Ensure that your documents are presentable to the reader. For example, proper formatting for the type of letter you are drafting.
Note: You may make up details such as contact information etc. You are not permitted to add or alter details that significantly alter the assignment. Please see your instructor if you believe key elements are missing.
Double check your submission for completeness and accuracy making sure you have submitted all documents. On Day 6, submit the assignment to the Assignment Submission Folder – Major Assignment

Total: 30 marks

Content – Correct Scenario Based Responses

The assignment scenario is used accordingly.
Spelling and Grammar

Demonstrates understanding of writing process and sentence structure (grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation).

Demonstrates ability to draft client-centered material, legal documents in an organized, clear, concise and plain language manner.



For Discussion 2, you will need to read the NP 21: The Metabolic Syndrome (found in the pages after Chapter 21). For your initial post, select three of the risk factors for Metabolic Syndrome identified in this reading. Discuss ways that you could make diet and lifestyle changes to decrease your risk of developing Metabolic Syndrome.  As explained below, your initial post must be a minimum of 100 words; in addition, you must respond to at least two peers and each of these responses are a minimum of 50 words. 


  -Basic Requirements:
Length – at least 3000 words * (NB. The word count does not include the References)
Support at least 3 sources taken from the text book *
Sufficient research and support from other sources (a minimum of 4 credible, external sources) *
References page presented in APA style (alphabetical order by authors surname, title & publishing
information) *
APA layout, including course information (semester, teacher etc. aligned to the left) on the title page
Pages: double spaced and numbered (the page number and title should be included in header on each page)
RP stapled or bound no loose pages

  -Argumentative style: Four- part introduction (G.O.S. Thesis, Alternative View, Road map)
Development of alternative view (concession & refutation)
Well supported arguments
Credible sources (support based on research articles or books, no French sources and no Wikipedia) *
Acknowledge all sources (all ideas that are not your own must be acknowledged) both in the paper & in the
references page)

Every idea you present must be backed up with reference to your researched sources authors name & date
Direct quotes should make up no more than 10% of your overall paper.*
Each paragraph is developed using examples and references to sources
No sweeping generalizations (e.g. Advertisements tell lies)

early language and literacy development

After watching the video, , AND read two readings I uploaded,
Mermelstein, L. (2006).  Reading/Writing Connections in the K-2 Classroom.  Boston, MA: Pearson Education CHAPTER 5
Owocki, G & Goodman, Y. (2002).  Kidwatching:  Documenting childrens literacy development.  Portsmouth, NH:  Heinemann.
Answer the following questions.

1. What does the teacher do to support students in developing their semantic/meaning cueing system while reading? What questions does the teacher ask to support students semantic/meaning cueing system?

2.What does the teacher do to support students in developing their structural/syntactic cueing system while reading? What questions does the teacher ask to support students structural/syntactic cueing system?

3. What does the teacher do to support students in developing their visual/ graphophonic cueing system while reading? What questions does the teacher ask to support students visual/graphophonic cueing system?

Reproductive justice

This assignment is a combination of “Parenting and Reproductive Justice” and “Girlhood & Boyhood”.  In addition to “Moonlight” (Kanopy), watch “The History of Reproductive Justice” and answer the following questions.  Answers should be substantial and pull in the readings from both sections.

1. What are the intersectional factors at play in Chiron’s life, how is life made more difficult for him due to these factors?

2. How does Chiron’s life connect to a re(imaging) of black boyhood?

3. How does the United States “manage fertility” and how does this specifically affect marginalized communities? (May need to conduct outside research)

4. Provide one option that can contribute to a reproductive justice agenda:

-“Parenting and Reproductive Justice” + “Girlhood & Boyhood” , reading files attached
-“The History of Reproductive Justice”,

explain VLO is simple understanding language

Explain what your VLO (vocational learning outcome) means in simple, easy to understand language.

1. Work from an anti-oppressive,strengths-based practice,recognizing the capacity for resilience and growth of individuals and communities when responding to the diverse needs of marginalized or vulnerable populations to act as allies and advocates.

2. Work with individuals, groups, families and their communities to ensure that service provider strategies promote social and economic justice, and challenge patterns of oppression, discrimination and harassment, and sexual violence with clients, coworkers and communities.

Combine these two and write a 200-250 paragraph, exampaining this VLO’s in a easier, much understanding way. Basically “paraphrasing” to have these two easily understood.