Archive for May 16th, 2020

public health

1. Name of the insurance, sponsoring company/organization, its address and contact
    Is it your own?  Your parents?  Is it through your work?  Is it Medicaid?

2. premium per month.

3. Hospital care: Does your neighborhood hospital take your insurance?  Maximum number of days allowed for hospitalization. 

4.Outpatient: Copay?  Find a GP in your neighborhood who takes your insurance (or family doctor, OB/GNY specialist).

5.    Childbirth?
6.    Abortion?

7.    Pharmacy coverage copay

8.    Contraceptive coverage?

9. Mental health care For out patient care, how many times/visits per year allowed, copay, deductible
10.Dental coverage?

11.Compare with another insurance (such as your classmates):  Briefly discuss which insurance plan may be better for participants and why. (less than 100 words.)

law of diminishing returns

Another important law in economics is the law of marginal returns or the law of increasing costs”. Discuss in terms of your study in this course, how might you know that you are at a point of diminishing returns, or where more study will not benefit you like it did before? Can you identify any of the costs discussed in this lesson in your decision about how much study is enough?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I pick Tiffany&Co as my topic.

Discover the innovation landscape in the industry in which your organization competes. Examine the last 5 years of innovation in the company and compare it to that same period of innovation with industry competitors.

*No need to introduce the Tiffany&Co, just straight to the dicuss about industry landscape (luxury retail broadly but also a focus on jewelry) and competitors (direct competitors (luxury jewelry) and secondary competitors (luxury retail in general). You should look at stuff like sustainability and companies that use precious stones since mining is a huge impact.

Discussion Forum: General Discussion Week 4

Discussion Forum: Faith Integration Week 4
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Post your first forum comment by Thursday & your responses to others’ posts by Saturday.  You must respond to at least two posts from  classmates.

There are 2 forums due each week:  Faith Integration & General Discussion. 

Posting Guidelines

The goal of these discussions is to further learning.  Always maintain an academic tone and always use text-based references
to support your comments or feedback.  Please be comprehensive in your posting.  Also, be considerate and thoughtful with
your words.  We are here to learn together, therefore it is expected that we will be respectful of each other.

Week 4 Forum

Exodus 18:20-22, ESV

Read the passage above.  Moses received coaching from his father-in-law on how to organize his workload by delegating authority.

Describe the benefits Moses received by following the advice he was given.
Describe the benefits to the those who were made leaders. 
What criteria was used to select these leaders?
Describe the benefits to the people.

Discussion Forum: General Discussion Week 4
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Post your first forum comment by Thursday & your responses to others’ posts by Saturday.  You must respond to at least two posts from  classmates.

There are 2 forums due each week:  Faith Integration & General Discussion. 

Posting Guidelines

The goal of these discussions is to further learning.  Always maintain an academic tone and always use text-based references
to support your comments or feedback.  Please be comprehensive in your posting.  Also, be considerate and thoughtful with
your words.  We are here to learn together, therefore it is expected that we will be respectful of each other.

Week 4 forum

View the video below with Mary Barra, Chairman and CEO of General Motors (GM). 

What are the 4 behaviors at GM that are identified in the video?
Barra also discusses dealing with crisis at GM shortly after entering her role as CEO. How did reviewing the companies values in the year prior aid in handling the crisis mentioned in the video?
What from the video impacted you most?
Click here to view the video:

Link (Links to an external site.)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Find four peer reviewed academic journal articles by Peter F. Drucker using the APU library database.  (See below link for guidance on finding Drucker articles in the APU Database.)

Use only peer reviewed academic journal articles where Peter F. Drucker is the sole author.

For each article, complete the following with a minimum of 1 page per article:

List these items:
Title of article
Title of journal
Year published
APA References page entry
Explain the main points of the article.
Who was this article written for? (New mangers, senior management, c-suite leaders, business owners, students?)
How does the article relate to concepts discussed in our textbook?
Do the concepts presented in the article(s) makes sense today?
Which article addressed concept(s) most important to your growth as a manager and why?
Click here for directions on navigating the APU Library Database to find journal articles by Peter Drucker:  FINDING DRUCKER ARTICLES IN APU DATABASE-1.pdfPreview the document

Webster Jr., F. E. (2009). Marketing IS management: The wisdom of Peter Drucker. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 37(1), 2027.

Darroch, J., Day, G., & Slater, S. (2009). A tribute to Peter Drucker: editors introduction to the special issue. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 37(1), 17.

Darroch, J. (2009). Drucker on marketing: an interview with Peter Drucker. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 37(1), 811.

