Archive for July 5th, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Finally, each student must submit a proposal for a virtual group exhibition that includes the students work in the context of professional (not student) artists work.  The final package for this will consist of a written proposal of the exhibition with a coherent explanation of theme and content, images of the individual works chosen for the exhibition, and an official press release of the same.

pls check this intro

Interpersonal Communication between foreigners

Education level – (College)

Significance of interpersonal communication skills on communication and business environment

Write a research paper about how similar and different your countrys interpersonal communication system is from any other country. You can compare your country with any other country i.e. if you are Malaysian, compare your interpersonal communication system in Malaysia with Chinese interpersonal communication system.

Minimum word 800

Additional Links –


Here are the worship/sermons you are to listen to for your reflection papers. Use the notes I gave you to compare and contrast. Particularly ask yourself:

Is the theology used from above (rational white concepts) or from below (lived experiences)?

Is it liberation oriented or maintain the status quo

Inclusive or exclusive

Christocentric or theocentric

Call and response or monological

LISTEN TO THE ENTIRE SERMONS. If you piece meal this assignment you will miss something very important. This is your final so give me your best work. The reflection papers are to be 1-1 pages in length.

The Crossing A Church Located in Columbia, MO :

The Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright, When Fear Trumps Faith,:

Define marketing and show to what extent this has an impact on society?

The essay should demonstrate planning, research, analysis and the ability to build coherent critical arguments. You are expected to refer to your core text and other credible academic sources. Reference your work using the Harvard style.

    Microsoft Word
    Font size 12 for the main text
    1.5 line spacing
    Tables must be captioned in sequence and font size 10.5
  E.g. Table 1: This is an example caption for a table.
    All diagrams, graphs and figures must be captioned as figures in sequence and font size 10.5
  E.g. Figure 1: This is an example caption for a figure.

It should have 1500 word (+/- 10%)

Data Structures Assignment 4 and 5

I need help doing two of my data structures assignments. Attached are the assignment, textbook, source codes, and mock assignment. The textbook is included is the 2nd edition while the course uses the 4th edition so chapter and question numbers will be different. Assignment should be done in java.

Filo IO Assignment

In this assignment, you will practice using recursion, as well as file operations. Submit a single ZIP file called containing your IntelliJ project. This assignment has 50 marks see the marking scheme posted on cuLearn for details.
Assume that we have an assembly line that can take a picture of a machine part which moves along a conveyor belt. The picture (or image) is represented as a 2D grid of pixels which are either black or white. The pixels can be accessed by specifying the row and column of the pixel where rows and columns are specified by an integer value. The machine examines the images and attempts to determine whether or not the parts are broken. A broken part will appear as a set of black pixels which are not all connected together (i.e., there is a separation between one or more sets of black pixel groups. Here are some examples of four possible images. Note that (c) and (d) represent images of broken parts. The red border represents the perimeter of a part composed of black pixels.

GUI house rentals system using scenebuilder

Here is the zip file the system package has the phase1 one and the main package has the phase 2 which I couldnt complete it so can you help me in this also i did only the main view  in the phase to and I didnt know what I should write in the controller so please help me

Inequalities that the COVID-19 crisis has highlighted

The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting people around the world. The virus knows no borders, yet nations and regions are experiencing this pandemic in significantly different ways. Make an argument about some of the inequalities that the COVID-19 crisis has highlighted. Think broadly about access to healthcare and resources, racism and blame, and economic disparities in the global context of this pandemic. Use examples from lecture, course readings, and outside sources to support your argument.
Please Check the materials that I uploaded. Please follow the directions well.

1 page essay

Purpose: This assignment will help you engage in reading and analyzing a scholarly research article.

Readings: Morton Deutsch: “A Framework for Thinking About Oppression”

Writing Task:  In a well-developed post of 1 page in length, please do the following: 

Write a scholarly review (Summary & Critique) of Morton Deutschs A Framework for Thinking About Oppression. Although this may sound like a simple assignment, I expect the following:

a short introduction to the article and topic along with a summary of the scholarly article. (one paragraph)

a deeper, more extensive assessment outlining the main points of the paper, including for example assumptions made, arguments presented, data analyzed, and conclusions drawn. (one paragraph)

any limitations or extensions you see for the ideas in the paper & your reflection (or opinion) of the paper; primarily, the quality of the ideas and its potential impact. (one to two paragraphs)

Format: Your post should follow MLA format. The title, name of author, and citation of the article. See example below:

Student’s Name




Title: Scholarly Review Paper

Authors Last name, First name. Title of the article. Title of the journal, First name Last name of any other contributors (if applicable), Version (if applicable), Numbers (such as a volume and issue number), Publication date, Page numbers.

[Your essay begins here]

Philadelphia the movie

This paper has to be based on the movie Philadelphia with Tom Hanks. We have to answer questions that I will attach below. There is not a page limit. I guess as long as you answer the questions.

1.      Did Tom Hanks  have a disability under the ADA?  Explain.

2.        What  element of Tom Hank’s discrimination and wrongful discharge case that was most difficult to prove? Explain.

3.        What do you think was going on in Denzel Washington’s mind during the scene where he and Tom Hanks listened to the opera? Do you think that this was a turning point? If not, where do you see his turning point? Explain.

4.        What surprised you most about the movie? Explain.

5.        If this scenario happened today, would Tom Hanks have any affinity orientation protection? Explain.