Archive for June 24th, 2020

Color Theory, Management, or Perception


Each student will submit a 5 page research paper on the topic of color perception, or color theory, or color management.  The paper is to be of MLA writing style and contain at least six citations.

This is for a Color Management and Graphic Design course, I’ve attached powerpoints of the important lectures below just so you would know exactly what the paper is about since the professors instructions are very general. So the powerpoint are there as a guide to the course.


BUS 475


Respond to at least one of your classmates. How do you think the chosen company your classmate selected acted responsibly or how could it improve its CSR?

How I define CSR the practice with a business to establish a commitment to build a better society outside of the business.
One company that has a strong corporate social responsibility is Dawn the dish detergent. They use the campaign Dawns Help Save Wildlife. The animals include otters, ducks, and birds, Dawn uses its sensitive yet powerful detergent to help clean the animals that have been affected by oil spills so that they can survive. This allows for our animals to remain safe and preserving their life. This makes my family support the company more because we know that Dawn truly cares about the environment by using their product to help preserve our animals.

HIS 105


Part 2: Respond to a Peer
Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.
The development of monopolies instead of a competitive business market introduced new problems by the American Industrial Revolution by engaging in practices to ensure greater control of the market. Whatever it took is what they did.

One that stood out the most was John D. Rockefeller, an American business mogul ad philanthropist. He is considered one of the wealthiest Americans of all times, and the richest person in modern history. Rockefeller was smart because he knew how to create essential control of the products wholesale distribution and retail marketing. Because of his wealth he established outlets that were able to drive other competitors out of business making it able for him to set prices and demand of products in his market. This caused the great test for the government to put limits on business of how much control they would have.
Today I think Google is undoubtedly one of the largest monopolies in the world. The company controls several markets in the search and advertising. Google can be considered a monopoly because its profitability with more than 60% of its market share. Although Bing is its closest search competitor, they cannot compete because they dont have the user data Google has.

Ancient Near East

The Prospectus will consist of your proposed research question, your provisional argument, at least one ancient source that you will handle, at least 4 pieces of modern scholarship, a provisional introductory paragraph, and a provisional outline in which you discuss the essay paragraph by paragraph and section by section. You may choose almost any topic that has anything to do with the Ancient Near East down to 323 BC. I reserve the right to veto some topics. Normally this will consist of about 3 or more standard pages, double-spaced.

Child marriage in South Asia

Students must complete one long research paper of approximately 6-8 pages length and utilizing 3-5 academicsources on some issue involving topics related to the course. In the term paper, students will be graded on clarity, style, and the use of appropriate evidence to defend a clearly-articulated argument. Purely narrative papers- whichtell a story rather than analyzing an issue- will receive poor grades.

I want a research paper discussing gender issues in South Asia such as prostitutes , patriarchy , women role in politics , etc .. But main theme should be about child marriage and the evolution / impact of cultural and social atmosphere on it . Please use relevant sources and base it on solid arguments . It should mostly be historic not present issues . Also mention Sati , Jauhar and other traditions practiced at the time . 

