Archive for June 22nd, 2020

Personal History

I have drafted a sample essay. I would be uploading it. I am also a feminist. I come from a family of feminist. My mother passed away at a young age but my dad raised me up to be a strong woman. I am very ambitious, and I want to make my way into the science field. But I feel it is hard for a woman to be accepted in science.

Profits and People in the Drug Industry

Please read the case: “Profits and People in the Drug Industry” which I will attach and answer questions #2 and
#3 at the end of the case from Brief Case Questions.

#2. Should drug prices be regulated in a rich country as the U.S.? Discuss at least one point and one counter-point to this position.

#3. From a justice point of view, discuss the issue of whether it is fair for people to pay for drugs (or other fundamental necessities) based on their income.

Please write 1 paragraph per each question, so total of 2 paragraphs for both questions.

network for business

A Trading floor employs 580 staff. They have recently expanded and as a result, need to move into a new building.  The building has been identified but has no network. New network infrastructure needs to be designed and implemented in the new building.

The organisation has the following requirements for its new network: –

    That the service be available between the hours 8 am and 5 pm
    That the service provides 99.99% availability during these times
    That the network is secure and has an internet connection
    That the network provides a reliable service
    The network should provide high performance for the end-users
    The new network should have sufficient capacity to support the business for five years.

As a key member of the Networks Team, you have been tasked to design a network for the new building.  At this stage, logical design and a simulation-based implementation is required which shows the measures that you would put in place to ensure that the new network meets the current business need and is future-proofed.

Wireless access is needed along with IDS and DMZ

what i need : –

    A diagrammatic representation of the logical design professionally produced using an appropriate tool, e.g. Visio
    A fully operational network in packet tracer (screen capture of connectivity must be documented).

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You will complete the Professional Development evaluation, which includes a broad range of interpersonal domains often neglected in graduate programs. You will turn in the self-rated form, along with a three-page reflection paper. In other words, you will rate yourself along ten interpersonal dimensions, with “1” being “Concern,” “2” being “Good Performance,” and “3” being “Exceptional Performance.” This form will be uploaded, along with the essay portion of the assignment, which consists of a reflection paper.
In the reflection paper, you will discuss: (a) your reactions to your ratings of yourself, including what did and did not surprise you, (b) areas of strength, including how you can continue to build on these areas and apply them to the mental health field, (c) areas for growth, including specific ways you can improve in these developing areas, and (d) how the interpersonal domains, including strengths and areas for growth, are related to your future as a psychotherapist, especially at a practicum site in the near future.
The paper will be in APA format, with a Title page. No Abstract or References page is necessary. Please remember to include your completed evaluation form as an Appendix at the end of the paper.

What type of organizational forethought and effort did the Boston Police Department exercise in the response to the explosion?

Your paper must be a minimum of 1500 words, conforming to APA standards (6th Ed), and not counting the title, abstract or reference page.  You must have a minimum of 5 scholarly sources to support your commentary.  Refer to your syllabus and rubric for guidance.
The Boston Marathon attack was unexpected (or was it?).  The emergency response teams from every conceivable organization mobilized very quickly.  The city was on lock down in an unprecedented amount of time.  Cell phone towers were out of service within minutes (bombs can be remote detonated with cell phones).

Learning logbook

The learning logbook is to facilitate your understanding of and capacity to apply various concepts, theories, and principals involved in the course domain.

–        Think about relevant experiences you had or observed and apply the concepts, frameworks, and principles learnt in and above this course to analyze and evaluate your observations and experiences. 

Integration of knowledge and experiences is what we are looking for in this assessment.

You are encouraged to use tables, figures, and mind mappings to make your writings more organized and richer.

Early Childhood Education

our task is to observe in two separate early childhood environments.    You will select two of the environment video clips below to view in order to complete your “observations”.  Please pay particular attention to the math, science, and social studies elements you see.  You may want to make notes as you watch each video clip in order to help you organize your thoughts to complete this assignment.

