Archive for May 16th, 2020


topic: problems in the nursing field.
The Assignment:  Your goal is to construct an annotated bibliography by drafting three annotations with citations. The sources should refer to a problem in your field of study. It is preferable for students to write about the same problem from the Cause and Effect paper, but students are allowed to change problems if necessary. Specific instructions for completing the assignment are provided below.
Download a PDF copy of the Module 5 Annotated Bibliography Assignment.
At least three credible sources

Acceptable Length: All three annotations must include:
a full citation for the piece being annotated.
Refer to pages pgs. 149-152 in The Little Seagull for citation models.
Another great resource for citation models is The OWL at Purdues MLA Formatting and Style Guide. (Right-click Open in New Window)
one paragraph describing the first four Evaluation Criteria.
one paragraph describing the sources usefulness in your Argument Essay
a total of about 150 words (both paragraphs combined).
Much less and you risk not including enough detail to be useful.
Much more and you risk negating the usefulness of the annotated bibliography as a quick reference.

Formatting Requirements:
Use MLA formatting in a Google Document.
All sources must contain a full MLA formatted citation. Full details for citation can be found in Cengage.
Another resource for MLA format citation models is the OWL at Purdues MLA Formatting and Style Guide (Right click Open Link in New Tab)
Grading Criteria:
To get full credit, the Module 5 Annotated Bibliography should be:
at least 500 words on the assigned topic.
a minimum of six paragraphs (two per annotation).
in MLA Format
your original work. The purpose of using outside sources is to support your ideas, not to provide the actual content of your paper.
I will use the ENG 111 Rubric for Annotated Bibliography to grade the final draft of the assignment.
To Submit: Upload the first draft to the SafeAssignment link in Module 5.
The SafeAssignment area contains detailed instructions for submitting the assignment.
You must upload the assignment as a Microsoft Word file (.docx), which you can create from a Google Document by clicking (File Download as Microsoft Word).
Do not write your paper in the Comments box on the SafeAssignment page.
Writing assignments can be turned in up to three days late with a 10% penalty per day.
Specific Guidelines:
Follow these guidelines to the best of your ability.
Choose three credible sources that you plan to use in your Argument Essay
Use at least one internet source and at least one peer reviewed source.
Create a full, correct MLA Style citation for each source.
Answer the following questions about your source. If you do not know an answer to a question, write that the information is missing.
Who wrote the article?
What education and experience does the author have to qualify him or her to write about this subject?
What organization owns the web page or what is the name of the publication?
Is the information up-to-date? How do you know?
Does the article contain an unfair bias? Why or why not?
Who is the target audience for the article (general public, students, experts)?
Was the article meant to simply present information or convince the readers to do something or change their perspective?
Does this article have a low, medium, or high level of credibility? Explain your choice by referring to the answers to the above questions.
Add a second paragraph describing the sources usefulness for your argument paper.
Repeat steps 2-4 for the remainder of your sources.
Download the final draft of your Annotated Bibliography in Microsoft Word file format.

Stand Your Ground law must be protected

An OPINION based 600 word persuasive essay in which you try to convince the reader that the Stand Your Ground law must be protected and not repelled. An introduction including 3 main arguments on why the law should not be repelled, then 3 body paragraphs defending each of the 3 main arguments listed in the introduction, and then a conclusion wrapping up the 3 main arguments.

Annotated Bibliography

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
    Minimum of 5 scholarly sources (This includes the source from Week 3 Proposal.) 
Create a complete annotated bibliography for 5 academic scholarly sources (including your source from Week 3 about Obesity by Kelishadi, R. (2020). Health impacts of Obesity. Retrieved 22 March 2020, from ).
Include the following:
    Introduction and thesis for your paper (to the best extent as you know it at this time)
    Publication details
    Annotation (a detailed reading of the source)
The annotation section should include the following:
    Summarize key points and identify key terms (using quotation marks, and citing a page in parentheses).
    Describe the controversies or “problems” raised by the articles.
    State whether you agree or disagree and give reasons.
    Locate one or two quotations to be used in the final research project.
    Evaluate the ways in which this article is important and has helped you focus your understanding.

