Archive for July 5th, 2020


Please Answer those 2 questions Using Legal Term for each questions

Question 1
Jill used to be Jack’s lawyer. Jack and Jill had dinner and alcoholic drinks together to celebrate Jack’s birthday. Jill showed Jack pictures of her new car and asked him if he wanted to buy the car for $20,000.00. He agreed with one small change. Jack wanted the car professionally cleaned before delivery. The price in the written agreement she wrote up after dinner was “$23,000.00” which price Jack paid the next day. Jack’s father hired a lawyer to represent Jack and try and get his money back. Jill produced a 2nd agreement signed by Jack agreeing to arbitration of any dispute in lieu of court action of any kind. What legal issues, rules of law or defenses to the contract can you identify? What are Jack’s rights? What are Jill’s rights?

Question 2
Li, Shu and Lin have an idea for a computer export business. Li tells Shu and Lin that she will prepare and file articles of organization and other corporate documents necessary to register their business name and incorporate in Massachusetts. Their business makes a profit of $8,000,000.00 in the first 12 months of operation. Shu is busy with other activities and spends no time working for the business. Lin wants to leave the business and cash out. Li who has been working 50 hours a week for the business says no to both of them — she wants to continue with the business venture and bring in a new owner Zhu.
Li has received but has not yet paid for a $100,000.00 computer delivery she has ordered and received without Shu or Lin’s knowledge. Li still has in her handbag, but has never filed, any legal documents for the business. What form of business if any do they have together? What business forms are not relevant? What are Li’s rights? Shu’s rights? Lin’s rights? Zhu’s rights? How would your answers change if there business was an entirely different form? What are the legal issues and applicable rules of law. How is each form created, owned, managed and taxed? Compare the liability of owners for each form.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

A nurse on the research and practice committee is preparing for an update on evidence-based practice (EBP). There is a need to address the potential changes with several EBP policies. This assignment will examine the EBP policies as well as reasoning and rationale as to why changes may be needed.

1. Choose an EBP topic (The topic I chosen is Prevention of Central Line associated
    bloodstream infections CLASBI) and TWO scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles
      a.) Compare the difference between theory, research, and practice in nursing
      b.) Choose a theory that best correlates with the EBP practice change that you would
            like to make
      c.) Compare and contrast the quantitative and qualitative research article that you
            choose for the EBP topic
      d.) What technology did you use to locate the articles? Databases? Search terms?
      e.) What are the philosophical, theoretical, and methodological perspectives in the
            research articles that were chosen?
      f.) What are the ethical and scientific integrity issues related to the research?
      g.)How did your nursing knowledge advance through the utilization of research?


APA formatted document, No Wikipedia. Use at least FOUR scholarly sources plus the required TWO scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles

Essay on Streetcar

Read Tennessee Williams play A Streetcar Named Desire, as well as    the three secondary works of criticism that focus on it do the following:

please do not use any other outside sources other than the critical readings and the actual reading

Format: Essays should be 1200-1500 words and follow MLA formatting for citation and layout. In-text citation and a Works Cited page are required.

Instructions are attached to the document


Please read the attached file for instructions. BOOK is attached for chapters 6 & 7


1. In chapters 6 & 7, Lareau shows that the children in the families being studied were also taught to use language differently. Differences in linguistic interactions in the families have an impact on preparation for future interactions and negotiations with adults. Using examples from the lives of the students discussed in
chapters 6-7, discuss the differences between families that use the concerted cultivation style of parenting and those that use accomplishment of natural growth.

