Archive for July 5th, 2020

The adverse effects of obesity on human health

-Compose a focused paper that explains and describes your healthcare issue/topic from the scientific and mathematical/analytical perspectives of inquiry. (You will cover two perspectives in one paper.)

-Address your general topic by forming and answering two levels of research questions for each inquiry.

-Choose a Level 1 Research Question/Writing Prompt from both of the lists below to answer in the paper.
-Compose a Level 2 Research Question/Writing Prompt for each kind of inquiry that provides detail, specificity, and focus to your inquiry, research, and writing.
-State your research questions in the introduction of your paper.
-Answer each research question and support your assertions with evidence (research) to form the body of your paper.
In the conclusion of the paper, briefly review the issues, research questions, answers, and insights.

Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts
SCIENTIFIC Perspective of Inquiry
    What are the anatomical, physiological, pathological, or epidemiological issues?
    Which body systems are affected?
    What happens at the cellular or genetic level?
    Which chemical or biological issues are most important?

Level 1 Research Questions/Writing Prompts
      What are the economic issues involved?
      Which economic theories or approaches best explain the issue?
      What are the statistical facts related to the issue?
      Which statistical processes used to study the issue provide for the best    explanation or understanding?

-Your paper must be five pages in length and reference four to six scholarly, peer-reviewed resources. Be sure to follow current APA Style (e.g., spacing, font, headers, titles, abstracts, page numbering).
-Refer to the rubric for evaluation details and to assist in preparing the paper.

***I have attached two documents that present my topic and choice of health issue.***

The Threat of Terrorism and the Changing Public Discourse on Immigration after September 11

The first four paragraphs should summarize the article.The next two paragraphs critique our discussion/theory with evidence from peer-reviewed journal articles (if a theory was discussed then its strengths and weaknesses). The final two paragraphs must detail our discussion/theorys applicability to the paper topic. Your submissions should include: highlights of what you learned, particular points that you found of most interest in the readings, you have to read the article and summarize it.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

primary post:  What challenges do you see between the planning and managing of the program and the projects within that program?  What insights can you offer to best manage these?

two secondary responses –  Considering the challenges and potential handling actions offered by your peers, in what ways can your SOP be refined to integrate these insights?  What additional insights can you offer? 


J. Hector St. John de Crvecur writes in his essay “What, Then, Is the American?” (Voices 1, 140) that the American is a “new man” who, “leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced.” Pick another Voices reading from week three. Do Thomas Jefferson, Judith Murray, or Tecumseh think that the prejudice they identify is new? Or, do you think that the prejudice that they identify is new? Pick one of these questions for your essay. Cite from the relevant chapters in Give Me Liberty to support your argument.

Short Written Assignment

        Each student shall write a paper in response to the paper topic below.  Your paper must be 5 to 6 type written (using Times Roman 12-point characters and margins of 1 on all four sides), double-spacedpages1 in length. You willhave the opportunity to discuss certain aspects of the topic in class and online, but it is expected that yourpaper be your own work.  Be sure that your paper responds to the question and contains copiousreferences to readings assigned for the course. Please use the handout in the Supplementary MaterialsFolder on Canvas regarding How to Organize and Write an Effective prepare this paper. Alldirect quotations from the texts used in the course should be placed in quotation marks and cited usingthe short form of the author’s last name and page number in parentheses (e.g., Chan, p. xx, or Lecture,April 14, 2020) and not in footnotes at the boom of the page.  Paraphrased material or ideas other thanyour own taken from the texts or from lectures must also be cited.  You should not consult or citesecondary sources not assigned for this course.  Do not prepare a separate Works cited page.

      Classical Chinese political philosophers of the Confucian, Mohist, Daoist, and Legalistschools held a variety of views on the nature of man, which in turn supported theirrespective prescriptions for the ideal polity.  The arrival of Mahayana Buddhism fromIndia in the 3rd century challenged these schools by introducing new perspectives on thenature of human beings and on the human predicament, and these in turn offered thebases for competing Socratic (legitimating) myths. Ultimately, Chinese and Japanesethinkers and political leaders responded to this challenge by developing systems ofthought that contested the Buddhist challenge, even while incorporating some of itsinsights into Neo-Confucianism.

Select one of the schools of thought below:
a. Daoism (Laozi and/or Zhuangzi)
b. Mohism (Mozi)
c. Legalism (Han Feizi, with references to Xunzi where appropriate)
d. Tiantai (or Tendai) School of Mahayana Buddhism (you should include references to the Lotus Sutra where appropriate)

Compare and contrast it to that of either the Zhu Xi (Chu Hsi) Rationalist School of Neo-Confucianism orthe Wang Yangming Idealist School of Neo-Confucianism school with respect to the following questions:

1. What is each schools view of human nature?  Are human beings fundamentally good orevil?

2. What is the current condition of humankind, and why do men and women find themselves inthis situation?

3. How do(es) the Socratic myth(s) (or “noble lie”) advocated by each school support a polity/political order that offers a solution to the problem?

Your discussion of Neo-Confucianism must include references to the writings of Confucius and Menciusas well as to the writings of Zhu Xi or Wang Yangming in order to answer these questions.

In your conclusion, be sure to address the question of the extent to which there is the possibility of legitimate revolutionary change and the role of the people in such change for each school you are discussing.

Management & Production issues

I attached an introduction explaining some issues related to the topic.

Need to analyze the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the production/ management issues that caused the production delay of the aircraft. Instruction say: Consider the 10 OM decisions, the paper should compare and contrast the current research findings with the principles and concepts presented the Heizer, et al. textbook.

