Archive for June 22nd, 2020


Answer the two following questions with the resources provided (links, videos, articles and trends). one page per each and it should be donee straight as question-answer. no introduction needed,  just  the  answer of those.e

Leading companies start with the customer and work backwards from them to derive a solution. They work vigorously to earn and keep customer trust. Although leaders pay attention to competitors, they obsess over customers. Based on the readings and the Session 2 slides: 

1.- How do we identify WHO our customer is?
2.- How do we turn their needs and inputs into innovation?

Readings / videos:

Turn customer inputs into innovation

Customer needs:

Exactly WHO is your customer:

Also another resources as tech trends:

Tech Trend: Natural voice browsing (Google home, Apple HomePod,  Alexa)
Tech Trend: No lines checkout – The Amazon Go experience
Method/tool: Walking backwards from the customer  IMPORTANT FOR THE SECOND QUESTION. We need to first understand what the customer need and then look for solutions.

Its important to point out in some ways that execution is significantly more important than ideas.

demonstration assignment

The purpose of a demonstration speech is to help people understand how to do something and reach audience members who are watchers and doers (Verderber, Sellnow & Verderber, 2018).  YouTube is full of how to videos that may deem helpful in your understanding how to show a process.  Also, TV shows such as HGTV and Food Network are based on folks showing us how, not just telling us (informative).  Below are links to videos of examples of people demonstrating how to open a jar and how to plant flowers.

How To Open A Jar by Rachel Ray (2:07 minutes in length)
“How to Plant Flowers” by (3:01 minutes in length)
During this session, you will be creating a demonstration speech on a topic of your choice. Below is an overview of the required components of this Demonstration Speech assignment. More details on each component along with the submission links are included in this folder.

Topic Selection

First, you will need to select the topic of your demonstration speech. The topic should be something that interests both you and your audience, personally or professionally.


Next you will create an outline of your speech.

The outline should be comprehensive in all areas to include APA format in-text citation of sources where applied and a complete references list at the bottom.


You will deliver an eight to ten (8 – 10) minute demonstration speech. You will use unique visual(s) throughout your speech.  For example, if you are demonstrating how to make a seven-layer dip, you will actually use the supplies and ingredients while you are speaking to show your audience how to make seven-layer dip.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this assignment, compare and contrast two communication techniques that can be used to improve employee trust and engagement. Feel free to use the channels or techniques discussed in Communication Provides Foundation for Being a Best Place to Work by Kathleen Skidmore-Williamsan article that is located in the Unit IV Required Reading sectionor feel free to research your own.
Your assignment should include the components below:
Explain why communication is essential in an organization.
Explain the ways that effective communication improves employee trust and engagement. Focus on comparing/contrasting two types of channels or techniques (e.g., on-site meetings, employee surveys, workshops).
Explain the types of situations where each channel or technique would be most effective. Provide examples and facts for your audience. Avoid simply offering an opinion; rely on valid, academic research.
APA format should be used. The assignment should be a minimum of three pages in length. Content, organization, and grammar/mechanics will be evaluated.

M6A2: Lab: Recommending IT Security Policies to Help Mitigate Risk


The purpose of security policies is to help mitigate identified risks. Writing these policies is easier once you have created an asset inventory list, prioritized that list, and identified the major risk exposures found in those assets.

The task of identifying your IT assets begins with recognizing that your IT infrastructure and supporting resources can be divided into the seven IT domains. The benefit of identifying the assets and prioritizing them across those domains is being able to document policies in a systematic and thorough manner.

Required Resource:

Search the term Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) using your favorite search engine


In this lab, you will create a high-level IT asset inventory list, you will prioritize those assets, you will identify the risk exposures, and you will make recommendations for policies that can mitigate the risk exposures.

Security policies mitigate risks in a wide variety of environments. Some risks are unique to different environments, and some environments produce highly significant risks. To counter these special environments, such as a hospital, school, or financial institution, the government legislates special acts to provide guidance and countermeasures. This lab uses the environment of a school and the guidance of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Case Study: Premier Collegiate School

You are the new director for Information Technology at Premier Collegiate School. The private school teaches grade 7 through grade 12 with 300 students and 30 staff members and faculty. Each of the 10 administrative staff members has a dedicated desktop computer. The schools principal has a notebook computer that she takes home and when traveling to conduct both school business and personal tasks. She maintains a Facebook account and has opened a MySpace account to monitor the activities of the students who also have such accounts. The teachers have 10 computers that they share in the teachers lounge to record grades and do all work associated with conducting their assigned classes (daily lesson plans, research, handouts, tests, quizzes, and final exams).

The school has two file servers. One is for administration business and the other serves student computing needs. The administration server has dedicated storage for each of the teachers and both hardwired access and wireless Local Area Network (LAN) access throughout the school. The student server has applications the students might need for their schoolwork, and provides wireless access for student-owned laptop computers. All students are required to have a laptop computer with wireless access. In addition, the school has a dedicated computer lab with 25 desktop computers for the students to use in computer science classes.


Include the following in your Lab Report File:

    Download the attached document [MS-Word File Size 160 KB] to create a high-level IT asset inventory list and prioritize the IT assets in terms of importance to a schools operation and business.
    Identify the top five risk exposures found in the high-level IT asset assessment.
    Recommend IT security policies that can help mitigate the identified risk exposures.

