Archive for July 5th, 2020

Central Limit Theorem

Collect some quantitative data. Find the sample mean and standard deviation. Plot it in a histogram. Does the data seem to follow the bell curve of the normal distribution? What features of the data do or do not fit in with the shape of the normal curve. How much deviation from the curve is to be expected?

Developing a Strategic Communication Plan

Imagine that you are a member of a team assigned by the police chief in your hometown to revise the organizations strategic communication plan. Your assignment is to utilize strategic approach that you have learned so far to develop your citys police departments strategic communication plan.
Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
Outline the approach that you would use to conduct research and interpret the situational analysis for your hometown.
Determine the main goals and objectives of your proposed communication plan. Predict the target group of your communication plan.
Propose the general communication strategies of your proposed plan. Provide a rationale for your response.
Develop the first four (4) main steps of your citys police departments strategic communication plan. Provide a rationale for your response.
Use at least two (2) quality academic resources as references, such as journal articles, newspapers, magazines, and publications from law enforcement associations. Note: Wikipedia, blogs, and similar websites do not qualify as quality academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Class Book
Police Operations: Theory and Practice, Sixth Edition
Kren Matison Hess, Christine Hess Orthmann, and Henry Lim Cho

U.S. workforce, are compensated

Address the following questions in a question-and-answer format; that is, state the question and then answer it in detail.
The Background readings for this module explore the premise of how contingent workers, who have become a key foundation of the U.S. workforce, are compensated. In this assignment, compare and contrast the various aspects of how contingent workers are compensated compared with conventional workers. As you undertake this comparative analysis, address the following:
    How does the employment of contingent employees affect an organizations business, its HRM responsibilities, its overall costs, and its organizational culture?
    In your educated opinion, should the compensation of contingent workers be the same (on a pro-rated basis) as conventional, full-time employees doing the same work? Discuss, bringing in both the strengths and challenges this approach presents.
    How would you, as the CEO of the company, create a sense of engagement with the infusion of contingent workers in a workplace that historically consisted of conventional, full-time employees?
Use at least background readings to help strengthen and support your 3-page response.

Aldana, S. (2018). Wellness ROI vs. VOI: The best employee wellbeing programs use both. Retrieved from
Heathfield, S. (2016). Are you getting the best benefit from your employee benefits? Retrieved from
Helios HR. (n.d.), What makes up a great total employee rewards package? Retrieved from
Hipple, S., & Stewart, J. (1996). Earnings and benefits of contingent and noncontingent workers. Monthly Labor Review, 119(10), 22-30. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.
Lawrence, T. (2012). Integrating contingent workers. Baseline, (114), 13. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.
Pedulla, D. S. (2013). The hidden costs of contingency: Employers use of contingent workers and standard employees outcomes. Social Forces, 92(2), 691-722. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.
The Kaiser Family Foundation (2018). Employer Health Benefits 2018 Annual Survey: Section 1: Cost of Health Insurance, pgs. 31-42. Retrieved from
Erfurt, J., Foote, A., & Heirich, M. (1992). The cost-effectiveness of worksite wellness programs.Personnel Psychology, (45) 22.
Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. (2006). Human Resource Management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Tsui, A., & Gomez-Mejia. (1988). Human Resource Effectiveness. Washington, DC: The Bureau of National Affairs.


Hi, I was hoping you could help me write a 4-5 page essay on articles that are about macroeconomics.
This is the information from the professor. I also uploaded the topics that we talked about in class.

Directions: Your assignment is to keep a Current Events Journal to be submitted during the week of ____________________. It is worth 20% of your final grade. It must contain the following elements:
1) Copies of 5-6 separate current event articles gathered over the semester from well-regarded, relatively objective professional news sources found on-line or in hard copy. Several that come to mind are: New York Times, Wall Street Journal, International Herald Tribune, Economist, CNN, Business Week, Forbes, Fortune. The articles you choose must be about major Macroeconomic issues. So choose your articles carefully, not frivolously. This will be particularly helpful for the second part below.
2) Typed commentary on each of the articles that must contain: 1) a brief summary of the issue covered in the article; 2) a brief explanation identifying why the issue is Macroeconomic; and 3) identification of specific issues in our course that are raised, or are related to the article with a written explanation supporting the connections you make. It is this third part that I will look at with greatest interest, so think carefully.
3) Regarding the format, the following should be observed: 1) Include the articles in the submission as an appendix to your commentary; 2) number the articles in the appendix and refer to the number in your commentary; 3) there is no specific length for each commentary, but it should demonstrate thoughtfulness in, and thoroughness of coverage; 4) your submission must be bound together such that there are no loose pages (staple it; avoid paperclips); 5) it must be typewritten, spell-checked and neatly presented; 6) use your own words in the commentary, and when you borrow use quotation marks ( ) to avoid issues of plagiarism.
4) Failure to submit the journal on time will result in a late penalty. If you fail to submit it, you will get a zero for that part of your grade.
5) Lets see the high-quality college work youre all capable of. Good luck.

