Archive for June 24th, 2020

Liri bot

# LIRI Bot

### Overview

In this assignment, you will make LIRI. LIRI is like iPhone’s SIRI. However, while SIRI is a Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface, LIRI is a _Language_ Interpretation and Recognition Interface. LIRI will be a command line node app that takes in parameters and gives you back data.

### Before You Begin

1. LIRI will search Spotify for songs, Bands in Town for concerts, and OMDB for movies.

2. Make a new GitHub repository called liri-node-app and clone it to your computer.

3. To retrieve the data that will power this app, you’ll need to send requests using the `axios` package to the Bands in Town, Spotify and OMDB APIs. You’ll find these Node packages crucial for your assignment.

  * [Node-Spotify-API](

  * [Axios](

    * You’ll use Axios to grab data from the [OMDB API]( and the [Bands In Town API](

  * [Moment](

  * [DotEnv](
## Submission Guide

Create and use a standard GitHub repository. As this is a CLI App, it cannot be deployed to GitHub pages or Heroku. This time you’ll need to include screenshots, a GIF, and/or a video showing us that you have the app working with no bugs. You can include these screenshots/GIFs or a link to a video in a `` file.

In order to meet the Employer Competitive standards and be ready to show your application to employers, the `` file should meet the following criteria:

1. Clearly state the problem the app is trying to solve (i.e. what is it doing and why)
2. Give a high-level overview of how the app is organized
3. Give start-to-finish instructions on how to run the app
4. Include screenshots, gifs or videos of the app functioning
5. Contain a link to a deployed version of the app
6. Clearly list the technologies used in the app
7. State your role in the app development

Because screenshots (and well-written READMEs) are extremely important in the context of GitHub, this will be part of the grading in this assignment.

If you haven’t written a markdown file yet, [click here for a rundown](, or just take a look at the raw file of these instructions.

### Commits

Having an active and healthy commit history on GitHub is important for your future job search. It is also extremely important for making sure your work is saved in your repository. If something breaks, committing often ensures you are able to go back to a working version of your code.

* Committing often is a signal to employers that you are actively working on your code and learning.

  * We use the mantra commit early and often.  This means that when you write code that works, add it and commit it!

  * Numerous commits allow you to see how your app is progressing and give you a point to revert to if anything goes wrong.

* Be clear and descriptive in your commit messaging.

  * When writing a commit message, avoid vague messages like “fixed.” Be descriptive so that you and anyone else looking at your repository knows what happened with each commit.

* We would like you to have well over 200 commits by graduation, so commit early and often!

### Submission on BCS

* Please submit the link to the Github Repository!

### Instructions

1. Navigate to the root of your project and run `npm init -y` this will initialize a `package.json` file for your project. The `package.json` file is required for installing third party npm packages and saving their version numbers. If you fail to initialize a `package.json` file, it will be troublesome, and at times almost impossible for anyone else to run your code after cloning your project.

2. Make a `.gitignore` file and add the following lines to it. This will tell git not to track these files, and thus they won’t be committed to Github.


3. Make a JavaScript file named `keys.js`.

* Inside keys.js your file will look like this:

console.log(‘this is loaded’);

exports.spotify = {
  id: process.env.SPOTIFY_ID,
  secret: process.env.SPOTIFY_SECRET

4. Next, create a file named `.env`, add the following to it, replacing the values with your API keys (no quotes) once you have them:

# Spotify API keys



* This file will be used by the `dotenv` package to set what are known as environment variables to the global `process.env` object in node. These are values that are meant to be specific to the computer that node is running on, and since we are gitignoring this file, they won’t be pushed to github keeping our API key information private.

* If someone wanted to clone your app from github and run it themselves, they would need to supply their own `.env` file for it to work.

