Archive for July 10th, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Third Theatre Critique – King Oedipus
King Oedipus –

This assignment asks that you watch a live theatre performance to attend with the intention of analyzing it and then writing a typed review/evaluation of the performance. 

How to Write a Critique for a Theatrical Performance

A critique is an evaluation of a performance of a show. It should contain five paragraphs.

Paragraph 1The Basics
Include the answers to the three Ws:

Who (the playwright, directors, and actors What (the title of the play)

Why (In a few sentences, state the basic theme of the show)

Paragraph 2The Plot
Briefly summarize the plot of the show:

How well did the story work? Was it interesting, entertaining?

Paragraph 3The Acting
Reactions to the performers playing the characters in the play:

Use their real names and character names
Were they believable?
How was their volume and articulation?
Did their gestures and body movement stay true to the character?

Paragraph 4The Design
Set: *Did it establish a definite mood and correct time period for the play? Lights: *Did they convey appropriate mood, emphasis, and brightness? Costumes and Makeup: *Were they true to the period of the show and to the characters? Sound: *How did the sound effects and music contribute to the shows mood?

*If this performance was a musical, what is your opinion of the orchestras performance?

Paragraph 5The Reaction
What is the plays effect on the audience?

What was your opinion of the show as a whole?

Remember to:
A judgment or recommendation would you recommend others see this play?

Back up all your opinions with valid reasons.
Be objective, fair, and sincere.
Evaluate the entire production.
Be constructive. Indicate good points along with those you felt needed improvement.

psyc dq resp Ronny

For this forum please share an example of an individual case of depression that you think is relevant to our psychopharmacology course. This can be from clinical experience, personal experience of friends or family, or the literature. Please use protect confidentiality of clinical example by using fictitious name.

  Very briefly describe the individual’s: age, course of illness, symptoms and diagnosis, and their response to treatment. Include any interesting issues such as choice of treatment modality, issues around suicidality, or adverse medication effects.
What is one lesson learned from this case? respond to the main dq


In my clinic, clients are admitted due to substance use disorder. Yet, comorbid with this disorder is generally some form of depression. Most notably is a major depressive disorder or persistent depressive disorder. As indicated in Preston, ONeal, and Talaga (2017), it is ubiquitous for those with depression to utilize medication and recreational drugs to ameliorate symptoms. Alcohol is often used in times of emotional distress in order to cope.

    One client, in particular, is a woman by the name of Charlotte who 39 years old and is an alcoholic that has been depressed for that last 2 years. The course of illness initiated with a number of events ostensibly out of her control, namely her husbands passing, her rift with her family, and her current isolation. The consideration of depression because of events out of her control is in confluence with the locus of control theory, that those with an external locus of control have a higher susceptibility to pathology (Yu & Fan, 2016). As time has progressed, she has indicated that her depression has gotten worse, with avolition, anhedonia, weight loss, insomnia, difficulty concentration, psychomotor retardation, and suicidal ideation. She has been prescribed many medications, such as those mention by Preston et al. (2017) like Zoloft and Prozac as well as tricyclic antidepressants like Anafranil. It is interesting that Anafranil is also used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder. Charlotte has indicated that nothing works. According to her the only medicine that relieves her depression is alcohol.

      Kalat (2009) advances that alcohol affects neurons within the brain influencing both inhibitory and excitatory sites within the brain. Furthermore, alcohol increases stimulation at both dopamine and opiate receptors. Despite the immediate relief that Charlotte discusses, a novel point learned is that alcohol is delineated by Preston et al. (217) as a drug that causes depression. This may be a contributory explanation for her description of the depression getting worse over time. The reason is that her alcohol intake has increased over the course of the depression, perhaps contributing to her symptoms become more severe. In our clinical meeting, the treatment plan indicates that her alcohol use must be dealt with first.


Kalat, J. W. (2009). Biological psychology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Preston, J. D., ONeal, J. H., & Talaga, M. C. (2017). Handbook of clinical psychopharmacology. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.

Yu, X., & Fan, G. (2016). Direct and indirect relationship between locus of control and depression. Journal of health psychology, 21(7), 1293-1298.

