Archive for June 24th, 2020

The Sick Note

Irish Folk Song –
The Sick Note by the Dubliners (also known as Paddy is not at work today or The Bricklayers Song)

Watch the video first, The scenario in this song will be the basis of the problem(s) that will follow.

Solving for Phase 1 (Paddy accelerates directly upward while the full barrel of bricks accelerates downward)

Paddy’s mass = 115 [kg], Mass of barrel = 20 [kg], Mass of bricks (enough to fill barrel) = 170 [kg], Vertical distance from top to bottom 54 [m], Speed of anything at the start of either phase = 0 [m/s].


Among the possible quantities that you could be asked to solve for would be
– The tension in the rope when Paddy shoots up like a rocket,
– Paddys acceleration when he shoots up like a rocket,
– The speed with which Paddy hits the pulley,
– The force of impact from the pulley while Paddy is being slowed down due to impact,
– The tension in the rope when Paddy accelerates downward,
– Paddys acceleration when he accelerates downward,
– The speed with which Paddy hits the ground,
– The speed with which the bricks hit Paddy.


The mass of the barrel and bricks must be larger than the mass of Paddy initially and then, once half of the bricks are lost, the mass of the barrel and remaining bricks must be less than Paddys mass. In order to maximize the acceleration initially, the difference in masses between Paddy and the barrel+bricks needs to be maximized. As a result, the acceleration once half of the brakes have spilled out will be minimized.

Common conceptual difficulties involve mis-matching the masses and net forces associated with
Newtons 2nd Law. Take the time to emphasize the system definition piece of the problem-solving process.

A typical, logical and well-defined problem-solving structure will require simultaneous solutions involving equations with multiple (similar) unknowns. Think substitution.

The modern age

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY and only accept if you can do everything stated below:
1) i need proper communication and constant updates throughout this order as this order is extremely important to me
2) please post work or a draft so i know if you are on the right track
3) when you post your draft or work you have done i can help and clarify if it is being done the way i need it to be to make sure that i do not waste your time and to get this done as efficient and effectively as possible
4) i need someone to take their time to really go into detail with this essay and make sure you understand the purpose of this paper overall
6) I am looking for someone who can exceed my expectations on this paper as it was very important to me, therefore i am looking for someone with excellent essay writing skills and research
7) the different readings i have attached below which all include OVERALL READING within the title are general readings u must do before starting the actual paper itself to understand the purpose of the overall papers general topic, there are also slides that have OVERALL READING in the title, these are just giving an overview of all the topics throughout the term which r important to generally know about and also mandatory to read before starting the paper

So please read over all attached readings FIRST, then look at the specific 4 slides  called ABSOLUTISM, THE ENLIGHTENMENT, THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, AND ROMANTICISM, then chose one painting from any of the slides that you feel you can write an entire essay about, for example, choosing a painting from the enlightenment slide



WHEN YOU CHOSE YOUR ARTWORK let me know asap so that I CAN ATTACH THE READINGS THAT FALL UNDER THAT specific TOPIC you have chosen, For example, if you have chosen an artwork from under the french revolution slides, then I will attach the 3-4 readings that i have been provided related to the french revolution so you can then start writing the paper. For example if you have chosen a painting from the french revolution then you then begin the paper and explain how the artist predicts, exemplifies and/or clarifies something foundational about modernity and the modern age in this case talking about the french revolution and specifically the significance of the artwork to modernity overall but go into great detail when doing so. )

I know it looks like a lot of readings i’m attaching but I am only attaching them to ensure u have all the information u need about the overall topics content

security certifications

Do some basic research on security certifications.


Write  a brief summary of certifications that are open.
Consider if any of the certifications would be valuable for your career.
Investigate and report on exam options.


My self I am a Linux System admin.

What does Adrian Johns think is wrong with Elizabeth Eisensteins characterization of the impact of print on the development of science? book is the printing revolution in early modern Europe by Elizabeth Eisenstein

The book is: the printing revolution in early modern Europe by Elizabeth Eisenstein – must be able to quote the book and have access to the book

All directions are in attached document.

you must answer the main question: What does Adrian Johns think is wrong with Elizabeth Eisensteins characterization of the impact of print on the development of science?

To be be successful, youll need to do several things (I strongly recommend doing these in the following order):

Explain (aka summarize, in your own words) what Eisenstein thinks print contributes to the development of modern science. This should be 1 or 2 paragraphs.

To illustrate that, use Tycho Brahe and Galileo as examples.1 or 2 paragraphs each.

What is Adrian Johns main critique of Eisensteins argument and what does he say to explain and substantiate his point? (Summarize in your own words, 1 or 2 paragraphs).

How does he interpret the examples of Tycho Brahe and Galileo, e.g., what do they think they illustrate instead? Note that this part is an explicit comparison with Eisenstein. (1-2 paragraphs each.)

Criminal Justice

Step 1. Select a current events case, in the last ten years, to analyze in the American criminal justice system. The case must be one where a life sentence or death sentence was the outcome.

Step 2. Describe the details of the case, including the nature of the offense, background of the offender, and an analysis of each component in the criminal justice system: advantages/disadvantages of police procedures, details and/or issues with court proceedings, and whether the correctional sentence was appropriate based on the nature of the offense and background of the offender. 