crisis in news media

Blackboard Assignment #1
BB#1: Corona Virus News Story Analysis
(FYI – Epidemic is the outbreak of the disease in a community; while pandemic is the outbreak of the disease globally.)
Find a specific news story about the Corona Virus Crisis the DAY 4/16you do this assignment
a) Source a story in the news about the Corona Virus Crisis via direct link & state the date you found it.
b) Specify what stage of the crisis you think this event is in at this point (Support your choice)
c) Specify what stage in the news media you think this event is in at this point (Support your choice)
d) Discuss which theories fit the situation in terms of how the national voices are handling this specific issue related to the crisis that the story is about at this point of the story you are citing (Support your selections)
e) The publics being targeted are obvious: the entire nation! (Ch. 3) – but specifically for THIS story (are any specific audiences being addressed/targeted?… describe/explain)

Number your answers according to the question posed.
Single Space, left justified for each answer.
No word limit… just be sure to support your answers. Entire assignment should equate to about one page.

Joker Vs Parasite

ased on ideas brought up in The Joker movie and your analysis of it, write a 3-5 page essay engaging with the following question:

How do movies like The Joker and Parasite teach us about “real life”? Use at least two examples to explain your thesis position.


Please comment on the posts of a couple of your peers.

Reply to Classmate 1:
A misconception that I had before taking this class and I feel like people have as well is where we originated from. I can say I’m polish and dutch because my great-grandparents are from Poland and Holland. I look northern European with fair skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair. BUT before taking this class I would have never known that long ago my ancestors weren’t in northern Europe. Someone else in the class mentioned the class assignment where we listened to the audio lecture and thats where I learned we all originated from Africa. I know this is a common misconception because right after listening to that lecture I told my dad and he said “I don’t think so.” A consequence of this misconception is ignorance of not believing what scientist have proven correctly.

Reply to Classmate 2:
I think one common misconception people have is the way that many are okay with the idea of our ancestors being less smart and advance than us. But then most people really don’t know where their ancestors come from geographically which makes us seem a little less smart as we claim to be. I feel like the only consequence that this gives back is the ignorance of speaking but not knowing where things came about originally but just going off of assumptions we picture in our head.

The Quantitative Reasoning rubric

Signature Assignment: Quantitative Reasoning, Introduced Level
In this assignment, your quantitative reasoning skills will be assessed at the introduced level. The Quantitative Reasoning rubric will be useful for this purpose. Then in HRM520 your quantitative reasoning skills will be further assessed at the reinforced level. Finally, in HRM599 your skills will be assessed at the emphasized level.
Case Assignment
This assignment requires you to:
1.    Complete 3 tablesone each for Health Care Costs, Absenteeism, and Presenteeism.
2.    Use relevant data from the 2018 Employer Health Benefits Survey for as many table categories as possible, such as annual health care costs, health insurance premiums, annual cost increases, and so forth. Some of the data needed for the three tables are not included in the survey. For those, you have the discretion to use relevant data from other reliable sources. The article Wellness ROI versus VOI contains additional information.
3.    To determine your quantitative reasoning skills, it is important you analyze, synthesize, and report your findings in a 3-page paper (not counting the title page, reference page or appendices). You do not need to complete all categories of the tables, but complete as many as possible. The basic requirement is to compile and plug-in sufficient data within each table necessary to analyze and report your findings.
4.    Feel free to use the same data for each table, but you should try to use examples of data that show significant differences when calculated.
5.    Follow this link to three calculators at

