Archive for July 5th, 2020

Business Analysis

Company paper analysis: Using the analytical tools each of you will learn, each student will prepare an analysis of a public company.  The company will be evaluated from the perspective of both fixed income securities (e.g., would you buy the bonds in the medium to long-term?) and equity securities (e.g., would you buy or sell the stock in the medium to long-term?).

Approaches to the analysis should include:

Current state of the financial health of the company
Trends in the financial health over recent years and potentially into the future
Comparison of the subject company with competitors and/or industry sector
Analysis of the subject companys industry sector
o Factors affecting the industry such as product, technical innovation, regulation, economic cycles, etc.
Assessing the companys position within the industry context
o Is it a leader?
o Does it have a clear advantage vis a vis other industry participant?
o Is it subject to extreme competition or pricing pressure?

The company chosen is at your discretion, but should not be so complex or one for which the information is not readily available that makes it more difficult than necessary.  Students should pick a subject company outside his/her usual frame of reference.  For example, if a student is employed in the technology sector, he/she should choose a company in another industry, such as food.  In my experience, retail companies make the best selection.

Education and the Teacher-Expectancy Effect

Education and the Teacher-Expectancy Effect: Discuss what the teacher-expectancy effect is and how it relates to  labeling  theory,  the  self-fulfilling  prophecy,  and  ability  tracking.    Also,  incorporate  experiences,  either personal or of others, on how this effect has affected you or them personally, either from a positive (honors, gifted, etc.). Be sure to incorporate information from the book and discuss the many issues with ability tracking.

900 Word minimum no more than 1000 words

Will provide information from book in link. 

The Effect of Urban Air Pollution on Asthma in School Children.

The Effect of Urban Air Pollution on Asthma in School Children.

In your 12-13 slide presentation (10-15-minute presentation), please discuss: Write a script for each slide to speak too.

    Some background about the issue, including why the issue is important and how it affects specific health issues for the public. Please do not overdo the background slides or do a data dump of everything you learned in the course; just 2-4 slides reviewing the basics is sufficient.

    Describe some potential options to solve the problem, such as, but not limited to, reducing emissions and/or health risks

    Describe some advantages and disadvantages of each potential solution (remember, all semester a theme has been that there are no easy solutions to air pollution issues without some type of cost or other effects)

    Your preferred solution (or several) and why you believe it is best.

Show the audience the research that urban air pollution is a contributor (or the main reason) for asthma in urban areas of children. Research what sources of urban air pollution are most closely linked to this specific disease. And what controls or changes to regulations, etc. can be effective in reducing air emissions from this source in urban areas.

APA References

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Four Questions. 300-400 words each with a credible references for each question.

1.What was the role of the colonies in the British mercantilist system?

2. Why was the constitution a controversial document even as it was being written?

3. Why did womens issues suddenly become so promising in American culture?

4. How did plantation crops and slavery system change between 1800-1860?  Why did these changes occur?

Violent Video Games and Its Relation to Development

You will write one 6-page paper, double spaced, 11 point font, APA style in which you will present and analyze either a treatment method/program or prevention effort to reduce criminal behavior and discuss the psychological and behavioral impact of the program/method. You need a minimum of 3 professional, peer-reviewed resources.

Creating a business Plan

Develop a business plan for a start-up company that plans to sell a product or service in a local market, in a national market, or on the Internet. Select one of your favorite products as the basis for the company, or invent a product.

(Food Truck specializing in sandwiches. Garr’s Grinders)

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt).

Create a business plan for your hypothetical start-up company in which you do the following:

Note: You are required to utilize both the attached Business Plan Template and the attached Financial Plan Template in creating your business plan. If the attached WGU templates are not completed and submitted, your work will automatically be returned to you without being evaluated. These templates are located in the Supporting Documents section of the Capstone instructions .

A.  Write an executive summary (suggested length of 12 pages) in which you do the following:

1.  Identify the companys name and location.

2.  Describe the mission of the company.

3.  Discuss two business goals in support of the companys mission.

4.  Discuss three keys to success for the company.

B.  Write a company summary (suggested length of 46 pages) in which you do the following:

1.  Describe the history of the industry in which the company will operate.

2.  Identify the legal form that the company will take.

3.  Describe the location and type of facilities needed for the company.

4.  Describe the management structure, including key positions and specific responsibilities.

5.  Describe the products and services offered by the company.

C.  Develop a market analysis (suggested length of 35 pages) in which you do the following:

1.  Describe the target market for the companys products and services, including the specific location, demographics, etc.

