Archive for July 6th, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

complete the “file.pdf”
it has 3 part total
part A
choose 2 questions to answer (250 words for each)
part B & part  C
I gave an example (“EXAMPLE—Yanamamo – Chagnon.pdf” and example for part B and C)

copy sentence from reading and give some idea or question

Storytelling and Power

I got the feedback comment from the professor of the essay proposal you wrote for me.

This is the comment she wrote me:
You begin by noting that in Atwood and Carter’s stories, the storyteller has the power to decide the fate of the characters. This is true, but it seems to me that this is true of any kind of story.  What seems to me perhaps more interesting is the way in which Carter’s story shows a protagonist (the young girl) who takes control of her own story. And “Happy Endings” seems to be making fun of any author who pretends to be original — the story is always the same.
So, I think there is an interesting idea here but I think it might really be about how the storyteller doesn’t always have control. Or rather, these are stories that draw attention to themselves as constructions. You might also think about how the reader interprets the story.

So if you please can follow the feedback and write the entire essay of 5 pages about it.

I attached you the “essay proposal” you wrote for me so you can use that one and write other 5 pages with the feedback of the professor

I attached you also the instructions i already attached last time

Thank you

Coronavirus Affect


In a process typed essay how do you propose to deal with the corona virus issue and to write about when you first heard about the corona virus and how you have been dealing with what’s been happening with the corona virus including having to sit in a class online

                                                      THE PROCESS
Then she wants us to write a process about how we can fix the problem concerning the coronavirus (for instance naming things that we can do to help slow the spread of the virus )

First we can do this –
Then we can do this next  –
Finally we can do this –
She just wants a process about if we had the ability to fix the things going on concerning the corona virus how would you go about doing that.

                                                      FINAL PARAGRAPH
In the final paragraph she wants us to write about how the solution from my idea about fixing the corona virus would turn out basically saying what would be the outcome of this solution.

Requested to have an outline and the first two pages by Thursday 4/23 at by 11am and the rest of the essay by Tuesday if possible.

Any topic (writer’s choice)


Please scroll and contribute at least 2 posts to this Discussion Board on at least 2 distinct questions threads. Each post will be given points for the following:

1) adequate length (approximately 200 words)

2) clarity and good writing

3) including a specific example

4) including an in-text citation (to either assigned or extra material must use a proper citation format) The citation should come from course readings, outside readings, or outside films (Prof Douglas’s lesson don’t count).

Example (author, page number)

5) including a question that you are left with.

To receive full credit, be sure to add something new to the thread and answer the question directly.

1. Choose an empire from the 5th century BC. What were some of its characteristics and accomplishments? Why were they important? What kinds of political and religious systems existed in that empire (if mentioned)? Choose a major empire in the first century AD. What were major characteristics of that empire? How does this information about early empires compare to your previous understanding of early empires (from other classes, books, or films)?

2. What were the Crusades? What factors led to the Crusades and what was their purpose? What effects did the Crusades have on Christian Europe?  What impact did they have on Islamic regions? What do the Crusades reveal about relations between political and religious authority in this time?


I’ve done all of my code in the .pdf file, but I’m stuck with one part which is testing my code. I need help fixing that. I’ve uploaded the pdf file and my work as zip file as well. You can see everything on that. Just read the testing part in the pdf file. Also, the sample output and input files.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please scroll and contribute at least 2 posts to this Discussion Board on at least 2 distinct questions threads. Each post will be given points for the following:

1) adequate length (approximately 250 words)

2) clarity and good writing

3) including a specific example

4) including an in-text citation (to either assigned or extra material must use a proper citation format)

*** if you pull from an outside source you must include a bibliographic reference AND an in-text citation

5) including a question that you are left with.

To receive full credit, be sure to add something new to the thread and answer the question directly.


1.According to Sahlins, what are the true characteristics of hunter-gatherers lives?

2.What conclusions about the (post-)industrial world does Sahlins draw from his study of hunter-gatherers?

pro’s vs con’s of electronic medical records

For Essay 3, you must write an ARGUMENTATIVE RESEARCH PAPER.

That is, the paper must argue for or against something, present a solution to a problem, or defend a position: it may not just present information on a subject.

(The lessons in Unit 3 will walk you through how to write this essay. Carefuly review all the content.)

(Our assigned essay, Marc Prensky’s “Colleges Should Mandate That All Textbooks Be Digitized” is an example of an argument – refer to our Unit 3 discussion and content as needed.)

