Archive for May 19th, 2020

Multiple forms/Shopping Cart

Shopping Cart Homework has three forms, select at least two favorite bands and at least 4 albums. Populate the listbox with their albums and price. Please see the attachment materials. Here are the two favorite bands. Thank you.

Black Album – $7.84
Master of Puppets – $19.88
And Justice for All – $15.99
Garage Inc. – $30.96

Countdown to Extinction – $28.88
Youthanasia – $28.91
So Far So Good, So What – $49.99
Dystopia – $26.82

Community Experience

Write a one-page paper explaining why it is important for nurses to volunteer in the community.
Also answer the following questions:
1. How soup kitchens help the community?
2. Why someone should volunteer at a soup kitchen?
3. What can be learned from volunteering at a soup kitchen?

Cm week 4 assignment

Using the FEMA toolkit, develop a tabletop exercise related to a current threat (i.e. active shooter, hurricane, fire).  Refer to the sample exercises provide in the tool kit.

Your exercise and all related information should be about 1-2 pages in length constructed in APA format.

Cm week 4 discussion

What role does a tabletop exercise play during the prodromal stages of a crisis?
How can a tabletop mitigate the duration of a crisis?
Based on your research, do you think there is value in using tabletop exercises to aid an organization in its response to a critical incident or event?

Cm Week 1 assignment

Review the article entitled The Marks of a Leader which describes effective leadership attributes for a crisis team leader and the video containing clips from the Apollo 13 film.

The clip contains the immediate actions by NASA flight leader Gene Krantz and his team, who must devise a strategy to return Apollo 13 to Earth safely after the spacecraft undergoes massive internal damage putting the lives of the three astronauts on board in jeopardy. Finally, view clip 5 of the Dateline interviews with the astronauts and flight leader Krantz as they provide firsthand accounts of their leader actions and demeanor during this crisis.

After reviewing all resources, compose an essay that describes the leader attributes noted in these events and how they lead to the successful resolution in this crisis.

Summary Report for movie Inside Job 2010 NLSUBS

Link: (PLEASE NOTICE: There will be five different videos, the one will be reviewing on is THE FORTH ONE. Title is: Inside Job 2010NLSUBS. )

Watch “Inside Job 2010NLSUBS”. After watching the movie, you are required to write your thought Report on the Movie with two components of summary and your thoughts ( HALF SUMMARY, HALF THOUGHTS).

The assignment must be submitted in a WORD file  (No more than 2 pages / Times New Roman with 11 font size and 1.5 spacing / 1 margin for all sides). Also, friend. I am an international student if you could write in simple English 🙂

Human Trafficking Webinar

The National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center (NHTTAC) delivers training and technical assistance to advise and increase the public health response to human trafficking.
SOAR (Stop/Observe/Ask/Respond) training is for individuals who are interested in learning how to recognize and respond to human trafficking in health care or social service settings.
The SOAR to Health and Wellness training aims to instruct health on how to identify, treat, and respond applicably to potential victims of human trafficking.

Write a one-page APA style paper explaining why it is important for nurses to learn about human trafficking and what nurses can learn from the online SOAR training.

Magnetic Field

1. If a magnetic monopole were to exist, the magnetic field from such a particle would point radially outward. A north (the magnetic equivalent of positive) magnetic monopole is placed L = 24.0 cm beneath a current carrying loop of radius R = 18.0 cm with current I = 2.546 A. The magnitude of the magnetic field at the edge of the loop is B 0 = 23.5 mT. Determine the magnitude of the net force on the magnetic monopole created by the current loop.

education level and awareness

Key words: 3-5 words or phrases separated by commas that capture what your paper is about

Start writing your intro, no need to write introduction as heading, just begin the paper. Spend a couple sentences introducing your topic. Often papers cite one or two key sources in introducing the topic. Make sure it grabs the reader. Then include your research question or the hypothesis you are testing. Include a line about why this topic is importantbut not just in terms of a personal value judgment; how does it help scholarship or society in a fairly non-ideological or non-sectarian way? Write a transition sentence to your literature review.


You can write literature like above, or some other relevant title to indicate the beginning of the literature review. Suggestions might include Theoretical Background or a topical title like Gangs in the U.S. Then write a couple sentences that introduces the layout of the literature review. Basically tell us what sections follow and why its laid out that way. Do cite at least one item offering a key theoretical frame. Then write a transition sentence to your two to four sub-sections. Use second level heading/title format.

Sub-Title 1

You wont actually write sub-title, here you give me a title that makes sense of how you are organizing your literature review. Cite 3-5 items per section. Each section can be a paragraph minimum up to a page or so.  Write a transition sentence to the next section.

Sub-Title 2

Then you do the same thing for each additional section. Three sub-sections are plenty for a paper of your length. Most of your citations will be in the literature review. You may cite items more than once, especially if they are relevant to more than one topical area of your literature review. Each section in your literature review ends with a transition sentence.

Sub-Title 3

The whole literature review should be double-spaced. Be sure to put page numbers. Avoid too many direct quotes, and only one block quote (if any). The vast majority of your citations should be paraphrased. Dont forget the page numbers on actual quotes.

Write a paragraph summing up the literature review and restating your research question.


Criminal Justice

You previously wrote this essay so you would answer based on that situation.

Do you believe the situation could have been handled differently by the Police; I.e. Less than Lethal Force Use?  Explain.  Provide example(s) of alternative response(s) by the Police.