Archive for July 4th, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)


The discussion of the findings during an online meeting is worth 10 points, and the final draft of the paper is worth 140 points.
Select a low- or middle-income country that is of interest to you and will serve as the focus of your analysis. A list of potential LMICs can be found here:
For the case study:
1)    Summarize the political and economic situation in the country now and explain in what direction it is headed.
2)    Present the key indicators of development and an analysis of the limitations of the data.  Include at least 2-3 tables and graphs (not included in page count). 
3)    Prepare an analysis of the 3-5 biggest contributors to the burden of poverty in your country of choice.
4)    Drawing on the theories presented in class and class readings, prepare an analysis of the main development trends in the country.

5)    Prepare a policy recommendation for the country (to improve its development). 
Length: 7 pages, double spaced, approximately 1,200 words, not counting the tables and bibliography. The material consulted should be carefully cited.

Is the violence in man nature or nurture?

1. There are four (4) aspects of the research paper:
a. The paper must be a minimum of 1500 words.
b. You cannot use a paper that has been previously submitted.
c. The paper is to be written in the APA format and we will discuss the format in class so that it is clear as to what is needed.
d. You must use a minimum of five (5) resources, the internet can only account for one (1) of the sources. All of the other resources must come from journals and books. There will be some sources reserved at the library.
The paper and project must be original and your own. Plagiarism will not be tolerated in any format. If it is determined that the work is not your original work you will automatically loose 100 points and fail the assignment.

Little Rock

Pretend you are a documentary filmmaker. Read and watch carefully the short entry from the MLK Encyclopedia and watching the raw film footage from Little Rock. Assume you a making a short, mini-documentary on the Crisis at Little Rock. Please consider and respond to the following:

If the encyclopedia entry was the script to the spoken voice-over, what clips of the raw footage would you use to show your audience what happened at Little Rock?

Link to video:
Link to MLK Encyclopedia

In your response, please describe at least two different sets of video images for your mini-documentary. Please do not summarize the Little Rock Crisis or paraphrase of the encyclopedia entry.

Healthcare Challenges 2020

Write a 1000-1500 word essay
Use your Unit III Annotated Bibliography for your sources.  Therefore, the same source guidelines apply: Use a minimum of 5 sources.  One source must be a peer reviewed journal article or a book.  One source may come from Practical Argument, but you must have at least 4 outside sources.  You may not use Wikipedia,, blog posts, Facebook posts, etc. 
Quote in your essay using MLA in text citation at least 6 times (see Unit I Readings from Practical Argument for help here).
Continue to show improvement in any pattern of grammatical error that you may have had in earlier essays
Double-space your essay
Avoid using contractions in your writing
Use 12 point, Times New Roman Font or Arial Font (but not Calibri)
Write for your narrow audience as best you can
Use MLA Essay format (see the MLA Format Help Module)

Should College athletes get paid?

I need background information. The problem related to the topic. position on the subject. 3 reasons why they shouldn’t get paid and a quote from a article to justify the reason. What the opposition would say with 3 reasons and quote. The finale consensus with 3 positive solutions to resolve the problem.

Basic Object Orientated Management System

Modelling a management system for a depo
The model needs to have classes for:

Drivers (Driver extension for managers)
Vehicles (Vehicle extension for Tankers and Trucks)
Work Schedule (to be assigned) to the drivers and vehicles.

The system must:
Enable the reading, and writing of existing and new drivers
Enable the reading and writing of existing and new work
Enable managers to assign work to drivers and trucks
Enable drivers to see their assigned work
Have a log in system for drivers to see work, and managers to see and assign work.

There must be examples of Object Orientated code, so classes for most things, use of linked lists containing objects and etc


Any topic (writer’s choice)

In response to the following question, write an essay (minimum two pages, double-spaced, 12 pt font)

Use only the textbook that was attached.

Do not use any outside sources. Quotations should
include the author and page number of the source “and must be cited thusly” (Foner, 649).
Consider the six major disruptions to the status quo that we’ve explored in History 104 since
World War I
the 1918 Spanish Flu
the Great Depression
World War II
the Vietnam War and the Turbulence of the 1960s
the Recession of the 1970s and 1980s
Select two or three of the six crises listed above and answer this question: To what degree did
these crises lead to reforms that expanded the boundaries of freedom for Americans? Give
specific factual examples.* In the final sentence of the essay, students may wish to speculate
about whether the current coronavirus crisis–like crises past–will lead to outcomes which will
contract or expand freedom.