Step 3. Conclude your paper by thoroughly analyzing the impact this case has had or will have on future criminal justice outcomes. Careful critical thinking is required here. Invest considerable effort in thinking about what you have learned over the course of the term in addressing this final aspect of the mission.

The sources you are to use to obtain information for your descriptions of the criminal justice process include the following: your text book for this course reading material, information gathered from your Experimental Project, court cases and news articles.
***I have the book. If you need it, please let me know. It’s titled, “Criminal Justice In America” by George F. Cole, Christopher E, Smith, and Christina Dejong

propose a solution to a problem you have witnessed or experienced related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

write a 1,500-1,750-word white paper that proposes a solution to a problem you have witnessed or experienced related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Your proposal should be addressed to someone (or a group) who has the power to address your problem (even if they can’t fully solve your problem, you can prompt them to address at least part of it). Your writing and arguments should cater to that audience. Additionally, you should use evidence requisite for your audience. As always, the content, structure, and style should be suitable for the type of writing you are doing: a white paper. Make adjustments as necessary for the situation and your audience.It is an argumentative proposal, written as a white paper, that you would likely use to address your audience. It should offer a justifiable solution to a problem you have experienced or witnessed in relation to the COVID-19 crisis

Topic/Guidelines Attached

The essay topic/guidelines are attached. The PDF of “Philippians Text” is the only source that is allowed to be referenced, cited, and quoted throughout the essay. Also, In the PDF “Guide To Philippians” is a brief guide/summary/breakdown of Pauls letter and it might help to read it. Please message with any further questions, thanks!

event planning

The topic is about Technology in Meeting & Event Planning. The situation is clients want increasing more elaborate events, with interactivity among attendees, posing logistical and technological challenges (Technical difficulties more prevalent). What is that mean, you need to figure out what are some disadvantages of technology applied in the meeting and event industry. Moreover, you need to provide 5 references.

Pharmacy school personal statement essay

Your Personal Essay should address why you selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor of Pharmacy degree relates to your immediate and long-term professional goals. Describe how your personal, educational, and professional background will help you achieve your goals. The personal essay is an important part of your application for admission and provides you with an opportunity for you to clearly and effectively express your ideas

Analysis and Recommendations Part I: Technological Gaps

This is 2 parts: An essay and a excel worksheet.

For the first milestone of your final project, you will compose an analysis of the mission statement of Nimble Storage, the storage company that is the focus of your case study: Nimble Storage: Scaling Talent Strategy Amidst Hyper-Growth. In your analysis, you will be asked to determine if the annual goals and objectives set by the company constitute an appropriate business practice for a company wishing to go global. You will also be asked to assess the technological gaps in the company.
In addition to composing this analysis, this milestone also requires you to begin populating an Excel spreadsheet: PESTEL Analysis Worksheet. In each milestone in this course, you will be asked to fill in a few rows of this spreadsheet based on individual countries/regions. This worksheet will be used as a visual aid to help you understand the data necessary to determine the steps Nimble Storage needs to take in order to go global. Each time you populate this worksheet (which you will do three times throughout the course), you will work through the characteristics of different countries/regions. Although this is separate from your milestone composition, you must upload the worksheet for review and instructor feedback as part of your milestone submission.
Prompt: For this milestone, complete Parts 1 and 2 below:

o Part 1: PESTEL Activity
Using the PESTEL Analysis Worksheet, populate the first two rows: United States and Brazil. Filling out these rows will help you visualize global values (such as each countrys cultural and political trends) and will assist you as you work toward completion of your final project.

o Part 2: Composition
Write a 3- to 4-page paper that assesses Nimble Storage, using the PESTEL analysis and Hofstedes four cultural dimensions as a guide.
Business Practice Analysis: In this part of the assessment, you will analyze the current business practices of the organization for how they operate globally. Then you will illustrate the potential benefits and challenges to the organization regarding its adoption of a more geocentric focus.
Recommendations: In this part of the assessment, you will compile a series of recommendations for the leadership of the organization regarding how the organization can adopt a more geocentric focus with its business practices.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. PESTEL Analysis Worksheet
a. Populate the first two rows (United States and Brazil) of the worksheet as specified in the prompt. Use your readings and resources to help you
assemble each row of the analysis. II. Business Practice Analysis
a. Determine gaps within the organizations current practices that are relevant to the human resources team of the organization from a geocentric perspective. What issues or problems are present regarding the organizations accommodations for global employees?
b. Determine gaps in the technological tools and structure of the organization that should be considered when working within a global structure.
c. Analyze the mission statement of the organization against the needs of a global organization. Are the annual goals and objectives appropriate
for a global company? Does the organization appropriately present itself as a global company?
III. Recommendations
a. Recommend strategies for accommodating current and future technological developments. How should the organization establish and maintain technology?
b. Recommend technological tools and improvements that could reduce global barriers between employees and other stakeholders. Be sure to justify your response.
c. Make revisions to the mission statement of the organization that will standardize organizational values across cultural lines. Be sure to justify your response.

Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format. Separately, for your PESTEL Analysis Worksheet, you must complete the first two rows and submit the worksheet.