Archive for July 10th, 2020

emotional intelligence

This module/week, you are going to test the Facial Feedback Hypothesis. First, have 5 friends/colleagues/family members hold a pencil in their mouths showing their teeth for 30 seconds. Then, ask them to rate how happy they feel on a scale of 17 (1 = very unhappy, 7 = very happy). Second, have another 5 friends/colleagues/family members hold a pencil in their mouths without showing their teeth (i.e., lips together) for 30 seconds. Then, ask them to rate how happy they feel on a scale of 17 (1 = very unhappy, 7 = very happy).

    Summarize the facial feedback hypothesis, citing the course textbook.
    What were the findings of your mini-experiment? For example, the average rating was # for Group 1 (teeth showing) versus # for Group 2 (no teeth).
    Were your findings consistent with the Facial Feedback Hypothesis? Why or why not?
    Why do you think God created us to experience emotions?

1.  Each essay must be at least 400 words.
2.  While meeting the word count is important, it is possible to write an essay that is long enough, but not substantive enough to earn full credit.  The second criteria of a good essay is including a clear and substantial answer to the prompt.  When preparing your essay, ask yourself, Does my essay answer the question or questions being posed?  and Does it clearly answer all parts of the question, using material to support my answer?  When answering the essay question, it is important to use concepts, research, and/or theories from the weeks material to support your thoughts.  A good essay will offer a thoughtful response on the topic being discussed and will demonstrate a good understanding of the topic by using material from the week in your answer. Using anecdotes or personal experiences are not as substantial or scholarly as using research and/or theory to advance discussion. 
3.  A good essay offers something new and fresh.  Avoid simply answering the question with a simple response or reiteration of what the textbook says. Instead, present information in a way that advances thought on the topic and shows a clear understanding of and reflection on the material.  Essay prompts are your opportunity to demonstrate how much you have learned and can apply the topic. This does not mean that you write and write and write, but rather that you present a thought-filled and reflective essay that addresses the question being asked in a way that demonstrates a true depth of understanding of the weeks material. 
4.  A good essay is written in a scholarly way, free of grammatical and spelling errors.  It will also be in current APA format and use both in-text citations and a reference section. Essays are expected to be written in a scholarly way and with research/references to support your views.

Final essay on a story

The essay will be on Roy Spivey by Miranda July the link for the story

This essay has to have 4 paragraphs:

2 body paragraphs

In the intro there must be a thesis statement about the theme of the story for the in each paragraph you have to relate back to the thesis statement you wrote in the introduction. For the 2 body paragraphs in the first body paragraph has talk about the characters (characterization) in the book and in the second body paragraph has to talk about symbols (symbolism) that are being shown in the book.

Pre Calculus and Real World Applications

1. Introductory paragraph.
2. What was the easiest new concept in pre-calculus for you? Why? (1 paragraph)
3. What was the most difficult concept in pre-calculus for you? Please provide two
examples of the concept you named including different applications of the concept. Why
do you think it was so difficult? What steps could you take to make sure you have a better
grasp on difficult tasks in the future, please cite at least one source? (2 paragraphs)
4. Pre-calculus has plenty of real-world applications. Please write about at least 2
different, specific examples of where pre-calculus was used in history. For the real-world
examples, please cite at least 3 sources. (3 paragraphs)
5. Conclusion (1 paragraph)
6. Finally, come up with five examples of real life/word problems you might put on
a test if you were the teacher. Each problem must require at least five non-basic
mathematical steps not including using opposite operations. (You can obviously use
opposite operations but it cannot be one of the five non-basic steps). You must
completely solve the equations, write out every step and get the correct answer. This part
of the paper can be handwritten.

Case Study: Opening Your New Dunkin Donuts Locations

Prior to completing this assignment, review the pertinent sections of Chapter 3. You have been the manager of a Dunkin Donuts store in the Midwest for the past two years. The store is owned by a Dunkin Donuts franchisee who owns 20 other Dunkin Donuts locations. Your employer took an employee inventory and examined all current employees. It has been noted by the owner that you have a highly successful track record. You have been recognized for doing an exceptional job staffing, leading, training, coaching, and managing people. You have been recognized for successfully managing all key components of your store and have successfully managed key business drivers such as cash, profits, growth, asset utilization, and people. In regards to the metrics that are used to measure their stores for sales, quality, and customer service, your store is the top performing store in their system.

Congratulations! You have just been promoted to district manager! The Dunkin Donuts franchisee sees your growth potential and the growth potential in your geographic area. The owner now has committed significant capital and plans to open five new locations over the next two years. You will be given complete autonomy, authority, and responsibility to structure, staff, and operate these five new locations. You will be playing a key role in this expansion for growth.

For this assignment, you will prepare a four to five-page paper in which you explain your chosen job design and organizational design as the new District Manager for Dunkin Donuts.

You must organize your paper using the following section headings and include additional section headings as needed:

IntroductionProvide a well-organized introduction to the paper.
Job DesignExplain your chosen job design including job analysis, job description and job specification.
Organizational DesignExplain why the chosen organizational design was chosen.
Your paper must include at least three scholarly sources

Reading Discussion 1 Questions

1.  Review and analyze the cognitive-constructivist view and the concepts that compliment this and briefly discuss this approach to reading.
2.  Discuss what it means to be literate today.
3.  Research tells us that doing a substantial amount of independent reading is an essential part of becoming a good reader.  List some approaches that you might use to encourage today’s students, many of whom do not read independently, to do more reading. 
4.  Discuss the concept of automaticity.