*Students may wish to define which definition of freedom they are using–negative (absence of
obstacles) or positive (presence of ability to achieve goals). As for specific examples in history, here are
some possibilities that students may wish to consider: WWI led to alcohol Prohibition–did that expand or
contract freedom? The Spanish Flu crisis led to expanded public health interventions–did that expand or
contract freedom? The Great Depression led to New Deal reforms–did that expand or contract freedom?
WWII led to a civil rights movement–did that expand or contract freedom? The turbulence of the 1960s
led to a rights revolution–did that expand or contract freedom? The recession of the 1970s and 1980s led
to a triumph of conservatism–did that expand or contract freedom?

Financial Statement Restatement and Ethics

Search the Internet for a company with a financial restatement from within the last 12 months. Use the research you conducted to complete Assignment 1 according to the instructions below.

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

1.Evaluate the contributing factors to the financial statement restatement. Explain how management could have avoided the issue and restatement. ** Thoroughly assessed the factors that contributed to the financial statement, restatement. Thoroughly suggested how the restatement may have been avoided  during the initial reporting process. **

2.Assess the impact of the restatement on the companys stock price by comparing the stock price immediately before the announcement of the restatement and immediately after the restatement announcement. Explain whether the change in stock price was justified. Support your position. ** Thoroughly explained the impact to the companys stock price when the restatement was released and to future earnings forecast, indicating whether you believe the impact to the stock price was justified. **

3.Explain managements role in the restatement, including any potential ethical violations based on the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Offer suggestions to management to assist them in avoiding similar problems in the future. Provide support for your recommendations. ** Thoroughly evaluated the restatement in terms of managements ethical violations according to the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, providing recommendations to management on how to avoid these problems in the future. Thoroughly provided support for your recommendations. **

4.Use at least two (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Evaluate the role of asset valuations, liability valuations, and cash flow activities in assessing the quality of earnings.
Assess the framework and reporting requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act for publicly traded companies.

Black Snake Killaz: A #NoDAPL Story

Watch this 2017 documentary and other materials listed below, then write an essay of at least 300 words. In this essay, be sure to follow these instructions:
In addition to writing a summary on the film information, discuss the following:
What is the black snake?
What are water protectors?
What are man camps and problems associated with them and how do they relate to this?
What are the issues related to this specific pipeline and why is it being led by Natives?
How does this relate to other Native history in the United States?
Your opinions on this issue.
Please double space and use proper grammar and spelling.


Black Snake Killaz: a #NoDAPL story (120 mins) chronicles the resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline from April 2016 through March 2017. The film highlights actions taken by water protectors to stop the construction of the oil pipeline and investigates actions taken by law enforcement, military, and corporate mercenaries to quell the months-long protest. Black Snake Killaz timelines the historical events that unfolded in Standing Rock and brings you a raw front line experience of direct actions. Although the Dakota Access Pipeline was completed, the impact of the resistance movement will be long-lasting. The importance of the water protectors’ story grows as fossil fuel extraction projects continue to impact some of the most vulnerable communities throughout the world.
Black Snake Killaz: a #NoDAPL story is one of the many stories that has emerged from the #NoDAPL movement. Unicorn Riot offers Black Snake Killaz: a #NoDAPL story as a public resource to provide a concise yet detailed account of these historical events.
Releasing this film licensed as creative commons, non-commercial, share-alike, attribution, (no-derivatives) is a privilege and a choice we made as an organization. This film will be available to the public for educational purposes for free.

2 page essay

Use attached texbook.

Do not use any outside sources. Quotations should
include the author and page number of the source “and must be cited thusly” (Foner, 649).
Consider the six major disruptions to the status quo that we’ve explored in History 104 since
World War I
the 1918 Spanish Flu
the Great Depression
World War II
the Vietnam War and the Turbulence of the 1960s
the Recession of the 1970s and 1980s

Select two or three of the six crises listed above and answer this question: To what degree did these crises lead to reforms that expanded the boundaries of freedom for Americans? Give specific factual examples.* In the final sentence of the essay, you  may wish to speculate about whether the current coronavirus crisis–like crises past–will lead to outcomes which will contract or expand freedom.

*You may wish to define which definition of freedom they are using–negative (absence of
obstacles) or positive (presence of ability to achieve goals). As for specific examples in history, here are some possibilities that you may wish to consider: WWI led to alcohol Prohibition–did that expand or contract freedom? The Spanish Flu crisis led to expanded public health interventions–did that expand or contract freedom? The Great Depression led to New Deal reforms–did that expand or contract freedom? WWII led to a civil rights movement–did that expand or contract freedom? The turbulence of the 1960s
led to a rights revolution–did that expand or contract freedom? The recession of the 1970s and 1980s led to a triumph of conservatism–did that expand or contract freedom?