5. Make a file called `random.txt`.

  * Inside of `random.txt` put the following in with no extra characters or white space:

    * spotify-this-song,”I Want it That Way”

6. Make a JavaScript file named `liri.js`.

7. At the top of the `liri.js` file, add code to read and set any environment variables with the dotenv package:


8. Add the code required to import the `keys.js` file and store it in a variable.

  var keys = require(“./keys.js”);
* You should then be able to access your keys information like so

  var spotify = new Spotify(keys.spotify);

9. Make it so liri.js can take in one of the following commands:

  * `concert-this`

  * `spotify-this-song`

  * `movie-this`

  * `do-what-it-says`

### What Each Command Should Do

1. `node liri.js concert-this <artist/band name here>`

  * This will search the Bands in Town Artist Events API (`”” + artist + “/events?app_id=codingbootcamp”`) for an artist and render the following information about each event to the terminal:

    * Name of the venue

    * Venue location

    * Date of the Event (use moment to format this as “MM/DD/YYYY”)

    * **Important**: There is no need to sign up for a Bands in Town `api_id` key. Use the `codingbootcamp` as your `app_id`. For example, the URL used to search for “Celine Dion” would look like the following:

      * ``

2. `node liri.js spotify-this-song ‘<song name here>’`

  * This will show the following information about the song in your terminal/bash window

    * Artist(s)

    * The song’s name

    * A preview link of the song from Spotify

    * The album that the song is from

  * If no song is provided then your program will default to “The Sign” by Ace of Base.

  * You will utilize the [node-spotify-api]( package in order to retrieve song information from the Spotify API.

  * The Spotify API requires you sign up as a developer to generate the necessary credentials. You can follow these steps in order to generate a **client id** and **client secret**:

  * Step One: Visit <!/>

  * Step Two: Either login to your existing Spotify account or create a new one (a free account is fine) and log in.

  * Step Three: Once logged in, navigate to <!/applications/create> to register a new application to be used with the Spotify API. You can fill in whatever you’d like for these fields. When finished, click the “complete” button.

  * Step Four: On the next screen, scroll down to where you see your client id and client secret. Copy these values down somewhere, you’ll need them to use the Spotify API and the [node-spotify-api package](

3. `node liri.js movie-this ‘<movie name here>’`

  * This will output the following information to your terminal/bash window:

      * Title of the movie.
      * Year the movie came out.
      * IMDB Rating of the movie.
      * Rotten Tomatoes Rating of the movie.
      * Country where the movie was produced.
      * Language of the movie.
      * Plot of the movie.
      * Actors in the movie.

  * If the user doesn’t type a movie in, the program will output data for the movie ‘Mr. Nobody.’

    * If you haven’t watched “Mr. Nobody,” then you should: <>

    * It’s on Netflix!

  * You’ll use the `axios` package to retrieve data from the OMDB API. Like all of the in-class activities, the OMDB API requires an API key. You may use `trilogy`.

4. `node liri.js do-what-it-says`

  * Using the `fs` Node package, LIRI will take the text inside of random.txt and then use it to call one of LIRI’s commands.

    * It should run `spotify-this-song` for “I Want it That Way,” as follows the text in `random.txt`.

    * Edit the text in random.txt to test out the feature for movie-this and concert-this.


* In addition to logging the data to your terminal/bash window, output the data to a .txt file called `log.txt`.

* Make sure you append each command you run to the `log.txt` file.

* Do not overwrite your file each time you run a command.

### Reminder: Submission on BCS

* Please submit the link to the Github Repository!

– – –

### Minimum Requirements

Attempt to complete homework assignment as described in instructions. If unable to complete certain portions, please pseudocode these portions to describe what remains to be completed. Adding a as well as adding this homework to your portfolio are required as well and more information can be found below.

– – –

### Create a

Add a `` to your repository describing the project. Here are some resources for creating your ``. Here are some resources to help you along the way:

* [About READMEs](

* [Mastering Markdown](

– – –

### Add To Your Portfolio

After completing the homework please add the piece to your portfolio. Make sure to add a link to your updated portfolio in the comments section of your homework so the TAs can easily ensure you completed this step when they are grading the assignment. To receive an ‘A’ on any assignment, you must link to it from your portfolio.