Watch the videos and use the calculators provided to calculate the possible impact on health care costs, absenteeism, and presenteeism of wellness programs. (Adobe Flash is needed to view the videos.)
Prepare three tables in Word to show the data you choose. Your tables should be set up like this:
Health Care Costs:
Health Care Costs:    Annual Health Care Costs    Annual Cost Increase    Number of Employees    % of employees obese    % that are smokers    Target percent obese    Target percent smokers
Example H1:                           
Example H2:                           
Example H3:                           
Absenteeism:    Annual Health Care Costs    Annual Cost Increase    Number of Employees    % of employees obese    % that are smokers    Target percent obese    Target percent smokers
Example A4:                           
Example A5:                           
Example A6:                           
Presenteeism:    Annual Health Care Costs    Annual Cost Increase    Number of Employees    % of employees obese    % that are smokers    % of employees 1 or more risk factor.    Target percent obese    Target percent smokers
Example P7:                               
Example P8:                               
Example P9:                               
Using critical thinking skills to prepare your narrative, you should summarize and analyze the data. Do not merely repeat the numbers from your tables without analyzing the findings and making recommendations for employers (and employees).
The paper you submit should include:
1.    Title page
2.    3-page narrative, complete with a strong introduction and conclusion. Bring in at least two sources develop the narrative. Include in-text citations following APA guidelines.
3.    References page: Include your reference list on the next page that follows your narrative. List each source on the References page in APA format.
4.    Appendices: Create three appendices, one each for Health Care Costs, Absenteeism, and Presenteeism. Include at least one graph to go along with each of the three tables (appendices). Refer to the specific example to which each graph belongs

We will be looking at the importance of determining compensation program effectiveness. There are basically two commonly used approaches to evaluate the effectiveness of HRMs total rewards practices: the audit approach and the analytic approach.
The Audit Approach
The audit approach focuses on reviewing the outcomes of the human resource compensation function. Key indicators and customer satisfaction measures are typically collected.
Electronic employee databases and information systems have made it much easier to collect, store, and analyze key indicators than in the past, when information was kept in paper files.
Some examples of key pay-related indicators include:
    Per capita (average) merit increases
    Ratio of recommendations for reclassification to number of employees
    Percentage of overtime hours to straight time
    Ratio of average salary offers to average salary in community
    Fairness of existing job evaluation system in assigning grades and salaries
    Competitiveness in local labor market
    Relationship between pay and performance
    Employee satisfaction with pay
Some examples of key benefits-related indicators include:
    Average unemployment compensation payment (UCP)
    Average workers compensation payment (WCP)
    Benefit cost per payroll dollar
    Percentage of sick leave to total pay
    Promptness in handling claims
    Fairness and consistency in the application of benefit policies
    Communication of benefits to employees
    Assistance provided to line managers in reducing potential for unnecessary claims
Many firms have gone to surveys of top-level line executives as a means of assessing HRM effectiveness. For example, relating this to total rewards, the top-level line executives can see how the total rewards system and practices are impacting both employees and the overall effectiveness of the firm from a strategic standpoint. They can also help determine how well HR employees perceptions of total reward program effectiveness align with the views of their line colleagues.
The Analytic Approach
In this approach, focus is placed on either:
a.    Determining whether the introduction of a total rewards program or practice (like a new benefit) has the intended effect. Usually evaluators are most interested in determining the degree of change associated with the program or practice.
b.    Estimating the financial costs and benefits resulting from a new compensation practice. In this approach, concern is placed on the dollar value (costs vs. benefits) of the new total rewards program or practice. For example, determining the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a wellness program might include:
o    Annual direct program costs, per employee per year
o    Percentage of cardiovascular disease risks (high blood pressure, overweight, smoking, lack of exercise) reduced or relapse prevented
o    Amount spent per 1% of risks reduced or relapse prevented

Once the total reward program or practice has been evaluated, HRM can explore how to improve its effectiveness in contributing to the competitiveness of the organization. There are several different ways HR professionals might attempt to improve the effectiveness of a total rewards program/practice:
o    Restructuring: For the total rewards/HRM function to contribute strategically to the firms effectiveness, the senior HR person must be part of the top management team.
o    Outsourcing: This entails contracting with an outside vendor to provide a total rewards product or service to the firm, instead of producing the product/service using employees within the firm.
o    Process Redesign/Reengineering: Completely reviewing critical work processes to make them more efficient and able to deliver higher quality total reward services. This may also include implementing new technologies (e.g., HRM information systems).
Erfurt, J., Foote, A., & Heirich, M. (1992). The cost-effectiveness of worksite wellness programs.Personnel Psychology, (45) 22.
Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. (2006). Human Resource Management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Tsui, A., & Gomez-Mejia. (1988). Human Resource Effectiveness. Washington, DC: The Bureau of National Affairs.
Required Material
Aldana, S. (2018). Wellness ROI vs. VOI: The best employee wellbeing programs use both. Retrieved from
Heathfield, S. (2016). Are you getting the best benefit from your employee benefits? Retrieved from
Helios HR. (n.d.), What makes up a great total employee rewards package? Retrieved from
Hipple, S., & Stewart, J. (1996). Earnings and benefits of contingent and noncontingent workers. Monthly Labor Review, 119(10), 22-30. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.
Lawrence, T. (2012). Integrating contingent workers. Baseline, (114), 13. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.
Pedulla, D. S. (2013). The hidden costs of contingency: Employers use of contingent workers and standard employees outcomes. Social Forces, 92(2), 691-722. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.
The Kaiser Family Foundation (2018). Employer Health Benefits 2018 Annual Survey: Section 1: Cost of Health Insurance, pgs. 31-42. Retrieved from

Self Assessment

Based on the results of your self assessment. Using key concepts provided in your book, as well as external sources, write a full page analysis of of your results. Be sure to research the roles that you scored the highest and lowest on.
To help you analyze your results, think about the following- do you agree with your results/do these roles accurately describe the roles you typically fill on teams? From your research, are there other roles that better describe you outside of the 5 role preferences provided? How has your role preference changed (if at all) since transitioning to a virtual team?

peer review disney

Write a peer conversation post to the following discussion to look at Disney as an example of the more general messages that pervade our culture and instruct girls and women (and boys and men) about normative gender.

Including one direct quote from the reading attached.

To start off this discussion, it is important to not only analyze the impact of Disney movies, but more so the influence that can occur.  As a child, Disney has been my favorite movie and still. Disney movies take me back to my childhood and I am sure it does for most, but what sticks out to me the most is reenacting princess roles. I enjoyed watching Disney films and many other fairy tale movies, I imagined or believed the characters were real. According to this weeks reading by Lori Baker-Sperry, The Production of Meaning through Peer Interaction: Children and Walt Disneys mentions, Scholars have identified fairy tales as vehicles of gendered messages and forms of perspective literature for childrens and others have argued that such gendered messages are interpreted and reinforced through peer interaction. From my perspective kids learn by observation therefore learning from social media, entertainment, and TV. This is where kids will use a Disney movie to represent their conception.  From this quote, I can say I can agree with both methods in delivering messages identified by scholars. However, I believe using fairy tales translates messages to children effectively because it is a way to interact with children acknowledging what they enjoy. At that age I believe conveying a message to kids in a fun, creative approach sends out the message.

Cinderella was one of my favorite Disney movies as a child and most importantly dressing up as princesses in sparkly gowns, and of course acting as a distressed princess that needs help from a prince, a hero. Reenacting Disney movies is what I remember from my childhood, playing with my cousins and friends. From the analysis done by Lori Baker-Sperry, the observation done displayed children are able to imagine and link characters by the description being read from the story of Cinderella. For example, once the character of the prince was characterized, the girls reacted positively and expressed him to be a romantic character. The girls also expressed that the prince of course would be handsome when the text being read did not identify the prince as being handsome. Although the text does not identify the Prince as handsome, charming, or dreamy, these names were often linked to this character by the girls, particularly when asked about his appearance (Baker-Sperry, 2007). This is a demonstration on how Disney movies have an impact on kids’ imagination and how it is understood. Although, I think there are ways to hinder the messages in films by having conversations with kids about the films and maybe take some time to explain. Another Disney film from the many favorites is The Little Mermaid, this film demonstrated various  life lessons such as fighting for what you want. However, the movie displays gender roles expressing to the viewers regarding genderedized socialization and to follow which men are strong  and brave whereas women are represented or displayed as ideally petite, beautiful and an individual that relies on the presence of a man. In addition, it is displayed women would need to be obedient, dutiful and submissive with domesticated roles in order to achieve a happily ever after.

Most of the main Disney Princesses before some of the new ones were created were mostly focused on traditional roles where all the princesses were dependent on a man and in that process of getting her man she would have to be rescued. For example, Princess Jasmine from the movie Aladdin was saved by a man and married him, Sleeping Beauty was poisoned and was in an eternal sleep. However, Sleeping Beauty can be awakened by a kiss specifically by a man. Lastly, I want to mention is Snow White who lived with seven men and married a prince that also rescued her. Dont get me wrong, I love Disney and the movies they created, but it is interesting to take the time to acknowledge the subliminal messages presented to the viewers, majority children. Overall, there is a connection between these fictional depictions and the way girls and women in society partake or are expected appropriately. Disney often shows gender roles of how society perceives gender norms which are usually princesses having to be responsible for domestic roles and yearning for romance and dependence in men. To conclude, not only Disney films partake in gender roles, but there are many other contributing factors that do as well. I believe by demonstrating in films  that princesses are being praised and rewarded for being beautiful, kind, graceful, innocent, domesticated and married is oppressive. Society applauds those who take the normal path, but if not then what?