Archive for May 16th, 2020

Ernest Hemingway- A Clean Well-Lighted Place

this is a 3 part assignment assigned at different times so If you choose this task you must commit to the entire assignment. I will pay for each part. please save your work. (easier to go back to when it’s time to finish the remaining parts.)
part 1) annotated bibliography from 8 credible sources (2 paragraphs each source) MLA style. description of assignment in attachments. due on (4/7)
part 2) 1st 3 paragraphs of research paper ( due toward end of April)
part 3) 7pg research paper. (due in may) of the 8 sources you chose for the bibliography you can only choose 5 to use in the paper. (your choice) the first 3 paragraphs will be a part of the research paper.
the reason why it’s in 3 parts because I have to the 1st 3 paragraphs cleared before you can continue with paper.
when I open a new order I will let you know all the feedback my professor gave me.
if you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me and I will answer as soon as possible.
sorry if it sounds complicated. just want to make sure all the bases are covered.

experience retrieving sources from MLA, Artemis, Literature Resource Center, JSTOR is major

leadership of LV

Each student will be required to make one brief (10 minutes) presentation during the course of the semester. The presentation will have to link any strategic management concept (for example: organizational design, sustainability, resource management, leadership, etc.) to a current global entrepreneurial company. This individual assignment specifically addresses the G2O2 scores and is meant to improve student performance on this metric.


The purpose of this assignment is to view and analyze Alvin Ailey’s iconic choreography “Revelations” within the context of dance history.  Since dance builds upon dance throughout time, we can use this choreography to identify themes/ideas that emerged in the various stages of dance evolution explored in this semester:
1) Dance expresses religious themes/spirituality as in the dances of the ancient civilizations
2) Dance symbolically represents actions/events of life as in pantomime
3) Dance is an emotional release, as in the ecstatic dances of the middle ages
4) Ballet is a specific technique and approach that continues to influence many dance genres today

Please watch the entire video:

Revelations is a 3 part suite with the title of each section capitalized below:  1)Pilgrim of Sorrow, 2)Take me to the Water, 3)Move, Members, Move
Each of the three sections listed contains various scenes that correlate to various songs.

I Been ‘Buked – Music arranged by Hall Johnson*
Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel – Music arranged by James Miller+ 
Fix Me, Jesus – Music arranged by Hall Johnson*
Processional/Honor, Honor – Music adapted and arranged by Howard A. Roberts
Wade in the Water – Music adapted and arranged by Howard A. Roberts   
“Wade in the Water” sequence by Ella Jenkins  / “A Man Went Down to the River” is an original composition by Ella Jenkins
I Wanna Be Ready – Music arranged by James Miller+
Sinner Man – Music adapted and arranged by Howard A. Roberts   
The Day is Past and Gone – Music arranged by Howard A. Roberts and Brother John Sellers
You May Run On – Music arranged by Howard A. Roberts and Brother John Sellers
Rocka My Soul in the Bosom of Abraham – Music adapted and arranged by Howard A. Roberts

In your paper, a) identify the themes and ideas, #1-4 listed above, b) describe how they are expressed in the choreography and c) tie them back to the various stages of dance history that we studied this semester.  Include descriptions of costuming, lighting, music, and composition (solo, duet, trio, ensemble, etc) that help create these themes/ideas.
Use the listing above as a guide to organize your paper, describing the scenes chronologically as they appear in the choreography.  Create a document in Word, 12pt font, 1″margins, two pages, double spaced.  Create a separate title page with your name, title of course/assignment etc. You are responsible for two complete pages of work.  Include a bibliography if you use outside resources to research this piece.  I encourage you to do so and there is much written on this choreography.

Written Assignment 1

A ball of mass 2kg is set in a straight line motion. It strikes a second, stationary ball of mass 5kg. The velocity of the first ball, when it strikes the second is 20m/s. The first ball comes to a complete halt as a result of the collision. The two balls are in contact for 0.01 seconds

Business Management 2

I need assistance dealing several questions in Business Management / Project Management.  The response must be in Excel utilizing Crystal Ball, unless otherwise noted in the instructions. Some of the Questions will only need answering in M.S. word.  Must show me the word to get to your answer so that I can understand.  Please be detailed as possible and deliver on time.  Also it would be nice to keep me updated with a daily email with your progress.

