Archive for June 22nd, 2020

Implement Java Producer and Consumer with Monitors and performance analysis

Implement in Java consumer producer model using monitors – compatible with book. (page 182) LockedQueue

See the definition of the interface and semantics of operations.

For performance evaluation, the following configuration parameters are suggested:
a) Initial list size. Populate the list initially. Test different sizes as they will generate different operating times. Ex .: 100k, 200k, 300k
b) Maximum list size. Limit the list’s growth to a determined value. Ex: 300k, 500k, 1000k.
c) Distribution of commands. What percentage will we have of adds, reads and removes.
           It is suggested to test with the same frequency. In another situation, increasing reads.
d) Number of executing threads. Vary the maximum allowed by the infrastructure available. It does not make sense to go beyond the number of threads, considering hyper-threading.
e) Execution time and warm-up. Set an initial time where measurements are not sockets. Then start measuring for a duration of the experiment. It is suggested 10 seconds of warmup and 1 minute of experiment. However, these values should
            be investigated empirically.
Metrics to be observed. The following metrics are of interest:
        a) General flow of the system in operations carried out
        b) Flow rate by type of operation.
        c) Average list size.

Annotated bibliography

The purpose of this assignment is to be able to actively search for relevant research related to PICOT topic and present it in a formal annotated bibliography.

As search the library for scholarly research, limit search to identify empirical articles. May use the “Empirical Research Checklist” to help with this determination. On finding an empirical study, assess the validity of the conclusion by determining if the conclusion answers your proposed research question and if the methodology is appropriate.
Using the “Empirical Research Checklist” and knowledge of finding empirical research articles, locate six articles directly related to proposed PICOT question. Write an annotation for each of the six articles that includes a concise summary in own words and the correct APA citation for each article.
Required to use APA-7 style for assignment.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Assignment will be submitted to TurnItIn.
Marcus, P., HAutala, K., Allaudeen, N. (2018). An Initiative to Change Inpatient Practice: Leveraging the Patient Medical Home for Postdischarge Follow-Up. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 44(2), 101-106.

PDF attached
Gao, W., , Keleti, D. Donia, T.P., Jim Jones, J., Michael, K.E., Gelzer, A.D. (2018). Post discharge Engagement Decreased Hospital Readmissions in Medicaid Populations.
The American Journal of Managed Care

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Takahashi et al. (2016). Short-term and long-term effectiveness of a post-hospital care transitions program in an older, medically complex population. Healthcare 4(1), 30-35 

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Panozzo, G. L. , Rossetti, J. & Hess, K. (2017). The Home Healthcare Universal Best Practice Protocol. Home Healthcare Now, 35(7), 378385. doi: 10.1097/NHH.0000000000000561.

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Ruggiri, J. C., Milner, K. A., & Buonocore, D. (2019). Implementing post-discharge 48-hour scripted call for patients with heart failure: An evidence-based practice quality improvement project. Medsurg Nursing, 28(3), 183-187.

PDF attached
Briscoe, G. T., Heerschap, A., Kane, C. F., & Quatrara, B. D. (2018). Using post-discharge telephone follow-up by nephrology nurses to reduce 30-day readmissions and post-discharge complications for adult patients on hemodialysis. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 45(3), 243-248,267.

PDF Attached
Henriksen, B. & Stuckey, N. (2018). Effects of Transitional Care Management Services From an Interprofessional Team on 30-Day Readmission Rates Among Medicare Beneficiaries. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 34(3), 182184. doi: 10.1097/TGR.0000000000000192.

Evidence-Based PICOT Question

P Adults with 2 or more chronic conditions who are eligible for Health Home and Chronic Condition Management
I Provide telephonic follow up post-discharge with education on chronic conditions and ensure that anticipated patients needs will be met
C Decrease in rates of hospitalization/re-hospitalization 30 days post-discharge
O Patients will not be re-hospitalized within 30 days post-discharge
T 6 weeks

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this assignment you will take the role of Executive Coach with Kristen Peters as your client.  Many C Suite executives use Executive Coaches to help them improve their leadership skills, and to make plans for handling difficult situations.  For this activity we will assume that Kristen’s company has provided the Executive Coach to help her get started in her new role (“on boarding”). 

Your assignment is to write a briefing document (PPT) in which you address the following topics:

1. What should Kristen know about the organization?

2. What kind of culture should she expect?

3. Which are the key relationships and stakeholders for her specific work?

4. What five actions should she take when she starts to make sure she starts in a positive way?

Length will depend on the format and style that you choose.  I encourage robust pages, so that the document is not too long, but it is up to your judgement.

