The Effect of Urban Air Pollution on Asthma in School Children.

The Effect of Urban Air Pollution on Asthma in School Children.

In your 12-13 slide presentation (10-15-minute presentation), please discuss: Write a script for each slide to speak too.

    Some background about the issue, including why the issue is important and how it affects specific health issues for the public. Please do not overdo the background slides or do a data dump of everything you learned in the course; just 2-4 slides reviewing the basics is sufficient.

    Describe some potential options to solve the problem, such as, but not limited to, reducing emissions and/or health risks

    Describe some advantages and disadvantages of each potential solution (remember, all semester a theme has been that there are no easy solutions to air pollution issues without some type of cost or other effects)

    Your preferred solution (or several) and why you believe it is best.

Show the audience the research that urban air pollution is a contributor (or the main reason) for asthma in urban areas of children. Research what sources of urban air pollution are most closely linked to this specific disease. And what controls or changes to regulations, etc. can be effective in reducing air emissions from this source in urban areas.

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