C++ / Java Wildlife Zoo Interface Assignment

You will write a multiclass C++ interfacing prototype system for Wildlife Zoo that incorporates Java for certain functionalities. Note: The Java file does not need to be modified. It is being attached for reference. Please see the bolded “TODO” in the C++ code below screenshots.
1. A user menu which displays the following options:
2. Load Animal Data
3. Generate Data
4. Display Animal Data
5. Add Record
6. Delete Record
7. Save Animal Data
8. Generate Data: Your supervisor has created this code for you in Java. In the C++ class you have been given, the createZooFile() function has been created for you. You should not modify the Java code.
9. a. For this function, you should make sure the user menu calls the createZooFile() function when the user selects Generate Data from the menu.
10. b. You will need to call this function and generate a file. When you are prompted for input, remember the following character limits:
11. i. Track #: 6 characters
12. ii. Name: 15 characters
13. iii. Type: 15 characters
14. iv. Sub-type: 15 characters
15. v. Eggs: Integer
16. vi. Nurse: Integer
17. Load Animal Data:
18. a. In your zipped folders, you have been given a Java class that generates a fixed length file. It will prompt the user to enter data for the following fields:
19. Track #: Received from the RFID chip technology
20. Name: Name given to the animal
21. Type: Oviparous (egg laying) or Mammal (primarily non-egg laying)
22. Sub-type: Crocodile, Bat, Whale, and so on
23. Eggs: Number of eggs laid
24. Nurse: Should read 0 if the animal is not nursing, 1 if it is
25. b. Data in the file will look like this. Column widths in the actual file will be fixed and are respectively 6 characters, 15 characters, 15 characters, 15 characters, and two integer columns.
c. You must give users the ability to load this data into memory via a vector within your system. Use the following UML class diagram to build your class hierarchy and inheritance. Notice the variables listed in the Animal, Oviparous, and Mammal classes. A text version is available on the last page of this document.
d. The message Load complete. will display after the data loads successfully.
4. Display Animal Data: Display data on the users computer screen in tabular format (presented in the form of a table with rows and columns).
5. Add Record: Provide the capability to add new animal records.
6. a. When this menu option is selected, the application should prompt the user to enter values for the variables Track#, Name, Type, Sub-type, Eggs, and Nurse.
7. i. Make sure to validate input.
8. b. The user should have the ability to save or cancel the addition.
9. Delete Record: Provide the capability to delete animal records.
10. a. Delete an animal record by Track# when the user selects the Delete Record option from the menu.
11. i. Make sure to validate input.
12. b. The user should be prompted to confirm the deletion before the record is removed from the system.
13. c. The message Animal successfully deleted should display once the operation finishes.
14. Save Data: Permit the user to save modified animal data back to the input file, erasing the data that was previously there. The message Save successfully completed should display once finished.
C++ File:
#include <iostream>
#include <jni.h>
using namespace std;
JavaVM jvm; // Pointer to the JVM (Java Virtual Machine)JNIEnv env; // Pointer to native interface
//================== prepare loading of Java VM ============================
JavaVMInitArgs vm_args; // Initialization arguments
JavaVMOption options = new JavaVMOption[1]; // JVM invocation optionsoptions[0].optionString = (char) “-Djava.class.path=”; // where to find java .class
vm_args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_6; // minimum Java version
vm_args.nOptions = 1; // number of options
vm_args.options = options;
vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = false; // invalid options make the JVM init fail
//=============== load and initialize Java VM and JNI interface =============
jint rc = JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvm, (void**)&env, &vm_args); // YES !!
delete options; // we then no longer need the initialisation options.
if (rc != JNI_OK) {
// TO DO: error processing…
//=============== Display JVM version =======================================
cout << “JVM load succeeded: Version “;
jint ver = env->GetVersion();
cout << ((ver >> 16) & 0x0f) << “.” << (ver & 0x0f) << endl;
jclass cls2 = env->FindClass(“ZooFileWriter”);  // try to find the class
if (cls2 == nullptr) {
        cerr << “ERROR: class not found !”;
else {                                  // if class found, continue
        cout << “Class MyTest found” << endl;
        jmethodID mid = env->GetStaticMethodID(cls2, “createZooFile”, “()V”);  // find method
        if (mid == nullptr)
              cerr << “ERROR: method void createZooFile() not found !” << endl;
        else {
              env->CallStaticVoidMethod(cls2, mid);                      // call method
              cout << endl;

void AddAnimal()

        **TODO: Write proper code to add an animal to your vector (or array)**

void RemoveAnimal()

        **TODO: Write proper code to remove an animal from your vector (or array. Remmber to re-allocate proper size if using array)**

void LoadDataFromFile()

        **TODO: Write proper code to load data from input file (generated using JNI) into vector/array.**

void SaveDataToFile()

        **TODO: Write proper code to store vector/array to file.**

void DisplayMenu()

        **TODO: write proper code to display menu to user to select from**

int main()

    return 1;
Java function that needs to be called: only for reference.
public static void createZooFile() {


                                        String entermore = “Y”;


                      FileWriter fw=new FileWriter(“zoodata.txt”); 

                      BufferedReader reader =

                              new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

                      String animalName,trackNumber,animalType,animalSubType,eggs,Nurse;




                                    System.out.println(“Track Number: “);

                                    trackNumber = reader.readLine();

                                    trackNumber = padLeft(trackNumber, 6,”0″);



                                    System.out.println(“Enter Animal Name: “);

                                    animalName = reader.readLine();

                                    animalName = padRight(animalName, 15,” “);

                                    System.out.println(“Enter Animal Type: “);

                                    animalType = reader.readLine();

                                    animalType = padRight(animalType, 15,” “);

                                    System.out.println(“Enter Animal Sub-type: “);

                                    animalSubType = reader.readLine();

                                    animalSubType = padRight(animalSubType, 15,” “);