Maciariello, J. (2009). Marketing and innovation in the Drucker Management System. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 37(1), 3543.

Discussion 8-African American Experience

Choose two of the following readings to read and compare and contrast the arguments for encountering/confronting/resisting racism in America and then see if you think those arguments will address the “injustice” that is described in Bryan Stevenson’s talk.

MLK-Letter from Birmingham Jail

MLK-I Have a Dream

Malcolm X-The Ballot or the Bullet

WEB duBois-The Soul of Black Folk

Cite texts per the APA style formats (Links to an external site.).

link to the video 23mins

Response 3

Write a response to the following post:

Accreditation provides quality and organizational sustainability improvement through external evaluation methodology (Nicklin, Fortune, Van Ostenberg, OConner, & McCauley, 2017). Even though health care accreditation has been in existence for the last century, there has been a recent emphasis to patient safety and quality of health care services which ultimately leads to organizational sustainability (Nicklin et al., 2017). Overall, accreditation does improve organizational sustainability in health care organizations. However, as with any decision, individuals have varying opinions.

Because of the significant costs, some health care professionals do not believe that accreditation has a positive impact on quality of services (Alkhenizan & Shaw, 2012). In addition, other health care leaders thought the demands placed on the staff and time consumption involved with accreditation did not help improve organizational sustainability (Alkhenizan & Shaw, 2012). However, many health care administrators believed accreditation improved the quality of care and could be used as a marketing incentive to gain the trust of the public (Alkhenizan & Shaw, 2012). One reason accreditation improves health care organizations is the onsite visit by external reviewers during the process (Nicklin et al., 2017). This process of accreditation provides evidence-based guidance, self-assessment, and peer opinions that health care leaders and clinical staff have responded positively to (Jha, 2018; Nicklin et al., 2017). The accreditation process should be approached as an investment to the organizational sustainability rather than a major expense (Nicklin et al., 2017).

Within any health care organization, an independent evaluation of the cost-benefit of accreditation must be conducted in order to decide if an accreditation will improve the organizational sustainability (Alkhenizan & Shaw, 2012). Accreditation ensures health care consumers that a health care facility can provide safe, effective, and consistent care based on the latest clinical evidence (Jha, 2018). For these reasons, accreditation is seen to improve organizational sustainability.


Alkhenizan, A., & Shaw, C. (2012). The attitude of health care professionals towards accreditation: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Family & Community Medicine, 19(2), 74-80. doi: 10.4103/2230-8229.98281.

Jha, A. K (2018). Accreditation, quality, and making hospital care better. Journal of the American Medical Association, 320(23), 2410-2411. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.18810

Nicklin, W., Fortune, T., Van Ostenberg, P., OConner, E., & McCauley, N. (2017). Leveraging the full value and impact of accreditation. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 29(2), 310-312. doi:

The New Liberal Arts and The Liberal Arts in an Age of Info-Glut. You should briefly explain how the essays are DIFFERENT but emphasize and explain in detail how they present two sides of the same argument.

1.    Write a 4 paragraph, double line-spaced, cohesive and well-organized comparison/contrast essay in which you discuss the following TWO essays we have read and discussed in class, The New Liberal Arts  by author sanford j unger and The Liberal Arts in an Age of Info-Glut by author Todd Gitlin  You should briefly explain how the essays are DIFFERENT but emphasize and explain in detail how they present two sides of the same argument.

2.    Introduction: In an age in which a focus on education in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and the Arts (STEMA) is dominating the college scene, many educators argue that, considering the influences of mass media, a focus on a Liberal Arts education is essential in providing a holistic education. 

3.    Prompt: While Unger and Gitlin agree on the importance of a Liberal Arts education, they present their arguments through different lenses.  Write a four- paragraph essay that discusses their central message and how each author relates that message. 

2.  When choosing your main points, consider any or all of the following issues, but remember that you MUST discuss the same points for each essay:
    Setting (time and place)
    Writers backgrounds
    The experiences of the writers and how they are similar/different
    The influence of society on the issue
    Each writers main idea/specific points you can use in the essay

3.  Use PRESENT TENSE VERBS of ATTRIBUTION:  the narrator describes or explains or suggests or exemplifies or infers.  The verbs chosen MUST fit the narrators perspective, position, and/or reaction. 

4.  You must use at least six quotations, a minimum of three from each essay, to support the claims you make. Use MLA citation style.  At least ONE of the quotations must be 4 or 5 lines in length (no longer) and cited using block style quotation format.  REMEMBER! Block style quotation is crafted differently than regular in-text citation!

