Censorship In Television

Write a 1500 to 1600 ( 1500 word minimum) word persuasive research paper (about six pages) on one of the following topics listed below. Your research must include citations from three peer-reviewed journals. These journals are available in hard copy or the internet. Other than the journals, sources can come from wherever you choose: books, internet, newspapers, film. Also, when establishing narrative viewpoint, use third-person. No first person allowed. Please follow MLA guidelines, including a properly formatted Works Cited page.

This paper is due on Tuesday, March 19th, both a hard-copy and an electronic submission to Turnitin. Remember, Turnitin expires at the start of classnot midnight.

Note: It is important that students carefully read the research and then assimilate that information into the research paper. It is not uncommon for students to list several sources on their Cited Page, but none of these sources appear in their research essay. This will earn students a very low grade.

Research the relationship between television and censorship over the past sixty years. Your thesis may want to consider the following questions: Was censorship more vigorous sixty years ago than today? If so, what cultural factors influenced that censorship? How have those cultural factors changed over six decades?

4 sources

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