Short report (trade betwen Australia and China)

Assume you are international trade specialist regarding Australia one of the top trade partner countries with China.  In the first part, please provide your specialized country/regions trade statistics: location, size of the country, bouldering countries, GDP, population, trade balance, main export partners, import partners, growth rate, what are the main imports and exports. In addition to this, describe any existing trade agreements if any, etc. Feel free to include graph, charts, and tables.
In the second part, pick one or two trading industry between China and country/region you are specializing on. Try to explain why this good(s) is traded between China and the country/region and what are the benefits and costs from the trade using one of international trade models we learned (Ricardian model, Specific factor model, Heckscher-Ohlin model, or Standard Trade model)

psychopharmacology dq2 resp ronnnn

For this forum please share an example of an individual case of depression that you think is relevant to our psychopharmacology course. This can be from clinical experience, personal experience of friends or family, or the literature. Please use protect confidentiality of clinical example by using fictitious name.

  Very briefly describe the individual’s: age, course of illness, symptoms and diagnosis, and their response to treatment. Include any interesting issues such as choice of treatment modality, issues around suicidality, or adverse medication effects.
What is one lesson learned from this case? respond to the main dq


In my clinic, clients are admitted due to substance use disorder. Yet, comorbid with this disorder is generally some form of depression. Most notably is a major depressive disorder or persistent depressive disorder. As indicated in Preston, ONeal, and Talaga (2017), it is ubiquitous for those with depression to utilize medication and recreational drugs to ameliorate symptoms. Alcohol is often used in times of emotional distress in order to cope.

    One client, in particular, is a woman by the name of Charlotte who 39 years old and is an alcoholic that has been depressed for that last 2 years. The course of illness initiated with a number of events ostensibly out of her control, namely her husbands passing, her rift with her family, and her current isolation. The consideration of depression because of events out of her control is in confluence with the locus of control theory, that those with an external locus of control have a higher susceptibility to pathology (Yu & Fan, 2016). As time has progressed, she has indicated that her depression has gotten worse, with avolition, anhedonia, weight loss, insomnia, difficulty concentration, psychomotor retardation, and suicidal ideation. She has been prescribed many medications, such as those mention by Preston et al. (2017) like Zoloft and Prozac as well as tricyclic antidepressants like Anafranil. It is interesting that Anafranil is also used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder. Charlotte has indicated that nothing works. According to her the only medicine that relieves her depression is alcohol.

      Kalat (2009) advances that alcohol affects neurons within the brain influencing both inhibitory and excitatory sites within the brain. Furthermore, alcohol increases stimulation at both dopamine and opiate receptors. Despite the immediate relief that Charlotte discusses, a novel point learned is that alcohol is delineated by Preston et al. (217) as a drug that causes depression. This may be a contributory explanation for her description of the depression getting worse over time. The reason is that her alcohol intake has increased over the course of the depression, perhaps contributing to her symptoms become more severe. In our clinical meeting, the treatment plan indicates that her alcohol use must be dealt with first.


Kalat, J. W. (2009). Biological psychology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Preston, J. D., ONeal, J. H., & Talaga, M. C. (2017). Handbook of clinical psychopharmacology. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.

Yu, X., & Fan, G. (2016). Direct and indirect relationship between locus of control and depression. Journal of health psychology, 21(7), 1293-1298.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Third Theatre Critique – King Oedipus
King Oedipus – ()

This assignment asks that you watch a live theatre performance to attend with the intention of analyzing it and then writing a typed review/evaluation of the performance. 

How to Write a Critique for a Theatrical Performance

A critique is an evaluation of a performance of a show. It should contain five paragraphs.

Paragraph 1The Basics
Include the answers to the three Ws:

Who (the playwright, directors, and actors What (the title of the play)

Why (In a few sentences, state the basic theme of the show)

Paragraph 2The Plot
Briefly summarize the plot of the show:

How well did the story work? Was it interesting, entertaining?

Paragraph 3The Acting
Reactions to the performers playing the characters in the play:

Use their real names and character names
Were they believable?
How was their volume and articulation?
Did their gestures and body movement stay true to the character?

Paragraph 4The Design
Set: *Did it establish a definite mood and correct time period for the play? Lights: *Did they convey appropriate mood, emphasis, and brightness? Costumes and Makeup: *Were they true to the period of the show and to the characters? Sound: *How did the sound effects and music contribute to the shows mood?

*If this performance was a musical, what is your opinion of the orchestras performance?

Paragraph 5The Reaction
What is the plays effect on the audience?

What was your opinion of the show as a whole?

Remember to:
A judgment or recommendation would you recommend others see this play?

Back up all your opinions with valid reasons.
Be objective, fair, and sincere.
Evaluate the entire production.
Be constructive. Indicate good points along with those you felt needed improvement.

