Archive for June 24th, 2020

Pharmacy school personal statement essay

Your Personal Essay should address why you selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor of Pharmacy degree relates to your immediate and long-term professional goals. Describe how your personal, educational, and professional background will help you achieve your goals. The personal essay is an important part of your application for admission and provides you with an opportunity for you to clearly and effectively express your ideas.


The Module 3 Case is a Mini-Case Study: Defining Standard Projects at Global Green Books Publishing, which is available in the PMI website.

PMI Teach. (2017). Mini-Case Study: Defining Standard Projects at Global Green Books Publishing. Retrieved from

For Part I, submit a 3- to 5-page paper answering questions a-f.

For Part II (1-3), create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in ProjectLibre for the eBook project. Be sure to address the following in the WBS:

Identify the major phases of eBook creation.
Identify the steps in each phase.
If possible, identify sub-steps for any of the steps.
Submit the completed WBS as a PDF file.
Assignment Expectations
You will be particularly assessed on:

Your incorporation of concepts from the module.
Your critical thinking and analysis.
Your application of professional project management terminology.
Your use of references in proper APA format to support your work.

health care

The Crayon Box That Talked

Shane DeRolf, reprinted with permission from Random House, Inc.

While walking in a toy store, the day before today,

I overheard a crayon box with many things to say.

I dont like red, said Yellow. And Green said, Nor do I.

And no one here likes Orange, but no one knows just why.

We are a box of crayons that doesnt get along,

said Blue to all the others, Something here is wrong!

Well, I bought that box of crayons, and took it home with me,

And laid out all the crayons so the crayons could all see. . . .

They watched me as I colored with Red and Blue and Green,

and Black and White and Orange, and every color in between.

They watched as Green became the grass and Blue became the sky.

The Yellow sun was shining bright on White clouds drifting by.

Colors changing as they touched, becoming something new.

They watched me as I colored. They watched me till I was through.

And when Id finally finished, I began to walk away.

And as I did the crayon box had something more to say. . . .

I do like Red! said Yellow

And Green said, So do I!

And, Blue, you were terrific,

So high up in the sky!

We are a box of crayons,

Each one of us is unique

But when we get together . . .

The picture is complete.


This is a vivid story about a box of crayons that did not get along. At first they disliked each other, but after learning to value each others unique qualities, the crayons in the box began to appreciate each other as they worked together to create a beautiful picture. Young children will relate to these colorful characters.


1)  Why didnt the crayons in this box get along?

2) Each crayon had a unique quality that contributed to the picture. Think of two unique qualities you have as an individual. Share them with the group. Take note of any similar and/or different qualities that you and your classmates have.

3) Pretend you and your friends were like this box of crayons. What would the picture that you color look like?

Great writing

Write a 2-3 page essay that analyzes one or two paragraphs of a text that you consider to be great writing.  You should justify your evaluation with examples from that text that you analyze according to stylistic and grammatical features that we have discussed this quarter.  Please attach the paragraphs to your essay.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a peer conversation post to the following discussion to dig into gender studies.
Including one direct quote from the reading attached.

As we all know, there is a difference between gender and sex even though sometimes people think that they mean the same thing. Sex refers to the biological differences between females and male while gender refers to the roles of men and women in society which has sometimes been defined by stereotypes created by society. Everyone has their own gender identity as it is based on themselves as an individual. Gender roles are defined by behavior and attitude that society feels like it is appropriate for men and women. For this week’s discussion, I wanted to focus on where gender comes from and how it is learned about by society. I also wanted my main focus to be on toys and how kids feel like they can only play with certain toys based on their gender.

From looking at the Barbie picture from Professors discussion, I remembered one discussion I had done before in regards to a stereotype that only girls can play with barbies and that boys cannot. Society has created this stereotype that since Barbie is a girl, it is only meant for girls to play with even though boys can have an interest in playing with them, and there is nothing wrong with that. I have also noticed that girls tend to play with pink toys and boys tend to play with blue toys even though the color of the toy does not make a difference in who the toy is for. In my opinion, children should be able to play with whatever toy they want and they should also not feel pressured to play with a toy that they dont want to. Another thing I would like to add in regards to Barbie is that children tend to buy the white Barbie more instead of the black Barbie because they feel like the white Barbie is better looking than the black Barbie.

It seems like since birth, genders have been segregated in many ways such as in clothing. Parents find that baby clothes and paraphernalia still come in pastel pink for girls, pastel blue for boys, and white or yellow for babies who have yet to be born and whose sex is unknown or babies whose parents do not mind that a stranger might mistake their gender (Klugman, 170). This quote does not relate to toys, but it shows how the stereotype with pink and blue gets started when a baby is born.

The packages on toys also play a huge role with gender stereotyping. From the article A Bad Hair Day for GI Joe, by Karen Klugman it was described that baby doll packaging has images of a girl taking care of the baby, feeding it, and bathing it, but there is never an image of a boy doing that which shows how these toys are trying to say that baby dolls are only for girls. There have been dolls made that are for boys to play with, but they do not have a nurturing concept like the dolls for girls do, based on the packaging of the dolls. There can be many stereotypes made with all of the toys in the market today, but even action figures and robots have this stereotype that only boys can play with them. This raises some questions for me such as, Since there is a stereotype that only boys can play with action figures, is it trying to say that only boys are strong and that girls arent? The packaging of action figures rarely makes use of photography, let alone photographs of boys. Instead, the doll visible through the plastic wrapping is usually surrounded by colorful, elaborate illustrations that depict the figure as more expressive and lifelike than it actually is (Klugman, 174-175).

