Archive for May 16th, 2020

Government Intervention

Examine a real-world case of significant government intervention as it relates to Low-income Rent Controls and Housing Vouchers within the United States.  “The Economist” or other credible sources can be used for researching articles relating to this type of government intervention.

Develop a PowerPoint presentation.  Include short bullets in the body of the slides and more details in the speaker notes.  Also include an introduction slide. 

Answer the following:

– Describe the intervention and detail its history.
– Analyze the arguments for government intervention as opposed to arguments for market-based solutions.
– Examine who may be helped and who may be hurt by the selected government intervention.
– Examine externalities and/or unintended consequences of such intervention.
– Determine the cost trend of the intervention program since its implementation including whether costs are increasing, decreasing, or vary with the state of the economy.
– Evaluate the success or failure of the intervention in achieving its objectives and develop conclusions.
– Recommend whether the program should be continued as is, discontinued, or modified and defend your recommendation.

Productivity and Quality in Manufacturing and Services Sectors

First part- Report: About the registered topic; Prepare a word format report of at least 10 pages, single space, font 12, Arial (including graphics and references and if is possible: forecasting, service design, supply chain management, quality control system, project management, etc.) of :

Productivity and Quality in Manufacturing and Services Sectors

  1.  Clear and concise title
  2.  Executive Summary
  3.  Introduction (objectives, precedents, contribution, concepts, definitions)
  4.  Background or antecedents
  5.  Data description (information description, variables, target population,
      sampling units).
  6.  Methodology (calculations, statistical procedures, etc.)
  7.  Results
  8.  Discussion of results
  9.  Limitations
10. Conclusions
11. Recommendations
12. Appendix (survey, additional results, etc.)
13. References (bibliography and e-sites)

Second part- Data: Include a file of the related “recent monthly data” (last 5 years); an EXCEL format is preferred with its source or reference.

Analysis of the rhetorical situation

This assignment asks you to do an analysis of Emma Gonzalezs We call BS!, student rally post Parkland mass shooting speech
the link is:

and write an essay that explains how the text works to characterize and address the rhetorical situation. It is meant to give you the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the concept, to practice doing a critical reading of a text, and to work on crafting strong analytical thesis statements. Once you have read and closely analyzed the text, please write a paper that answers the following question

How does the text create and respond to the rhetorical situation?

Please note that this question does not ask you to talk about how well the text responds to the situation. That is, you are not talking about whether it is a good or appropriate response. Instead, you are looking at how the text defines the situation and responds to the situation it constitutes.

-The paper should provide textual evidence from the speech. When you are analyzing the text, please quote directly from the text (citing the paragraph number.) You should NOT use any other sources other than the primary text (the speech) and Bitzer and/or Vatz.
***the reading for Vatz and Bitzer will be attached

You are not allowed to do outside Internet research about what other people have said about the speech. I am interested in your reading of the speech itself. The primary focus of this paper should be how the speech creates an address as the rhetorical situation.

– Your paper must be between 1500-1800 words. It should include a final word count, page numbers, and an appropriate title. It must be double spaced with 1 inch margins in Times new Roman, 12 point font. it should include a bibliography in MLA format.

Please note the worksheet attached is to help you organize your thoughts, you should use it as a map.

official document reading this prompt will be included. Page number does not have to equal 6 as long as it is 1500-1800 words.

Circulatory failure and hypovolemic shock

Part 1. Describe circulatory failure (shock). Include the pathophysiology, cellular responses, and the compensatory mechanisms.

Part 2. Choose Hypovolemic Shock and explain the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, cellular responses, compensatory mechanisms and treatment. When talking about treatment describe the order of priority.

Use the attached files ONLY to do the assignment

References of attached documents

Porth, C. M. (2015). Essentials of pathophysiology (4th ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.

Hypovolemic Shock2.pdf
Schub, T., & Karakashian, A. L. (2017). Shock, Hypovolemic. CINAHL Nursing Guide.