Example Publication
APA Reference
Mezirow, J. (2003). Transformative learning as discourse. Journal of Transformative Education, 1(1), 58-63.
Annotation Example
In this article, Mezirow (2003) makes a distinction between “instrumental” and “communicative” learning. “Instrumental learning” refers to those processes which measure and gage learning, such as tests, grades, comments, quizzes, attendance records and the like. “Communicative learning,” on the other hand, refers to understanding created over time between individuals in what Mezirow calls “critical-dialectical-discourse,” (p. 59) which is a fancy way of saying, important conversation between 2 or more speakers. Another key idea Mezirow discusses is “transformative learning,” (p. 61) which changes the mind, the heart, the values and beliefs of people so that they may act better in the world. Mezirow argues that “hungry, desperate, homeless, sick, destitute, and intimidated people obviously cannot participate fully and freely in discourse” (p. 59). On the one hand, he is right: there are some people who cannot fully engage because their crisis is so long and deep, they are prevented. But, I don’t think Mezirow should make the blanket assumption that everyone in unfortunate circumstances is incapable of entering the discourse meaningfully. One thing is certain: if we gave as much attention to the non-instrumental forms of intelligence–like goodness, compassion, forgiveness, wonder, self-motivation, creativity, humor, love, and other non-measured forms of intelligence in our school curriculums, we’d see better people, actors in the world, and interested investigators than we currently have graduating high school.

Writing Requirements (APA format)
    Length: 1-2 paragraphs per annotation
    1-inch margins
    Double spaced
    12-point Times New Roman font
    Title page

Juvenile Progams

Find a local program in Georgia (city or county based) and a Georgia state-level program to use for your Assignment. You need only discuss two programs.

Create an 812 slide PowerPoint presentation incorporating speaker notes to include the following:

Identify three components of the diversionary programs and initiatives within the programs you identified.
Compare and contrast the state and local programs.
How well do they contribute to successful reintegration services?
How well do they contribute to successful and transition services?
Analyze trends and patterns of these programs as they contribute to reduced recidivism (this may be data driven).
Relate the trends and patterns to the programs overall validity and effectiveness.
Note: This Assignment requires outside research. Use at least two credible sources and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used. You may consult the Library, the Internet, course materials, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations in APA style.

The PowerPoint presentation should have the following characteristics.

Contains a title and references slide.
Bullets for your main points.
Pictures to support your presentation where applicable.
Must include speaker notes to fully explain what is being discussed in the slide bullet points as though you are presenting to an audience.
Designed with a live audience in mind in order to inform your viewers about the topic.
Research from at least two reliable sources to support the main message, including graphics.
Incorporate information from course readings, the course materials, or other library sources to support your discussion. Properly cite all sources of information by including in-text citations and a list of references.
Research and visuals are cited in APA citation format, both in-text and on a References slide. You need to quote material taken directly from a source.
The same standards for documenting sources that apply to an essay, apply to a presentation. Go to the Academic Writer website for a digital library of APA Style quick guides and tutorials to refine your writing. You can access this website in Academic Tools.
Speaker Notes

Information on using speaker notes can be accessed within PowerPoint by pressing F1 for help. In the search box, type speaker notes to display details on how to use this function.

Art appreciation, the art director

1. Select a visually interesting advertisement to analyze. This could be from the web,
from a magazine, or even from a billboard you saw on the street.
2. Study the advertisement for its formal qualities (referring to just the form it takes).
3. Spend some time observing, thinking, and writing. Take notes. Record details about
the work that interest you.
4. Use the following guidelines to analyze those details.
Line is emotive, so how might you describe the line using an emotion: lazy, angry,
Organic or geometric. Since they are made using line these also have emotions
attached to them.
How is the artist working to make objects look like they have visual mass?
What is the depth of field? Is it very shallow? Or does the illusion take us back into
space? What could be considered negative space and what is positive space?
Time & Motion
Is there any reference to paused time or that something has motion?
Where is the light source? Check the shadows. How is the contrast between
Ads are good places to find common color schemes. How are the color schemes
being used?
Is the artist using texture at all? How are they simulating it and what kinds of
reaction does thinking about that texture cause?
What gives it some continuity? line, shape, color, texture
What gives it some pizzazz?
Designs can start out with a strong symmetrical base and then have
asymmetrical elements thrown in.
What is causing the balance? Check along a diagonal. Look for contrasts.
Emphasis/Focal Point
Ask your eye where it started. What do you think was leading it to start there?
Could there be more than one visual element that leads you there?
What is common throughout the piece? Could be line, shape, color, texture.
Is the common object creating a rhythm and what kind of rhythm is it? Jazzy?
Smooth and classical?
Directional Forces
Any implied lines formed by edges? By repeated objects? By actual arrows?
Contrast through value, texture, etc.
Scale & Proportion
Does the designer mess with our common thoughts about scale and proportion or is
everything how it should be?
The point is that someone is trying to sell you something. What, besides the product, are
they trying to sell you? Which formal elements are connected to the sell? Well? Are you
5. When you have completed your sketching and writing, present your findings in a
succinct two page paper.
6. Please include the image either in the document of your paper or as a separately
attached file.

Cannabis Usage

Trace the history of cannabis use in medicine for the treatment and management of illness via nursing scholarly journal articles. Examine your sources for the following information below and describe the following:
1. Who are the stakeholders both in support of and in opposition to medicinal cannabis use?
2. What does current medical/nursing research say regarding the increasing use of medicinal cannabis?
3. What are the policy, legal and future practice implications based on the current prescribed rate of cannabis?