                                    System.out.println(“Enter Number of Eggs: “);

                                    eggs = reader.readLine();           

                                    System.out.println(“Enter 1 if Nursing, 0 if not: “);

                                    Nurse = reader.readLine();                       


                                    fw.write(trackNumber+” “+animalName+” “+animalType+” “+animalSubType+” “+eggs+” “+Nurse); 


                                    System.out.println(“Enter more data? (Y for yes)”);

                                  entermore = reader.readLine();


                      while (entermore == “Y”);


                    }catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);} 

                    System.out.println(“The file has been successfully created…”); 


The specifications for the project are detailed above. The Java code file needs to be called in the .cpp file but needs to remain unaltered. The TODO sections are what I’d like to focus on.  I’m using Eclipse neon.3 IDE for the build.  I also need to create a simple user interface.  The specs are as follows:

Wildlife Zoo Interface Guide
You will write a multi-class C++ interfacing prototype system for the Wildlife Zoo that incorporates Java for certain functionalities. The functional requirements for all components of the interface are as follows.
1. A user menu which displays the following options:
Load Animal Data
Generate Data
Display Animal Data
Add Record
Delete Record
Save Animal Data
2. Generate Data: Your supervisor has created this code for you in Java. In the C++ class you have been given, the createZooFile() function has been created for you. You should not modify the Java code.
a. For this function, you should make sure the user menu calls the createZooFile() function when the user selects Generate Data from the menu.
b. You will need to call this function and generate a file. When you are prompted for input, remember the following character limits:
i. Track #: 6 characters ii. Name: 15 characters
iii. Type: 15 characters
iv. Sub-type: 15 characters
v. Eggs: Integer vi. Nurse: Integer
3. Load Animal Data:
a. In your zipped folders, you have been given a Java class that generates a fixed length
file. It will prompt the user to enter data for the following fields:
Track #: Received from the RFID chip technology
Name: Name given to the animal
Type: Oviparous (egg laying) or Mammal (primarily non-egg laying)
Sub-type: Crocodile, Bat, Whale, and so on
Eggs: Number of eggs laid
Nurse: Should read 0 if the animal is not nursing, 1 if it is
b. Data in the file will look like this. Column widths in the actual file will be fixed and are
respectively 6 characters, 15 characters, 15 characters, 15 characters, and two integer columns.
    Track #
Tick-Tock Fidget Willy Bailey Goose Lee Honker Becky Nigel Fluke Rudder Bartok
Oviparous Mammal Mammal Mammal Oviparous Oviparous Oviparous Oviparous Mammal Mammal Mammal
Sub-type Eggs    Nurse
Crocodile 2        0 Bat 0 1 Whale 0        0 Whale 0 1 Goose 0        0 Goose 1 0 Pelican 1        0 Pelican 0 0 SeaLion 0        0
                                        SeaLion Bat
0 1 0        1
        c. You must give users the ability to load this data into memory via a vector within your system. Use the following UML class diagram to build your class hierarchy and inheritance. Notice the variables listed in the Animal, Oviparous, and Mammal classes. A text version is available on the last page of this document.
d. The message Load complete. will display after the data loads successfully.
4. Display Animal Data: Display data on the users computer screen in tabular format (presented in the form of a table with rows and columns).

5. Add Record: Provide the capability to add new animal records.
a. When this menu option is selected, the application should prompt the user to enter
values for the variables Track#, Name, Type, Sub-type, Eggs, and Nurse. i. Make sure to validate input.
b. The user should have the ability to save or cancel the addition.
6. Delete Record: Provide the capability to delete animal records.
a. Delete an animal record by Track# when the user selects the Delete Record option
from the menu.
i. Make sure to validate input.
b. The user should be prompted to confirm the deletion before the record is removed from the system.
c. The message Animal successfully deleted should display once the operation finishes.
7. Save Data: Permit the user to save modified animal data back to the input file, erasing the data that was previously there. The message Save successfully completed should display once finished.

Forum 2

Consider the following situation: A teacher in a new elementary school struggles with whether or not a family’s disciplinary choices constitute abuse. In addition to bruises the child tries to hide, the 6 year old student often reports being alone for several hours in the afternoons. Furthermore, the teacher fears that involving CPS may actually cause more stress in the child’s life.

After considering the above scenario, write an essay of at least 300 words in response to these questions:

What state laws and guidelines should the teacher be considering in this case? Use your home state as a reference.

