Archive for July 10th, 2020

The handmaid’s Tale, theocracy and similarity to the society now

essay on handmaid’s Tale Novel and concept of theocracy in it. how is it similar to the society we live I now?

thesis question: In The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood uses religion to satirize the concept of blind faith, and use of biblical allusions, placing government and religion side by side and making a statement about secularism. How is the concept of theocracy and blind faith still prominent in our society?


any topic

Post a brief summary of one of your selected theories and the associated exemplar and non-exemplar leaders you analyzed in Milestone One for Part I of the final project. Include several relevant references that you used for Part I. Share two new aspects of leadership that you learned by analyzing application of theory.

discussion board response

In order to receive full credit for your discussion question your response to every posting you must provide a logical answer from the chapter readings.You also must reply to at least two other classmates and must include their names when replying to them. When responding to your classmates provide something that adds substance to the question.
disscussion board are attached

Why did the Communist Party win the Chinese Civil War?

1. edit and fix it based on the notes on docs.
2. use Chicago footnotes style and references style.
3. this is an analytical essay so it should be focused on analysis, need build a logical structure
4. the whole essay no more than 1500 words, excluding footnotes and references

answering questions from assignment

Respond the Following questions:
Assignment # 1 covers Chapter 1

Learning about Organizational Behavior”.

Review the Diversity Competency feature on Aetnas Diverse Discoveries Program on page 17.

1***Which attributes of the diversity competency are illustrated in this feature?

Assignment # 2 covers Chapter 2 Individual and Organizational Ethics

2***What are the Stages of Moral Development according to the textbook?

Assignment # 3 covers Chapter 3 Understanding Individual Differences

3***Define Emotional Intelligence and describe its four attributes according to the textbook?

Your response should be at least 150 words and you must provide a logical answer from the chapter readings.

All answers must come from the textbook and you must provide the chapter and page number.

From Discussion board respond the following questions:
4***Define Organizational Behavior and what it strives to understand as stated in the textbook?

5***Explain the difference between leadership and management as stated in the textbook.

6***Explain the nature of stakeholder responsibility and its ethical basis as stated in the textbook.

7***Explain what the utilitarian principle and the distributive justice and golden rules principle suggest as stated in the textbook

Fix two specific methods in this assignment

Basically, this was done by another expert who took on way too many assignments and decided to return null on a couple of functions, effectively allowing the program to compile but not actually doing anything; thus, I ended up failing a lot of test cases.

The two functions I need fixed are public E element() and public E peek() in

I am also attaching the log text file for the test cases that were failed. Just focus on the assertion errors for element() and peek(), I’m only allowed to fix those particular methods because they’re responsible for so many of the test cases.

Reference the txt file; I’m attaching all the classes (there are 3) for your reference but mainly you’ll be working with PriorityTree

You’re just rewriting two functions within a class so please don’t charge too much

Principles of community health

This course is called Family Nursing
Please remember to always refer to the grading rubric to make sure all areas are covered for grading.
Also please always include an introduction and conclusion
No title page needed for all discussions.

Thank you

see instructions

Watch the video link below through Bellevue College (library–link to Kanopy) 33 minutes long. You will need to complete the questions below with depth, breadth, proper case law citation, and grammar/spelling.  With all your answers combined you should have 1-2 typed pages.

Link (

Articles about Joyce Gilchrist: Link (

1. Tell me about Joyce Gilchrist police chemist (who she worked for, how many cases she worked on, how many received death sentences, and what types of evidence and chemistry she worked on). When did the F.B.I. start to investigate Gilchrist? What did they find out about the cases they reviewed of hers?

2. In minute two of the video you are introduced to forensic fact #1 (about blood and hair type analysis). Explain the difference between class evidence and individual evidence. 

3. What are the three main areas identified about Gilchrist’s malpractice in her work with the Oklahoma City Police Department.  Why was she considered a “hired gun” for the prosecution?

4. Tell me about the cases of Mark Fowler and Robert Lee Miller Jr. and the “trails of evidence” Gilchrist identified.  How did the police also prove to hurt the case against Miller? Who was the real rapist and killer?

