Archive for June 24th, 2020

signature assignment

Address each question listed in the Signature Assignment document as it relates to the case study given.

Read through the case study in the Signature Assignment document below.
Answer each question (16) using complete sentences and a minimum of five (5) academic references.
Use APA format in-text citations in your answers.
Include a reference page in APA format.

1st MAJOR COMPOSITION: Public Genre Project

This assignment is your opportunity to reach a public audience through one of the following public genres:
    Presentation (page 202)
    News Article (page 215)
    Editorial or Op-Ed (page 225)
    Advertisement (page 232)
    Wikipedia Entry (page 239)
    Photo Essay (page 245)
    Graphic Memoir (page 251)
    Fairy Tale (page 266)
You can choose the genre, and you will need to student the rhetorical situation and genre expectations for your chosen genre in Chapter 9, where you will find helpful analysis of the genre and a roadmap for creating a composition of your own in that genre.
What is my topic?
That is up to you. Your topic should be relevant to a public audience, considering we are working in public genres. The genre should be appropriate to the topic (as well as to the audience and purpose) you choose. If you dont have anything to write about, post a question in the Class Caf, and we can help.
What are the requirements?
Since there are eight different genres to choose from, there are eight different sets of requirements. In addition to the rhetorical situation and genre expectations and conventions for your genre of choice that are explained in Chapter 9, you must meet the following requirements:
    Presentation: Compose a 5- to 7-minute TEDTalk-style presentation with three or more visuals to a public audience. Submit the script and visuals as your final draft. EXTRA CREDIT: Record and submit a video of your speech with your visuals behind or beside you in the screenyou must be on the screen the whole time. Watch and study a few TEDTalks to see how this genre works.
    News Article: Compose a 700- to 800-word news article on a local topic. Write for your community or your campus. News articles are purely objective informative stories of facts and events. Read your local newspapers or community newsletters for ideas.
    Editorial or Op-Ed: Compose a 750- to 1000-word argument about a current debate going in your community. The purpose here is to persuade, not to inform or to complain. Read editorials and op-eds for ideas. Pick a topic that is personal to you.
    Advertisement: Compose a series of three print advertisements for a product of your choicethese three ads must share the same slogan and general theme (like the classic Got Milk? ads.) Each ad must effectively target its audience and persuade them to purchase the product. A TWIST: Instead of selling something, you can create a series of Public Service Announcements, which seek to inform the public about a problem or persuade the public to stop or change a behavior or adopt a new one. In short, a public service ad does not sell anything: it aims to serve the public.
    Wikipedia Entry: Compose a 1200- to 1500-word Wikipedia entry for a topic that doesnt currently have an entry on Wikipedia or for a current entry that is sorely lacking in content. You should pick a topic that you know well, and you should link the facts to reputable web sources your readers can search for themselves. Study other Wikipedia entries to see how they are organized and developed.
    Photo Essay: Compose a photo essay with no less than 15 photos, each with helpful captions, that work to tell a story that evokes sympathy from and/or persuades the target audience.
    Graphic Memoir: Compose a graphic memoir with no less than 12 detailed frames (with text and hand-drawn or computer-generated images). A graphic memoir will tell ONE story from your life, not your entire life story. Think of this as a short but significant chapter in your life, not your whole life. The story should have a plota storyline with meaningful conflict that reaches some resolution in the end.
    Fairy Tale: Compose a 1000- to 1200-word fairy tale in which a generic character defined by one trait (old man, poor woman, silly boy, vain girl, etc) experiences something that teaches a lesson. Consider all the genre elements discussed in Chapter 9.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1.    Repeat what was contained in your Problem Statement & Organization Description. 
2.    Synthesize your complete set of articles in order to discover possible explanations of your problem or topic of interest. 
3.    Write a discussion of what you think about all of these explanations. 
4.    Provide a conclusion and recommendations, from a consultative perspective of how to solve the identified problem or issue discussed in part one. What changes you would recommend to your organization.  The recommendation should not include a lot of I think statements, but should be based on your research.

I will provide the problem statement and annotated bibliography

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Team building/collaboration
Community involvement/partnership
Execution/task management
Forward thinking
Corporate culture
Provide a minimum 250-word summary of each article that includes the title, author, date of publication, main points, and your detailed opinions about what youve read. Think about how it speaks to the characteristics, commitments, or competencies listed above, and how it fits with your personal vision statement. Do you think the author might have added any other information, or expanded further on what was written?


For this assignment i have a screenshot attached with the assignment guidelines there is a video i will attach and send you in the chat the youtube video and you will write a critique with these guidelines
-Pretend that you are in the classroom observing this short portion of the lesson. What are your observations of what you observed? Favorable? Unfavorable?  Why? what might you suggest  if you were doing this lesson

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Watch the Screen Recording- Setting Up (Links to an external site.) Tutorials (6 total A-F)
Write up one page with an Outline of all the important points of the tutorial (Word or Google Docs)
What are the 3 main “Do’s” and 3 main “Don’ts”

Who killed Martin Luther King?

Write about either the FBI committed the murder or James Earl Rae committed the murder, make sure to only pick one. I also need a bullet pointed list of the undisputed facts, if any (you will need to cite this information). Create an APA bibliography as you work – every time you find information fill in the citations list. Google is a search engine so do not include it. One perspective of the issue taken from one or more sources. Use evidence to support your ideas, these can include written evidence, such as quotes, or images. Remember to cite your sources. (1-3 paragraphs long). Write 2 or 3 sentences saying why you think this information and the source(s) it came from is reliable. A second perspective of the issue taken from one or more sources. Use evidence to support your ideas, these can include written evidence, such as quotes, or images. Remember to cite your sources. (1-3 paragraphs long). Write 2 or 3 sentences saying why you think this information and the source(s) it came from is reliable. Your conclusion from the evidence you have found, what is your opinion on this issue and why?
You can use the sources that I have used that I have linked, Thanks!


Introduction: Introduce the topic and explain the purpose of the paper.
Thesis: refer to September 11 and the Taliban is funded by drugs. similar to Narco-terrorism.
Issue Identification:  Identify the Problem
Background: Provide a short factual overview
Analysis: A reasoned discussion of the problem
Conclusion:  The students conclusion after evaluating the problem

Creating Group Policies

Creating Group Policy written policies for EOS project and configuration procedure. Creating and giving permissions to specific users. Company have the same computer background. Password expiration. Naming conventions for users. What OU’s and permission do you give each user. Base it of the previous paper you wrote please.

informatics in nursing

Social Media and the Modern Impact of Informatics:
Most people remember the story below that made national headlines. As most Americans have smart phones, tablets, and computers the utilization of social media is common place.
Finley, T. (2017, Sept. 20). Navy hospital removes staffers for calling babies mini Satans on social media. Parenting.
If you were writing a hospital policy on smart phone and social media usage, what should be included in the policy?
What potential ethical and legal liabilities are there for the hospital and employees in the case presented above?

Discuss the relationship between accreditation decisions, reimbursement, quality of care, informatics.