Archive for May 16th, 2020

Practice Java Program (dealing with Abstract classes)

Hello! This is a practice assigment that handles abstract classes. The attached pdf includes how to set up each class. The deliverables will be,, and

Also for each of the methods, the description of what it must due will be listed on the right. Let me know if you have trouble understanding the pdf!

Given: (local JUnit test cases) *attached*

PDF (with instructions):

Describe a contemporary problem and your suggestion for improving it (like “I Have a Dream,” “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” or “Marrakech”)

Using one of the essays we have read for this section as a model, choose a topic that sparks your imagination and gets your mind working. Your goal is to discover your special interests within the boundaries of the assignment.
2. Develop your thesis and write your essay. Carefully explain each point, using specific details for support and clarification whenever necessary. Your goal is to create a specific image or impression in the mind of your reader. Your goal is to write an essay in the manner of one of the essays we have read in this section. The essay could be informational, persuasive, biographical, narrative, etc. I have given some suggested topics that correspond to the essays we have just read; you may use those essays as a model for your own writing, but your essay should be your own creation based on your own perceptions and experiences rather than an analysis of the essays we read (unlike the first two essays you have written during this semester).
3. Although the content may be personal, don’t neglect the needs and expectations of your reading audience. Avoid elliptical writing by fully explaining or describing each element. Include details and descriptions to set the scenes for your readers.
4. Ask yourself, what’s the point or lesson learned? to ensure you have created a proper thesis that will guide your development. Review the essays we read to pinpoint how the authors presented their thesis where did they first suggest the thesis? How did they develop that idea? How was that idea finally reinforced or concluded?

Paper format: All final drafts of papers should be typed, double-spaced, 800 – 1200 words. I recommend that the final draft include your name, your instructor’s name, the course number, and the date on the top left of the first page, as specified in the MLA guidelines. The title of the paper should be centered just below the identifying information. The format of the paper should otherwise follow the MLA guidelines.

For each individual literary work, list the author’s name in last name, first name format, the title of the work, the translator’s name, the publisher’s name, and the date of publication:
Last name, First name. Title of Work. Translator’s name. Publisher, date. Examples are:

Donne, John. “Meditation XVII,” The Works of John Donne. vol III. Henry Alford, editor. John W. Parker, 1839.
Orwell, George. “Marrakech.” New Writing (Christmas, 1939).
Swift, Jonathan. “A Modest Proposal.” S. Harding, 1729.
Suggested Topics:
Review any of the topics below, looking for ideas that meet the requirements of point #1 above. CHOOSE ONE TOPIC ONLY.
1. Relate how something changed your perception or understanding in a fundamental or profound way (like “Marrakech”)
2. Describe a contemporary problem and your suggestion for improving it (like “I Have a Dream,” “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” or “Marrakech”)
3. Clarify or present your personal philosophy on any one given subject or theme (like “My People, “Why We Crave Horror Movies,” or Faulkner’s “Nobel Prize Winning Speech”)

Richard Wilbur

A number of poems were written by Richard Wilbur while he was in
residence at the American Academy in Rome. These include For the New
Railway Station in Rome, Piazza di Spagna: Early Morning,
Altitudes, and The Baroque Wall Fountain At the Villa Sciarra.
Write an essay engaging these poems, discerning something of Wilburs
overall sensibility. Is there something of a Roman aspect in
Wilbur?  1000-1200 words

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discussion Assignment:

Case Study

A 26-year-old female complained of severe, dull, aching pain, and cramping in the lower abdomen. There were no other physical findings. A laparoscopy revealed the presence of ectopic endometrial tissue on the uterine wall and ovaries. Danazol (a synthetic androgen and inhibitor of gonadotropins), 600 mg/day, was prescribed for up to nine months to inhibit ovulation, suppress the growth of the abnormal endometrial tissue, and achieve appreciable symptomatic relief, with a 30% possibility of conception after withdrawal of the therapy.

1. Compare the hormonal controls of the male reproductive cycle with the hormonal controls of the female reproductive cycle.  How are they the same?  How are they different?
2. What is this condition called?
3. What causes it?
4. What is ectopic endometrial tissue?
5. What is the rationale for using danazol, a gonadotropin inhibitor?
6. Why do you think oral contraceptives could also be used as a treatment?
7. Is surgical treatment an option, why?  Why not?

Please read: Chapters 32, 33, and 34 in Understanding Pathophysiology by Sue E. Huether, RN, PhD and Kathryn L. McCance, RN, PhD

Practice Java Program (handling File IO)

Hello! This is a practice assigment that handles File IO, and arrays. The attached pdf includes how to set up each class. The deliverables will be,,,,, and

Also for each of the methods, the description of what it must due will be listed on the right. Let me know if you have trouble understanding the pdf!

Some of the classes are merely set up.


PDF with Directions:

Education and Federalism

Should education and environmental policies remain primarily a state and local government concern, or should the federal government be involved? What are the arguments for the federal government to be more involved in education and environmental policy? What advantages do states have in maintaining their responsibility in these policy areas?

Domesticates as History

Choose a domesticated food animal or plant and write a 1500-word essay about it.  Some things to include: where and when your subject was first domesticated (archaeological evidence), what it was used for, how it is important culturally (food rules, rituals, gods), where its grown and used today. Think about the benefits and drawbacks of raising this domesticate, how efficient it is now and in the past, and the effects of modern factory farming on it (if any). Describe some recipes both traditional and new that include this domesticate. Have you ever eaten it? Is it familiar or foreign to you? If there is controversy over its continued use, how do you feel about ending its exploitation?

**Attached is a pdf of the official instructions

Cover Letter

I need you to do 2 cover letter.
one page for me, and one page for my friend.

I need you to write for me and my friend cover letter that we apply for position community educator at Alzheimer’s Association, the name of job is Community Educator. You can looking about this job by google

For more information about us; we did our internship at Alzheimer’s Association for 300 hours.
You will find our resume at attached

A. Cover letter:- Locate a job/position you would be interested in applying for and draft a cover letter based on that position. After writing the cover letter, have your preceptor critique the letter utilizing the track changes mode in Word and submit with the tracked changes (under review track changes or add comment).

Any topic (writer’s choice)

After reviewing the website with the video and case study notes ( as well as  additional research answer the following questions:

1.Explain the problem with the data at Daimler Trucks Asia.  What was the business impact of this problem?

2.Discuss the benefits of the project for Daimler Trucks Asia

3.Discuss the risks of the data analytics project for Daimler Trucks Asia.

4.What is the future for Daimler Trucks Asia for big data and other disruptive innovations?  How will Daimler Trucks be able to stay competitive?

Answer the questions (no more than two pages) using word processing software such as Microsoft Word.  The answer should be well set out with an introduction, conclusion and appropriate subheadings using Harvard referencing style.

The Goddess

Movie The Goddess,

Purpose: to cultivate the habits of critical reading by making arguments and providing evidence

Content: identify an argument (not merely a topic) from a required reading (with direct quotations and page numbers) and discuss it in relation to the designated film of the day

Focus: your ability to articulate someone else argument and state your interpretation of a film in relation to that argument; mere factual information or plot summary wont count as argument