– – –

### One More Thing

If you have any questions about this project or the material we have covered, please post them in the community channels in slack so that your fellow developers can help you! If you’re still having trouble, you can come to office hours for assistance from your instructor and TAs.

**Good Luck!**


Assignment: Given any connected, weighted graph G, use Dijkstras algorithm to compute the shortest (or smallest weight) path from any vertex a to any other vertex b in the graph G. You may print the results of this algorithm to the screen or to a log file. Your solution should be complete in that it shows the shortest path from all starting vertices to all other vertices. Complete the exercises below, then submit your code files and your exercise worksheet, and all supporting documents to Canvas before beginning the written portion of the final exam. You may use an external source as a reference for Dijkstras shortest path algorithms, please cite accordingly.


1. Using insights from the two assigned essays by Sarah Jewett and the essay by Amber Epp and Linda Price, conduct an analysis of the personal situation of Xavier in the French film Chinese Puzzle.  Give concrete example directly drawn from the film to justify your answer and views: For example, how does the film explore the theme of the individuals loss of a concrete/fixed/stable identity in our contemporary time? How does the film illustrate that the main character defines himself against traditional identity markers and anchors/bearings? How does it show that he seeks resolution to his dilemma (i.e. he seeks to unify his fragmented identity) by telling his story and creating his own reality?  What are the root causes of Xaviers struggles and unhappiness and how does he define for himself the conditions of personal happiness?  Describe his relationship with other characters, with his family.  Describe his relationship with France vs. his relationship with the U.S.

2. Describe the kinds of struggles do students face at school in the film The Class, by addressing the following: What is the cause of those struggles? What challenges do teachers face? What factors contribute to those challenges? How is the figure of the teacher portrayed in this film?  How does the school experience of the students mirror larger social issues that affect contemporary French society.  Consider in your response how the media/the press evaluated the films interest and the significance of the themes it explores.Given specific and relevant examples from the film to support your answer.

3. Using insights from essay Family Identity by Amber Epp and Linda Price to discuss the thematic significance of the film title Whats in a name?  How is the film plot connected to the film title? In what ways does it explore the theme of human identity and its foundation(s)?  Give specific examples directly from the film to illustrate the idea that personal identity is born out of decisions, actions, conventions that affirm ones belonging to a family.  Compare the setting of this film to that of Chinese Puzzle: how are they different and what is the significance of that difference in their setting (i.e. where the story takes place and unfolds).

4. By giving specific and relevant examples from the film to support your answer, discuss the portrayal of the main two characters of the film The Intouchables by considering the following:

How does the film signal differences that exist between them? How do those differences reflect social realities in France?
How are the main characters differences bridged? i.e. How does the film portray the ways they come to form meaningful connections and bonding experiences despite their differences?
How does the film challenge perceptions/social definitions that reduce the identity of the main characters to labels and stereotypical images?

Project IV-Nonlinear Model/Other Models and Analyses

MBA 509 Business Forecasts
Project IV-Nonlinear Model/Other Models and Analyses
*I need an actual data like existing company data (ex.Apple stock, Netflix, etc)*
*Also need an Excel datasheet*

1.      Select the nonlinear model or other models covered in the class after Multiple Linear Regression Models,
such as the Logit/Probit Model;
2.      Collect actual data and calculate a summary of the data, including the mean(average) and standard deviations;
3.      State the economic theory and explain the model;
4.      Run the Model and show the outcomes from that;
5.      Explain the whole model and each coefficients significance and why;
6.      Forecast the future relevant  values based on the model and explain that ;
7.      Write a comprehensive report with 6-8 pages:
(1)    Introduction/background of the issue/topic;
(2)    Economic theory, econometric model and variables;
(3)    Data-explanations and summaries/descriptive statistics;
(4)    The Model results and explanations;
(5)    Forecast results and explanations;
(6)    Policy applications.

