Archive for June 22nd, 2020


Construct a thesis statement, and find 4 sources to support that thesis. For each source, write a description of it explaining its importance to the thesis, etc. The entire instructions to the assignment are attached.

The class is called “Utopian Literature from Antiquity to Today”. The thesis statement should be based on one of the texts that we have already studied in class:
-Republic, by Plato, trans. G.M.A. Grube, Hackett Classics, 2nd Edition (ISBN: 0872201368)
-Utopia, by Thomas More, ed. Logan. Norton Critical Edition, 3rd Edition (ISBN: 039393246X)
-As You Like It, William Shakespeare, ed. Brissenden. The Oxford Shakespeare (ISBN: 0199536155)

The syllabus of the course is attached for further information. I also attached the first essay that I wrote for this course, for you to perhaps base yourself off of that.

Discussion: ERP Implementation

Many companies implement enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems but are disappointed by the results when they do not realize the return on investment (ROI) that was projected for the system.

Do some research and post an example of either a successful or failed ERP implementation at a major company. How did it (or did it not) standardize processes across the firm? Explain what the major causes were for the success or failure of the system.

If you have worked for a company that has an ERP system, you may choose to post about the effectiveness of that particular ERP system.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Requirement: Review the reading: Gretchen Rubin actually appears to have it all. But is that the kind of happiness guru we want?

Purpose: This assignment will help you engage in reading and analyzing a scholarly research article/source.

Writing Task:  In a well-developed essay of 2 pages in length, please do the following: 

Write a scholarly review of the source: .Gretchen Rubin actually appears to have it all. But is that the kind of happiness guru we want? Although this may sound like a simple assignment, I expect the following:

a short introduction to the article and topic along with a summary of the scholarly source. (one paragraph)
a deeper, more extensive assessment outlining the main points of the paper, including for example assumptions made, arguments presented, data analyzed, and conclusions drawn. (one paragraphs)
any limitations or extensions you see for the ideas in the paper. (one paragraph)
your reflection (or opinion) of the paper; primarily, the quality of the ideas and its potential impact. (one paragraph)
Here are additional questions you need to keep in mind and address in your essay as you closely analyze Gretchen Rubin actually appears to have it all. But is that the kind of happiness guru we want?

(a) Purpose of the Article. Why was the article written? To inform? Persuade?
(b) Organization and Content. Is the material organized and focused? Is the argument understandable? Is this original research, a review of previous research, or an informative piece?
(c) Bias. Do you see any bias in the reading? Explain why or why not.
(e) Date of Article. Is the article up-to-date or out-of-date?
(h) Authority. Are the author’s credentials verifiable? Do they seem reliable?
(j) Audience. Who do you think the audience is for this reading? Why?

Speed up motion estimation

My project is speeding up motion estimation for various video processing applications. The programming is to be done in Matlab. My project supervisor has a meeting every week with me. He assigns me a particular task to be completed within that week.
Description- 1)Build a RavME Motion Estimator that uses motion from Compressed video as a kick start. Compare the below Measures of performance wrt to really good motion estimator(RGME) like EPIC
Are the vectors from RavME the same as from full search BM?
Are the vectors from RavME the same as ground truth or RGME?
Is the prediction error from RavME the same or better than full search BM?
Is the prediction error from RavME the same or better than RGME?

2)work on P – frame
Select candidate motion vectors at a site .. remember to scale depending on how far in the past they point to
For each candidate
Measure DFD
Measure Spatial smoothness
Pick the best

3)B – frames == same thing
Select candidate motion vectors at a site
Flip the vectors around. So if you have one vector pointing back, then just negate it and make it also point forward
Scale the vectors depending on the target frames
For each candidate
Measure DFD
Measure Spatial smoothness
Pick the best

4) then figure out for Iframe

The code should be simple without using any matlab functions

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I have to submit this paper in Scopus so that I can get acceptance from them that there is 0% plagiarism and I should be the only author of this paper These two proof I have to show my college then only they will provide me my MBA degree. So the paper should contain no plagiarism and it should be easily published in Scopus to get acceptance.