2. On page 235, Lareau says, Many Americans believe that this country is fundamentally open. They assume the society is best understood as a collection of individuals. They believe that people who demonstrate hard work, effort, and talent are likely to achieve upward mobility. Put differently, many Americans believe in the American
Dream. In this view, children should have roughly equal life chances. The extent to which life chances vary can be  2 of 2 traced to differences in aspirations, talent, and hard work on the part of individuals. This perspective rejects the notion that parents social location systematically shapes childrens life experiences and outcomes. Instead, outcomes are seen as resting more in the hands of individuals. After reading this book, do you agree or disagree with this perspective of the American dream? Why or why not?

developing a business model

required to design a creative business model that relies on having identified value opportunities or innovation gaps. To do so, you will have to justify the problem/solution, or the opportunity being exploited. Here, this can be for both a new and existing proposition. You will be expected to provide a clear implementation plan demonstrating tangible outputs at every stage possible. To do so, you are encouraged to be as factual as possible, rely on theory and frameworks (these should be to support the central tenet of the proposition) 
Some pointers for consideration include Problem /Solution Fit; Product/Market Fit, Value Propositions, an operational plan, Financial considerations [at least three year sales forecast and an income statement], Marketing plan, Growth/Scaling Plan, Plan to attract investors [*optional depending on the contextual underpinning] and an exit strategy [for particular stakeholders]

To achieve this- it is vital that you provide a clear context- by addressing some of the following questions- Is this viable opportunity;  is it an existing business, are you at the stage of seeking funding, are you at the initial stage of starting the business- Here the context will allow you to develop a business model that is in line with context.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This choice focuses specifically on The Metamorphosis and builds from
the last task you did prior to spring breakthe significance of food in The

Paragraph 1: Describe the scene(s) in which Gregor receives food. What
does this suggest about his relationship(s) with family members?

Paragraph 2: Describe the scene(s) in which Gregors family gathers for
meals. What does that suggest about the familys inter-relationships?

Paragraph 3: Describe the scene(s) in which the Boarders are present for
meals. What does that suggest about the familys relationship with an
outside world?

Paragraph 4: Describe the use of food as something other than sustenance.
What does this suggest?

Paragraph 5: How is food used as symbolically in The Metamorphosis?

Divorce and the Impact of Children

This research assignment is to include 3 references minimum and 5 maximum. Through a 5 page paper, not including the title page or reference page, demonstrate the knowledge, critical thinking, and research on this controversial topic and its effect on society today. I will be graded on the research of this topic, the controversy presented, grammar, spelling, the knowledge base of the controversial topic, and the APA citing and referencing.

C Program needed

[prob1.c][100%] Develop a C program to read hurricane data and store and sort those hurricane data.
Each hurricane record contains the hurricanes name, year, month, and category. An input file named
hurricane.txt contains 100 hurricane records. Your program will perform the following tasks.
a) Read hurricane data from input file hurricane.txt and store them in an array of structure. The
structure definition is shown below. Then write the hurricane data stored in the array of structure
to a binary file named hurricane.bin.
typedef struct hurricane
char name[20];
int year;
int month;
int category;
b) Create a new structure for storing the same hurricane data. This new structure should contain the
same members (name, year, month, and category) but utilize a minimum size as a data type.
Take the definition of the new structure shown below as an example. Design this new structure
so that the value sizeof(H_RECORD_MIN) is minimized. Read hurricane data from input file
hurricane.txt, store them in an array of this new structure, and write the hurricane data stored
in the array of new structure to a binary file named hurricane_min.bin.
typedef struct hurricane_min

[Hint: examine the range required for each member and modify their data type/size.]
c) Display on the screen the file sizes of hurricane.txt, hurricane.bin, and hurricane_min.bin.
[Hint: you can use fseek() and ftell().]
d) Read hurricane from input file hurricane.txt, store them in an array of structure, sort the
hurricane data by its category from minimum to maximum, and write the sorted hurricane data to
a text file named hurricane_sort.txt. In the output file hurricane_sort.txt, category-1
hurricanes will appear first, then category-2 hurricanes, category-3 hurricanes, and so on.
A template source code is provided. In the template, the main() function first calls Setup() to
generate the input file named hurricane.txt. Then the main() function calls DisplayMax()
that displays on the screen all hurricanes of maximum category. Then the main() function calls the
following four functions (in order):
SaveBinFile() performing task a), generating hurricane.bin
SaveBinFileMin() performing task b), generating hurricane_min.bin
DisplayFileSize() performing task c), accessing hurricane.txt, hurricane.bin,
SaveSortTxt() performing task d), generating hurricane_sort.txt
The template compiles correctly with warnings of unused variables, which should disappear once
you use those variables in your code. The flow of the program and the input and output file names
are all set up properly. DisplayMax() provides an example of reading hurricane records and
storing them in an array of structure. You can complete this program by filling the blanks inside
the function definitions. Only insert your code inside the definitions of aforementioned four
functions. No modifications should be done to any other part of the template source code.
In your report, describe in detail what your functions do and your implementation details. You can also
include your source code in your report in case your source code submission on Blackboard encountered
unexpected difficulties. However, you must submit your source code file (.c), not just Word or PDF
document containing the source code