Epidemiology in Public and Global Health

Instructions and resources are attached.  The assignment (short paper) is to be about a recent article on the outbreak of an infectious or communicable disease, such as measles, COVID, influenza, STDs, or food poisonings, issues like that. The assignment is not to be about Mexico Case study. I will also attach the rubric for the assignment. I believe the previous instructions I gave wasn’t so clear, but that’s on me so I am placing new order so it can be done correctly and I will attach rubric as well.. Sorry for any confusion.

unit 6

Fishbone Diagram Project

Read the U.S. Chemical Safety Board investigation report of the 2007 propane explosion at the Little General Store in Ghent, WV. The final report can be read/downloaded at the following link:

Additional information on the incident, including a video summary, can be found at the following link:

NOTE: This is the same investigation report used to complete the assignments in Units IV and V.

Complete the assignment as detailed below.

Part I: From the information in the report and from the information you developed for the assignments in Unit IV (events and causal factors [ECF] chart) and Unit V (barrier analysis), create a fishbone diagram that illustrates the relationship between the causal factors and the accident. In your diagram, the backbone of the fish should represent the accident, and the big bones should represent the people, procedures, environment, equipment, and policies.

Part II: On a separate page, discuss what new information about the accident is revealed in the chart, and describe how that information might be used to identify potential corrective actions. This part of the assignment should be a minimum of one page in length.

Upload Parts I and II as a single document. For Part II of the assignment, you should use academic sources to support your thoughts. Any outside sources used, including the sources mentioned in the assignment, must be cited using APA format and must be included on a references page.

unit 5

Barrier Analysis Worksheet Project

Read the U.S. Chemical Safety Board investigation report of the 2007 propane explosion at the Little General Store in Ghent, WV. The final report can be read/downloaded at the following link:

Additional information on the incident, including a video summary, can be found at the following link:

NOTE: This is the same investigation report used to create the events and causal factors (ECF) chart in Unit IV.

Complete the assignment as detailed below.

Part I: From the information in the report, create a three-column barrier analysis worksheet. Use the sample form on page 173 of the course textbook as a template, and follow the instructions below:

a. In the first column, list the barriers. Group the barriers by category (failed, not used, did not exist).
b. In the second column, describe the intended function of each barrier.
c. In the third column, evaluate the performance of the barrier.

Part II: On a separate page, discuss the potential causal factors that are revealed in the analysis. Are there additional causal factors that were not identified in the ECF chart you created in the Unit IV assignment? This part of the assignment should be a minimum of one page in length.

Upload Parts I and II as a single document. For Part II of the assignment, you should use academic sources to support your thoughts. Any outside sources used, including the sources mentioned in the assignment, must be cited using APA format and must be included on a references page.

module 4 – any

Events and Causal Factors Chart Project

Read the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) investigation report of the 2007 propane explosion at the Little General Store in Ghent, WV. The final report can be read/downloaded at the following link:

Additional information on the incident, including a video summary, can be found at the following link:

Complete the assignment as detailed below.

Part I: From the information in the report, create a chart listing events and causal factors for the incident in Microsoft Word, Open Office, or a similar word processing software. If you choose to use a program other than Microsoft Word, be sure to save and submit the document as a Microsoft Word document (i.e., .doc, .docx). The objective of this project is to provide you with an opportunity to use this important and very practical analytical tool. The chart does not have to be infinitely detailed, but the key sequence of events should be charted as should the key conditions surrounding the events. Keep in mind that the purpose of an events and causal factors chart is to aid in identifying which conditions could be causal factors.

Use the charting procedures on pages 7276 of your textbook to help you with this assignment. In addition, refer to the example events and causal factors (ECF) chart in the Unit IV Lesson for an example of this type of chart.

Part II: On a separate page, discuss the potential causal factors that are revealed in the analysis. How do these causal factors compare to the causal factors found in the CSBs investigation report? Do you think more analysis is needed? This part of the assignment should be a minimum of one page in length.

Upload Parts I and II as a single document. For Part II of the assignment, you should use academic sources to support your thoughts. Any outside sources used, including the sources mentioned in the assignment, must be cited using APA format and must be included on a references page.

Useful hints: In Microsoft Word, you can use parentheses for events (events), square brackets for conditions [conditions], and brackets for the accident {accident}; you may also use a similar convention, such as color-coded text or the shapes that are available within Microsoft Word. Whatever convention you use, be sure you provide some kind of key.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose one prompt on the book “The lotus Sutra”
1)Evaluate the effectiveness of parables inthe Lotus Sutra. By looking at some of the parables in the sectionswe read in classas well as the story of the jewel in chapter 8, make an argument about the effectiveness of parables for communicating the religious ideas in them.Structure your essay around a particular argument you want to make, and then support it with references to the readings. 2)How do you see the role of Bodhisattvas in Mahayana Buddhism? By looking at explanations, stories, or depictions of Bodhisattvas in the new chapterand someof the chapters we read in class, make an argument where you explain what you think the role of a Bodhisattva is supposed tobein Mahayana Buddhism. Structure your essay around a particular argument you want to make, and then support it with references to the readings.