Archive for June 22nd, 2020

Hamlet drama paper

Use the following topic: (Do NOT start a paragraph with a direct answer to a question and all sources inside or outside “Hamlet” must be sourced)
The question of suicide comes up repeatedly in the play. Hamlet mentions it on multiple
occasions and Ophelia’s death is potentially a suicide and questionable enough that her
funeral rites are “maimed.” Discuss the play’s treatment of suicide, focusing on the
following points:
— How is suicide presented? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?
— Are there universal truths about death and suicide, as Hamlet seems to suggest in the
“To be or not to be” speech? Or does the play contradict that by adding in Ophelia’s suicide?
— Do you think Ophelia does commit suicide? Why or why not?
— Do you think Hamlet is essentially committing suicide at the end of the play? Why or
why not?

The cost of higher education

I need to submit the “Annotated Bibliography” based on my proposal and the citations that are included (Use at list 3 of the citations from my list.) If you don’t have access to those citations just email me and I will send the pdf. files to you. This writing has other steps that I need to know who is able to work on it and I don’t wanna change my writer until the end of this project.
This is a research project and I need to make sure that I have a writer who knows what she/he wants to do.
Please Please Please check the 2 files that I’ve attached them below.

Investment Recursion

An investment company guarantees a 2% monthly compounded return on your investment.  You want to see how long it takes to reach a total of $500,000 dollars in investment plus return.  Write a program that allows the user to enter a continuous monthly investment (Example – $200 every month) or ($600 every month).  The program should call a recursive method that returns and displays the total months needed to reach the $500,000 dollar goal.

Example – At the 2% compounded monthly rate, and a $400 continuous monthly investment, the first month the user makes $8 interest and has $408.00 dollars, the second month the user adds $400 and makes $16.16 interest and now has $824.16, the third month the user adds $400 and makes $24.48 in interest and now has $1,248.64 dollars, etc.

Display how many total months it takes the user to reach the $500,000 dollar goal.  Remember, the user should be able to input the continuous monthly investment.  The rate is always 2% and compounded monthly.

Developing Adult

Assignment: A 3-page essay, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, APA Style required, and use title page, but not an abstract. At least 3 full pages of text. Points are taken off for essays that are not the full length required. You MUST use at least TWO citations – feel free to use more.

I have downloaded research that may assist you with legitimizing your claims in your essay – this research is in the sub-Module below titled, Social & Personality Development in Late Adulthood Research. These are sources cited in the textbook (Feldman, 2014), lectures, and PowerPoints. Though reading one or two journal articles is recommended, you are not required to read or cite any of the journal articles that I have downloaded; however, two citations are still required. No ebooks were downloaded.

Recall what sorts of relationships are important in late adulthood.

Friendships are important in later life because they offer personal control, companionship, and social support.

Family relationships, especially with siblings and children, provide a great deal of emotional support for people in later life.

Although there is no single cause for the increasingly prevalent phenomenon of elder abuse, “it often is the result of a combination of economic, psychological, and social pressures on caregivers who must provide high levels of care 24 hours a day” (Feldman, 2014, p. 591) .

QUESTIONS/PROMPTS TO ANSWER: Think about yourself OR a person in your life who is currently in late adulthood and describe the person overall. Recall that Feldman (2014) stated, “there is no single way to age successfully” (p. 573). Of the three theories presented about successful aging (disengagement, activity, continuity), which theory (or another theory of which you have learned about in class) best represents the person you chose? Why does this theory apply to the person chosen?

What kinds of relationships does the person have? Are the relationships beneficial to the person or detrimental? Are there any age stratification issues that prevent this person from flourishing in relationships? If so, which age stratification issues? Describe what you think can be done, or what theory can be used, to improve the relationships, if needed? You do not have to specifically name an individual; please use a pseudonym.


Answer the attached questions. The question’s answers should be 4-5 sentences long and contain one source with an APA style citation. The citation should be listed right under the question’s answer.

You will find most of the answers in the included attachments (the sources are attached in the best order to correspond with the questions). In addition to the included sources you may use other sources to complete the questions as long as you include the APA citation.


