Archive for June 24th, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is a research paper The paper is a qualitative research paper. I want a critique of the article  attached below and here is the instruction and requirement of the paper
B.    Critique
Identification of report elements. Evaluate objectively, then explain how these elements from the chosen study meet (or do not meet) the expected definition and purpose of each element
1.    Descriptive Vividness
2.    Documentation of Participants
3.    Methodological Congruence
4.    Ethical Standards
5.    Auditability

understand comm

Briefly explain your assigned term in your own words
Identify an example from the video (link follows) that uses that strategy
Explain what rhetorical/critical function that strategy plays in the example you’ve identified
To anchor our discussion, you should first watch this segment from the show Last Week Tonight with John Oliver:

The second question is:
After reading the Ouellette essay, do you think that you agree or disagree with her main thesis? Justify your answer by using an example from another reality TV program that isn’t discussed in the reading (and if you’re doing this after lecture, that also isn’t discussed in lecture).

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Through the lives of Esther, Jobs wife, and Ruth, we will analyze and explain how the lives of each woman reflected or lacked the four qualities of courage, stamina, resilience, and self-awareness. This is a look into each of the four qualities in connection to each of the three women.

Reference Book:  The Jesus Hearted Women by Jodi Detrick

Read Esther, Job 1:1-22, 2:7-11 & 42:10-16, & Ruth
Write a 3-4 page paper describing what Esther, Jobs wife, and Ruth reveal about these qualities and what we can learn from them. Ensure the following points are addressed.

Use different examples from each womans life for each characteristic where possible. Jobs wife has less information but please do not use the same verse for every characteristic.
1. State what we can learn from each woman
2. Use of at least two quality sources in addition to Scripture

Ensure scholarly academic resources using APA format.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You can use online recourse, just make sure that you list the resource website you used.

First Question:Describe in detail the advertising and public relations strategies of Amazon. Be sure to provide considerable detail from the lectures, textbook, study guide, and other sources if applicable.

Second Question: Describe in detail the personal selling and sales promotion strategies of Coca-Cola. Be sure to provide considerable detail from the textbook and other sources if applicable.

Research Project

Write a 4- to 6-page proposal for public relations research.

Your proposed research may be for any organization/business you choose, but your research proposal should include at least one quantitative research method and one qualitative research method that we have covered in this class.

Research projects generally are conducted in order to do one (or maybe both) of the following:

Solve a PR problem(s)
Answer a PR question(s) 
Your proposal should have four sections:

The first section will describe the organization or business for which you are proposing the research.  In addition to identifying the organization/business, this section should tell the reader what it does and provide a brief history and “biography” of the organization/business.

The second section should describe the PR question(s)/problem(s)  your proposed research would answer/solve.  This section should not only tell the reader what the question(s)/problem(s) are, but also why they are worth answering/solving.  This is the “so what” portion of the proposal.  In other words, tell the reader why he/she should care about what you are proposing.

The third section should describe the research methods your research would use.  In this section describe the research methods; explain how they would be used, why they are appropriate methods for answering your PR question(s)/solving your PR problem(s), and how the qualitative and quantitative research methods you propose using would compliment one another.

The fourth and final section of your research proposal should provide the materials necessary to conduct the research methods you describe in section three above.  For example:

If you are proposing to do a survey, describe the survey (phone, mail, etc), explain how you would draw you sample, and write the questionnaire.
If you are proposing focus group research, describe number of focus groups you would conduct, the participants for each, and write the discussion guide(s).
If you are proposing content analysis, describe the media (or other) content you would analyze.  Explain what your content categories and units of analysis would be.
If you are proposing experimental research, describe your treatment and control groups.  Describe the treatment(s) and the pre- and post-test measures.  If appropriate, provide the questionnaire for your pre- and post-test.   

Global Decisions in Crisis

use the file to answer theses following questions
What do you do ? Is your new partner behaving in an unethical way?
Do you attempt to regain full management of the business? What would be needed to regain full control and management of the firm/company? How would you handle staffing new employees as well training new and old employees (what would be your process)? How would you go about determining work eligibility of allegedly underage employees?

Explain the reason for your decision using the information you know, have researched, and have readily available to you via your learning resources. 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write two summaries one on The Incarnation by Athanasius and the other one on The Nicene-Cosmopolitan Creed. Please use the pdf files given, the summaries need to be on these specific pages. Both summaries need to have 500 words and:

1. Complete: A summary should include all the ideas that are essential to the authors thesis.

2. Concise: Do not include unessential information. Summaries significantly in excess of the word count will suffer under this criterion.

3. Objective and Accurate: A summary should recapitulate the authors points and represent the authors ideas correctly. Do not distort the authors views. Do not include your objections or criticisms in the summary.

4. Coherent: A summary should make sense to someone who has not read the original. It should not sound like a list of loosely-related sentences that have been strung together in paragraph format.

5. Independent: A summary should be written in your own words. Do not take strings of words from the source; do not *paraphrase. Difference between paraphrase and summary*Paraphrase: contains all the information in the source. No part of the original is left out. Writer rephrases original in his words.

**Summary: contains only the most important information of the original. It does not have to follow the organization or order of the original. You do not change the meaning of the original, and you must give clear references as to the origin of the ideas.

