Archive for July 3rd, 2020

A summary of the Professional Learning Standards

As you have noticed, there is a wealth of information on the Learning Forward website that provides an in-depth look at the Professional Learning Standards and the role of the standards in increasing student achievement. As a leader of curriculum, instruction and assessment, you will need an in-depth understanding of the most effective and efficient methods of providing learning for the faculty/staff. For your assignment this week, you are to develop a summary (in your own words) of the professional learning standards. You must also consider the curriculum trend that relates to Individualized Professional Development (as discussed in the article) (Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)

Your summary must include:

Rationale for the development of professional learning standards
The connection between professional learning standards and student achievement
A discussion of ways in which you believe the trend of individualized professional development meets or does not meet the standards of professional learning.
A summary of each of the standards
Your method of submitting this information will be your choice…you may either do a paper of no more than 4 pages double spaced, 12 font, or you could do a Power Point, a Prezi, or whatever method of summary you prefer. The requirement is that it meets the criteria above.


Do the same thing here that you did in Assignment 1.3, only this time with another news article related to government or politics that interests you, and do it in the forum called Whats Going On? (Week 8)any interesting article on politics or government. make sure its no less than 200 word please cite the information.

Finance Article Review

    Link to the article if found on a website journal database.
    Professional journal article APA reference or all info of reliable reference (where found, name of newspaper, magazine, website, page, date)
    Briefly summarize the article.
    Explain what information in this article was new to you or what you did not know before reading this article.
    Provide insight on what you learned from this information.
    Describe how you will use this information in your life.


In a 3 – 4 page paper, respond to the following:

On page 95, Rosenstone says “Unlike the written word, the biofilm, even in its flashbacks, always functions in the present tense, suggesting, even making you feel as if you have lived though those moments yourself.” 

Discuss how this quotation applies to La Bamba and another biopic you have seen. How are biopics different or similar to mainstream drama historical fiction?

Use the readings from  previous week as well as the textbook and reviews from this week as support for your opinion/argument. Remember to cite all references in MLA format, include a Works Cited page (does NOT count as part of the 3 – 4 pages).

alice walker

Discussion Board–“Everyday Use”
This week, I will not determine which literary term or element of fiction you will focus on for your discussion of “Everyday Use.”  Instead, I will let you decide which element you will like to discuss.

As you read “Everyday Use” or think back on your reading of it, which element of fiction stood out for you?  Was it plot, characterization, setting, point of view, or theme?  Once you choose an element of fiction, discuss the particular element and its related terms as it relates to the story.  For example, if you decide to focus on plot, discuss the exposition, conflicts, climax, denouement, foreshadowing, flashback, and situational irony.  If you choose characterization, indicate who is the protagonist; if he or she is static or dynamic, round or flat, stereotypical; whether we see the character’s external or internal reality or both; and if there is dramatic irony.  Once you decide on the element of fiction, you can look back at pages 6-8 in Analyzing Literature to determine what are the related terms you should discuss when you focus on certain elements of fiction.

Use quotes, paraphrases, and summaries to support your analysis.

Recovery/Re-Opening Plan Proposal

First of all, I am working in Hotel Industry Business! (Hilton)

Students will create a proposal for a Recovery/Re-Opening Plan as if they were the Supervisor for their Department at their Internship Site.  This Proposal should include a Timeline that suggests August 1st as the Designated Date of Re-Opening of Businesses as we know it.  Students should utilize knowledge gained during their Internships as well as knowledge gained throughout the duration of their program to create this Proposal.
1.    Proposal should be 1500 words
2.    Following Questions could be answered as a part of this proposal to explore the steps that an organization could take as they plan for a Re-Opening of business
    What is happening with employees leading up to projected date?
    What steps should be taken before an August 1st Re-opening?
    What would your Marketing Strategy be?
    What types of promotions, if any, should be offered?
    What challenges would the organization face when trying to re-open for business, if any?
    What changes would be made to delivery of service, if any?
    Would you open everything back up on Day 1, or would services be gradually introduced as business built back?
    Any other questions that you would feel relevant would be acceptable as a part of the proposal.

The Questions provided above are meant to act solely as prompts, and I am not expecting you too answer each one of them, unless it makes sense for your paper/proposal. 
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

writers choice

1) Select ONE of the online primary sources that are assigned as primary source readings in the Revised Remote (Pandemic) syllabus.

2) Read the source carefully!

3) When you come across a word, phrase, or sentence that you feel is important, interesting, problematic, or illuminating, highlight that word, phrase, or sentence (by giving it a different font color, italicizing it, underlining it, or putting it in boldface).

4) Then add your own comment (made identifiable by a different color, font, etc.), explaining what you learn from the word, phrase or sentence; how you understand or interpret it; what is problematic about it; and/or why you find it important, interesting, or illuminating.

5) Add a couple of sentences (again, made identifiable by a different color, font, etc.) summarizing your comments; suggesting what they add up to.

Depending on the length of the source you choose to comment on, your assignment be can one or two pages.  Longer than that is NOT necessary.