Python Host Scripting

Write a python script that meets the following criteria: (Please NOTE:  For FULL credit these objectives must be accomplished in the context of completing the assigned task of searching a log file for invalid logins.  Creating a random array, variable, loop, etc. for no other purpose than to demonstrate it will only count for 80% of that element);

    successfully create file and save in VIM (40 points) — include screenshots to demonstrate
    includes a comment with your name and date (10 points)
    Includes descriptive commenting throughout the script (20 points)
    Utilizes a Debugging method we discussed (10 points)
    loads the os module (20 points)
    Demonstrates the proper declaration and use of at least one variable. (20 points)
    Demonstrates the proper declaration and use of at least one list or dictionary. (20 points)
    Demonstrates the proper use of a for loop. (30 points)
    Demonstrates the proper use of an if-else statement  (30 points)
    Demonstrate proper use of a function ( 30 points)
    Reads the log file provided below  (you can upload it or copy and paste into a file on pythonanywhere) (20 points)
    Uses a regular expression to look for “Failed password for invalid user” and return the usernames for all failed logins in the file. (20 points)
    Raise an alert of some kind if more than 3 failed passwords are found (10 points)
    writes the usernames of the failed logins to a file (20 points)
extra credit given for any other worthy demonstrations of your knowledge (extra modules, routines, etc.)
    ex: output to a JSON or CSV file
    300 points total for this script

Martin Carter (Carribean Litterature)

The whole paper will be talking about Martin Wylde Carter, Poet and britanico-guyanes politician, born in Georgetown.

First: Make an introduction about Carribean litterature and at the end of the introduction, please introduce the writer you going to Talk about on the paper. Which will be Martin Carter.

Second: After the introduction, start by the Poet Biography, his life, then the major theme of his writings, and also add at least 3 short of his poems.
Summarize his actions and contribution of the Carribean literature. etc…

third: Conclusion,

Fourth: Reference page

Passion to open a Community Health Center

Here is the assignment:

Assume you met a CEO of the Community Health Center (CHC) who tells you a story that he opened a community health center (serving Medicaid, Medicare, uninsured, and underinsured patient) because he was moved by the loss of his daughter and desire to dedicate his live serving the vulnurable population. Write two page summary what motivated and insired this CEO to do so.  No references required and do not use any. 

Discussion Questions

Please answer the attached questions related to public health. For the first question please note my state is Maryland. Please indicate the sections that they question are being answered and also please put the reference for each section under the answer.

9.1 and 9.2 – 1 page
10. and 10.3 – 1 page
11.1 – 1 page
Please let me know if there are any questions.

Thank you!

Liri bot

# LIRI Bot

### Overview

In this assignment, you will make LIRI. LIRI is like iPhone’s SIRI. However, while SIRI is a Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface, LIRI is a _Language_ Interpretation and Recognition Interface. LIRI will be a command line node app that takes in parameters and gives you back data.

### Before You Begin

1. LIRI will search Spotify for songs, Bands in Town for concerts, and OMDB for movies.

2. Make a new GitHub repository called liri-node-app and clone it to your computer.

3. To retrieve the data that will power this app, you’ll need to send requests using the `axios` package to the Bands in Town, Spotify and OMDB APIs. You’ll find these Node packages crucial for your assignment.

  * [Node-Spotify-API](

  * [Axios](

    * You’ll use Axios to grab data from the [OMDB API]( and the [Bands In Town API](

  * [Moment](

  * [DotEnv](
## Submission Guide

Create and use a standard GitHub repository. As this is a CLI App, it cannot be deployed to GitHub pages or Heroku. This time you’ll need to include screenshots, a GIF, and/or a video showing us that you have the app working with no bugs. You can include these screenshots/GIFs or a link to a video in a `` file.

