Archive for July 5th, 2020


Feel free to write this exam from a more subjective (first-person position)
I see it as an opportunity for each of you to really express openly your thoughts and experience in relation to the subject area (culture and identity) we have studied all semester.

Please read article : Mexicans Begin Jogging
answer the question in a complete, well-organized two to three page essay

Which work we read from this semester resonated most strongly with your own experiences of identity in relation to culture?  Discuss how the themes or subjects in the work intersect to some extent with your own personal sense of identity as it relates to the culture in which you grew up.
Please write this essay from Chinese student perspective, imagine you are a Chinese student and write it

(decide after reading the instruction)

find some recent case, in the real world, that can be related to any of the subjects we discussed in the classin the appliedchapters of the book (Chs5-11)Tell me about the case.Tell me what it relates to in the book.Tell me what you think about it.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

China’s One-Child Policy

On October 28, 2015, the Chinese government ended its one-child policy, allowing families to have two children.  The articles below discuss the impact two writers feel the policy had on the lives of girls in China while the one-child policy was in effect.  Two short articles from the NY Times newspaper that follow question whether the change in policy will be the important factor in increasing China’s population, or whether other factors, such as greater access to education and employment opportunities for women, will be more significant.

This week’s assignment focuses on the impact of China’s one-child policy. Look at Just One Child: Science and Policy in Deng’s China by Susan Greenhalgh. Historians of China now see evidence that population growth was naturally declining before the policy was promulgated, and the strict enforcement of measures to hasten that decline has had unexpected consequences. Most historians point to the unbalanced gender ratio which has resulted in many more men than women now of marriageable age. But other researchers, such as one you will read in this assignment, offer a different perspective. They look at the impact the law has had on the status of girls and women.

As you read, note how each author explains the changes that are happening for young women in urban and rural China. What do they attribute those changes to?

– Rana Mitter, Modern China: A Very Short Introduction, Chapter 6 and 7
– China’s One-Child Policy and the Empowerment of Urban Daughters Vanessa L. Fong American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 104, No. 4 (Dec., 2002), pp. 1098-1109
– Girl Power: Young Women and the Waning of Patriarchy in Rural North China,” Yunxiang Yan, Ethnology, Vol. 45, No. 2, Spring 2006, pp. 105-123.
– China Seeks More Births, Higher Limit May Not Be the AnswerChina’s Enlightenment Moment
– China’s Enlightenment Moment

1.  How do Vanessa L. Fong and Yunxiang Yan agree and disagree with each other in their analysis of the changes that have and are occurring in the lives of young girls and women in urban and rural China?

2.  Through your own readings in this course, you now know quite a bit about women’s lives in 20th century China.  Do you think the two authors, Vanessa L. Fong and Yunxiang Yan, failed to consider a dimension(s) of what impacts women’s status in drawing their conclusions?  If so, what would that be?  In other words, what have the authors left out of their considerations?  Do you think the writers of the NY Times articles address those missing factors?

International Releations

Write a  5 10 pages, double-spaced, essay using the textbook and the two articles essays written by John Gray and Richard K. Betts to answer the questions/prompts listed below. In order to get full credit for your work the literature listed here above MUST be read and used in your essay. Please note that points WILL NOT BE AWARED FOR MERE EFFORT.  The student will be graded on the accuracy of her/his answers.
i) Show proper usage of the literature. Make sure you work the content of the literature in your answers; give specific examples.
ii) You must cite. You must use cite any text taken from the literature.
iii) Spell-check and Proofread. These are two important steps in guaranteeing typographic quality and the structural integrity of your work. Aside the electronic spell-check function of your word processor, printing and proofreading your work (with a red pen at hand) guarantees quality (syntax etc.).
iv) Fonts and margins. Use font-size 12 with standard margins.
v) Make sure to include your full name, date of submission, and assignment title.

