Archive for July 10th, 2020

Business issue and the contexts of Human resource

Candidate Assessment Activity
Business Issues and the Contexts of Human Resources
5CHR 5
6 Report
1.1 Assess a range of different factors which impact on an organisations business and its HR function.
2.1 Analyse the forces shaping the HR agenda.
2.2 Compare different tools for analysing the business environment.
2.3 Explain the key stages in strategy formulation and implementation and the role of HR.
2.4 Examine HRs contribution to business ethics and accountability
3.1 Evaluate business performance and the role of HR in business planning and the change management agenda.
3.2 Assess and utilise different sources of business and contextual data for planning purposes
Title of unit:
Unit No:
Credit value:
Assessment method:
Learning outcomes:
1 Understand the key contemporary business issues and main external factors affecting different organisations and the impact on HR.
2 Understand how organisational and HR strategies and practices are shaped and developed.
3 Know how to identify and respond to changes in the business environment.
Assessment criteria:

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Assessment activity
Assessment Criteria
You have been asked by the CEO to compile a report on The developing role of HR within present day business. Your report should include;
An analysis of internal forces which can shape the HR agenda, you could include for example; structure/model of the HR function, HR strategies, strategic objectives and stakeholder expectations.
An assessment and summary of a range of different external factors impacting on an organisations performance and explain how they affect the HR function.
A table comparing two different environmental analytical tools e.g. SWOT, PESTLE, Porters 5 Forces, etc.
A summary of the key stages of strategy formulation and implementation. You should refer to the role of HR in each of the stages summarised. You should also highlight HRs role in; i) Business Ethics and ii) Accountability. You should reference all key models and literature used.
A table or chart illustrating a range of ways business performance is measured in the organisation for different purposes. You should also highlight with examples, the role of HR in; i) Business Planning and ii) Change Management.
An assessment of how different sources of business/internal and contextual/external data should be considered and used when planning e.g. internal information within the organisation including HR metrics, industry information e.g. trends in HR, competitive information, government information.
2.3, 2.4
Evidence to be produced: A report equating to 4000 words in total.
Remember to relate academic concepts, theories and professional practice to the way organisations operate, in a critical and informed way, and with reference to key texts, articles and other publications and by using organisational examples for illustration.
All reference sources should be acknowledged using Harvard-style referencing, and a bibliography provided where appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count).

Any topic (writer’s choice)

TERM PROJECT (Revised 1/2020)


TOPIC:          Presented in Your Proposal. (See Proposal Guidelines)
LENGTH:      2,500 3,000 words.  (Exclusive of front matter, references, figures, tables, charts, exhibits, and attachments.)

Please follow the Modern Language Association (MLA) method of parenthetical citation and Works Cited listings. [You may also use other standard methods such as APA.]

    Use the first section of your term project to present an overview, executive summary, or project conclusions and findings.
    Use headings and subheadings throughout your discussion
    Where possible, integrate graphic information into the text.  Place the figure as close to the reference as possible.
    Use a professional communication style.
    Type papers double-spaced with standard margins (at least one inch on each side), and select and appropriate typeface and size.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please cover the question: In your own words, define equality of opportunities and diversity management policies. Identify the differences and similarities between the two models.

Using the sources below and any extra necessary reference


Ernst Kossek, E and pilcher, S. (2007) EEO and the management of Diversity (in) P. Boxall, J. Purcell and P. Wright (eds0 The Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management, oxford pp251-272

Liff, S and Dickens, L (2000)  Ethics and equality: reconciling false dilemmas, in Winstanley, D. and Woodall, D. (eds), Ethical Issues in Contemporary Human Resource Management, MacMillan, Basingstoke, pp. 85-101

Tran, V., Garcia-Prieto, P., & Schneider, S. C. (2011). The role of social identity, appraisal, and emotion in determining responses to diversity management. Human Relations, 64(2), 161-176.

Verbeek, S. (2011). Employment equity policy frames in the literature: Good practice versus bad idea. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(9), 1942-1962.

Training Program Design

I have attached the assignment instructions for this paper. I have also attached the paper you previously wrote so everything is cohesive. This assignment is the send part of the previous one. I have also attached other items that go along with it to help out.

I need at least 4 references and two of those must be from current peer-reviewed journals.

Supply Chain Management

1. Discuss the value firms gain by pursuing Supply Chain Management as a business improvement effort. An answer must be presented in complete sentences, written in third person and include at least on in text citation (APA). The answer length must be a minimum of 250 words.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Professional paper

Reference with citation

300-500 word only

Please reply to the below:

Maximo Case Study (Unit 3 and 4 Journal Entry)Strategic Human Resource Planning

The success Maximo experienced provided them with the opportunity to develop other titles in the series, as well as continuing to extend the original game (this ensured they continued to engage their original supporters).  To make the most of this, they needed more resources and to review the structure of the organisation small product-based teams had worked well up to now, but could they upscale this structure?  The Director of People Operations worked with senior management to identify the skills, knowledge and attitudes they needed, and suggested 3 sources of potential talent.