Heizer J., Render B., and Munson C. (2017) Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply
Chain Management (12th Edition) Pearson.
ISBN: 978-0134130422 Textbook

US Health Care System

Proposal for US Health Care System

Proposals for US Health Care System will now be an individual, written-only assignment.

As a public health professional, it is important to convey evidence-based public health information so that the public will be properly informed on the myths and realities of public health/healthcare issues and the US healthcare system. You are learning about the US Health Care System. You can see what works and doesnt work so well. You are now in charge of creating your own US Health Care System that will address at least one failure of the current system. Similarly to all presidential candidates, you must convince the public of why they should support your system. This is your chance to create your own system.

Proposal Requirements

Individual Written Proposal: Prepare an individual paper following the guidelines below. The individual papers are due on Thursday, April 23, 2020:

Should be 2-3 double-spaced pages, with 1 inch margins, using 12 point font in Times New Roman. Length of paper is not to exceed 3 pages excluding references.
Submit paper on Black Board by 2:45 pm on Thursday, April 23, 2020. Late
    papers will not be accepted and students will receive a failing grade.

Include a reference page. The reference page is not a part of your page limit
requirements. You must use a minimum of 5 references. All references need to

    come from scholarly journal articles, books, websites, or other sources.  Citations

need to be used in in the paper. References and citations should be in APA


Evaluation of the assignment will be based on applicability and relevancy to public
health or health care, critical thinking, clarity, making a convincing argument, and 

    adherence to all guidelines.

Mandatory Components

1.    Elements of our Current US Health Care System

What do you believe works well? Discuss characteristics, frameworks, or current items you would keep from our current US Health Care System.

Summarize the key elements that you think are ideal from our current system.

Provide evidence of why these elements work well.

2.    New Elements from Your Health Care System

Propose a new component/version of the health care system that you would like to see implemented in our US Health Care System. This is something that must not be currently done in the US Health Care System. BE CREATIVE J
Are there things that you would like to change in our current US Health Care system? Address at least one item(s).
Summarize your new proposal.
How will your new health care system work? Provide evidence. (Remember you are proposing this to the American public. It must be feasible and you must make a convincing argument.)
What are the pros and cons of your new system?
Must address access, cost, and quality.
What is the significance of your health care system? In other words, why should the public care and support your system?
Propose recommended next steps regarding your health care system.

Week 14 Factorial Designs

For Week 14, I would like you to apply your knowledge of factorial experimental designs. Please follow the instructions below carefully and answer all parts of the instructions.

Discussion Post Instructions: In one post, include the following information:

1) Choose two independent variables with two levels/conditions and one dependent variable that you could use in a factorial design. Clearly label which two variables are the independent variables and which is the dependent variable. These can be variables you described in prior Discussion posts, but they must be psychological in nature.

            For example, you may be interested in the effects of behavioral training (independent variables) on the frequency of students’ on-task behavior in the classroom (dependent variable). Let’s say that your first independent variable is type of reinforcement; that is, how students are rewarded for on-task behavior (Independent variable 1; Level 1: Student rewarded with 5 extra minutes of recess; or Level 2: Student rewarded with a piece of candy). Let’s say that your second independent variable is the schedule of reinforcement (Independent Variable 2; Level 1: Fixed Interval (reinforcement occurs at same scheduled time) or Level 2: Variable Interval (reinforcement occurs at random times)).

2) Imagine that there is an interaction between your two independent variables. Please state that there is an interaction and indicate the nature of the interaction.

For example, lets assume that there is an interaction between type of reinforcement and schedule of reinforcement. The interaction is such that the use of candy as a reinforcer increases students’ on-task behavior, but only if the reinforcement occurs at random times (variable interval).

3) Use a piece of scrap paper to plot your interaction by placing one of your independent variables on the x-axis, your dependent variable on the y-axis, and graph your second dependent variable using different colored lines on the line graph, as seen in Chapter 12 of your textbook (e.g., Figure 12.3, 12.4, 12.5). After completing the graph, take a picture of it and paste it into the discussion post or attach it to your post. Indicate whether your interaction is a crossover interaction or a spreading interaction.


(Chapter 10).  Through what means and for what purposes does the candidate in a political campaign establish interpersonal relationships with prospective voters and financial contributors?  How do interpersonal relationships help to get out the vote (GOTV)?
(Chapter 11).  What are the types of political advertising media available to the candidate?  Describe each and offer advantages and disadvantages of each.  What sort of campaign professionals is the candidate likely to employ and what are their responsibilities and competencies?
(Chapter 12).  Trace the history of media utilized in campaigns.  What new media platforms are currently important to the campaign, and how are they utilized?
(Chapter 13).  What is Fake News? Why is it a concern in todays political campaign?  How can we, as consumers of news, avoid being taken in?
(Chapter 14).  Based on the text, how did Donald Trump win (and Hillary Clinton lose) the 2016 Presidential Election?
EXTRA.  What are three ways that COVID-19 will impact the nature of all US national political campaigns in 2020?  (limit this to 100 words)

Celeste Headlee

Video Response 2: Celeste Headlee

After watching the following video, write a response detailing 3 things that stood out to you about the speech. Think of things that influence your experience as an audience member, try to focus on qualities that are not about the content of the speech, but consider things like delivery, visual aids, and other things the speaker has control of. In addition to identifying these speaking qualities, discuss how you can use those behaviors to improve your own speeches. Organize your response using a 3 paragraph format (introduction, point 1, 2, then 3, and conclusion).