Archive for July 10th, 2020

Baha’is history in Iran

choose a topic from below:
1. Baha’i Approach to reform of Iran (in the writings of Baha’u’llah or ‘Abdu’l-Baha or others)
2. Any aspect of the otherization of the Baha’is

3. The role of the Baha’is in development of modern education in Iran

4. The role of the Baha’is in development of modern health care in Iran

5. The role of the Baha’is in development of modern industry in Iran

Adequate citation is needed
Any topic you choose should be first checked by you to make sure that you can find sources for it, at least 3-4 papers.

Collateral Swap

the pdf explains everything but it wrote in italian and in english. You can use google translate to traslate the italian part of pdf. The exercise is only 3 ( not do the 4th ).
In the zip there is the project and it will very easy to complete if you are able to use java.
Thank you.

If you don’t understand some part in italian, also with using google maps, you can wrote me and I will explain to you


For Chapter 6 choose two strategies listed in the chapter.  Explain what they are and give an example of how it would be used in a classroom. Please write at least 2 pages for chapters 6 from the textbook sheltered content instruction Teaching English Learners with diverse abilities Fifth edition.

Synethesis Essay

Locate your Module 2 Annotated Bibliography and Outline WITH instructor feedback. You are expected to incorporate the instructor feedback in the completion of this assignment. In fact, 20% of your grade on your Module 4 assignment is related to your integration of the feedback that I provided from your Module 2 assignment.
You will be using the articles included in the Module 2 Annotated Bibliography and Outline and you will need to incorporate at least two additional citations and references from peer reviewed sources (as we do with Discussion Questions); these may already have been included in the Annotated Bibliography and Outline; the articles should examine ways leadership style influence leadership practice and results; these articles MAY NOT come from articles within RES811 or from other readings from this course.
Write a paper 2000 words or more (not including the title page and references) synthesizing themes across the three Remember, the themes MUST exist within all three articles. While I do not deduct for exceeding the word count, there is a very stiff penalty for failure to meet the minimum requirements.
Remember, FOCUS ON THE SYNTHESIS. Synthesis refers to the ability to put parts together to form a new whole. Synthesis is very different from summarizing. I encourage you to Google or utilize YouTube if you need further assistance with synthesizing.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This assignment asks that you watch a live theatre performance to attend with the intention of analyzing it and then writing a typed review/evaluation of the performance.

How to Write a Critique for a Theatrical Performance

A critique is an evaluation of a performance of a show. It should contain five paragraphs.

Paragraph 1The Basics
Include the answers to the three Ws:

Who (the playwright, directors, and actors What (the title of the play)
Why (In a few sentences, state the basic theme of the show)

Paragraph 2The Plot
Briefly summarize the plot of the show:

How well did the story work? Was it interesting, entertaining?

Paragraph 3The Acting
Reactions to the performers playing the characters in the play:

Use their real names and character names
Were they believable?
How was their volume and articulation?
Did their gestures and body movement stay true to the character?

Paragraph 4The Design
Set: *Did it establish a definite mood and correct time period for the play? Lights: *Did they convey appropriate mood, emphasis, and brightness? Costumes and Makeup: *Were they true to the period of the show and to the characters? Sound: *How did the sound effects and music contribute to the shows mood?

*If this performance was a musical, what is your opinion of the orchestras performance?

Paragraph 5The Reaction
What was your opinion of the show as a whole?

Remember to:
A judgment or recommendation would you recommend others see this play?

Back up all your opinions with valid reasons.
Be objective, fair, and sincere.
Evaluate the entire production.
Be constructive. Indicate good points along with those you felt needed improvement.

Marketing Research

A friend has approached you with a business idea. She asks for your assistance with figuring out who might be willing to shop at the new business. The Bark and Brew is a coffee/tea shop similar to a Starbucks; however, there is a twist: dogs are welcome. The plan is to carry products that will cater to dogs as well as humans, including drinks and snacks. The intent is not compete with pet stores but to compete with coffee shops. Based on this business idea, consider how you would use marketing research and competitive analysis to assist your friend in determining its viability.

In the determination of opening the Bark and Brew Caf, you decide to complete a competitor analysis. Would you use a product form or a product category competition analysis? Why? What would be the source of your information?

Include in your discussion post personal observations as well as concrete examples to support your views. Initial posts should be at least two paragraphs and include direct references to the readings and/or additional articles. Word choice and sentence structure should be suitable for professional level work, and all sources should have appropriate references and citations.

MN566 W10

Topic: Anxiety and Depression

Common mental health problems such as depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder, and social phobia may affect up to 15% of the population at any one time. The severity of symptoms experienced will vary considerably, but all of these conditions can be associated with significant long-term disability. Good communication skills including active listening are key components for building a trusting relationship with patients, for example through demonstrating empathy, by making eye contact and explaining and talking through diagnoses, symptom profiles, and possible treatment options. The evidence base shows that adopting a collaborative approach with patients can help facilitate a greater engagement from them in any resulting treatments.

Jerome is a 35-year-old welder who lives with his partner and two children aged 3 and 5 years. Jerome has come to see you at your primary care clinic as he is feeling tired all the time. Medical history Jerome has a history of anxiety and depression. He joined your clinic as a patient 5 years ago, at which time he was taking sertraline for moderately severe depression and associated panic attacks. This was prescribed by his previous provider. The sertraline was effective and Jerome stopped taking the medication after 6 months of treatment. He has not returned to the clinic since that time. Jerome is otherwise physically fit and well and is not prescribed any medication. On examination, Jerome describes a lack of drive and energy for the past six weeks. He feels stressed at having to face his job but is still going to work. Jerome admits trying to cope with disrupted sleep patterns by drinking more alcohol than usual. He is now drinking 3 bottles of beer every night instead of only twice per week as he used to. His physical examination is normal but he appears to be sad and apathetic.

1. What will be your approach to addressing Jerome’s anxiety and depression?
2. What assessment and screening tools will you use to support your diagnosis?
3. What might be the physiological causes of Jeromes anxiety and depression?
4. Does Jerome fit into a DSM-5 category/classification?
5. What is your plan of care for Jerome? Please support with an up-to-date evidence-based standard of care guidelines.

3 references

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Select one question and write a critical analysis of 5 or more pages. Please use MLA format. WORD DOCUMENT

In Hamlet  Shakespeare uses the typical elements of Revenge drama to portray the questions about existence, seen through treachery and ambition, betrayal and killings. In Woman at Point Zero Saadawi also presents Firdaus grappling with questions about the self and existence, with the added agonies of sufferings as a poor woman. How does each author present these issues? How does each author present their protagonists desire for death, taking into account their respective contexts and worlds?
Compare in detail the treatment given to women in Hamlet [include the treatment by all to each woman], Woman At Point Zero and Woh.  Show how the elements in each characters, plots, issues, contexts present human and social questions, raise criticism and make comments on issues. Use textual illustrations from each/every work.

literature review

I need 1000 words literature review in these parts of my literature review chapter. Please follow this outline perfectly and use only the references I give it to you. Writing style is APA.

1) The Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on Global Tourism and festivals:
(300 words)

2) The Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on Tourism Industry (especially festivals) in Saudi Arabia:
(500 words)

3) Recovery Strategies for tourism industry:
(300 words)

covid 19 in airline industry

i need to create a survey that can help me out to measure the customer if they want to travel and what the concerning things that they are worried about.

Kindly find attached the goal and sample of some survey, I need you to rewrite it again and make it easy for the customer to read.