The economic downturn had left many talented individuals in the gaming industry out of work, so there was a rich talent pool for Maximo to choose from.  They also chose to engage with universities, to attract the best talent as soon as they entered the job market.  The final decision they made was to review the partnership arrangements that had worked so well.  To increase efficiencies and reduce costs, they acquired the companies that had provided 3D graphics and animation services.

Flexibility of Labour

Between 2010 and 2012, Maximos employee numbers grew from 38 to 518, and they experienced continued success.  Upscaling the old structure of small, product-based teams was an effective approach.  They effectively used a matrix structure, ensuring each product team contained a technical specialist from each department, for the initial design and the continued development of the product.  The aim was to maintain the initial creativity and flow of ideas that led to their initial success.

Employees have been encouraged to develop their skills on the job, so they are technically competent in more than one area.  Essential skills are now more readily available throughout the workforce and the learning culture has ensured a high level of interest and challenge for employees.  Having a greater understanding of different technical areas provided an added benefit, as individuals began to challenge accepted ways of working, identifying new and better ways of working.

Journal Entry

For your Unit 3 and 4 Journal Entry you should consider how Maximos approach to HRP and flexibility help them to achieve their goals?  What are the potential drawbacks of their approach?

Is global sourcing a beneficial or sustainable model in the long run after all?

Review the following article posted in WSJ. Analyze what is being shared about the world supply chain pulling down the US economy.

What is your feeling on this topic? Is global sourcing a beneficial or sustainable model in the long run after all? How will this impact economic conditions into next year with the recent rise in tariffs? Consider the recent impacts of COVID-19 and the recent shutdown of manufacturing in other areas of the world. State your position on this topic. What is your perceived outlook?

Final essay on a story

The essay will be on Roy Spivey by Miranda July the link for the story

This essay has to have 4 paragraphs:

2 body paragraphs

In the intro there must be a thesis statement about the theme of the story for the in each paragraph you have to relate back to the thesis statement you wrote in the introduction. For the 2 body paragraphs in the first body paragraph has talk about the characters (characterization) in the book and in the second body paragraph has to talk about symbols (symbolism) that are being shown in the book.

R studio

Capstone Project guidelines released
Project summaries released    29th April 2020
1st May 2020
Selection of projects by the learner    3rd May 2020
Projects Data Release date   
4th May 2020

Project Notes I submission deadline    17th May 2020
First milestone session    23th/24th May 2020
Project Notes II submission deadline    1st June 2020
Second milestone session    6th/7th June 2020
Project Notes III submission deadline    22th June 2020
Third milestone session    27th/28th June 2020

Final Report Submission
Final Presentation Submission
    6th July 2020
9th July 2020
Final Capstone Presentation     11th July 2020

Historical Figures and Leadership

Click the linked activity title to access Assignment 2: Historical Figures and Leadership.

In this assignment, you will select one of the following historical figures and review the related recommended research. Consider how your chosen historical figure’s leadership skills might be applied in today’s modern workplace.

Historical Figures
Alternate Name(s): Cleopatra VII.
Location & Time Period: Egypt, 1st Century BC.

Recommended Research:
Cleopatra VII encyclopedia entry from Great Lives from History: The Ancient World.
Cleopatra VII encyclopedia entry from Great Lives from History: The Incredibly Wealthy.
Alternate Name(s): Qin Shi Huang.
Location & Time Period: China, 3rd Century BC.

Recommended Research
Qin Shihuangdi encyclopedia entry from Salem Press Encyclopedia.
Qin Shi Huang: Emperor of Qin Dynasty encyclopedia entry from Encyclopdia Brittanica.
Shi Huangdi encyclopedia entry from Ancient History Encyclopedia.
Alternate Name(s): Constantine the Great, Constantine I.
Location & Time Period: Roman Empire, 3rd Century AD.

Recommended Research
Constantine I from Rise of Christianity, The: History, Documents, and Key Questions.
Constantine the Great encyclopedia entry from Great Lives from History: The Ancient World.
Constantine the Great 285337 encyclopedia entry from Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices.
Assignment Instructions
After reviewing the recommended research about your selected historical figure, you will use the provided template to write a two-page essay about their leadership skills and how they might play out in today’s workplace. In your essay, you will provide a rationale for your selection, some background on the selected individual, discussion of leadership skills, and application of those skills in today’s workplace. Refer to the template for further details on the themes you should include.

Open the Assignment 2 Historical Figures and Leadership Then and Now Paper Template [DOCX].

Download the template.
Save the template to your desktop (or another location of your choice).
Save As with the following file name: First Name_ Last Name_HUM 111_Assignment 2_quarter_ 2020. (Example: Lauren_Philip_HUM111_Assignment 2_Summer 2020.)
Complete the assignment.
Edit your work.
Make sure you have discussed each bullet point in the template.
Check your work for grammatical errors and proper Strayer Writing Standards (SWS).
Your assignment must follow these requirements:

This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) [PDF]. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Summarize thoughts about an author’s work, including the historical events happening at the time it was produced and the relevance of the work in the present day.
Review the rubric on the assignment submission page.

See assignment overviews from your professor in the “Help from…” tab on the left menu.

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