Read sections 1.1 and 1.2 from Unit 1, Introduction to Biology from Fowler, S.,  Roush R. & James, & Wise, J. (2013) Concepts of Biology. Houston, TX. Retrieved from

Rodriguez-Sedano, A., Paris, A., & Mut, M. (2011). People and Technology Today: Some Educational Implications. US-China Education Review, 8(5), 627-636.
Ready pages 627-636 to appreciate the vast opportunities that exist in the fields of science and technology.

Please read Stinson, S., Bogin, B., & O’Rourke, D. (Eds.). (2012). Human biology : An evolutionary and biocultural perspective.

Please read Chapter 5, sections 5.1-5.6, “Newtons Laws of Motion” from Moebs, W., Ling, S. & Sanny, J. (2016).  University Physics Volume I. Houston, TX. Retrieved

Please read chapter 1 An Introduction to the Human Body fsections 1.1-1.5 rom Aguilar-Roca, N. (2018). Essential Physiology. OpenStax CNX. retrived from[email protected].

Read chapter 1 sections 1.1-1.3 for a background into the science of psychology and its evolution, along with its application and impacts on daily life.  from Spielman, R., Dumper, K. Jenkins, W., et. al. (2019)  Psychology. OpenStax retrived from[email protected]:6HoLG-TA@12/Introduction

14.5 The Pursuit of Happiness from Spielman, R., Dumper, K. Jenkins, W., et. al. (2019)  Psychology. OpenStax retrived from[email protected]:6HoLG-TA@12/Introduction

Please read Chapter 30, sections 30.1-30.4 for an overview of the conditions that make Earth hospitable to life and the search for life beyond Earth from
Andrew Fraknoi, A., Morrison, D. & Wolf, S. (2016). Astronomy.

Knaier, R. G. (2017). Homeopathy on Trial: Allen V. Hylands, Inc. And a Failure of Evidentiary Gatekeeping. Jurimetrics: The Journal of Law, Science & Technology, 57(3), 361396.


Technology has allowed even the smallest organization to operate internationally.  Along with this amazing opportunity comes many challenges.  I would like for you discuss a few of these challenges from an organizational behavior standpoint, meaning challenges within the organization itself.  You can either discuss the company you currently work for, or you can discuss a company that you are familiar with in some way.

discussing the implications of this addiction

One of the purposes of the original project was to help you become aware of how obsessed your peers are with their smart phones. Unfortunately, we lost that opportunity with the move to online delivery. Nevertheless, you probably knew before starting what you were going to see. As an alternative project, please read the article linked below. Think it through carefully and then write a paper discussing the implications of this addiction — which now extends beyond your generation — on society, relationships, and the workplace. I am looking for a couple of pages of thoughtful reflection. You now have until noon on Friday (April 17) to submit your project.

web link:

Developing Adult

Discussion Requirements:
Your initial discussion post must be 2 substantive paragraphs answering the topic, with citations for your sources underneath – if you use information that is not your own – which is most of the time. A substantive paragraph is at least 6-8 sentences.
Your remaining two posts/REPLIES TO CLASSMATES should be in response to a classmates post in which you further the conversation by adding a personal anecdote, asking a question, or adding more facts from the readings to your classmate’s post. Response posts to classmates must be substantive in nature, meaning at least three sentences and not simply, “I agree.” One and two sentence replies to classmates garner 1/2 credit. “I agree” garners NO credit.

Discussion Topic:
The number and proportion of older people in the United States and many other countries are larger than ever, and elderly people are the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population. Feldman (2014) charged that older people as a group are subjected to prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination – a phenomenon referred to as ageism (p. 539).

Given this, recall (or interview) a person in late adulthood and ask, “What is it like to grow old in the United States of America today?” From a personal, familial, or general knowledge standpoint, recall if you have witnessed (or been a party to) a person in late adulthood being a victim of ageism.

Describe the event.

Did anyone attempt to assist the older adult?

Did the older adult need assistance at all?

What was the end result? What should have been the end result from your perspective?

Please share with us the person’s age, gender (if you choose to disclose), occupation, education level (if known), and any other characteristics you deem interesting. You are not required to specifically identify the individual.

