Archive for May 16th, 2020

advocate for children’s right to play outdoors using the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child

Choose three articles from the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.)
Create an information resource advocating for childrens right to play outdoors and in support of your three selected articles.Your information resource might be (but is not limited to) a:
Information sheet
Blog post
Be creative!

Show Your Knowledge 4

Cite your references at the end of each essay.

1  There are reported cases of husbands abandoning wives because of the skin color of a new infant. In some cases, the couple with dark complexions produced an infant with a very light complexion. Assuming no infidelity, as a mediator, how would you explain this to the disturbed husband? Your response should include the words gene, polygenic, trait, generation, and genotype.

2 You are a genetic counselor. You are presented with a couple who were just informed that they are carriers of the sickle cell trait. You must tell them their chances of having a baby born with sickle cell disease. Use a Punnett square. What will you tell them? You must show your square in your response. Use the terms dominant, recessive, probability, trait, genotype, and phenotype in your response.

3 What is epigenetics? Discuss a specific example.

4Review the process of meiosis. Choose two specific diseases that occur when meiosis goes wrong and explain how and why these occur.

Ethics in Criminal Justice Management

Assignment: Submit your 10 page, APA-styled Research Paper on the topic: Ethics in Criminal Justice Management.  Interpret applied ethical theories in a contemporary environment and interpret applied ethical theories in a criminal justice organization. Examine the concept of the noble-cause corruption and how it impacts ethical decision making.  A complete paper will analyze ethical leadership methodology.  Use your text book along with other books, articles, or journals. You must have a minimum of four (4) resources.


Each week, you review a recent article from Healthcare IT News. ( Two paragraphs, one for each article ( about 400 words altogether) and please cite them).

Healthcare IT News is the industrys authoritative source covering the people, policy and technology driving next-generation healthcare in the U.S. and throughout the world. Since 2003, it has been the voice of health IT, delivering editorial insights about compelling topics such as electronic health records, health information exchange, privacy and security, data analytics, patient engagement, population health and revenue cycle management.

With hundreds of thousands of visitors each month, it is the place healthcare decision-makers go for timely, actionable news and analysis on the ever-changing health and healthcare landscape.


Review any TWO articles and make your initial post by 23:59 PM EST Sunday.
Your choice must be from PAGE 1 of the following link: HEALTHCARE IT NEWS (Links to an external site.)
The title of your post MUST be the headline of the article.
After posting your review, find a review of ONE article by another classmate, read that article (if you have not done so already) and share your thoughts with your classmate by 23:59 PM EST Sunday.

Assess Personnel Management Approaches in Public Administration

For this assignment, reflect on what you have learned about public administration so far and incorporate that knowledge with what you have read this week. You will use these results to prepare an elevator speech for your interview for the position of Director of Personnel Administration for Public Organization X. An elevator speech is concise, focusing on the most important aspects of the results of a conversation. Here, that conversation is your interview.

Assume you are now in your hypothetical interview for the position of Director of Personnel Administration for Public Organization X. The interview question is prompt. Reflect on the following statement and construct a winning elevator speech based on your combined knowledge from previous courses and the current weeks readings.

Prompt: The job of a public personnel administrator is to manage human capital within the organization.

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan Part 3: Strategic Evaluation and Recommendation for Microsoft Corporation

In this section, you will be evaluating various strategies and making recommendations for the organization.

Write a 1,050-word minimum strategic evaluation in which you include the following:

    Evaluate potential business level strategies for the organization.
    Assess potential corporate level strategies for the organization.
    Assess potential global strategies for the organization.
    Recommend a strategy or combination of strategies the organization should implement, and include a rationale for that recommendation.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. First, read the Module Notes and Chapters 8 and 9 in the textbook. Next, choose a recent article on the treatment of any type of cancer. Your article choice may be from either a peer-reviewed journal article or a popular news site, but should include some information about scientific research involving the causes or treatment of the disease.

If you need ideas for your search, use the links below:

Science Daily (
Science Magazine (
Science News (

Then, using your article and knowledge gained from this module, complete items a and b in written post of a few sentences.

2. Describe the process of mitosis and explain how cancer develops.

3.Discuss the type of cancer addressed in your article and summarize the article.

Then, in the same post, address the following:

4.You have been assigned the task of creating a public announcement about this new research/treatment.  Pretend you work for a firm whose job is to raise public awareness about this new development in cancer research. Create an audio file describing the cancer research and relating it to the terms and concepts youve learned in this course, but in a way the public will be able to understand. Venture capitalists will also hear your audio ad, so consider how this research is funded.

College Success > note taking

I need an informative speech outline written with 3 main points and each main point needs 2 evidence types. one of the two need emotional appeal. there are 7 evidence types in total. I would like a writer familiar with these evidence types and writing an informative speech with those types, citing and footnoting, and a conclusion type. the time for the speech needs to be 5 min..

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Outlines what nanomaterials and nanotechnology are and explain why this
field of scientific and technological innovation has grown rapidly
Explains how the application of specialised Nanomaterials and nanotechnology
have been applied to address specific problems or issues, for example: The use
of silver nanoparticles in socks to inhibit the growth of bacteria and stop the
socks becoming smelly.
Discusses and evaluates the implications of using nanomaterials and
nanotechnology. There is growing concern that products with nanomaterials are
being introduced before these effects have been fully investigated.
Shows excellent research from a variety of information sources with complete
in text citation of fully documented APA references. Show consistently applied
scientific language to communicate your understanding clearly and precisely

cognitive therapy

Please view the “Case of Tim” video.

After viewing, please answer the following questions:

What are the key characteristics of cognitive therapy that distinguish it from other therapy approaches?

What is the role of the client/therapist relationship from the cognitive therapists point of view?

What are some cognitive-behavioral techniques used with Tim in his therapy session?
If you were to continue working with Tim as his counselor, what specific cognitive-behavioral techniques might you use?

What goals would you have in mind for Tim?

Please include in your answer some of the following “cognitive” terminology: internal dialogue, irrational beliefs, coping-skills program, stress inoculation, unconditional shoulds, absolutistic musts, faulty assumptions, automatic thinking, self-evaluating, self-sustaining, schema restructuring, cognitive distortions/errors, autosuggestion, blame, arbitrary inferences, A-B-C theory, Socratic questioning, distortion of reality, disputing irrational beliefs, overgeneralization, magnification and minimization, polarized thinking, cognitive restructuring.