In order to meet the Employer Competitive standards and be ready to show your application to employers, the `` file should meet the following criteria:

1. Clearly state the problem the app is trying to solve (i.e. what is it doing and why)
2. Give a high-level overview of how the app is organized
3. Give start-to-finish instructions on how to run the app
4. Include screenshots, gifs or videos of the app functioning
5. Contain a link to a deployed version of the app
6. Clearly list the technologies used in the app
7. State your role in the app development

Because screenshots (and well-written READMEs) are extremely important in the context of GitHub, this will be part of the grading in this assignment.

If you haven’t written a markdown file yet, [click here for a rundown](, or just take a look at the raw file of these instructions.

### Commits

Having an active and healthy commit history on GitHub is important for your future job search. It is also extremely important for making sure your work is saved in your repository. If something breaks, committing often ensures you are able to go back to a working version of your code.

* Committing often is a signal to employers that you are actively working on your code and learning.

  * We use the mantra commit early and often.  This means that when you write code that works, add it and commit it!

  * Numerous commits allow you to see how your app is progressing and give you a point to revert to if anything goes wrong.

* Be clear and descriptive in your commit messaging.

  * When writing a commit message, avoid vague messages like “fixed.” Be descriptive so that you and anyone else looking at your repository knows what happened with each commit.

* We would like you to have well over 200 commits by graduation, so commit early and often!

### Submission on BCS

* Please submit the link to the Github Repository!

### Instructions

1. Navigate to the root of your project and run `npm init -y` this will initialize a `package.json` file for your project. The `package.json` file is required for installing third party npm packages and saving their version numbers. If you fail to initialize a `package.json` file, it will be troublesome, and at times almost impossible for anyone else to run your code after cloning your project.

2. Make a `.gitignore` file and add the following lines to it. This will tell git not to track these files, and thus they won’t be committed to Github.


3. Make a JavaScript file named `keys.js`.

* Inside keys.js your file will look like this:

console.log(‘this is loaded’);

exports.spotify = {
  id: process.env.SPOTIFY_ID,
  secret: process.env.SPOTIFY_SECRET

4. Next, create a file named `.env`, add the following to it, replacing the values with your API keys (no quotes) once you have them:

# Spotify API keys



* This file will be used by the `dotenv` package to set what are known as environment variables to the global `process.env` object in node. These are values that are meant to be specific to the computer that node is running on, and since we are gitignoring this file, they won’t be pushed to github keeping our API key information private.

* If someone wanted to clone your app from github and run it themselves, they would need to supply their own `.env` file for it to work.

5. Make a file called `random.txt`.

  * Inside of `random.txt` put the following in with no extra characters or white space:

    * spotify-this-song,”I Want it That Way”

6. Make a JavaScript file named `liri.js`.

7. At the top of the `liri.js` file, add code to read and set any environment variables with the dotenv package:


8. Add the code required to import the `keys.js` file and store it in a variable.

  var keys = require(“./keys.js”);
* You should then be able to access your keys information like so

  var spotify = new Spotify(keys.spotify);

9. Make it so liri.js can take in one of the following commands:

  * `concert-this`

  * `spotify-this-song`

  * `movie-this`

  * `do-what-it-says`

### What Each Command Should Do

1. `node liri.js concert-this <artist/band name here>`

  * This will search the Bands in Town Artist Events API (`”” + artist + “/events?app_id=codingbootcamp”`) for an artist and render the following information about each event to the terminal:

    * Name of the venue

    * Venue location

    * Date of the Event (use moment to format this as “MM/DD/YYYY”)

    * **Important**: There is no need to sign up for a Bands in Town `api_id` key. Use the `codingbootcamp` as your `app_id`. For example, the URL used to search for “Celine Dion” would look like the following:

      * ``

2. `node liri.js spotify-this-song ‘<song name here>’`

  * This will show the following information about the song in your terminal/bash window

    * Artist(s)

    * The song’s name

    * A preview link of the song from Spotify

    * The album that the song is from

  * If no song is provided then your program will default to “The Sign” by Ace of Base.

  * You will utilize the [node-spotify-api]( package in order to retrieve song information from the Spotify API.