Please see the attached document before you respond, i will not pay some ridiculous price for a few simple questions.     


Define the technology/concept

Why is this topic relevant?

Describe specific examples of how/where it has been used/applied (or where it could be used/applied)

Other applicable considerations (disadvantages/drawbacks, best practices, ethical/legal concerns, etc.)

Virtue, which is also called inner beauty, is more important than physical appearance.

Introduction (100)

Thesis Statement: Benevolence, wisdom, trustworthiness, and courtesy have been considered as the elements of virtue in Chinese. These virtues are more salient than being good-looking in interpersonal relationship.

** General to Specific

Body 1 (150)

TS: Benevolence helps people get along well with others. (why is it more important than being beautiful on the appearance?)

Body 2 (150)

TS: Wisdom helps people to meet a few but true friends. ( how is it to do with its comparison to beauty?)

Body 3 (150)

TS: Trustworthiness helps people maintain long term relationships. (how is it to do with its comparison to beauty?)

CA (150)

Physical beauty matters in the first impression, while inner beauty takes time to be seen. (so? Others argue that physical beauty is more important in society?)

Outer beauty may help to attract people in one glance, but without courtesy, ones first impression can be ruined in a minute.

Conclusion (100)

Final Message: Instead of spending money on cosmetics, it is worthier spending time discovering ones true beauty.

Cloud Computing and Small Business

After doing the unit reading, conduct research on the Internet and/or in the library to learn more about Cloud Computing, the changes made in the Consulting industry, the security challenges, and the implications to businesses of all sizes but, especially to small businesses as a result.

Assignment 2 Requirements

Your research should answer the following questions:

1. Why should businesses consider the cloud and for what parts of their business?

2. How can the cloud help small businesses?

3. Is data more secure in the cloud? Why? Is data in the cloud more or less susceptible to hacking?

4. How does cloud security work and how does that compare the security of on-site servers? Some businesses are hesitant of using the cloud but since so many third-party services use the cloud, are many already using it anyway?

5. Some research indicates that humans are often the biggest failures in the security chain. Does cloud security still come down to the human element?

Do not quote from your sources, but identify what information came from which source through proper APA in-text citations.

This paper should be pure research, without personal commentary, conversational speech, or emotional wording.

The length requirement for this Assignment is 350450 words. Do not write more than 450 words; it is important that a consultant learn to be concise.

Human Resources Planning and Staffing

After reviewing and designing the new webpage in your group project(which is attached below), you may have some thoughts about the employer branding and talent resourcing. Write an evaluation paper (1200 to 1500 words) to assess how and to what extent the organization you work for is performing in terms of employer branding and talent resourcing (i.e., challenges and effectiveness).

Please choose a world-wide famous organization to evaluate, thank you!

Education Documentary

Please watch the following documentary about for-profit Universities. If the link does not work then google “college inc Frontline”. Now answer the following questions: (Links to an external site.)

    Watch closely the montage of commercials at the beginning of the video segment. Describe the images you see and audio messages you hear. What messages do for-profit colleges want you to get from these promotional clips? What types of people are most likely to respond to these commercials?

    For-profit colleges spend 20 to 25 percent of their total revenue on getting people to come to the college and only about 10 to 20 percent on instruction once the student is there. How would you allocate funds if you run a for-profit college?

    How do federal grants and loans benefit both students and for-profit schools? Why do many graduates find it difficult to repay student loans? Do you feel the for-profit schools that arrange for these loans are partly responsible for the problem? Explain.

    For-profit colleges have been criticized for their high-pressure recruitment and enrollment practices. What do you think about them? How do for-profit institutions answer these criticisms?

    Consider the case of Anne Cobb. At 35, Anne made less than $7,000 a year but was able to apply for a student loan. She graduated with more than $30,000 in debt and has struggled to pay back her loans. What do you think about Annes situation? Do you think students at other higher-education institutions face similar problems? Explain your answers.
    Is there a significant difference between for-profit colleges and public universities?