Archive for June 24th, 2020


Each student will select a health policy issue for further research. Develop a list of questions you think are important to assess your issue with respect to the role of government agencies, regulation, legal, ethical, and economic perspectives of the policy issue. Conduct a literature review and identify articles/studies that address your questions. Briefly summarize how the articles/studies address your questions, did they do so to your satisfaction, and justify your statements.

I went ahead and created an outline on the topic with the information that should be covered.

Please explain in detail why you are requesting the funding for Summer courses and how receiving funding for your courses will assist you in your education/career pathway

#Please explain in detail why you are requesting the funding(scholarship) for BAS Computing Technology and Software Development  Summer courses and how receiving funding(scholarship) for your courses will assist you in your education/career pathway.

-explain that some of the reasons has to do with the virus COVID-19 pandemic.
-I’m lay off from work due to the virus.
-I need help financially
-I have high GPA + very good student
-I’m pursing my dream of working as an IT tech and I won’t have to skip another semester.

*please sound convincing.

AB InBev analysis

1.Provide a value chain analysis (primary and support activities) for the company (AB InBev) and then explain the type of generic strategy this supports(i.e., differentiation, cost leadership, focus, blue-ocean strategy).(1)Create a value chain model and attach it the end of the paper. (2)In  your  paper,  discuss  the  most  notable  inputs  to  the  value  chain  and  how  this  relates  the  generic strategy that they employ.

2.Explain the current corporate strategy for the company (AB InBev) including their use of vertical integration, diversification, strategic alliances, mergers, and acquisitions.

Liri bot

In this assignment, you will make LIRI. LIRI is like iPhone’s SIRI. However, while SIRI is a Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface, LIRI is a _Language_ Interpretation and Recognition Interface. LIRI will be a command line node app that takes in parameters and gives you back data.
must use source code editor vs code


so just to give you a clue about my self care i put down that i would like to eat healthier, started doing yoga and just doing things that are out of my comfort zone. your able to add anything else but just giving you a hint of things i do.

please answer accordingly with the material that was provided.

Beer in German cuisine and culture

Research, discuss and post the importance of beer  in German cuisine and culture.Initial post should be at least 250 words or more .It is critical to base the discussion on facts not opinions.Please list at least two sources on where you information is obtained from, including two recipes that do not count towards your total word count.

Coronavirus and its impact on compensation

I thought it would be interesting to start a topic about the impact of the coronavirus on compensation and other employee issues. On Wednesday a new law was passed that grants paid leave for workers who need to take time off because of the virus. The law “gives qualified workers two weeks of paid sick leave if they are ill, quarantined or seeking diagnosis or preventive care for coronavirus, or if they are caring for sick family members. It gives 12 weeks of paid leave to people caring for children whose schools are closed or whose child care provider is unavailable because of coronavirus.” The law includes part-time workers and workers in the gig economy, but excludes employees who work for companies that have more than 500 employees, which represents 48% of the American workforce. You can find more information on the law here:

The questions that I wanted to throw for discussion are:

1) Do you think that providing paid leave to workers is the best solution to avoid unemployment and adverse impact on the economy? Is there anything else that the government could do?

2) What should companies whose employees do not qualify for the paid leave do? Are there alternatives other than mass termination?

please see instructions

Please answer the following questions after reading the attached files:
1. How did this style of theatre (interview-based) impact you vs. a “traditional” script? 
2. What might this style of theatre allow for?
3. Was there a particular storyline or character you were drawn to in this script?
4. How did the play make you feel?

X in row (java)

The functionalities below are required:
    Provide an entry screen as a JPanel containing GUI objects for players to:
    Enter Player 1s name
    Enter Player 2s name
    Have options for either player 1 to start or randomly select who moves first
    The dimensions of the board: rectangular, at least 3 but no more than 12 rows & columns
    The number of placements in a row required for victory, at least 3 but no more than 6
    A button to confirm the selected options and begin play
    After confirming the options, gameplay will begin. Display the game board in a different JPanel object, which is updated after each move. This JPanel will have a grid layout of the specified number of rows and columns. Each square should use a subclass of JPanel with custom graphics to display, appropriately, one of the following:
    Which squares are unclaimed, shown as blank
    Player 1 moves shown as X
    Player 2 moves shown as O
    All squares should have a solid border to facilitate accurate selection
    Players make moves by using a mouse and clicking on unclaimed squares (assume hotseat, where both players take turns using the mouse) the interface classes MouseListener and MouseMotionListener are recommended
    After each move, the game should check for victory or a tie (if no further moves are possible)
    If a player selects an invalid move (a square previously selected by either player), the application should throw an Exception. This Exception will be caught and catching it will display a dialog box reminding the player to only select unclaimed squares. Closing the dialog box will resume normal gameplay.
    Extra Credit (10pts): Check for a tie, when neither player could possibly get enough placements in a row to win
    Games should conclude with a dialog box including:
    Announcement of result and congratulations to winner (if any)
    Options to exit the application or return to the entry screen and begin a new game
    Attempting to close the window should:
    Before or after a game: Close the window and exit the game.
    During a game: Provide a dialog box asking if the player really wants to quit and options for closing the window (and aborting the game) or not.

Sports Biography

Write a 5-page paper about sports involvement and how it has shaped you.

Follow the “Sportography Assignment” and Rubric guidelines.

Attached is a copy of my free-writing experienc of the sports that I played/pariticpated in when I was younger. You can work off that.