Archive for June 24th, 2020

Shakespeare Essay

Choose two characters from Much Ado (Beatrice and Benedict) and write an analysis, comparing and contrasting the two. Consider each character’s actions, motives, speech, and his/her effect on the action of the play. Be sure to include a thesis that describes the specific similarities or differences, including quotations for support. Submit your draft the final essay will have a minimum of 750 words (you may exceed the minimum).

project Background

write a project background research and analysis, the project details is in the attached can leave some information blank, if it is not provided such as budget or due dates, just leave a blank in the sentences then I can fill it out later.

Has frequent texting and social media reduced teen literacy rates?

Please Note: Within this research paper assignment includes 3 different tasks with 3 different deadlines.

Important Dates:

April 26 – Annotated Bibliography Due
May 3 – Rough Draft Due
May 12 – Final Draft Due

[Due by April 26, 2020]

Annotated Bibliography

Find five quality sources for your research essay.
At least two of your five sources should be from the library databases.

For each source:
1) Create a MLA works cited entry.
2) Write a paragraph for each source describing what you learned about your research question(s) from that source.

[Due by May 3, 2020]

Submit what you have completed so far. The goal is to have a rough draft completed by this date.

[Due by May 12, 2020 – Research Essay Final Draft]

MLA format
MLA Citation (Works Cited Page and In-Text Citations)
1,600 words or more
Five or more sources

Staffing, Training, and Compensation

use the file to determine your answer. you may use other resources. answer the following:

Do you attempt to regain full management of the business? What would be needed to regain full control and management of the firm/company? How would you handle staffing new employees as well training new and old employees (what would be your process)? How would you go about determining work eligibility of allegedly underage employees?

Explain the reason for your decision using the information you know, have researched, and have readily available to you via your learning resources. 

ICT ( Internet Communication Technologies)

Here I have attached a file of requirements of my comm majored research paper. The requirements are all in here. There are two pages of it and plz read it through. The topic can be your choice as long as it is something within ICT. Furthermore, Other the due date of this paper, I also need to submit an outline of this paper tonight before 10 pm. The requirements for the outline is also attached here. Would you plz hep me write an outline tonight first?

Composition Assignment

Reach a public audience through one of the following public genres:
    Presentation (page 202)
    News Article (page 215)
    Editorial or Op-Ed (page 225)
    Advertisement (page 232)
    Wikipedia Entry (page 239)
    Photo Essay (page 245)
    Graphic Memoir (page 251)
    Fairy Tale (page 266)
You can choose the genre, and you will need to student the rhetorical situation and genre expectations for your chosen genre in Chapter 9, where you will find helpful analysis of the genre and a roadmap for creating a composition of your own in that genre.
What are the requirements?
Since there are eight different genres to choose from, there are eight different sets of requirements. In addition to the rhetorical situation and genre expectations and conventions for your genre of choice that are explained in Chapter 9, you must meet the following requirements:
    Presentation: Compose a 5- to 7-minute TEDTalk-style presentation with three or more visuals to a public audience. Submit the script and visuals as your final draft. EXTRA CREDIT: Record and submit a video of your speech with your visuals behind or beside you in the screenyou must be on the screen the whole time. Watch and study a few TEDTalks to see how this genre works.
    News Article: Compose a 700- to 800-word news article on a local topic. Write for your community or your campus. News articles are purely objective informative stories of facts and events. Read your local newspapers or community newsletters for ideas.
    Editorial or Op-Ed: Compose a 750- to 1000-word argument about a current debate going in your community. The purpose here is to persuade, not to inform or to complain. Read editorials and op-eds for ideas. Pick a topic that is personal to you.
    Advertisement: Compose a series of three print advertisements for a product of your choicethese three ads must share the same slogan and general theme (like the classic Got Milk? ads.) Each ad must effectively target its audience and persuade them to purchase the product. A TWIST: Instead of selling something, you can create a series of Public Service Announcements, which seek to inform the public about a problem or persuade the public to stop or change a behavior or adopt a new one. In short, a public service ad does not sell anything: it aims to serve the public.
    Wikipedia Entry: Compose a 1200- to 1500-word Wikipedia entry for a topic that doesnt currently have an entry on Wikipedia or for a current entry that is sorely lacking in content. You should pick a topic that you know well, and you should link the facts to reputable web sources your readers can search for themselves. Study other Wikipedia entries to see how they are organized and developed.
    Photo Essay: Compose a photo essay with no less than 15 photos, each with helpful captions, that work to tell a story that evokes sympathy from and/or persuades the target audience.
    Graphic Memoir: Compose a graphic memoir with no less than 12 detailed frames (with text and hand-drawn or computer-generated images). A graphic memoir will tell ONE story from your life, not your entire life story. Think of this as a short but significant chapter in your life, not your whole life. The story should have a plota storyline with meaningful conflict that reaches some resolution in the end.
    Fairy Tale: Compose a 1000- to 1200-word fairy tale in which a generic character defined by one trait (old man, poor woman, silly boy, vain girl, etc) experiences something that teaches a lesson. Consider all the genre elements discussed in Chapter 9.

