Archive for July 5th, 2020

Legal Correspondence letter

Unfortunately, the written portion you provided is not a case brief – it is a summary of the newspaper article – it needs to be similar to your assignment you’ve done previously  – Facts, Issues, Ratio, Decision and Reasons

That format
please follow that format

the United States 1996 election

research project on the political business cycle. This research must be original and must reflect your mastery of economic theory and policy and demonstrate an understanding of the institutions involved in policy making. The paper should be no longer than 12 pages in length, and must contain an introduction, analysis, and conclusion all using appropriate grammar, citations and references.

Physical activity and how it can prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes

I uploaded what I have so far as a guideline of how it should generally be. The last section of the paper that needs to be complete pertains specifically to physical activity and how it can prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. This last section has to be 12 pages minimum. It also needs to contain two figures. One table and one chart are excellent as well long as it relates to the topic or used from the sources. The use of about 30 sources are needed minimally, I have 16 thus far. Also, these resources need to be from original scientific studies. Therefore no review articles are allowed. These 12 pages should logically flow. so sticking to a specific theme would be best. You can look at different studies pertain to ethnic groups or children as long as the overall paper focuses on just that. This flow could be done through the use of comparisons between materials or having reports answer questions that previous ones have posed.

Attached is the first half of my research paper that could be used as an outline.

Environmental Laws and Exposure Analysis

Chapter 21: Environmental Laws and Exposure Analysis
Page 502; Please answer questions #1 and 6

1. Most of our exposure to pollutants occurs within indoor environments, such as homes, offices, and schools. Certain laws address some aspects of indoor air quality, yet no law provides comprehensive coverage.

a. Select a law, and discuss how it covers an aspect of indoor air quality.

b. Now discuss how the law does not cover indoor air exposures, even though it would seem within the scope of the law to do so.

c. Finally, for this law, suggest revisions to address exposure more effectively.

6. Most of the environmental laws are source oriented rather than receptor oriented in that they focus on emissions/effluents instead of exposures. Why do you think this is the case?

Social Care

You are required to complete a project on ONE of the following topics:

    A client with a chronic illness such as Alzheimers disease or Parkinsons disease. OR
    An older person with depression or other mental health illness.

Your project should include the following aspects:

Introduction 8 marks
    Description of the illness and the prevalence of the illness in Ireland and worldwide.
    Compare the statistics of the illness in Ireland with another non-EU country, detailing the differences and how cultural and ethical issues impact the disease.

Main Body 20 marks
    The care needs of the client and the changes that needed to be made due to the diagnosis of the illness.
    Your role in the care of the client
    The role the care setting and the other members of the care team have in the clients overall care.
    Discuss 3 services that can improve the quality of care of the client for example: day centres, evening classes, social groups etc.

Conclusion 8 marks
    Planning for end of life care is an important part of the care of all clients discuss ways to approach the subject and how you can gather the information in a sensitive and caring manner.
    Detail 2 health promotion initiatives that you could implement with the client.

4 marks will be allocated for good referencing, formatting of project and overall layout.

Please follow the guidelines below when completing the project:
    Word count for the project 2500 to 3000 words.
    Research you need to conduct your own research in relation to the topic using appropriate external sources.
    The project should be typed and use headings as appropriate.
    If basing your project on a client you care for please ensure that you maintain confidentiality at all times.

Marketing Ethics & Responsibility

I have an essay of 2500 words. Its a marketing and responsibility class. I have attached the assignment brief, rubric, powerpoint help with this assignment ,assignment 2 example, and assignment one as it requires information from assignment 1. I have also attached a word document with comments written on the past paper.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

fix the paper and follow the comment on red. there is two part:

Part I Draft with feedback.docx
Part II Draft with feedback.docx
APA Citation Format1.pdf
rest lecture files to help with the paper .
after fixing and following the style :total of 12 page, and a page for the references

if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.