Archive for July 5th, 2020

Firm Analysis

Would you be interested in this assignment? Everything is on the document. If any other information is needed please ask. The assignment is on the Florida Panthers. Another thing I can add for step 2 is that the Florida panthers were one of the first teams in the NHL to start using TikTok as a marketing platform.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment: Bronfenbrenner and life during COVID-19 pandemic
Assignment: Consider our own experience of living under social distancing during this COVID-19 pandemic.

a) explain what each of the systems is, so I can tell if you understand it.

b) How do the different systems come together in our city to shape how children  will be affected by the pandemic.  Focus your writing on their emotional development: this would include matters of mental health, such as fears and anxieties they may have about it; emotional regulation in terms of how they respond to the limitations put upon them by the social distancing and disease prevention measures.

and /or

cognitive development: in this matter think of what they are learning about disease, contamination, etc.  and also how they keep up with school learning.

I think these two areas of development are the most relevant to the present crisis. But if you’d prefer, feel free to look at their physical or social relationships instead.

You may find it helpful to look up emotional regulation in chapter 10, or skim what chapter 8 says about academic achievement to give you ideas of what to think about in terms of how different levels of culture contribute to the child’s development and have an effect o  how they come through this. But this assignment is really about understanding Bronfenbrenner, so you don’t need to be too complex in how you describe the issues. you can make it explicit, listing the systems levels and giving an example of that level when thinking of what helps or hinders children from coping with the current situation. How does the microsystem help or hinder? How does the mesosystem help or hinder, etc.

Please focus on a particular age range of childhood when you do this assignment, rather than mix ages.  Are you thinking of a preschool child, a grade-school child (6-12); a teenager (13-18)?

Annotated Bibliography

Assignment Instructions
For assignment one, you will compose an annotated bibliography in preparation for completing a literature review. Select an ethical issue in human resources related to a proposal you would like to make in your organization.  In the second assignment, you will build on your research and write a literature review in the form of a policy proposal on this issue.  As a result, select your issue in light of framing a proposal to senior leadership.
You will present information on this issue in two sections. The first section should be written in the form of an academic essay, providing an introduction of 2-3 pages that explains the issue you have selected and what you intend to propose to your organization. You will then create an annotated bibliography of at least 10 sources (no more than 12).
What is an Annotated Bibliography?
According to Purdue Owl Writing (2019), an annotated bibliography provides a summary and/or evaluation of each of the sources listed in a bibliography.  While any phrases directly quoted from the source should be properly indicated, an annotated bibliography should capture, in your own words, the key ideas contained in each source.
An annotated bibliography can provide many types of information. Depending on the nature of your assignment, an annotated bibliography will typically answer some or all of the following questions:
Summary: What are the main arguments presented in the source? What is the point of this source (i.e., book or scholarly article)? What topics are covered? If someone asked what this source is about, what would you say?
Assessment: Is this a useful source? In what ways? What unique or valuable information can this source provide? Is the information reliable? Does it have any weaknesses?
Record of Research: What are the main things you learned from this source? What do you need to remember about this source in order to find and access it quickly while writing your rough draft?
Mechanics: Submitted assignment should be submitted in APA format, include a cover page, and a 2-3 page introduction to the selected issue (including in-text citation and references as appropriate). The introduction should be written in the form of an executive summary:
What is the issue?
Why is it relevant to the organization?
Annotations go beneath the bibliographic listing for each source in paragraph form. The lengths of the annotations may vary; however, they must be a minimum of two paragraphs in length, but no more than 1 full page.



Did the performance surprise or shock you in any way? Did you see something that you hadnt seen before or you had, but it felt like the first time because it was being presented solely for your entertainment?

This paper is not a synopsis of the play. Focus on the technical aspects and how they interact and support the performance and the action on stage. You can describe how a scene made you feel or describe what happened to support your thesis, but the paper should not be a step by step rundown of what happens on stage. there are also videos to watch its the play used for the prompt

Contrast U.S. Labor Unions to other countries

Contrast the style of labor unions in the United States to that found in other countries. Visit the Web site for the National Labor Relations Board ( Of what value is this Web site for employers? Of what value is this Web site for union leaders?
please cite sources

article critique

I want article critique using the CASP checklist 
check my PICO question if correct or no if not choose for me  another
Australian English pls
pls follow instructions
my pico question is
in an older patient with depression is the physical activity more effective than usual treatment to reduce depression

Compensation System

Conduct a brief interview with an employee (or a family member, friend, or colleague) in his or her 20s or 30s. Conduct a second interview with someone in his or her 50s, 60s, or 70s. Compare and contrast what motivates workers in different generations (dont forget to ask the older interviewees about their motivations earlier in their careers), and suggest a compensation system that might be most motivating for each generation. Please cite references.

Compare and contrast AFL-CIO and National Labor Relations Board

Your paper should begin with an executive summary.
Visit the websites for either the AFL-CIO ( AND the website for the National Labor Relations Board ( Compare and contrast what information is emphasized and the way information is presented on the labor organization site vs. the government site. What are the main issues that the union appears to be pursuing? Do these issues appear well-matched to the needs of the workforce? Finally, what do you think union leaders get from the NLRB site? What about employers?

Some experts argue that despite the territorial defeat of ISIS, its ideology is still alive. Critically discuss the outlook for Islamism globally over the next years and how these developments will drive terrorism trends worldwide.

Topic :Some experts argue that despite the territorial defeat of ISIS, its ideology is still alive. Critically discuss the outlook for Islamism globally over the next years and how these developments will drive terrorism trends worldwide.

You are required to write a policy paper. In addressing the subject, you are expected to demonstrate a critical understanding of the theoretical ideas explored in the uploaded slides 4 and 5 and suggest a set of policy recommendations for governments and policy makers.

class work

My topic is Medicare for all, so I have to repond back to two other people in my class via discussion board online. The opposing arguments Ill be responding to is privatization and healthcare and 1 other post for A mix of public and private healthcare coverage. Each post needs to be a minimum of 200 words or more with total of 400 words minimum. I attached in the files 2 students work. That is going to be written about. Also I attached the assignment. Im only required to do part 3 on that page.