Do airline self-service check-in kiosks meet the needs of passengers? Article Review

Each student individually analyzes and reports in writing on an important article.  Among a list of articlesPreview the document, you must choose one article for your article report.

Reports should be about 4 single-spaced pages in length and should include: 1) a brief summary of the article (maximum of one page); 2) at least one example of applications in the travel and hospitality industry that are not mentioned in the article (about one page); 3) your individual assessment of the applicability of the concepts in the article to service management in the travel and hospitality industry (about one and half pages); and 4) your conclusions (about half page).

Article report as a whole must display original thought and not merely repeat or summarize the article.  Please submit your article report by the due date, although the early submission is always encouraged.


Refer to a sample – format of article report assignment.  Preview the documentIf you don’t follow this format, you will lose 1 point.
As per the citation/reference, I recommend that you should include at least more than one article other than your chosen article/textbook for this assignment.  Otherwise, you will lose 1 point.
References must be cited using the APA guidelines (6th Edition).
Please carefully review and proofread all written assignments prior to submission. Grading Rubric for Article Report.pdfPreview the document

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