For your own research paper:

1. Write a research paper that tries to convince the reader of a position. In other words, to repeat, your paper should not just inform your reader about a topic, but instead it must convince your reader of something. Think of an argumentative paper as writing FOR or AGAINST something.

You may choose your own topic, but to promote writing across the curriculum, choose from the following:

a topic that is directly related to your major/field of study or a job you currently hold or want to hold. For example, a student interested in business may choose to write an argumentative paper about the Affordable Care Act and small businesses. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. An art student, for instance, may not be sure at first what argumentative topic to tackle, but perhaps he or she could write an argument about the use of sex in advertisement, etc. Ultimately, choose a topic that will be of real interest of you. Consider perhaps a problem you face at your current job or areas of disagreement in your professions of interest.
a topic that relates to an issue related to school. Consider your past school experiences as well as your current one. Think of a problem or issue you faced then or are facing now, a policy with which you disagree, etc.
Before writing the full paper, you will first work through the process of creating a research proposal and an annotated bibliography. Keep in mind that, first and foremost, your topic will need to approved by your instructor.

For the purposes of academic discourse, please avoid choosing controversial topics that will require, in great part, relying on religious/moral arguments. Although you are each, of course, entitled to your own personal beliefs, it will best for this course to depend on academic sources that are independent of personal faith. For example, avoid writing papers about abortion, the death penalty, etc.

Unit 3 will cover, in detail, how to write an argumentative research paper — and its precededing components.

Your final research paper must be between 1500-1800 words and adhere to MLA formatting.

Source guidelines:

The paper must incorporate formal research.
A minimum of three (3) sources must be used – a maximum of five (5) sources can be used.
Only ONE (1)  source may come from a direct website; this does not mean that you cannot conduct all of your research online — you can, but your other sources must be academic ones (books, newspaper articles, journal articles, etc.). It IS possible to access these sources remotely via the library portal (from your home or work computer) without having to physically visit the library, if you would prefer not to or are unable to do so. The unit content will explain how this is possible.
Within the paper itself, you must cite each source from which you paraphrase, summarize, or quote. All in-text citations must adhere to MLA formatting. Although this is a reseach paper assignment, the bulk of the paper should still come from your own original ideas, interpretations, evaluations, and suggestions. Roughly, no more than 30% of the paper should come from source material.
An accompanying Works Cited page is required: papers submitted without one will automatically earn a zero (0).
Accompanying multi-media materials can be incorporated — and are encouraged! — but should be in addition to, not in place of, other formal source material and own content.

homework paper

Please scroll and contribute at least 2 posts to this Discussion Board on at least 2 distinct questions threads. Each post will be given points for the following:

1) adequate length (approximately 200 words)

2) clarity and good writing

3) including a specific example

4) including an in-text citation (to either assigned or extra material must use a proper citation format) The citation should come from course readings, outside readings, or outside films (Prof Douglas’s lesson don’t count).

Example (author, page number)

5) including a question that you are left with.

To receive full credit, be sure to add something new to the thread and answer the question directly.

You can review a list of the questions posted below HERE.

1. Choose an empire from the 5th century BC. What were some of its characteristics and accomplishments? Why were they important? What kinds of political and religious systems existed in that empire (if mentioned)? Choose a major empire in the first century AD. What were the major characteristics of that empire? How does this information about early empires compare to your previous understanding of early empires (from other classes, books, or films)?

2. What were the characteristics of feudalism? What class contributed to production under feudalism? How does Blaut support his argument that Europe was not the only feudal society? How were feudal agricultural societies interconnected across the globe? Is there a film, book, or other media that you have encountered that references feudal systems (besides Monty Python)? How is feudalism portrayed and how does it relate to what you have learned about feudalism in this class?

Diagnosis of Lobotomy

Professor’s Instructions:

You will complete a 4-page paper, individually; this is not a group paper (5 Points).
Your paper topic will be one aspect of the general topic that your group has chosen (5 Points).
The paper will have a Title Page with your name, the date, and the title of your paper. (5 Points).
The paper must be typed, 12 point, Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins, and double-spaced (5 Points).
The paper must be written in complete, grammatically correct sentences with correct spelling (5 Points).
Use American Psychological Association (APA) Style format for in-text citations and for the reference list (a Librarian or a Tutor at the Student Learning Center can help with this) (5 Points).
Papers must cite at least 5 Peer-Reviewed References from recent sources, Academic or Government Websites, or Published Books (a librarian can help you with this and you can use online databases at the PCC Library). (5 Points)
You will reference your textbook, but this reference material does not count as one of your 5 required references from Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles, Academic or Government Websites, or Published Books referenced (5 Points).
Paper format includes an Introduction to the topic, Review of the Literature and Theories, Implications for Practice, and Conclusion (5 Points).
The topic of this paper will be approved by the instructor in class on 09/30, and the topic will be the same general topic as your presentation. You will cover the presentation topic objectively in your written paper and can discuss subjective views of the material in your presentation (5 Points).