Native American study paper

Write a research/reflection essay on a topic dealing with any aspect of CURRENT OR HISTORICAL INDIGENOUS PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS OR SACRED MOVEMENTS 

The topic is the writer’s choice but has to be either about current/historical indigenous philosophical systems or sacred movements.

All the sources are going to be from books and lectures. I uploaded 3 PDF books provided by my professor. The paper should have some references from books/lectures. And cite them.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This assignment provides you with an opportunity to summarize ethics in financial responsibilities and to evaluate ethical considerations of executive compensation by writing a persuasive essay. In your essay, take a position on the following topics, and support it with evidence. Evidence can be facts, statistics, and quotes from scholarly articles, reliable news BBA 4751, Business Ethics 5 sources, or even anecdotal examples from personal experience. You may use any of the readings from this course, or you may find new ones to support your position. At least two pieces of evidence should be used (one for each topic).

Age and Aging/Understanding Death Throughout The Lifespan

developmental psychology knowledge a plus.

description of assignment is located in attachments. this is a 2 part written discussion.
(please label each part.) <—- very important.

name of video: Age and Aging: Crash Course Sociology #36
Link to video:

I uploaded the textbook pages to read in the attachments as well.

this professor is very precise with her instructions so please follow it exactly the way she has it written from the exact sources i provided. she checks everything.
she also uses safe assign to check for plagiarism .

name of textbook: The Developing Person Through the Life Span 10th edition by Kathleen Stassen Berger

if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me and I will reply as soon as possible. thanks.

Software Testing

Each of your will read the article, “What is Software Testing? And Why Is It So Hard?Preview the document

Note your analysis response paper must be saved as a pdf.  This is homework is to be done individually and you will not work with your teammates or anyone else in the class.

After reading the article, you will answer the following questions.  I am looking for a 5-7 page response, single spaced with 12 point font types.  You should use examples from within the article to justify your responses.  I am looking for well thought out, thorough summaries for the questions.  Single paragraphs or a couple of sentences will not be sufficient.  Do strive for concise writing but anything you say without justification will not be sufficient (unless otherwise noted.)  You must use good grammar and be sure to use a spell checker on your analysis response.  Answer each prompt separately.

1)  Summarize the paper in 1-2 paragraphs.  No justifications are needed.  You are simply providing a summary of the article so if someone was interested in know what the article about could read your summary and make a decision as to whether or not to read it.

2)  Summarize the Sample Software Testing Problem and the issues discussed in 1-2 paragraphs.

3)  Testers can approach testing in four phases.  For each phase, summarize the phase and then provide examples and justifications of the major findings.  I am expecting of your analysis to have a least 1 page of discussion per phase.  Do not go over 2 pages for any phase.  Use examples.

C Project 2: SMS Converter

NOTE: Ignore the Sunday, April 5th deadline in the project specification pdf, it has been pushed back to allow for more time, it is now due Wednesday, April 8th.

On top of writing the C programs, this will also require connecting to the university’s server, named Zeus, which will require using Cisco AnyConnect VPN client; I will give login instructions to the person who gets the bid because you will be accessing my student folder in the server.

Attached is the pdf specifying everything that needs to be done, and several testing sms files (the project concerns decoding encoded sms files, as well as two source files (GMUsms.c and GMUsms.h) to facilitate connectivity issues to Zeus.

The way the program has to be written is convoluted, but I will give you whatever information you need and answer any questions you have.

At the end of all the programming you’ll also make a Makefile and then finally, a tarfile which is what will be submitted to Blackboard.

Please send screenshots just affirming that everything compiles and runs fine and maybe proof that the sms test files are being decoded successfully. Thanks

And i understand this seems so convoluted so the price is negotiable

C programming knowledge desired

Data Structures Assignment 1: Graphs

Attaching the zip file which contains all necessary files, including a project description/specification pdf that describes exactly what needs to be done.

Data structures assignment dealing with graphs.

Folder also contains a readme file and instructions to name the folder etc a certain way, I’ll do that, don’t worry about it, just do the programming.