5.  Choose either an alternating pattern or a block pattern to organize your main points.  If you will discuss your points in DEPTH, use the alternating pattern.  If you have less to say about each point, us the block style format. (THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS BLOCK STYLE QUOTATION)

6.  Introduce your essay using any of the methods we discussed in class that fits your purpose: rhetorical question, famous quotation, brief anecdote, relevancy of issue, etc.  Be sure to identify the two essays you read, the authors names, and each authors main point, BUT DO NOT MAKE THE FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENT.  In other words, dont say This essay will.  OR, Im going to Remember T.A.S.T.E. for the introduction (you are giving the reader a TASTE of what is to come by remembering to include each part: Title, Authors Name, Summary, Thesis statement, and Extended Thesis.

7.  Use transition/signal words or phrases to move from one point to the next, but be sure they indicate the appropriate relationship between the points.  Cause or effect?  Use so, or therefore. Opposite relationship?  Use however, even so or yet.  Similar point?  Use and, also, or similarly.

8.  Use key, repetitive words to keep your reader focused.  For example, if you use the word realization when discussing the first writer, use realization or a synonym when discussing the second narrator.  If you use the term cultural background when discussing the first narrator, use cultural background or synonym when discussing the second narrator.

9. Your conclusion should reflect your thesis and your main supporting points. You should also make a broad, general statement, or two, regarding the writers main ideas.  Use the message to challenge your reader/ask a provocative question/suggest other alternatives etc. 

10.  Include a works cited page that lists each of the two articles according to the format taught in class

Mental Health Coverage

Synopsis of Mini-Case 8.1: Mental Health Policy (pp. 131-132; Lee textbook): This case addresses the issues of mental health parity with a company. There are those who believe that the companys health plan should provide the same level of coverage for mental health services as it does for other medical services. It is posited that failing to treat mental health problems results in lower productivity and a waste of money in getting treated for other stuff. This case also makes mention that in a RAND study, it was found that mental health services were more price elastic that the demand for ambulatory care services. A board member, and internist, presented another study that appears to contradict the findings from the RAND study.

This mini-case demonstrates the value that elasticity plays when performing quick calculations of the effect of strategic and operational decisions. It also represents a very real scenario in terms of the types of decisions healthcare leaders face and the potential economic implications associated with their decisions. Once of the largest operating expenses a company has is its labor costs, which is not only the salaries, but the employers portion of the payroll taxes and, of course, the benefits (e.g., health insurance, dental insurance, short- and long-term disability, tuition assistance, life insurance, retirement, etc.); however, many employees accept or leave organizations based on the benefit package offered by the employer. This, of courses, can impact the supply of labor necessary to provide the goods and services to the consumers. The case did a nice job pointing out that economic data can be used to assess potential productivity issues.

Lee, R. H. (2015) Economics for Healthcare Managers Third edition. Chicago, Ill: Health Administration Press.

The student, functioning as Director of Human Resources, for XYZ Company, and based on information presented to the Board and on his or her own economic analysis, will prepare a written recommendation to the Benefits Committee on whether or not it makes sense to include mental health coverage in the companys health plans with supporting rationale. You should take into consideration how you would respond to the following questions when preparing your recommendation:

Why does it matter whether demand for mental health services is more elastic than demand for other services?
The price elasticity of demand for ambulatory mental health services appears to be about -0.8, and the price elasticity for general ambulatory medical services appears to be about -0.3. How much would spending increase for each type of care if copays were cut from $40 to $25?
What managed care techniques do insurers use to control spending?
Is there evidence that better treatment of mental health problems reduces other spending?
Is there evidence that better treatment of mental health problems improves productivity?
In addition to how you would respond to the above questions, you should also consider utilizing credible, outside sources to support preparation of your formal recommendation to the Benefits Committee.
Answer the above questions within the assignment on the word document please

This analysis should be prepared as a Microsoft Word document, and then attached to the unit discussion thread. There is no minimum or maximum in terms of the word count; however, the response should explicitly address all required components of this discussion assignment. The document should be prepared consistent with the APA writing style (6th edition) and reflect higher level cognitive processing (analysis, synthesis, and or evaluation). 
Use atleast 3 references and use Discussion template provided to complete this assignment.

Capturing the Friedman’s

All instructions are provided in the file I attached. Cover page should not be part of the 3 pages. No bibliography is needed for the paper. This is a reaction paper and not a movie review of the film. When analyzing the 5 topics to address the issues in the film, it should not be just a definition. Please explain in detail those topics took place in the film