I also have examples of what the outputs should look like that I will send after I choose one

Simple C code

[prob1.c][100%] Develop a C program to read hurricane data and store and sort those hurricane data.
Each hurricane record contains the hurricanes name, year, month, and category. An input file named
hurricane.txt contains 100 hurricane records. Your program will perform the following tasks.
a) Read hurricane data from input file hurricane.txt and store them in an array of structure. The
structure definition is shown below. Then write the hurricane data stored in the array of structure
to a binary file named hurricane.bin.
typedef struct hurricane
char name[20];
int year;
int month;
int category;
b) Create a new structure for storing the same hurricane data. This new structure should contain the
same members (name, year, month, and category) but utilize a minimum size as a data type.
Take the definition of the new structure shown below as an example. Design this new structure
so that the value sizeof(H_RECORD_MIN) is minimized. Read hurricane data from input file
hurricane.txt, store them in an array of this new structure, and write the hurricane data stored
in the array of new structure to a binary file named hurricane_min.bin.
typedef struct hurricane_min

[Hint: examine the range required for each member and modify their data type/size.]
c) Display on the screen the file sizes of hurricane.txt, hurricane.bin, and hurricane_min.bin.
[Hint: you can use fseek() and ftell().]
d) Read hurricane from input file hurricane.txt, store them in an array of structure, sort the
hurricane data by its category from minimum to maximum, and write the sorted hurricane data to
a text file named hurricane_sort.txt. In the output file hurricane_sort.txt, category-1
hurricanes will appear first, then category-2 hurricanes, category-3 hurricanes, and so on.
A template source code is provided. In the template, the main() function first calls Setup() to
generate the input file named hurricane.txt. Then the main() function calls DisplayMax()
that displays on the screen all hurricanes of maximum category. Then the main() function calls the
following four functions (in order):
SaveBinFile() performing task a), generating hurricane.bin
SaveBinFileMin() performing task b), generating hurricane_min.bin
DisplayFileSize() performing task c), accessing hurricane.txt, hurricane.bin,
SaveSortTxt() performing task d), generating hurricane_sort.txt
The template compiles correctly with warnings of unused variables, which should disappear once
you use those variables in your code. The flow of the program and the input and output file names
are all set up properly. DisplayMax() provides an example of reading hurricane records and
storing them in an array of structure. You can complete this program by filling the blanks inside
the function definitions. Only insert your code inside the definitions of aforementioned four
functions. No modifications should be done to any other part of the template source code.
In your report, describe in detail what your functions do and your implementation details. You can also
include your source code in your report in case your source code submission on Blackboard encountered
unexpected difficulties. However, you must submit your source code file (.c), not just Word or PDF
document containing the source code.

I also have pictures of what the output should look like, that I will submit once I choose
I am very flexible on my willingness to up the price

New Business

Paper should be at least 6 pages long.  Not including table of contents, references page (APA) format.

semester project is a BUSINESS PLAN paper.  do a BUSINESS PLAN for a new business.
STEP ONE-CHOOSE: Choose a new business.
STEP TWO-RESEARCH: Begin a thorough study of the new business selected. The BUSINESS PLAN will
have to include all the components of the BUSINESS PLAN worked on throughout the semester.
You are responsible for determining how thorough and complete your report should be.
STEP THREE-OUTLINE: Draft an outline of everything you intend to say, including the full structure of
your report (e.g., executive summary, introduction ..)

Normal 1″ margins, 12pt font Times New Roman, double spaced paper.