Enjoy the showdont go to be overly critical.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

After completing the assigned readings, choose one of the following topics for your descriptive paragraph.

An object you cherish
Your childhood bedroom
Your worst enemy
A stranger in a crowd
A funny memory
A favorite place
Make an informal list of all the details you can think of related to your topic.  A listing template is provided. Look over your list and consider which details are the most descriptive, and the most effective for your main idea.

Write a fully developed paragraph in which you describe your topic using only the most effective descriptions from your list. Work to SHOW your topic to your readers rather than just tell about it.

Your final paragraph should be in MLA format (see page 691), have a clear topic sentence, include developed ideas to support the topic sentence, and a final wrap-up, or summary statement, as well as transitions throughout (T.E.S.T.).  In total, it should be 8-11 sentences long.

fire science

This week we are going to look into a topic that will require some research and/or experience on your part. The object of firefighting (wet stuff on the red stuff) is to overcome the BTU’s with GPM’s; thus line choice is a huge tactical decision by the company officer. A huge tool and a world of difference is the 2.5″ Blitz Line. One would think that there is little difference between 1.75″ standard pre-connect and a 2.5″; but it’s truly night and day. The issue with the 2.5″ is staffing and the ability to deploy it. If a company is fully staffed and a heavy fire load is noticed; try not to overlook this line and its effectiveness.

Write a post to achieve the following:

1. List the advantages and disadvantages to the 1.75″ and 2.5″ attack lines
2.  What situations would warrant a fire company to utilize each of these lines?  (Think size of the fire, type of occupancy – commercial versus residential, etc.)
3.  How can staffing affect our ability to deploy and use larger lines? 
4.  Discuss your thoughts on the different lines.  If you are currently with a fire department, what are the standard procedures for deploying these two size lines? 
5.  Please post a link to an article, webpage, video or other source that contains some information on different line sizes.  The link should be to a resource that helps your fellow students with this topic.

Forum Requirements

Grading:  Forum posts are graded on timeliness, relevance, knowledge of the weekly readings, the quality of original ideas, the conversational exchanges with other students, and the attribution given to the authors or creators work.  Refer to the Forum Rubric for additional details concerning grading criteria and the Forum Expectations for a more detailed explanation of what I expect out of the forums.

All forums will be scored according to this Forum Rubric.
Please click here for additional information on the Forum Expectations.

Initial Post:  Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words and should fully utilize the materials that have been provided to you in order to support your response.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Identify and read two to three articles that discuss the standard of care expected at your selected health care setting, innovative ideas on how to improve the quality of care and outcomes, or ideas on how to make patient care at the setting more sustainable.

Note: If relevant articles are not found in the University Library, expand your search to outside sources and materials.

Identify best practices you can use in your sustainability initiative.

Write a 90- to 175-word summary for each citation that explains how the article supports the sustainability initiative you are developing in this course.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


Cite your references at the end of each essay.
1, Describe four differences between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells.

2. The cell membrane is crucial to the viability of all cell types.
a) Describe the structure and function of cell membranes.

b) Compare and contrast exocytosis and endocytosis.

3. Cell viability is dependent upon its ability to maintain water balance. Hypothetically, what happens when a person is stranded on a boat without fresh water, and drinks water from the ocean? Include the terms osmosis, water, salt, and hypertonic in your response.

4. Thousands of biochemical reactions take place in each of our cells. These reactions are carried out by enzymes.

a) Explain how enzymes work at the molecular level. You must include the terms reaction(s), substrate, active site, speed up, lower, and specific.

b) Thousands of biochemical reactions are constantly occurring in each of our cells.   
In this module, we reviewed the basic concepts of energy. These laws are the same

5. whether we are considering stars or bacteria.
a) Explain the physical principle known as conservation of energy.

b) What is the connection between ATP and our ability to walk, talk, and think? You must use the terms energy, ADP, currency, food, cellular, and process in your response.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Prompt: Using George Orwell’s Essay “shooting an Elephant” as a jumping off point, write an essay in which you present a personal experience that illuminates a larger issue: schooling, affirmative action, homelessness, law enforcement, taxes or some other local or national issue.
Remember that you must incorporate a summary and analysis of Orwell’s essay in your own essay in order to elucidate your point.  This is not strictly a personal essay.  While you are not writing an essay on British Imperialism, you must demonstrate an understanding of Orwell and how he uses a personal narrative to talk about a larger issue, which is in his case colonialism, and apply his method to your own essay.