Reply to classmate 1:
What is it like to grow old in the United States of America today? This is the question I asked my mother, who as of this year is 72 years old. Things she mentioned were her faith, freedom to enjoy and participate in an active lifestyle, friendships and building upon and sometimes, sadly, losing certain relationships through people passing on.  From my mothers point of view, she grew up a very poor farm girl, the daughter of a milk carrier and stay at home mother, in McNairy County, Tennessee. Getting older my mother has experienced what most older adults like her have experienced, from their immediate children leaving home and graduating college and pursuing careers to grandchildren being born, to the empty nest syndrome and everything in between. My mother has a tremendous gratitude for America and feels blessed to be able to grow old in this country which has provided her and her family opportunities which could only be afforded in America. As my mom will sometimes say, Life changes every second, you just have to pick how you will change with it. My mother stated that she doesn’t feel she’s ever been a victim of ageism.

Reply to classmate 2:
Q: “What is it like to grow old in the United States of America today?”

Subject: Female, 80, divorced, 2 middle aged children, retired receptionist, suffering from recent botched back surgery, lives alone in senior living community

A: Growing old in the United States of America can be and is frightening, especially when you are alone. Im always wondering if politicians will try to take away Medicaid and Medicare.

I think what if my social security wont cover housing. I dont have any other retirement money.

Looking back, I regret not getting an education pass high school. But school was always difficult for me, learning that is. So being qualified for jobs, when I was still working, were limited to traditional careers like secretaries or something.

Im afraid my children will have other interest and Ill be alone.

Im afraid someone will come through my patio doors (she lives on the 4th floor of an apartment building).

Im afraid of catching COVID 19, so many older people are dying.

From a personal, familial, or general knowledge standpoint, recall if you have witnessed (or been a party to) a person in late adulthood being a victim of ageism.

I have witnessed a person in late adulthood being victimized with ageism. One time happened to an elderly lady with groceries walking home in a neighborhood I once lived. Some boys from the hood decided to harass and rob her along the way.

Some friends and I were not going to allow it. We strategically surrounded the incident before merging in on the group of misbehaving boys. The older lady was clearly in distress and out numbered by the group. My friends and I intervened defusing the situation before any harm came to the lady.

The boys went on about their business. We were clear in sending a message that if they or anyone else were to bring harm to her or any other neighborhood elder there would be price to pay.

The elderly lady was extremely thankful. But truth is it doesnt always end like that.

Write a 1,500 word essay to discuss the biological, psychological, and social factors relating to one clinical case study from those provided, and examine the role of the nurse in caring for the individual, including the legal, professional and ethical as

In the introduction insert the element of discussion , key element identify communication strategies and address the problem.
in the main body; You are require and discussed an understanding what ethics ,law and professionalisms standards. discuss the Biological, psychological and social factors. confidentiality, NMC code and practice, Data protection, consider the health promotion for Mrs K and resilience.
For more information please see in the browse files upload.
”Read the instructions”


This discussion is about understanding the lifestyles of our human ancestors during the paleolithic–from the first anatomically modern humans over 300,000 years ago until the development of agriculture around 10,000 years ago. This time period–around 300,000 years–is far longer than any of our cities, countries, languages, clothing styles, traditions, or other activities have been around. In terms of subsistence, this 300,000 years is similar to what we think our ancestors before Homo sapiens did. Living in small groups, moving around the landscape, looking for food through foraging and hunting: these are arguably the human “normal.” Taking college classes and eating food from the store is truly bizarre behavior in the long view.

In the reading for this week, Fuentes talks in some detail about the development of compassion in our species, and ties this to creativity. He asks (on page 100) can we remain creative within ever larger communities?

For this week, I want to ask the related question:

“Can humans remain compassionate in ever larger communities?”

You can use info from the book or from other sources to support your position, you can even take a position that compassion isn’t necessary–but whatever position you take please do support it with at least one citation from somewhere. Also reply to two of your classmates.

Reply to classmate 1:
I believe all humans carry an ability to be compassionate. Unfortunately, people tend to close off their compassionate sides as a result of life experience. An article written on empathy and compassion by Loran Nordgren says “Our research shows that people who have gone through difficult experiences tend to be the harshest critics of those who are struggling or unable to cope. In this case, another old line is perhaps more applicable: familiarity breeds contempt.”  The article continues to examples of bullying. Someone who has been bullied in the past tends to have more care and compassion for someone they see being bullied. It also states that a person who has not had this experience has a difficult time feeling empathetic towards the person.