Mismangement and Poor Leadership in Nigeria

This is a formal research paper and requires in text citations and APA bibliography.

the research question is the Mismanagement in Nigeria and the Poor Leadership in Nigeria

So while writing the paper it should be broken into Headings and SubHeadings with relevant scholarly articles and examples

I have provided links of relevant articles and papers for your help to research from and you are open to using more on your own as well

If you find any work by Kwamina Panford, do use it in your research as his articles in google seem to be of most help when it comes to nigeria and its mismanagement as well as poor leadership.

Composition Assignment

This assignment is your opportunity to reach a public audience through one of the following public genres:
    Presentation (page 202)
    News Article (page 215)
    Editorial or Op-Ed (page 225)
    Advertisement (page 232)
    Wikipedia Entry (page 239)
    Photo Essay (page 245)
    Graphic Memoir (page 251)
    Fairy Tale (page 266)
You can choose the genre, and you will need to student the rhetorical situation and genre expectations for your chosen genre in Chapter 9, where you will find helpful analysis of the genre and a roadmap for creating a composition of your own in that genre.
What is my topic?
That is up to you. Your topic should be relevant to a public audience, considering we are working in public genres. The genre should be appropriate to the topic (as well as to the audience and purpose) you choose. If you dont have anything to write about, post a question in the Class Caf, and we can help.
What are the requirements?
Since there are eight different genres to choose from, there are eight different sets of requirements. In addition to the rhetorical situation and genre expectations and conventions for your genre of choice that are explained in Chapter 9, you must meet the following requirements:
    Presentation: Compose a 5- to 7-minute TEDTalk-style presentation with three or more visuals to a public audience. Submit the script and visuals as your final draft. EXTRA CREDIT: Record and submit a video of your speech with your visuals behind or beside you in the screenyou must be on the screen the whole time. Watch and study a few TEDTalks to see how this genre works.
    News Article: Compose a 700- to 800-word news article on a local topic. Write for your community or your campus. News articles are purely objective informative stories of facts and events. Read your local newspapers or community newsletters for ideas.
    Editorial or Op-Ed: Compose a 750- to 1000-word argument about a current debate going in your community. The purpose here is to persuade, not to inform or to complain. Read editorials and op-eds for ideas. Pick a topic that is personal to you.
    Advertisement: Compose a series of three print advertisements for a product of your choicethese three ads must share the same slogan and general theme (like the classic Got Milk? ads.) Each ad must effectively target its audience and persuade them to purchase the product. A TWIST: Instead of selling something, you can create a series of Public Service Announcements, which seek to inform the public about a problem or persuade the public to stop or change a behavior or adopt a new one. In short, a public service ad does not sell anything: it aims to serve the public.
    Wikipedia Entry: Compose a 1200- to 1500-word Wikipedia entry for a topic that doesnt currently have an entry on Wikipedia or for a current entry that is sorely lacking in content. You should pick a topic that you know well, and you should link the facts to reputable web sources your readers can search for themselves. Study other Wikipedia entries to see how they are organized and developed.
    Photo Essay: Compose a photo essay with no less than 15 photos, each with helpful captions, that work to tell a story that evokes sympathy from and/or persuades the target audience.
    Graphic Memoir: Compose a graphic memoir with no less than 12 detailed frames (with text and hand-drawn or computer-generated images). A graphic memoir will tell ONE story from your life, not your entire life story. Think of this as a short but significant chapter in your life, not your whole life. The story should have a plota storyline with meaningful conflict that reaches some resolution in the end.
    Fairy Tale: Compose a 1000- to 1200-word fairy tale in which a generic character defined by one trait (old man, poor woman, silly boy, vain girl, etc) experiences something that teaches a lesson. Consider all the genre elements discussed in Chapter 9.

Revision of BIO 320 Lab Report

Please reference the excellent Microbio lab report example for this revision. A major part that needs to be is the materials and method section, and results section. Please fix the data tables using Excel and please go more in depth, but too in depth with the materials and method section. Format this paper in columns. Please remember to watch for plagiarism and follow CSE guidelines. I will update you along the way any other feedback i receive for making corrections to the lab report. Thank you. If you need anymore information please don’t hesitate to ask, I want us to work together and get everything looking its best.

Fuzzy Logic Presentation

Create a Powerpoint presentation with the work provided and/or outside work. Also, I need a separate word document on what to say on each slide. I have a video of other presentations. The presentation has to be 5 minutes. I have research paper and other stuff included. Let me know if more info is needed.