5. Explain the 2004 Madrid bombing (where, how many were killed, motives believed for the bombing, suspect groups involved).  Where was the fingerprint found? What did Interpol do with the fingerprint; who did they send it to and what program was used in U.S. to identify the print?

6. Give me the background on Brandon Mayfield and why he became a person of interest to the F.B.I.  What is LFP-17 and how many candidates fit into “most likely” for the print from the bombing?  Agent Terry Green of the F.B.I. found how many points of a “match” to Mayfield’s print?  How many other examiners also reviewed the print comparison?

7. Explain the two acts (FISA & Patriot) that were used to  allow the F.B.I. to investigate Mayfield covertly.  What does a “sneak and peak” warrant entail? Did the Spanish police agree with the F.B.I.’s analysis of the print of Mayfield?

8. What three points did the F.B.I. use against Mayfield to believe he was involved in the bombing? What  evidence/alibi did Mayfield have about his whereabouts during the Madrid bombing time-frame? Who did the Spanish police arrest and believed committed the bombing?

9. What is “minutiae”? What did the Inspector General’s report find were issues with the Brandon Mayfield case? Do you agree with the outcome of the report?  Why do you think experts ignored the upper-left quadrant of LFP-17 not matching Mayfield’s print? Do you think there was any bias against Mayfield because he was Muslim?

10. What were your overall thoughts about the new information you learned about forensic science and its use in the criminal justice system for arrests and convictions? Do TV shows and films show these flaws and issues or do they give a overall sense of scientific “certainty”?

  Inspector General’s Report: 


Community health course Assignment 1
Please look at the assignment for week one and review carefully the directions and grading rubric.  This assignment will take a while to complete.

There are some important websites located in the course. Uses the template provided. Please fill in the required information. There is no need to do a Title sheet or abstract for this form. Submit completed template through Safe Assign. You must include website for each area of the table or at least put same as above, if the same resource.  Blank resource areas will be given point deduction, use not available or NA.

You must use the template for your assignment to be accepted. The analysis and nursing diagnosis areas should be your original work on the safe assign report.

You should be able to locate most of the requested information using the listed websites or by using Google search. Include website address, url link or the link that appears in your server in the table. It is best to search city-data site first for your city information.

You must include website for each area of the table or at least put same as above, if utilizing the same resource. Blank resource areas will be given point deduction.
For the first section (which is sometimes the hardest to locate, so you may want to start on other sections first), report your findings for hospitals and physicians in the statistical format found when you research it and do not worry about the number of people per 1,000 if you are unable to find that statistic. You can use a whole number or per 1,000, or per 10,000, or per 100,000 populations whichever format is easiest but put labels on your statistics, such as 391 physicians/10,000 citizens.

For public transportation, please indicate the % of population that takes public transportation. If you are unable to find this for your county, please indicate yes or no if there is public transportation available.

After you obtain your data, complete a 600-word analysis identifying the key risks and concerns supported by your data. You need to describe more than one risk, please. You will need to use 4 references with citations in this area, as both are part of the rubric. These need to be in APA format. This area can be typed directly into the grey box on the template. It will expand as you type with the citations embedded in the body of the work and the references listed at the end.

The analysis should be a summary of the key risks and concerns that you can support based upon the statistical data you have retrieved. Please make sure that you cover more than one risk or concern in this area.

Finally, develop 2 community nursing diagnoses using the format in the assignment instructions directly above. This diagnosis will be used throughout the course, so please pick a topic that fits your community

The Lotus Sutra

Choose one prompt on The Lotus Sutra
1)Evaluate the effectiveness of parables inthe Lotus Sutra. By looking at some of the parables in the sectionswe read in classas well as the story of the jewel in chapter 8, make an argument about the effectiveness of parables for communicating the religious ideas in them.Structure your essay around a particular argument you want to make, and then support it with references to the readings. 2)How do you see the role of Bodhisattvas in Mahayana Buddhism? By looking at explanations, stories, or depictions of Bodhisattvas in the new chapterand someof the chapters we read in class, make an argument where you explain what you think the role of a Bodhisattva is supposed tobein Mahayana Buddhism. Structure your essay around a particular argument you want to make, and then support it with references to the readings.