I feel living in larger communities, like the city of New York, also plays a role in a person’s compassion. One article suggests that living in larger groups like a city has a detrimental affect on a persons mental well being and ability to be compassionate towards people you don’t know. “Prevalence of psychiatric disorders is significantly higher among people living in urban areas, says a meta-analysis of 20 pieces of research conducted over the past 35 years. Specifically, people in cities suffer from mood disorders and anxiety at a disproportionately high rate.” Another quote from a psychologist says, “compassion is not an automatic response to anothers plight; it is a response that occurs only when the situation is perceived as serious, unjust and relatable. It requires a certain level of awareness, concern and empathy.” Just as was said in my first paragraph, a person’s experience or ability to relate to a situation helps with their compassion. According to those articles and quotes, it is hard for someone living in a city with millions of people who also has a higher likelihood of mental instability to feel compassion towards others, especially if they do not know the person and does not make any personal contribution to the well being of that person’s life. It is much easier to feel compassion for your own parent suffering from an illness or your child or direct family member. Sometimes people even feel more compassion towards their own pet than to people they do not know.

There are occasions where people have shown large amounts of compassion in or towards a large community. September 11th. Our country has never been more united or compassionate. Hurricane Katrina and Harvey. The wildfires in Australia. Multiple people displaced from their homes and in need of care and just love. These are the times that people have come out and shown overwhelming amounts of compassion and empathy to large communities. This relates to the part of the last quote that the situation is serious or unjust.

Despite everything I have said above, I still believe that compassion is a vital factor in our society and communities. It is part of how we foster and grow relationships and a sense of community, I feel, is a necessity to our existence.

Reply to Classmate 2:
I believe that all homo sapiens sapiens have the ability for compassion and show it in all kinds of ways. I also believe that overcrowding in large cities has detrimental effects on mental health. Compassion and self-preservation are two sides of the same coin. But this is also impacted by how our lives are changing.

Compassion is shown on a small scale by taking care of a family, by checking on your elderly neighbors, and by letting someone go ahead of you at the grocery store especially right now. On larger scales, compassion can be shown in the example that Fuentes stated, “In 2005, after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, tens of thousands of people went to New Orleans as volunteers.” (86) This is a perfect example of compassion and we have shown this repeatedly for people that we dont know. People give blood, donate money to charity, food banks, and animal shelters.

The ugly side is that people can have a dark nature. A perfect example of this would be hoarding of toilet paper that is happening right now. In addition, Jacoba Urists article stated, “Research, Kopec says, has shown that crowding-related stress can increase rates of domestic violence and substance abuse.” This means that in a city like New York City, where the population is 1.8 million people with at least 2 per household and very small apartments, and to have affordable apartments they want to make them smaller, people get on each others nerves because they cannot relax. There is no space for a person to enjoy. Even in tight apartments and cramped space people form small groups, such as, my block, my street, my neighborhood. Fuentes stated, But as communities grew and sense of identity become associated with specific places (stone-gathering sites, hunting grounds, certain river edges or coastal caves ), feeling of us and them could grow stronger. (99) This can lead to violence against other areas. Small towns usually have less crime not only because there are less people but because people can have space between each other. The people are also of one town. The more people in one area can cause stress and more stress can cause more mental damage.

So I do believe that people have compassion, firefighters from America volunteered to risk their lives to go to Australia this past year to help put out the wildfire, families donate their holidays at food banks to make sure someone else has a turkey dinner that otherwise would not happen, and strangers have helped car accident victims even when it may have put their lives in danger. I just also believe that a person’s ugly side can take over when that person cannot decompress from stress or other environmental issues because there is not space. People still tend to form tight circles and everyone else is on the outside, a stranger, and is not important. All these things are related and circle back to each other.

Works Cited

The Beauty of Standing in Line. The Creative Spark: How Imagination Made Humans Exceptional, by Agustin Fuentes, Dutton, 2017, pp. 85100.

Urist, Jacoba. The Health Risks of Small Apartments. The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 8 May 2018,