Overall, gender plays a huge role in one’s identification. It shapes social life, behavior, attitude and makes individuals sense themselves. Gender is something that we do rather than have (Shaw & Lee, 126).  Throughout being in society, we as people learn about the practices and skills of gender. Gender has been embedded in culture by the characteristics of someone being feminine or masculine. Every culture has their own definitions of what gender is and how it is described.


The Module 2 Case Assignment is a Mini-Case: Project Management at Global Green Book Publishing. Please study the following document, summarize your responses in 3-5 pages (excluding the cover page and reference list) to address questions a-e raised in this case. The report needs to follow APA format.

PMI Teach. (2017). Mini-Case Study: Project Management at Global Green Books Publishing. Retrieved from

Answer the following Mini-Case questions.

Why did Global Green Books Publishing struggle?
What were the specific PM solutions that were introduced by Samantha that worked?
What kind of suggestions would you give to Brad and Jim if you were the PM?
Are you aware of other similar start-up businesses that struggle in a similar manner? How did they overcome the challenges?
Global Green Books Publishing is a technology intensive business, but Samantha is not technically knowledgeable, will she continue to be a successful project manager?
Assignment Expectations
Your paper should 3-5 pages, not including cover sheet and references.

You will be particularly assessed on:

Your incorporation of concepts from the module.
Your critical thinking and analysis.
Your application of professional project management terminology.
Your use of references in proper APA format to support your work.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a peer conversation post to the following discussion to dig into gender studies.
Including one direct quote from the reading attached.

The term sex is explained by biological and physical features whereas gender is determined from social expectations, cultural values, and gender is socially constructed and reinforced. While there are biological differences between females and male the difference between sex and gender have often been misconstrued because many may think the two words mean the same thing or in similar definitions, it can be complicated to some. Although, the two terms are believed by many individuals that gender and sex complement each other, feminist found it useful and important to separate the two because there are many differences between women and men. Not only by physical characteristics, but that of what we learn from our culture and the primary views each should behave. This means that women and men learn the practices of gender, internalize the norms associated with masculinity and femininity, are rewarded for appropriate behaviors and sanctioned for inappropriate behaviors, and learn to perform the ones that are expected of them.

Society has created determined characteristics where there are social and cultural elements of being a man or woman and boy or girl. The two terms play a major role when a child is born until adulthood. I think the fundamental distinction has been significant to feminism because society has created a social norm on how to separate girls from boys, men and women. Considering the roles that were taught to many at a young age has contributed to how children take on gender roles that society reinforces on us. In reality, gender is a practice in which all people engage; it is something we perform over and over in our daily lives. In this sense, gender is something that we do rather than haveand Gender is so central in shaping our lives, much of what is gendered is not even recognized; its made normal and ordinary and occurs on a subconscious level (Lee and Shaw, 2009). These two quotes caught my attention because it explains a few scenarios on how society has constructed specific traits each sex should take on. To which is referred to as gender socialization, traits that are taught and learned that is appropriate behaviors associated with being a boy or a girl in our culture (Lee & Shaw, 2009).  Gender becomes one of the most important and influential features that follows an individual’s life. For example, for a young child, toys are used to influence their gender role in society where boys are determined to play with cars, like the color blue and girls to play with dolls, household role play toys. This is how gender becomes a role we perform and becomes an important feature of an individuals identity.

These are the impacts that prevent a variety of identities and not encourage children to develop their own special roles in society they want to participate in and their own personal preference. Society has constructed this normal behavior or identity and has created a sense of fear to some parents. I personally know and have had a conversation with a friend about concerns of her son playing with dolls, playing with his girl cousins instead and liking the color pink, being fearful of her son being shamed for it. It is sad to hear a parent being fearful of these types of behaviors when it is a natural preference or even just letting the child be free to be curious and explore. I think that is the beauty of development in children. Having the opportunity to see the development and growth at its naturalist period without having the outside noise interfere with being you, but it is a world we live in that created that social norm. As parents some may not even think purchasing specific toys plays a major factor in contributing to socialization. Which was mentioned in this discussion,  socialization is what society values and what is basically considered a normal trait that is taught and learned.

I interviewed my niece for a course I previously took and it was about adolescents and film which was very interesting. Basically, my niece expressed she did not feel pretty and confident most of the time and what has impacted her to feel this way was because of how social media and films she watches displays girls that are viewed as beautiful are tall, long hair, and slim. This was confirmation that society uses advertisement and entertainment to shape how an individual feels about their appearance and compare themselves. This is an example of how society has such a major influence in our lives more than we think or realize. The distinction between sex and gender plays a significant purpose from my perspective because it acknowledges the issues regarding social norms that correlate to sex where can not be instructed unlike gender.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment: Read pages 246-302, 334-407 (Chapters 9 and 10, 12-15)

Listen to the recorded interview with Leslie Chang on NPR:


1. Do you agree with some historians who speculate that the migration of young women into cities may eventually eliminate rural discrimination against girls and women? Give examples from your reading (and perhaps other readings in the class) to support your answer.
2. Min gets a high-paying job that allows her to take illegal kickbacks, and she does. What do you think about this in the context of the world of migrant workers the book presents?
3. From her interview, how would you describe author Leslie Chang’s attitudes about the lives and the life choices of the young women in Dongguan she presents in her book?