Does the teacher have an obligation to report concerns? Why or why not?
If the teacher chooses not to file a report, what are the potential short and long term consequences in the life of the child?

An excellent initial thread will address all prompts using support from course material, state resources, and scripture. I will provide a annotated bibliography that I have written that has the sources for the state of Louisiana. Please use this for your references.

Business Law and Ethics

Please kindly go through the PPTs and Word Doc. with the instruction of the assignment.

APA format needed and in-text citations and a reference page.

2 journal articles for each question listed in the instruction as resources (published in recent 5-7 years).

Any topic (writer’s choice)

5 minute presentation, recorded and uploaded to iLearn
5 slides, not including the title slide.  The slides should be your own.
Take time to find an appropriate attention grabber.
Use large note cards (number them!)
Use key words and parallel wording.
Three total sources, cite verbally.
Give your conclusion enough time.
Bibliography using APA style citations.
Dress accordingly.
Practice moving with purpose.

US History

In no less than 550 words, use three chapters of the textbook, an article from the National Park Service websites, and a news article from a media source to construct a larger paper addressing your understanding of major lessons our society can learn from the historical period you studied this semester.  Elaborate on any of the additional questions you find applicable and thought-provoking, such as:

– What background did you have on the subject matter before you took this course?

– What beliefs did you hold about the period that were proven correct, or that you may have misinterpreted?

– Did your life experience impact any of these beliefs?

-What do think this means regarding how modern folks understand the history of their region and the world?

Format is important in this essay. Professional historians write a certain way, and it is required for this assignment that you present it in such a way. You will be required to write this essay using the Chicago Manual of Style method of document formatting and citation. The Chicago Manual of Style requires you to clearly show the sources you have used to construct your essays. Your essay must have a title page, bibliography, and footnotes that are correctly formatted to the Chicago Manual of Style for you to receive credit.

Need help?

– Please refer to the Purdue Online Writing Lab website if you find yourself stuck at any particular point in the formatting process: (Links to an external site.)) (Links to an external site.)

Below are files that will help you format your essay:

Standard Essay Format.pdfPreview the document

Student Example Essay.docxPreview the document

– Videos on YouTube may be helpful as well. Just search for how to cite using that computer program.

It is highly recommended that you write, edit, and save your essays using a word processing program (i.e. Microsoft Word) before you officially submit your response here.  You can then upload the file without having to worry about losing your essay due to a lost internet connection or any other computer issue.  It is the student’s responsibility to upload their essay before the due date in either .doc, .docx, or .pdf format; late essays will not be accepted.


Discussion 6-7 Readings

Read Native American Literature Perspective from the Readings folder (the entire 10 page document), “American Horse,” “A Man to Send Rain Clouds,”  and “The Future of Native American Literature,” from the Readings folder.

Discussion 6

After reading the following from the Native American Literature Perspective document:

Writing to Bridge the Mixed-Blood Divide: An American Indian Perspective

Simple Memories as Poems

The Toughest Indian in the World

Teaching the Art of Being Human: Ancient Indigenous Storytelling Thrives

Blackfeet Troubadour Sings Traditions

Respond with your reflections to these readings as a whole in five paragraphs total. Your reflection can include your thoughts while reading, a quote or two that stuck out to you, an interesting concept or idea, any questions you have, or your relation or non-relation to anything that was said. This exercise is to get you thinking about what you are reading and to go beyond a superficial relationship to the words on the page. This will be a helpful habit when you write your essays and need to analyze. Please also use examples and quotes from the text.

Discussion 7

After reading the short stories, American Horse by Louise Erdrich and The Man to Send Rain Clouds by Leslie Marmon Silko, respond to the theme in both of the modern-day friction between Native Americans and Western culture. What is the main conflict in both? What tools do the authors use to showcase this conflict?
In “The Future of Native American Literature,” Native American author John Smelcer describes how his father was taken from his family and shipped to a boarding school, where he was taught to discard all things Indian. Today, he is socially more distant from his heritage than his brothers and sisters who were not relocated by the government (136). It is obvious by now that these two fictional Native American stories by Erdrich and Silko are based off non-fictional concerns. How else are these stories involved with the third wave of multiculturalism outlined in this essay? 
Respond to BOTH questions 1 and 2 in 3 full paragraphs total, using examples and quotes from the text. In order to analyze and to avoid summary, locate literary devices and themes in the work. There are plenty present in these stories.

American horse:

A man to send rain clouds:

The furture of the native American Indian perspective: