Archive for July 5th, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment 11 and 12.

Assignment 11 – Read ‘Bending Adversity Japan and the art of Survival by David Pilling’ #13, #14, #15, #16, and #17 (pp. 253-318).

Assignment 12 – You do not have to read every books that I attach. Just read some and answer the Question. However, I attach everything just in case.

Polygamy: history, lifestyle, current controversies

Topic: Polygamy: history, lifestyle, current controversies

RESEARCH PAPER (6-8 pages, MLA style)

This paper will involve research and evaluation of research. It will combine your opinions and arguments with the opinions from at least five articles on the topic that you have chosen. At least three of these articles have to be opinion/argument articles (i.e. containing the authors position on one side or the other, not just facts). Also, all of your articles have to have an author (blogs, chain letters, or Wikipedia are not acceptable sources). Best sources: library resources, or sites associated with universities or major newspapers. Tip: you can add “scholarly article” to the key word if you use Google or other search engines on the web. Do not use articles that ask for any money. The library provides its own search engine with plenty of articles on a great variety of topics (so go to “Library” on the STC website, go to “Articles” and you will see several options. EBSCO is a good one.

I want your paper to contain a DEBATE between two sides of the issue .You will present the sides and explain where the authors stand in your paper major points and how theyre supported from the articles, and agree or disagree with each point you bring up from their texts. Finally, you will choose one side based on which arguments you agree with the most. You should make the comparison between the arguments obvious: are the articles that are on one side very similar or have differences? Is the opposing argument more, or less valid? Why?

YOUR argument that evaluates the four articles that you picked should be clear from the beginning, but then elaborated in a dialogue with the 4 articles. It should be clear, however, what YOUR voice and your opinions are in relation to the sources. Do not simply paraphrase or summarize someone elses point without mentioning whose opinion that is, if its not your point, because that would mean youre plagiarizing. Always distinguish between their points and yours, with signals such as In his opinion, I agree because, or his point makes sense because, or I think a flaw in this argument is. You can give your own examples, to show how you relate to the issue or not.
When you discuss a source that contains facts, explain the meaning of those facts and use them to help make your point. Make them relevant to your position.
Organization: The paper does not have to follow any specific pattern, except that of course it will have an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction, as usual, will announce what the topic is, what articles you talk about (by what authors), and will announce your position in relation to them.

The two easiest ways to construct a body for your paper is to do either of the following:

A.  Divide the body of the paper in 5 parts (though you should have more than one paragraph for each source) and each part will be about one article, making sure you always agree or disagree, saying what reasons you have to agree or disagree with it; when you move on to the next one, make references to the previous ones, saying how it is similar to them or not, as well as your position toward it. After that, you will draw some conclusions based on your position and how you analyzed the articles (e.g. because you agreed with this point and disagreed with that point, your overall point is this);

B.  The paper will alternate between the 5 (or more) articles (giving at the same time a critical evaluation of them, by expressing your attitude and why you have it). It will be organized by sub-points, and show how each article addresses each particular sub-point, then you will move to the next sub-point and show how each article addresses it, etc.
In any case, it should be clear by the end where you stand in relation to the topic.
IMPORTANT: You will have to use QUOTES from all the three articles to show how the author makes a point. Approximately, you should give a short quote for each separate idea, with proper citation, and with a comment on the quote. In any given paragraph, the quote should not be more than 1/3 of the paragraph, the rest being your own evaluation of the point made in the quote or the analysis preceding the quote.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

It  will be an individualized, between 400 to 600-word parer on the Application of AI in one the following Topics that you like to choose:

AI application on Society (Social impacts and application of AI),

AI application on Managing Businesses,


AI application on Health care.

Your Grading Rubric will be:

Academic Articulation of Subject, linking AI to the topic that you chose, 40 points  (Conclusion 15 Points.) = Sub-Total =55 Points

Academic References – At least 6 references from credible sources  (Magazines, Journals, News Organization),  30 Points,

English Grammar and wordings  15 Points.

Consequences of Hydraulic Fracturing ( Fracking)

The Paper must discuss the topic mentioned in the class, and choose an environmental-related issue, what circumstances lead to the problem, how the issue impacts environment and society, mitigation strategies or potential alternatives, and how (if appropriate) human activity relates to this issue. 

The paper should contain a detailed literature review using scientific articles to help provide relevant information. A minimum of 5 articles/credible sources is required for each project.

Format and guidelines of Research Paper
Your paper must be 5-7 pages long, not including references.
One-inch margins, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1.5 spacing is required. Points will be deducted for not following these simple instructions.

The argument must be objective and supported by scientific evidence. Please refrain from personalization and emotional opinion.

Citations: Within the text of your paper, at the place in the text where a source is being used to support your argument, please place in parentheses the authors name and date of the publication, e.g.: which is exploited by grazing cattle when other meadows dry-out (USDA Forest Service 2006), is one of the most economically important…  such as removal of above-ground biomass, compensatory growth (e.g. McNaughton 1983), reduction of litter accumulation rates (e.g. Humphrey and Patterson 2000). Then, in the references section include the full citation, e.g.: USDA Forest Service.  2006.  Fen survey report, Bucks Lake Wilderness, Plumas National Forest.  Prepared by J. Bishop and C. Bishop.  Unpublished report on file.  Mt. Hough Ranger District, Plumas National Forest, Quincy, CA. McNaughton, S. J.  1983.  Compensatory plant growth as a response to herbivory.  Oikos 40:329-336.

Please focus the majority of the paper issues caused inside the United States. You may use some out of State references.

Brand magament

Discuss the following questions in 3~5 pages (Times new roman 11pt, 1inch margin, 1.5 spaced)

– Should Boston Beer attack the light beer market? If yes, why and how? If no, why and what should they do?

– What is the specific contribution of each form of market researchtaste tests, ZMETs, consumption data, each of your recommendations?

– How does Boston Beer get heard in such a noisy marketplace?

– What could you have done at the start of the Field Study and what can you do now to insure that you really help Boston Beer management?

Essay – Caribbean Class


Your essay should be 4 double-spaced pages, numbered and with your name and youre A.I.s name on the first page (in case they get printed out at some point).

You have one week to work on your essay. Treat it as a take home paper rather than as an exam. Use the time you have to think about your response, and draw from course material for the content of your paper. This is not cheating; its using our courses resources to inform your response. And, as always, please feel free to ask youre A.I. or me any questions you may have as you prepare. We cannot read first drafts but we are very happy to help you express and clarify your ideas.

Be sure to site properlyno one wants to accidentally plagiarize. When including your authors statements, points, or examples, put their name and page number in parenthesis after the statement. For example, paraphrasing = Jones talked about the color of the sky (Jones, p.9); quoting = According to Jones, the sky was blue that day (Jones, p.9). It is best to keep quotations and paraphrases brief: capture the authors examples and basic ideas, but save the space for your own ideas, which are most important in your essay.

Please do not go off syllabus: do not include authors or readings not assigned in our class; do not use dictionary or other definitions; please focus solely on course materials.


The year is 1880 and the place is a ship that is carrying passengers from its two previous stops, Havana, Cuba and Georgetown, British Guiana down to Brazil. The passengers include time-expired indentured laborers, or coolies, on their way to a new life. One morning two people go up on deck to get some sea air. One is a former indentured laborer from what was then called Canton, who has just left Cuba, and the other one is from Calcutta, who has just left British Guiana. They have a conversation, comparing their lives as indentured laborers in their respective plantation societies.

Please record their conversation: what did they talk about with each other that morning? As author of this essay, you will determine who each person is and what they say and think.  Their conversation can be presented as (i) dialogue (but if done entirely as a dialogue it will be harder to execute well because dialogue has to convey the broader context), or (ii) in third person narrative (he said this, she said that), or (iii) in first person narrative (I saw X, and told her/him Y, then he/she replied Z).

You must include:

the gender and names of each traveler
a thorough description of the conditions in which they lived and worked in Cuba and BG, respectively
what their criticisms are of the ways they lived and worked
what they think was beneficial about their experience; was becoming indentured worth it?
what each of them thinks are the difference and similarities between slavery and indenture. Remember that the person from British Guiana will be speaking historically and the person from Cuba will be speaking from personal observation.
What they will most want their great-grandchildren to know about their family history. (You can think about Finding Samuel Lowe here, too, although the film cannot replace any of the readings.)
You must also include a minimum of two and a maximum of four brief quotations from (1) Faruqee, (2) Look Lai, (3) Yun, and (4) Helly. You may not use more than one quotation from each author. So, if you choose to include only two quotations you will have only two authors quoted in your paper. But you will still need to have read all four authors, AND CITE YOUR SOURCES, in order to most fully and fascinatingly report on the conversation that your two characters are having on the ships deck.

Black Death Vs Coronavirus

This writing assignment ask you to compare the Black Death of the 14th Century to our current pandemic disease. Use the information you have learned to answer the following question in a one-page essay:

Question:  What are the similarities and differences between the Black Death and the coronavirus? Are pandemic diseases inevitable?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment Content

Review the research you gathered in Week 2 and the thesis statement you created iUse the APA template from the Center for Writing Excellence to create a draft of your Final Paper.

Keep in mind that only the draft will be required for submission in this assignment. You do not have to submit your outline or notes.

Instructions from the Assignment
Use the APA template from the Center for Writing Excellence to create a draft of your final paper with a minimum of 525 words.
Complete the appropriate APA title page information with your details and original title.
This assignment requires that you include direct quotes or paraphrased information from the research you gathered in Week 2 (3 pieces of cited evidence, 1 of which is peer reviewed).
Underline or bold the thesis statement within your introduction paragraph.

Use a grammar tool from the Center for Writing Excellence to review your work for errors and make corrections as needed.

Include APA-formatted citations on the last page of the assignment (References page). Each cited source should have 1 reference within the paper. Use the Citation Generator tool in the Center for Writing Excellence.
Student Work Example Only (Plagiarism if you copy this material)
Adverse Effects of Corporal Punishment on Children
Corporal punishment adversely effects children and should be discontinued due to the impact it has on children. Research has proven that it is detrimental to our children and that it causes aggression issues, and can even result in physical abuse on children. There is a movement to create no hit zones and to stop the use of corporal punishment completely. I agree that corporal punishment is detrimental to our children and other means of discipline should be used.
One study shows that children are more prone to aggression and that they dont even follow through with the good behavior after corporal punishment is administered. “This study confirmed previous research showing that child compliance is short-lived and that CP is a risk factor for physical abuse, as well as for child aggression (Proulx, Morgan L; Douglas, Emily M; Straus, Murray, 2018).” Another study shows that the effects of corporal punishment and the effects it has on African American people, which was the basis for this study. “Meta-analyses of the effects of corporal punishment generally show it to have detrimental effects (Simons, L.G.; Simons, R.L.; Su, X.(2013). The last study is using research to move you to their idea of corporal punishment being stopped completely. The use of CP is wrong and there should be No Hit Zones established (Vaughan-Eden, V., Holden, G. W., & Stacie, S. L. (2019). This study is trying to incorporate these no hit zones everywhere to protect our children.
In conclusion, I agree that corporal punishment should be stopped for the good of all children. The research and references I have provided will show you that to end corporal punishment, we are basically saving our childrens future.
[In student work, references begin on a new page.]
Proulx, M. L., Douglas, E. M., & Straus, M. A. (2018). Testing the Link Between Dyadic Concordance in Corporal Punishment, Positive Parenting, and Crime in An International Sample of Young Adults. International Journal of Law, Policy & the Family, 32(3), 259280.,

Simons, L. G., Simons, R. L., & Su, X. (2013). Consequences of corporal punishment among african americans: The importance of context and outcome. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42(8), 1273-85. doi:

V., Holden, G. W., & Stacie, S. L. (2019). Commentary: Changing the social norm about corporal punishment: C & A C & A. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 36(1), 43-48. doi:

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the WSJ article by DeMuth and tell me if there is any argument that perhaps the FDA may go too far in its interpretation of “protecting the public.” Is there a middle ground here? What do you think is the concern of the FDA?

Explain the Court’s ruling and analysis for the approval of drugs for terminally ill patients. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

each question answer one page, reference required

Revising U.S. Sentencing and Prison Laws & Reducing State of Correctional Spending

State of Michigan

Minimum 3-4 pages
*reference page is not apart of the 3-4 pages, please attach separate***

You are the Honorary Governor of that state and in charge of:
1.Explaining what is a Mandatory Minimum Sentence. Discuss the Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Laws in the state assigned. What plans would be implemented to Decrease Mandatory Minimum Sentences for numerous non-violent drug offenses.
2.Research how to decrease the Sentencing disparity between Crack and Powder Cocaine in the state.
3.Explain in 3-5 ways how you will decrease the Department of Corrections incarceration costs for the prison system.
4.Research the state assigned and the actual cost for the Department of Corrections total prison budget. (For example: List the Department of Corrections prison budget, total state cost of prisons, average annual cost per inmate, retiree health care contributions, underfunded retiree health care, Capital costs, judgements and legal claims, statewide administrative costs, Inmate education and training, subtotal: other state costs, and total taxpayer costs.
Compare to other states with a population similar to the state assigned, but has lower incarceration rates. Explain some of the programs implemented such as Re-Entry Programs, Job Training, Substance Abuse Treatment or educational programs for inmates and discuss what are they doing differently.  As governor, list and explain the programs you would adopt in your state.
5.It must be typed in a 5-6 paragraph format.

The Reference Page must be typed according to APA Format.