Archive for May 16th, 2020

innovation history

Write a 300-350 words essay. Read the articles I uploaded and the video with the link “”.  In this essay,  you should discuss some of the positive and negative ways in which technological innovation affects work processes, workers, and communities.

Benchmark – Financial Statements Project

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:
3.1: Use financial statements in order to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization.
5.3: Evaluate budgeting and accounting reports to determine the financial strength of an organization or financial proposal.
The purpose of this assignment is to analyze an annual SEC report in order to evaluate the financial strength, efficiency, and effectiveness of an organization. Visit the Company Filings search page of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s EDGAR database website (, located in the Topic Materials. Search publicly traded companies and choose one to use for this project. Submit your selected company to the instructor for approval. Locate the companys most recent annual report (10K) and download it.
Read and analyze the “Management Discussions and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and “Financial Statements and Supplementary Data” sections of your selected company’s annual report. Based on the information found, calculate the relevant ratios and write a 500-750 word analysis providing an assessment of the following with a determination of whether your company of choice is favorable or unfavorable:
1. Liquidity
2. Effectiveness
3. Leverage
4. Profitability
Conclude with an evaluation of the overall financial strength, efficiency, and effectiveness of the organization based on your findings.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA

Inflation in Canada

critically read 3 academic (e.g., peer-reviewed journal article, book chapter) and 2 non-academic (e.g., professional publication) texts that inform your research question
write an annotation (250-350 words) for each source
include in each annotation:
citation information in APA style
an annotation of the source (e.g., highlight key findings, methodology, contribution, implications)
the source’s importance to your argument e (e.g., value of the sources contribution, quality of the research, limitations of the research/article)
at least one statement that connects the source to another source (or several) in your annotated bibliography (e.g., How would you use this source in a 10-page research paper?)
prepare your submission:
write an introduction (include context, research topic, and research question)
write 5 annotations
follow APA guidelines (e.g., title page; use of Times New Roman size 12 font, double spaced text, 1 margins; references list is optional)

Hepatitis b


Hepatitis B

Research your topic by using the attached scholarly nursing article  specific to the disease you chose.

In your initial post, identify and describe:

1. Key determinants and characteristics of your chosen topic

2. At least five health promotion and five illness prevention interventions that might be appropriate for the patient population infected with the disease process that you selected

3. At least 2 restorative health care considerations for your chosen topic.       

Support your discussion with information from one or more of the American Nurse Association textbooks.

Reference of the attached file

Schillie, S., Vellozzi, C., Reingold, A., Harris, A., Haber, P., Ward, J. W., & Nelson, N. P. (2018). Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in the United States: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. MMWR Recommendations & Reports, 67(1), 129.



This week you will be looking at the area of study for your topic. This is not set in stone but this will help focus the project topic you are seeking to research.
The assignment should be no less than one page, excluding the title page and references. Must be formatted using APA style guidelines.
The assignment should have a title page, section headings and references. You should also have the following sections:
Problem: what is the problem you wish to research on. What is the rationale for this research problem?
Make sure to include supporting references for your statements. They should be relevant to what you are seeking to accomplish.
Purpose Statement and Research Question
For this weeks assignment, you will develop the purpose of your project paper and align it with the problem statement that you developed in Week 1.  In addition, you will develop the research question(s) based on the problem of your study.
Include the Background and Problem from your week 1 assignment (do not label it as week 1 assignment).  Following the Background and Problem, give the Purpose of the study and follow this by your research question.  You should provide these in that order and label each section accordingly.
Make sure you provide citations for each statement of fact; it all needs to be supported by previously published literature.  This should all be done adhering to APA guidelines.

Exercise in the Elderly

please write 4-5 pages on what types of benefits come from an elderly person incorporating exercise into their daily life. Please include safe types of exercises that can be implemented safely. Find a research article that has been done on the topic, and share the findings. Paper needs to be done in APA format

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Below are links to a PBS documentary (Two Parts) titled “Doctors’ Diaries”.  The first part begins by following selected students that had been admitted to Harvard Medical school.  The second part catches up with the same doctors (years later) when they are further along in their careers.  The video will help provide insight into the type of life practitioners face and, following, the environment with which healthcare administrators will interact (if not experience themselves to some extent). 
A significant barrier in the workplace for healthcare has historically been the “battle” between administrators and practitioners.  Solving this issue has been a focus of industry programs, as such difficulties lead to inefficiencies and profit loss.  After watching the videos, has your perception of doctors, or the type of lives they lead, changed or been reaffirmed?  Will this affect how you interact with them?


6. Is there empirical evidence from previous airline mergers to support the DOJs concern
that the merger would reduce competition and raise airfares?
7. In all the calculations of changes in concentration by the DOJ, the assumptions is that
American Airlines and US Airways will continue to operate if the merger is not
approved. Consider a counterfactual where US Airways goes out of business. How would the analysis change in terms of concentration and competition?
8. The case notes that airlines remain deeply vulnerable to external shocks. Use the descriptive statistics in Exhibits 2-4 to evaluate this claim. Lastly, how is the current
coronavirus shock affecting US airline carriers? Do you think it is possible for some of them to continue to stay in business?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

writ Ethnicity and Cuisine, discuss how their main ideas relate to intercultural
communication. Initially, the essay must provide brief summaries of each section (100-150 words for each), a body of the paper (300-400 words), and a conclusion (100-125 words). Please provide the relevant bibliographic references.

Rogerian Essay Topics DiscussionCristiano Ronaldo versus Lionel Messi

By now, youve hopefully come up with a topic for your Rogerian Essay.  Just about any subject is suitable for this style of argumentation, given that youre able to genuinely understand and sympathize with the opposing perspective.  In this discussion activity, offer a paragraph or so identifying your topic for the Rogerian Essay; make clear your own perspective, but also clearly state the oppositions as well.