Attached below is an additional resource that details current state medical marijuana laws:
National Conference of State Legislatures- State Medical Marijuana Laws:

At least 2 Scholarly sources from 2015-present

Reding 4

Read the case studie, 4.5 Theres No Place Like School page 58, and answer the questions.
1. What are the benefits and drawbacks of placing students in need of learning support in Mrs. Clays classroom? What are the benefits or drawbacks of placing them in classrooms other than hers? Does Mrs. Stell need to consider Mrs. Clays professional beliefs before placing students in her classroom? Why or why not?
2. If Mrs. Stell refrains from placing students receiving learning support in Mrs. Clays classroom, how might that affect the school community? How do the students and parents wishes play into this problem?
3. If Mrs. Clay is assigned students with learning support, what support should the principal and Mrs. Stell offer? If Mrs. Clay is not assigned students with learning support, what role will she play to effect change toward a more inclusive philosophy?
4. What does the law say about placing students receiving special education services in regular classrooms?

use health economic knowledge to explain

As you all know, on March 11th, 2020, the World Health Organization declared Coronavirus (COVID-19) to be a global pandemic. As of March 23rd, nearly 378,000 cases have been detected globally and more than 16,000 are dead. Besides taking a toll on human life, the spread of a virus can have a profound and serious impact on global, national or regional economies. For instance, global markets continue to tumble since the outbreak. Businesses are being closed, and sporting events and other private gatherings are being cancelled to prevent the spread of the disease. The evidence from the SARS coronavirus outbreak nearly 20 years ago shows that Chinas economic growth slowed from 11% in the first quarter of 2003 to 9% in the following three months.

As a student of a health economics class, explain how this pandemic will have an impact on the Canadian economy, especially the health care sector, in the short term and long term? Clearly highlight in your arguments its impact on the cost to the health care system, allocation of health care resources, health insurance companies, GDP growth rate and fiscal implications.

I encourage you to read the following articles that will help broaden your understanding. Another great resource will be the national news which can provide tangible statistics and information on the economic impact.

1. Coronavirus and Spanish flu: economic lessons to learn from the last truly global pandemic

Available at:

2. Throughout history, pandemic have had profound economic effects

3. COVID-19 and the US economy: FAQ on the economic impact & policy response

4. Pandemic Risks: How large are the expected losses. Available at:

Cryptocurrency – Monero

*) What kind of blockchain does it use? (e.g., public/private vs. permissioned/permissionless)
*) Is it a cryptocurrency, digital currency, token or a platform (i.e., a solution on which one can
build applications)?
*) What kind of problem(s) does it solve?
*)Use the schema from Kravchenko et al. (2018) for classification: issuance process, transaction
confirmation, transaction audit, upgrade management, registration and restrictions, transaction
privacy, transaction confirmation time, transaction per second
*) What is the underlying business model (i.e., how do they want to make money?)
*) Make a critical evaluation! Do not only rely on information you find on the website but search
on the Internet for shortcomings/flaws. Did any negative events happen?
*) Provide a timeline in which you list the main events that happened since it was founded

Dealing with emergencies and outcomes

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
    Textbook: Chapter 2, 7, 12 (section: “The Ethics of Consequences”); review Chapter 9 (section: “The Munich Incident”), 10
    Minimum of 1 scholarly source
The principle of utility involves maximizing happiness as a desirable outcome of decisions. Although it does not get directly said, there is an inverse intention to minimize the undesirable outcome of disaster. Utilitarian decisions are directed toward outcomesthat is, the consequences of decisions.
The 1972 Munich Olympics hostage situation was a high-tension moment, full of dangerous surprises and strategies to deal with the situation that did not work out for the best. Among the strategies was the idea to kill the leader of the terrorists so as to disrupt the terrorist plot and to allow a good outcome in which the hostages would be saved. In the situation, it was also entirely possible that a terrible outcome might occur in which all would die. The situation was an emergency.
The German legal system might eventually take the terrorists and their leader to trial, but first there was the need to end the hostage situation. The account in our text ends with, “But it was the lesser of two evils.”
Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, respond to the following as utilitarian ethicists:
    How shall we reason through to the decision of the law enforcement authorities at the 1972 Munich Olympics?
    How are we to balance protecting people versus allowing people to participate in and enjoy an event? After all, doing away with events entirely would be easier in terms of safety, but most people would say that that “solution” is worse than the problem.
    Also, how does one approach dealing with threats in ways that do not alienate or marginalize groups of people? The Olympics bring this to the forefront, as it brings people together from literally all over the world in what is intended to be a welcoming environment.