2.  Complete an industry analysis for the company, including current trends and statistics.

3.  Complete a four-square SWOT analysis for the company in which you do the following:

a.  Identify three strengths, three weaknesses, three opportunities, and three threats.

b.  Explain each of the identified strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

D.  Develop a market strategy (suggested length of 36 pages) in which you do the following:

1.  Discuss each of the four Ps of marketing as they relate to the companys products and services.

2.  Develop a price list for the companys products and services.

3.  Develop a promotional strategy including specific tasks, target dates, and responsible parties.

4.  Develop a monthly sales forecast for the first year of operations, including a discussion of expected market conditions.

Note: The sales forecast will be used as the basis for your revenue in your financial statements.

E.  Develop an implementation strategy in which you do the following:

1.  Summarize the overall strategy that will be utilized to launch your business, including target dates and goals for implementation.

2.  Develop a post-launch monitoring plan (e.g., financial impact, quality control, customer satisfaction, monitoring schedule) to evaluate the success of the company in meeting milestones.

F.  Calculate and develop the financial statements and projections for the first year of business by doing the following:

1.  Develop a month-by-month forecasted profit and loss statement using an estimate of revenues and operating costs based on the sales forecast.

2.  Develop a forecasted balance sheet for the end of year one.

G.  Write a financial report (suggested length of 12 pages) in which you do the following:

1.  Summarize the financial projections and the assumptions used in estimating the financial statements.

2.  Describe the companys financial position at the end of the first year.

3.  Describe the companys initial and future estimated capital/investment needs.

H.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

I.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Assuming theres no turning back the clock on CTE, and that viewers demand the violence of football, what compromise would best ensure the safety of players while keeping the game alive as-is?

For this essay, Id like you to utilize no fewer than seven (7) sources,
and no more than ten (10). Youll need to use two (2) popular sources,
and five (5) to eight (8) academic sources. You may use articles from
The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Atlantic, VICE, Inside
Higher Ed, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Sports Illustrated, Vox,
Slate, New York, GQ, Esquire, Forbes, Rolling Stone, Grantland or The Wall Street Journal for your popular sources. For your academic
sources, please search EBSCO, Google Scholar, and other databases.

SOURCES SHOULD BE INTRODUCE LIKE THIS –  In the article for ESPN, Report warned Riddell about Helmets Sabrina Shankman reports,

dis 3

A brief description of the current estimating practices primarily employed at your organization on projects (if you do not know the approach or no formal approach is used, then use this response as an opportunity to state an approach based on what you have learned in the lectures and reading)
List at least two strengths and weaknesses of the approach used
If you prefer the current method, then discuss how the process might be improved
If you dont prefer the current estimating method, then provide a justification of why the method should be changed.
Again, if you dont know what method is used, then use this section to argue and justify the approach you think would be best.
How can this be applied to the work we are doing on the capstone project?  Or, what other suggestions could you offer?
If you are currently not working in a professional environment, then please answer these questions in light of the case study we are using in the course. You will have to make some assumptions to do this, but you should be able to do so based on the case study and the assigned reading.

Basic Game Development in Python


For this assignment, you are tasked to develop a game called Guess the Word, which allows two players to participate in turn. The game should contain the following key elements of play:

1.    The game should start by prompting Player 1 to enter a word of their choice via the Python console screen for Player 2 to guess (assume that Player 2 looks away and does not see).
2.    The Python console should then be cleared so as to hide the word from Player 2.
3.    Player 2 must now guess the word by typing one letter into the Python console following a suitable prompt.
4.    For each guess, the game needs to determine if the guessed letter is present in the word that has been set by Player 1. If the guess is incorrect, one element of an ambulance should be drawn onto the game/Turtle screen (see video for example of how elements may be drawn and further detail below).
5.    The process then repeats from Step 3 (i.e. Player 2 is asked to enter another letter, assuming they have not used up their total number of guesses, as below).
6.    Player 2 is allowed a total of 8 incorrect guesses, and hence will lose the game if all 8 attempts have been used.
7.    As consistent with the above, the drawing of the ambulance should take 8 strokes in total to complete on the game/Turtle screen. Therefore, if the picture of the ambulance is fully drawn, this means Player 2 loses the game, and a message is displayed on the screen to confirm.
8.    The game should provide a suitable graphical interface to enhance the users experience and increase the games appeal.

Social Media: Risks and Opportunities

In 750-1,000 words, do the following:
Discuss the risks and opportunities of social media use on the psychosocial development of adolescents.
Describe the motivations behind the disclosure processes of adolescents on social media, including its influence on identity development and relationships with parents and peers.
Support your paper with three to five peer reviewed journal articles.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.