RE: Chindogu

Task: Create an unuseless invention to celebrate St. Patricks Day or another holiday (if no holiday, that’s ok. This was just to give a starting point)


Review Chapter 2 of inGenius and the Chindogu readings. Pay attention to the definition and examples of unuseless inventions and the tenets of Chindogu.
Create a Chindogu of your own to celebrate the spirit of St. Patricks Day. DO NOT BUY any items for your invention. Use the items that are freely available to you or that youre willing to give away.
Give a name to your Chindogu


Explain your creative process. I.e. HOW you went about creating your unuseless invention, in 300-400 words. This is the most important part of the assignment. Explain HOW you came up with the idea. Consider the steps that Tina Seelig offers in Chapter 2 for creating unuseless inventions. Which of these steps did you follow in creating your invention and why?
Parts of the Innovation Engine
Convergent thinking
Divergent thinking
Talking to people
Building on existing ideas
Using a metaphor or analogy
Anything else?
Reflect on the MSOE Mindset. What parts of the MSOE mindset did you use in this activity?
What parts of the mindset would you like to develop further? Why?

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