Your Lab Report should be submitted in a Word document, typed in double space, in 10 or 12point Arial or Times New Roman font. The page margins on the top, bottom, left side, and right side should be 1 inch each. Your composition format must follow guidelines for the citation and reference style established by the American Psychological Association (APA).

Corporate Social Responsibility in the HR Perspective

This Individual Essay requires you to do individual research and write an essay on corporate social responsibility
using material from the course and from your own research.
A. During the semester, we will be doing a classroom exercise where we will generate ideas about current
issues that are relevant to CSR.
B. A selection of the top issues will be provided to you to use and launch your research questions. These
issues will be your broad research topic.
1. Develop a research question based on one of the topics developed in class; support your argument with
research, provide recommendations and provide a conclusion.
2. You need to show the use of Course-related content and materials which will be evidenced by appropriate
in-text citations and references.
3. You also need to use the lens of your specific major (Human Resources) (this will be evidenced by using the first person in the essay and discussing
how your major field of study influences or is influenced by the theme of your paper). You need to
identify what your major area of study is, as I will not be able to determine that just from your essay.
Note that you need a title page, an abstract, a table of contents, introduction, the body of the paper, a conclusion,
page numbers, reference list, appendices if applicable and comply with APA requirements for in-text citations,
referencing, font size (12 Times New Roman), double-space, page numbers, figures and tables (if applicable).
Please use headings to help separate your sections and make it easier for us to grade. You should have a range of
2250-2750 words excluding title page, references or appendices. Graders will not grade anything that is beyond
2750 words. Make sure that you write your word count in your title page. You need a minimum of 5 academic
references outside of the course textbooks ideally, they are peer-reviewed journal articles or academic textbooks
(do not use undergraduate or graduate thesis documents); and any number of non-academic references (do not use
Wikipedia, Investopedia, or Slideshare documents as part of your references). Note that formatting errors
including excessive spelling errors, grammar errors or other formatting issues will be penalized as part of the
Format part of the rubric.
Note that every factual claim or conceptual claim that you make or refer in your paper needs to be supported by an
in-text citation in proper APA formatting (this includes proper paraphrasing, use of quotation marks, etc.). Failure
to do so means that the point is not valid and in the case of improper formatting, you may be penalized up to an
Academic Misconduct based on the severity of the infraction. The Turnitin tool is made available for you to use
(submit your paper before the due date and review its content to ensure that proper citing, quoting and
paraphrasing has been done). Note that if there is an indication that the essay has been sourced from a course or
note-sharing website, which will be obvious by looking at your Turnitin report, then the grade on the assignment
will be 0.
As this is a research-based essay, you should make sure that you support all of your claims and that you
structure the essay according to the format shown in the rubric.

M6A1: Short Paper: Violation of Copyright Privileges

Assignment Requirements

This assignment builds upon Discussion: Copyright and its Various Owner Rights. In this assignment, you, the original composer and performing artist of a hot new pop song, need to:

    Describe the specific intellectual property laws that were violated in your case.
    Propose remedies the law provides for the listed violations.

Write a summary of your findings. Prior summarizing, list your major findings from the discussion and this assignment in a bullet-point list. Collate all your findings in the summary keeping in mind the evaluation questions on which you will be graded.

The adverse impact of obesity on human health

Search and Evaluate

For this paper, you will find three scholarly, peer-reviewed research articles on your topic. The articles may be from any research perspective: scientific, mathematical, ethical, cultural, or a combination. For each article, provide the following:
-An APA Style reference

-A brief 34 sentence summary of the article

-An explanation as to what makes this source credible (in the West Coast University Library go to –Research Guides > Research Basics > Evaluating Resources)

-An evaluation of whether or not the article would be useful in addressing your problem statement or issue

Your paper should be 12 pages. Adhere to APA Style throughout.


In APA format I have to find LITERATURE REVIEWS about Islamophobia  . I have attached a powerpoint attached below as a guideline to what needs to be in the paper. I need to use the SAME CONTENT in the powerpoint as in the paper. I also have some helpful references attached int he powerpoint at the end that can help

9Q in Mathematics

Key Math Features (KMFs) for 3QMAs
A (non-exhaustive) list of KMFs associated with 2,7 and 8 MA is listed below. Please note that you will need to associate at least two KMFs present in each of problems you propose as part of your Three Question MA (3QMA). Note you might consider highlighting KMFs in your 3QMA while you show your work on a given problem. That is, when you perform an operation list the KMF that you used to do it.

The require is MA 2,7 and 8.What you need to do is finding 3Qs in each MA by using the topics below each MA 2,7 AND 8. and using KMFs AS the instructions above.

Presentation- Country Italy

Section I presentation will describe the country demographics, healthcare stats of the population, system of healthcare (government, nonprofit, mixed or private-run hospital, providers, and clinics) along with the level of medical logistics are in place to serve the countrys health.

Have a reference slide after each section discussed.  Each persons section should take 4-5 minutes of the total recorded presentation time (meet max and minimum time). Each section should have a title slide showing the section and the name of the presenter covering the section.  You should have approximately 4 slides along with your transition and reference slide.

The presentation itself:  Requirements listed  (example slide attached)  MAKE SURE TO MEET GUIDELINES IN THE ATTACHED.         

I have attached the references that we added as a group. I have also attached the PowerPoint design to be used.

Ensure to add notes for each slide.