Your task is: 1) to read Ch. 12 and the two articles, and 2) answer the following questions/prompt – this is an essay and not a short-answers exam:
1.    Assess the powerful impact of non-state actors (piracy, terrorism, and technology and privatization) have on the global system of states.
2.    Looking more attentively at terrorism, what is John Gray’s argument regarding the West’s war on terrorism. Can the war be won?
3.    Finally, looking at Richard K. Betts’ reviews, when (e.g., post Cold War, post 9/11, or 21st century?) does Fukuyama, Huntington, and Mearsheimer’s visions rang truest?

Current enviroment events

find 2-4 articles in current environmental events within a particular theme. they must be form a reputable online or print sources such as a newspaper or a magazine 1) briefly summarize the article and 2) explain the relevancy of the issues you choose. 3) try to relate the issue to your own life or your community and propose actions you or your community could take to address these issues.
the assignment must be minimum 2 full pages of texts, with any additional text and references (direct links to the articles) on a separate page. first line should have your name and title. then a single space, then begin your assignment. no extra spaces are allowed, they do not count towards page length. times new roman 12 or arial 10pt font, 1 inch margins only. you must have a minimum of 2 citation/references. it must be on the 3 page.

Whole Foods Strategy Challenge

Research the organization

For major companies, seek relevent articles in magazines and/or newspapers. If you choose to write about a small business, interview leaders of the firm.


Your papers will provide an overall strategic analysis of the chosen organization and should include (but are not limited to) the following:

Demonstrate knowledge of the organization by discussing items such as history, five factor relationships, SWOT, value chain analysis, resource analysis, or other organizational facets discerned from the teams research.

If possible, identify which of the five generic strategies fit the organization.

Financial analysis, include graphs if you like.

For small businesses, for which financials are not available, ask the leader to share his/her general opinion as to the firms financial performance.

Are you satisfied with the firms profits, sales growth, etc.

How do you think your firms financial performance compares to competitors?

Present strategic concerns

Provide recommendations for addressing those strategic concerns.

Heres some tips:

Make sure strengths and weakness are internaland stated to reflect internal. The same for opportunities and threatsexcept external.

Apply critical thinking to your discussion of the organization, strategic concerns, and recommendations. And you should connect those elements a bit build to your recommendations.

Critical thinking includes more than presenting the obvious, easy answer.

Think of multiple possible recommendation options.

Choose the best options.

Strategic concerns and recommendations should impress me with critical thinking applied more than the obvious

Provide reasoning for why your recommendations will help

Formatting Guidelines

12 pt. New Times Roman

Normal margins

Double space

Writing and grammar will affect grades.

1 – 2 references is sufficient

Any topic (writer’s choice)

250 words each

Week 7 F/U
1. Other than the American Revolution or Civil War, what place or event do you think shaped US history to 1877 the most?  Why?  Support your answer with 3 historical facts.

Week 5 F/U
2.Discuss 3 southern politicians active at the national level prior to 1860.
250 words each.

Week 8 W/A Follow Up
Comment [ht2]: Question 2 How did the LA Purchase expand presidential powers? Give 3 examples.

House Rental System phase 2 GUI (JavaFX)

here in the zip file the the system package has the phase one and the main package has the phase 2 which I couldn’t do it I only did the main view of the app and the rest I need your help in it by using sceneBuilder (GUI)

Implementing network using packet tracer


I am having some difficulty and not being able to figure it out how to

Add a default static route on Home Router so that it will deliver all packets correctly. ( What IP should I be using)
Add a static route to on SF router.
I have attached the Cisco Packet Tracer and highlight where I got stuck. Please let me know if you are able to complete it

social Media and Anxiety in High school students

can you add on to “Results” section some COVID-19 paragraph(s) with the university( Rowan University) communication as backup and also in the references section. You do not want to say anything specific to your project (you can do that as the paper progresses); just the facts of the situation and how it stopped all action research.  In addition to the University news, you should cite evidence of New Jersey Governor Murphys shutdown decisions and include them in the references as well. Here are two from the Philadelphia Inquirer (yes, you can use these).

First shutdown March 17:

April 16 Extension:

Additionally, can you add in this section on how the students responded. Positive or negative. This is will be the qualitative data (Their responses). Especially direct quotes if you can make them up as best as you can.

Lastly, write the conclusion section to wrap up the research. Be sure to reference section 2 and highlight other section of the paper as well.