Grading will be based on:

1. Completeness (answer all questions completely) 10 points

2. Insights and analysis (demonstrating understanding of the concepts and situations, supporting ideas with class concepts and readings) 10 points

3. Communications (clarity of message, no errors, organization of content) 5 points

It is not important to overly design the document, but very important to cover items 1 & 2.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies

I need my assignment solved. The course is Mechanics of Deformable Bodies. It is a second-year engineering course. I will be receiving the exam tomorrow at 7:00 pm and will be having a whole day to complete it. To stay on the safe side I will be needing the assignment earlier than that which is preferred on April 17 at 4;00 pm. Please let me know if you can do this and how much it will cost. I have attached a similar exam below to give you an idea of how it will look. Thank you for your time.

Resort and Club Management Industry News Article

Find and read an online current trend news article in terms of Resort and Club Management Industry and write the summary and reflection of news article.

Summarize the whole story of current news article.
State your reaction or reflection to each of news article in terms of hospitality and tourism industry.
Lastly, based on your reading of your news article, provide one in-depth question and response your question as well.
The news article website or link should be included.

Summary (at least 300 words)

14 pts

Reaction/Reflection (at least 300 words)

14 pts

One In-depth question and answer

6 pts


Cover page
Times New Roman font size 12
One-inch margins on all four sides of the page
APA style for any references if necessary
4 pts

News article website or link

2 pts

Here is one of the methods to find the article:

Simply type in followings: country club news or resort news on google and then, click the news tap to find current news article for resort and cub management industry.

Quantitative Study Critique

The study selected is the one attached. The specific instructions with the required questions to address in the critique are also attached, but here’s an idea of what must be done:

Write a 4-page, double-spaced critique of a quantitative study (use the study I uploaded by Permzadian & Crede, “Do First-Year Seminars Improve College Grades and Retention…”). Please address all of the questions asked on the syllabus in written prose format (full, coherent answers that flow, not bullet points). Please think critically and include quotes and specifics from the study.

Current economic and social policy, including social welfare programs in France

Country chosen: France

Identify current economic and social policy in your country, including social welfare programs (ex: Social Security, medical care programs, workers compensation, etc.).  Find areas of the economy or social welfare that your country needs to improve and what do you believe is the problem.  Identify policies learned in class that may help the current situation in your country, explain how these policies can help the current situation.  Make strong arguments.

The following are minimum requirements for the written portion:
1.    The Country Study must be Typed double space. (APA Format preferred, MLA optional). 
2.    Every Project must have a References page as requested in APA
3.    Write it ALL in your OWN words, DO NOT COPY / PASTE anything, your grade will be severely penalized if you do so.  When copy/pasting data, graphs or other, make sure to cite correctly, follow APA format.
4.    Usual recommendation is 1-2 sources per page you write.
5.    The use of Wikipedia and/or any other internet blog, question-answer website as a source in not acceptable.


Write a one page response for the following questions:

Why did F-Secure choose to pursue competitive advantage by establishing a SaaS model focused on the ISP segment?


1. How attractive is/was IT Security Software industry (in 2000)? (use the 5 Forces model analysis you did for your homework this week)

2. How did F-Secure compete in that industry? How did other firms compete? How well positioned was F-Secure as compared to other firms?

3. How did F-Secures move in 2000 change their position and how did that give them a competitive advantage? How did this move serve to either take advantage of a given force or buffer/insulate them from a given force?

Use this link to read about the Forces:

Journal Article (Qualitative Study) Critique

The study selected is the one attached. The specific instructions with the required questions to address in the critique are also attached, but here’s an idea of what must be done:

Write a 4-page, double-spaced thoughtful critique of a study of your choice (see: the study: “Rationalizing Neglect…” by Cox & Tobolowsky). Please address all of the questions asked on the syllabus in written prose format (full, coherent answers that flow, not bullet points). Please think critically and refer to quotes/specifics from the study.


It needs to be a one-hour scripted episodic drama or reality show of your choice.  If it’s a drama, it needs to have a regular cast ensemble with guest stars…and has commercials…no HBO, Netfilix, Hulu Plus, Amazon Prime or commercial-free premium channels…lots to choose from on  commercial TV these days.  The format to complete it is very similar to the Radio Listening Assignment earlier in the semester. 

The links to the directions and student examples are listed below in this announcement.  It’s your choice of what program to use as long as it falls into the proper category listed above….if you have any questions, email me for clarification.

If you dont have cable or a TV to watch, you can video stream a show from one of the networks websites.  Those programs have commercials and viewing it online will satisfy the requirements of this assignment.  Your shows must have commercials and other promotions.

NOTE:  Like the Radio Assignment, the inventory log (minute-by-minute) does not need to be turned in….just use it to assemble your material and upload sections 3 and 4.