Critical Issues in HR Ethics and Law


As a written response, address the following questions: decisions about right and wrong can be difficult and often are related to the individual and organizational context.
I believe that when it comes to what is right and wrong it is difficult because it depends on how the person was raised, the environment that each one of us grew on and the people that we interacted with during our childhood and teenage years. The values that we all grew up with, are the ones that will influence our decisions. In addition, our decisions between what is right and what is wrong will be influenced on how that make us feel. We are put to a moral test every day when we face situations in our personal lives and in our jobs on which we must decide between right and wrong. It is up to our consciousness to guide our actions not only for our own benefit but for the benefit of our community.
How does your professional experience relate to one of the perspectives presented in the video?  What does being ethical mean to you in the context of your work and personal life?
From the three perspectives presented in the video, the one that relates the most to my workplace is the one related to the coworkers talking about a client. When I was still working as a teacher and even as an administrator, it was easy to find coworkers talking openly about students academic performance and records. Well, according to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the student education records are protected by law. So, I saw myself more than once reminding staff about what this law entitles and the consequence of disclosing any type of information regarding students academic records.
For me being ethical is very important in both my work and my personal life. I believe being ethical is closely related to respect, respect for myself and others. An ethical person is someone who has high standards of behavior and is not just avoiding a certain behavior or practice just because it is illegal.
Then, reviewing the assigned material for this week, address what moral or ethical conflicts are inherent in your workplace. Provide an example of how you might work with leaders and employees in your organization to influence ethical behavior, supported by what you learned in the assigned material.
In my organization there is an internal culture of competition, but not a healthy or collaborative competition. Unfortunately, this situation is lead by our director, who treats all of us differently. As we learned in our assigned readings from this week, of course this situation has led to conflict and miscommunication within the team and towards our customers. Instead of working as a collaborative team, were just competing to survive. I believe that if our director could reflect more of the characteristics of an ethical behavior towards us, we would be able to work in a more pleasant environment.
Considering that shes a person that is not easy to reach or to have a reflective conversation with, what Ive done is try to encourage my coworkers to act as role models of what we would like for her to be as an ethical leader. Her behaviors not only have impacted our performance but also our emotional well-being. 

Denning, S. (2012). Why do we collaborate? Forbes. Retrieved  from:
(Links to an external site.)
Knights, J. (2017). How to develop ethical leaders. LeaderShape Global. Retrieved from
(Links to an external site.)
TheEthicsGuy. (2009, May 7). How ethical are you? [Video file].

There is a little saying I say to myself all the time, “I don’t always get it right, but I do my best not to get it wrong.” I take that with me into my personal and professional life every day. In my professional experience, I found that ethics is a thin line of thought and actions that influence right or wrong decision making. Professionally, one of my previous jobs, I had to make ethical decisions repeatedly. Customers were always looking for a way to save even if that meant being unethical in the process. Some of the propositions sounded really good but not good enough for me to lose my job. There are many instances that ethics played a role in the outcomes of certain situations.
I believe that ethics reveals personal character on a personal and professional level, how their morals and value line up with their actions. “Character is such a central, important element of leadership, particularly for the kind of cross-enterprise leadership that is essential in complex, global business organizations which it should not and cannot be ignored.  Character fundamentally shapes how we engage the world around us, what we notice, what we reinforce, who we engage in conversation, what we value, what we choose to act on, how we decide, and the list goes on” (Crossan, 2020).
Ethical behavior within an organization gives a guide to the overall atmosphere direction for the employees, and it starts at the top. Incan recall ever being a part of an unethical situation at any place of employment. There are plenty of examples that show what not to do when being ethical is a vital part of your organizational culture. How do you want your organization company to be remembered because it’s a direct reflection of its leadership? “Because values play such an important role in our lives, being able to recognize, understand, and articulate one’s values set becomes critical in sound decision- making. Additionally, the ability to identify an employer’s corporate values will assist in determining an employees job performance and allegiance. Consequently, when an individual discovers genuine and meaningful alignment between his or her own personal values with those of his or her employer, a powerful connection is created” (Dean, 2008).
It is essential to remember that the organizational culture that employees look to leadership for moral direction. Employees trust that leadership is doing to the right thing, and when they are not, the decision-making process distorts the working environment going forward. As face changes in how things are working in the business sphere, “leaders must lean on the values of the organization to drive performance, especially during times of change. An organization’s values should be the bedrock of why the company exists, how it makes decisions and its true purpose. They must be authentic and relatively specific, so they actually resonate with the team” (Gleeson, 2017). Not just with teams but throughout the entire organization.

Movie Project

You will choose a movie from the list below. After watching the movie, you will write a review detailing how it relates to this class(History 1301). In the review, you should tell me when the movie takes place (i.e. the historical context), what are the film makers saying about the time, what does this movie say about our historical memory of an event. You will also need to include an outside source about the event or events detailed in the chosen movie. That means you will also need a Works Cited page. Your reviews should be at least 3 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font with one-inch margins.

Movie List
The Pride of the Yankees
Apollo 13
Tora! Tora! Tora!
All the Presidents Men
Walt Before Mickey
The Lost Battalion
The Killing Fields
Hidden Figures
Walk the Line
Flags of Our Fathers
Good Morning Vietnam
Hacksaw Ridge
Memphis Bell
Red Tails
Bridge Over the River Kwai
Saints and Soldiers
The Longest Day
We Were Soldiers
A League of Their Own
J. Edgar
The Great Escape
Saving Private Ryan

Title IX (gender equality in sports)

Focus on the sports law issue and present both points of view. This will be done by identifying points of view on the topic that currently exist in the media, legislation, court cases, journal articles, books and any other research and information that exists on the topic.