Various Literature

    Choose ten of the following questions and answer them in good, complete, organized paragraphs! I will be expecting clear, thought out answers, with good evidence from the text, your notes, the PowerPoint, and/or the biographies youve read. If you use a biography, make sure you cite it correctly (in-text and works cited entry at the end of the question) so that you avoid plagiarism!  No other outside sources should be used; however, if you use an outside source you DANG sure better cite it correctly (in-text and works cited); otherwise, you will not receive credit for the question.
    Each of the questions you choose to answer is worth 20 points, so make the answer a 20-point answer. 
o    Hint: For every 10 points, there should be at least a paragraph consisting of 10-12 REAL sentences.
o    Every answer should have quotes from the text as evidence of your claims.
    It is YOUR responsibility to submit your complete exam to before midnight on April 23rd.  Failure to do so will result in a 0 for both Test 2 and 3. You will only have the opportunity to submit it one time, so dont submit part and then try to come back and submit the rest.  This is a one-shot deal.

13.    Both The Snows of Kilimanjaro and A Streetcar Named Desire explore the ideas of manhood or masculinity.  How does each one treat this idea and how does each answer the question of what it takes to be a man?
1.    Situational irony is a mark of the Realism, and it is often found throughout the Modernism and Post-Modernism movements.  An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, Desirees Baby, and Richard Cory all utilize this literary device to make a mark on their readers.  Discuss the effectiveness of this tool in each of these pieces of literature and how it helps each one fit into its time period An Occurrence at Owl Creek = Realism; Desirees Baby = Modernism; Richard Cory = Post-Modernism
4.    Jack Londons To Build a Fire took a very different view of Nature than most of Robert Frosts poetry.  Choose at least one the Robert Frost poems that we read that might have something in common with Londons view of Nature as a force that is indifferent to mans suffering at best and cruel and destructive at worst.  You might want to look at more than one to give you the two paragraphs
6.    Using flashbacks is a technique that was used in two of our stories this semester, An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge and The Snows of Kilimanjaro.  In two separate paragraphs (one for each story) explore how the flashbacks worked in each story and what the flashback technique added to the story.  Why was it there?
7.    Modernism and Post-Modernism thrived on the idea that things are not at all what they appear. Both A Streetcar Named Desire and Everyday Use contain this theme. Choose one of these pieces and explain how that piece of literature goes about delivering the idea that things are not what they seem and contrast the appearance with the reality.  Make sure you include what you think the author was trying to tell us with this contrast.
8.    Both The Gilded Six-Bits and The Storm address the theme of adultery, and in true Modernism fashion, neither one takes a traditional view of the topic of adultery.  Choose one of these stories and discuss how the story took the topics of adultery and put a Modernist twist on it. (btw Chopin was really a Modernist ahead of her time).
9.    A Wagner Matinee and A Pair of Silk Stockings could both be considered firmly in the Modernism genre.  Both address the idea that we sometimes give up a life we know, only to miss it once its gone.  While this idea/theme has always been around, what makes these two stories so powerful and so Modern.  Who is involved in these stories, and why does the theme make us a little uncomfortable?  In essence, what qualifies them as part of the
10.    Most of what we read this semester consisted of my favorites, but by now, you all know that two of my VERY favorites are Zora Neale Hurston and Booker T. Washington.  Explore what How It Feels to Be Colored Me has in common with Washingtons Atlanta Exposition Address.  What are the common themes and do you think the two would have agreed on how they saw the word why or why not?
14.    A Streetcar Named Desire may embody the themes and ideas of Post-Modernism more than any other single piece of literature weve read.  Focus on two elements of Post-Modernism and make your case that A Streetcar Named Desire is THE Post-Modernist piece of literature to demonstrate those two elements.
15.    The Life You Save May Be Your Own contains grotesque (dishonest, immoral, twisted) characters, Mr. Shiftlet and Mrs. Carter, both.  Choose one of those characters to compare with another grotesque character from a different piece of literature.