  * The Spotify API requires you sign up as a developer to generate the necessary credentials. You can follow these steps in order to generate a **client id** and **client secret**:

  * Step One: Visit <!/>

  * Step Two: Either login to your existing Spotify account or create a new one (a free account is fine) and log in.

  * Step Three: Once logged in, navigate to <!/applications/create> to register a new application to be used with the Spotify API. You can fill in whatever you’d like for these fields. When finished, click the “complete” button.

  * Step Four: On the next screen, scroll down to where you see your client id and client secret. Copy these values down somewhere, you’ll need them to use the Spotify API and the [node-spotify-api package](

3. `node liri.js movie-this ‘<movie name here>’`

  * This will output the following information to your terminal/bash window:

      * Title of the movie.
      * Year the movie came out.
      * IMDB Rating of the movie.
      * Rotten Tomatoes Rating of the movie.
      * Country where the movie was produced.
      * Language of the movie.
      * Plot of the movie.
      * Actors in the movie.

  * If the user doesn’t type a movie in, the program will output data for the movie ‘Mr. Nobody.’

    * If you haven’t watched “Mr. Nobody,” then you should: <>

    * It’s on Netflix!

  * You’ll use the `axios` package to retrieve data from the OMDB API. Like all of the in-class activities, the OMDB API requires an API key. You may use `trilogy`.

4. `node liri.js do-what-it-says`

  * Using the `fs` Node package, LIRI will take the text inside of random.txt and then use it to call one of LIRI’s commands.

    * It should run `spotify-this-song` for “I Want it That Way,” as follows the text in `random.txt`.

    * Edit the text in random.txt to test out the feature for movie-this and concert-this.


* In addition to logging the data to your terminal/bash window, output the data to a .txt file called `log.txt`.

* Make sure you append each command you run to the `log.txt` file.

* Do not overwrite your file each time you run a command.

### Reminder: Submission on BCS

* Please submit the link to the Github Repository!

– – –

### Minimum Requirements

Attempt to complete homework assignment as described in instructions. If unable to complete certain portions, please pseudocode these portions to describe what remains to be completed. Adding a as well as adding this homework to your portfolio are required as well and more information can be found below.

– – –

### Create a

Add a `` to your repository describing the project. Here are some resources for creating your ``. Here are some resources to help you along the way:

* [About READMEs](

* [Mastering Markdown](

– – –

### Add To Your Portfolio

After completing the homework please add the piece to your portfolio. Make sure to add a link to your updated portfolio in the comments section of your homework so the TAs can easily ensure you completed this step when they are grading the assignment. To receive an ‘A’ on any assignment, you must link to it from your portfolio.

– – –

### One More Thing

If you have any questions about this project or the material we have covered, please post them in the community channels in slack so that your fellow developers can help you! If you’re still having trouble, you can come to office hours for assistance from your instructor and TAs.

**Good Luck!**

Primary Source Analysis – The Pact of Umar

Primary Source- Pact of Umar

First I would like you to watch my professors lecture on Thinking Like a Historian Primary Sources here:

After watching the video, analyze the Pact of Umar (included in attachments.) Your analysis should:
(1) Utilize the framework and questions covered in the video. Not all of the questions will apply.
(2) Id like you to consider what we can and cant learn about Muslim rule in Middle East during the early expansion of Islam out of Arabia. This is evaluating the documents usefulness.
(3) Be sure to address the following questions in your analysis as well: (a) Who in the treaty is addressing whom? (b) Are there any general themes as to what non-Muslims “shall” or “shall not” do? (c) What types of activity does the treaty not address? Why is this significant? (d) What does this document tell us about Muslim identity during this period?

Before watching the video, read the letter written by Christopher Columbus (in attachments.)  I’ll be referring to it throughout the video. I have also attached a pdf of the lecture slides for you to reference in the future.

Be sure to look over and use Google and Wikipedia to help you with understanding the context in which the document was produced.

The assignment should be 2 pages (double-spaced). You do not need to formulate your analysis into a formal essay, but be sure to have clearly organized paragraphs.