Strategic management ( analysis )

You will submit an individual paper based on Current Topics in the News case. You will review three articles for this assignment. The articles should be drawn from the press from sometime in the past 18 months.  Article sshould be drawn from widely read sources. This includes but is not limited to local, national, or global newspapers (e.g.,New York Times, Boston Globe, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times), widely read magazines (e.g., Fortune, BusinessWeek, Forbes, Wired, New Yorker), or  comprehensive blogs or electronic media (e.g., Vox, Business Insider, Axios). If you have a question about whether an article is acceptable please let me know.  The paper should be approximately 9 pages (Times 12, typed and double-spaced). It should focus on and be structured by case-specific questions, but also reflect knowledge of the topic and models discussed in class. This paper will be due on April 13th.

Please do the following for the Current Topics Case:

    Please select three (3) articles that prominently features an organizational decision related to strategy.
    For each article, write approximately three pages, so nine total pages  (Times New Roman, 12 Font Double spaced) in which you answer the questions provided below. You should draw upon course concepts to provide a rigorous analysis based on well supported arguments
o    What does this organization do and what is their business strategy (e.g., low cost, differentiator)? Provide a brief summary.
o    What was the strategic decision? Provide a short description or summary and a citation for the article.
o    Why do you think the organization made this decision?
o    Was this a good or bad strategic decision and why? Take a clear stance and argue for it.
o    You will want to use material and theory from the class to support your claims regarding the companies, strategic decision. My suggestion would be to use a minimum of two frameworks from the class for this.

Case will be evaluated out of 100 points as follows:

1)    Case Required questions (25 points)
a)    Did the writer clearly address the questions required? (15 points)
b)    Were the answers to those questions, more or less, correct? (15 points)
2)    Use of Course Content (25 points)
a)    Did the writer use course content and/or theoretical frameworks and connect it directly to matters in the case or in the article(s)? (10 points)
b)    Did the writer use the course content and or theoretical frameworks correctly? (15 points)
3)    Clarity and Technical Aspects (30 points)
a)    Was it easy for the reader to see that case questions were answered? (5 points)
b)    Was the document well written and clear? (10 points)
c)    Was the document free of spelling errors, grammatical errors? (10 points).
d)    When using materials outside of the case or the class did the author provide a citation or link showing where they drew the evidence? (5 points)
i)    Any format for citation, – APA, MLA, Chicago, is acceptable.
ii)    OWL/Purdue is a great resource for citations,
4)    Backing (20 points)
a)    Did the writer point to evidence in either the case, the article(s), the course material to draw a conclusion and support the claims being made in the writeup? (10 points)
b)    Did they writer take a clear and defensible stance where appropriate? (10 points)

NB: I want to see your strategic analysis of this case, not someone elses Please do not look up strategic analyses of companies on the internet. Use your heads and do great strategic work.
NB: Your articles may not be about the companies featured in the cases over the course of the semester.

companies NOT to use: Ducati, Trader joes, Wii, Apple, Walt Disney

THEORIES to be used:  i attached 5 pdfs, those are the theories that discusses throughout the class. 
ANALYSIS:  use Porter 5 forces ( discussed in the attachment under industry analysis.  PESTLE ( political, environmental, social, technological … etc).

How to foster a social entrepreneurship ecosystem in kenya

Research objectives:
– Understand how ecosystems are built and Identifying benchmarks
– Identifying the drivers/key-factors of an ecosystems (desk-research & literature review)
– Comparison of ecosystems history: Developed benchmark vs Developing benchmark
– Creating an African model
– Kenya analysis and roadmap / action plan

how slavery and colonialism engendered underdeveloped societies in the Caribbean

The institutionalization of the plantation system along with the regime of colonial mercantilism in the Caribbean gave way to dependent social formations plagued with exploitative and oppressive social relations of production.  Discuss how slavery and colonialism engendered underdeveloped societies in the Caribbean as it ensured the necessary primitive accumulation of capital to fuel European capitalism.

the paper sustains an argument that supports a central idea, hypothesis, or thesis;

the paper demonstrates the students ability to synthesize ideas from multiple readings, to incorporate and attribute sources, and to closely analyze at least three readings, a set of observations, or experimentation;

the paper includes accurate summary and clear definitions of key terms;

the paper evaluates and assesses evidence, contrary arguments and points of view;

the paper develops an idea or argument;

the paper demonstrates effective organization of paragraphs, locally, with paragraphs that are unified and focused, and globally, with a clear structure between the introduction, supporting paragraphs and the conclusion.  Quotes and bibliographies should abide to MLA principles.