Nicetas Choniates: The Sack of Constantinople (1204)
The Fourth Crusade was directed at Egypt. There were, however, a series of financial difficulties which enabled the Venetians, who had been hired as transportation providers, to divert the crusade to their own ends. First it attacked the Christian city of Zara, and then Constantinople itself. The result was the establishment of a series of Latin states in Greece and the Agean, and the permanent collapse of communion between Catholic and Orthodox Churches. The Byzantine historian Nicetas Choniates here gives an account of the sack of the city.
. . . How shall I begin to tell of the deeds wrought by these nefarious men! Alas, the images, which ought to have been adored, were trodden under foot! Alas, the relics of the holy martyrs were thrown into unclean places! Then was se en what one shudders to hear, namely, the divine body and blood of Christ was spilled upon the ground or thrown about. They snatched the precious reliquaries, thrust into their bosoms the ornaments which these contained, and used the broken remnants for pans and drinking cups,-precursors of Anti-Christ, authors and heralds of his nefarious deeds which we momentarily expect. Manifestly, indeed, by that race then, just as formerly, Christ was robbed and insulted and His garments were divided by lot; only one thing was lacking, that His side, pierced bv a spear, should pour rivers of divine blood on the ground.

Nor can the violation of the Great Church [note: Hagia Sophia] be listened to with equanimity. For the sacred altar, formed of all kinds of precious materials and admired by the whole world, was broken into bits and distributed among the soldiers, as was all the other sacred wealth of so great and infinite splendor.

When the sacred vases and utensils of unsurpassable art and grace and rare material, and the fine silver, wrought with gold, which encircled the screen of the tribunal and the ambo, of admirable workmanship, and the door and many other ornaments, were to be borne away as booty, mules and saddled horses were led to the very sanctuary of the temple. Some of these which were unable to keep their footing on the splendid and slippery pavement, were stabbed when they fell, so that the sacred pavement was polluted with blood and filth.

Nay more, a certain harlot, a sharer in their guilt, a minister of the furies, a servant of the demons, a worker of incantations and poisonings, insulting Christ, sat in the patriarch’s seat, singing an obscene song and dancing frequently. Nor, indeed, were these crimes committed and others left undone, on the ground that these were of lesser guilt, the others of greater. But with one consent all the most heinous sins and crimes were committed by all with equal zeal. Could those, who showed so great madness against God Himself, have spared the honorable matrons and maidens or the virgins consecrated to God?

Nothing was more difficult and laborious than to soften by prayers, to render benevolent, these wrathful barbarians, vomiting forth bile at every unpleasing word, so that nothing failed to inflame their fury. Whoever attempted it was derided as insane and a man of intemperate language. Often they drew their daggers against any one ivho opposed them at all or hindered their demands.

No one was without a share in the grief. In the alleys, in the streets, in the temples, complaints, weeping, lamentations, grief, the groaning of men, the shrieks of women, wounds, rape, captivity, the separation of those most closely united. Nobles wandered about ignominiously, those of venerable age in tears, the rich in poverty. Thus it was in the streets, on the corners, in the temple, in the dens, for no place remained unassailed or defended the suppliants. All places everywhere were filled full of all kinds of crime. Oh, immortal God, how great the afflictions of the men, bow great the distress!


4 pages for introduction, research question statement, literal review(1-2
sentences for background is enough)
3 pages for method design and data analyze
1 page for time line

Literal review
8-10 references for literal part
divided these scholar statements into different groups
and then insert yourself in these groups (what you agree, what you want to explore or what you want to argue with)

Method design and data analyze
Must use three methods
1. participant observation (required, main method)
who?(groups) why choose this method? what data source you could get from this method
End of this part you need to state, what the weakness of this method, so you choose other different method to collect different data source
2. interview
3. not required

For the specific outline see the attachment of the rubric and the sample.

What is ebola

This is a PowerPoint presentation on the epidemiology and burden of Ebola. It needs to have at least 5 reliable sources with a minimum of 2 primary journal articles in CSE format. I can send over the rubric. Its an oral presentation but I need the PowerPoint part and the information about Ebola to be done.

Forensic investigation

Using Encase 8.11 investigate and analyse image file that contains evidence items supporting a particular case scenario – it is your job to examine this image file for evidential artefacts, and to build a picture of the case scenario. (Different forensic tools  should be used in some parts of the investigation)

Case Scenario

Case Name: SugaRisker Case
Suspect: SugaRisker

After an increase in the amount of sugar related deaths, and a surge in obesity rates, the Government  wrote into statute that Sugar Drinks are made to be illegal. Due to most of the population drinking these kinds of drinks on a regular basis, an uproar rose with many protesting on the streets. The Government was able to deal with this and put the protesters down. The active protest has died down. However, a dark market has begun for the sale of sugar drinks . There has been a particular rise in the Cwmbran area. An individual who goes by the alias of SugaRisker has been suspected of selling sugar drinks. His computer has been seized and needs investigating.

A detailed study, which includes:

1. A summary of what happened, based upon the results of your investigation, between 500 -1000 words

2. The provenance of each evidential artefact you have identified, using the submission form found in Appendix A, (attached below)

This provenance should be generated automatically using the report template feature in EnCase 8.

You must include the fields indicated in the template form in Appendix A of this document. 

You should not include artefacts which are irrelevant to the case

3. A map of how the evidential artefacts link together,

This map should concentrate upon evidence items, not the process by which they were found.  It should clearly show the links between evidence items (eg a password, which opens an encrypted document).
It should make good use of colour and layout to make the map easy to understand. 

4. Your contemporaneous analysis notes in Appendix B(attached below).
these should be sufficiently detailed

i can’t upload the image file on the website because it exceeds the the limit so i will have to send it using a different method