Archive for July 10th, 2020

Global Strategy

There are a number of companies that utilize a global supply chain management strategy. Identify and research a company with a successful global supply chain management strategy and provide basic background information. Discuss the strategies this company utilizes to get their product(s) distributed internationally and how they address risks and meet business demands.

Submit to your instructor your two to three page (not including title and reference pages). Your paper should be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide, and should cite at least two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.

Diverse Patient Perspective Linguistic Training Presentation

Identify patient treatment preferences and effectively communicate treatment options.
Rassy Medical Center is located in a multicultural city and treats patients from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Because of the diversity of patients, a variety of language skills, including nonverbal communication, are involved in creating treatment plans. To provide the best medical care to the patients at Rassy Medical Center, the owners have decided to purchase a linguistic/translator program. With the implementation of this new program, the delivery of healthcare to patients will be enhanced, specifically to those with limited English proficiency and those that are nonverbal.


To overcome language barriers at Rassy Medical Center and to ensure the best and most efficient medical care is provided, the owner has asked you, the lead Medical Assistant, to assist him with researching the right linguistic/translator program for the clinic.
Select a linguistic/translator program and create a short (3-5 minute) training video on its use for coworkers. See the resources section for a few options for a linguistic/translator.
Include the following points:
How a linguistic/translator program help to effectively communicate treatment options to patients with diverse backgrounds
Details of the program and common goal
How the program works
The benefits of this program
How this program differs from other similar programs
To create a video, you may use a video recording program on your personal device or a free web-based video recording application such as Screencast-O-Matic. To submit your project, upload your recording as embed code, a link, or a file.

questions 1

Discuss the significance of historical developments in workers’ compensation law and program development.

Your response must be a minimum of 200 words.

Prior to the enactment of workers’ compensation statutes, what defenses would employers use in order to avoid paying for employee injuries?

Your response must be a minimum of 200 words

Why is it important to include near misses in the accident investigation process?

Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

Describe two characteristics of an effective accident investigation process that you feel are particularly important. Briefly explain your choices.

Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

In addition to identifying accident causal factors, what other benefits does an effective accident investigation process provide to a safety and health program?

Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

How do accident investigations help an organization avoid spending money in the future?

Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

Explain the four levels of accidents, providing an example of each. How are the categories different from each other?

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

What steps must an organization take before an accident occurs to ensure it is prepared to conduct an effective accident investigation?

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Why is it better to apply the multiple causation theory rather than the unsafe acts/unsafe conditions model to an accident investigation? Provide an example that illustrates your point.

Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

What is the difference between linear and non-linear accident models? Why are non-linear accident models not used more often in workplace accident investigations?

Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

Consider the following accident scenario:

A maintenance worker mopped the floor in a hallway and then left the area without posting a “wet floor” warning. The lighting in the hallway had been lowered to conserve energy, so visibility was poor. Two employees walked down the hallway on their way to lunch, discussing where they wanted to go to eat. One of the employees slipped and fell, suffering a broken wrist.

Discuss how you could apply a domino theory to investigate this accident. You may make additional assumptions about the scenario, as needed, for your discussion.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Consider the following accident scenario:

Two workers were assigned to replace a water valve located in an underground concrete vault. After removing the manhole cover, worker #1 climbed down the ladder into the vault. Worker #1 collapsed and became unconscious within seconds of reaching the bottom. Worker #2 went down the ladder to rescue worker #1 but was quickly overcome by the lack of oxygen. Both workers died at the bottom of the vault.

Discuss how you could apply the Haddon matrix theory to investigate this accident. You may make additional assumptions about the scenario, as needed, for your discussion.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

java problem

i am a first year engineering student , i have an assignment in the cs course that will be uploaded 3:00 pm sharp and should be submitted befor 3:30 pm (i am from egypt so this timing is according to egypt) so it should be solved in less than half an hour and submitted

Data Management

Task 1:
The EERD contain all necessary entities, relationships, attributes so that all the queries can be answered.
Correct entity/relationship types (strong or weak) are used.
Each strong entity has a PK
Each relationship has the two types of constraints
Correct class-subclass relationships are identified
There are no redundant entities, relationships or attributes (In particular, no foreign key attributes are present in the entities
Please do not confuse ER diagram with schema diagram, and confuse entities with tables.
Task 2:
You have mapped your EERD to tables correctly using the appropriate rules.
You have marked/listed all primary key and foreign key constraints.
Please do not just copy your entities as the tablesusually you need more tables than entities because you may need to map some relationships into tables, and multi-valued attributes into tables. Please do not combined this task with task 3.
Task 3:
All your tables are in 3NF (and otherwise convincing reasons are provided to justify the use of non-3NF tables).
An appropriate data type and length for each attribute.
Other constraints such as null value constraints and domain constraints are present, and important business rules are also identified.
Task 4:
The SQL commands are logically correct against your final tables in Task 3.

Unemployment rate due to the corona virus pandemic

Resources could include journals, web sites, books, financial publications, personal resources or interviews.  The Gateway library is also an excellent resource to assist you.  Use the following as an outline for your report. You will submit an outline to your instructor as indicated in the due dates below

Topic Outline
Main Topic or Title
Discussion of topic
Report Citation, a list of resources, journals, web sites, books, personal resources (to be added to the outline after week 10).

Final Report Suggested Format
1.    Cover Page, Title of report, name of class, name of student.
2.    Should be 5-10 pages, size 12 font, double-spaced excluding slides and exhibits.
3.    PowerPoint Slides (optional)
4.    Exhibits. This would include any charts or graphs to support your conclusions, spreadsheets, pictures, etc.
5.    Works Cited page or Bibliography

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a summary on the talk “4 reasons to learn a language”.
Listen to the talk again and make notes of the main points
Then write your summary using summarising expressions: for example, -the speaker starts off with introducing the idea of… – he then goes on to mention… following this he describes how…
Remember to use synonyms you cannot just copy what the speaker says
Write your summary on the answer sheet in at least 150 words

Developing a new small business that provides a wide range of services

Topic Outline
Main Topic or Title
Subtopic 1 for example Executive Summary
Subtopic 2 for example Business Description
Subtopic 3
Subtopic 4
Report Citation, a list of resources, journals, web sites, books, personal resources (to be added to the outline after week 11).

Final Report Suggested Format
1.    Cover Page, Title of report, name of class, name of student.
2.    Report, see Guidelines for the Development of the Business Plan; or use Business Report format, must 5-10 pages, double-spaced excluding slides and exhibits.
3.    PowerPoint Slides (optional)
4.    Exhibits. This would include any charts or graphs to support your conclusions, spreadsheets, pictures, etc.
5.    Works Cited page or Bibliography

Packet Tracer simulationand modelling tool to build and test a small data network Assignment 2

Submission for this assignment should be in the form of
A working prototype (using Packet Tracer).
A formal report.
You are expected to make use of appropriate structure including headings, paragraphs, subsections and illustrations. All work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard Referencing System

Need merit in this assignment


Read the pdf document attached and then answer the following questions while showing an understanding of the reading.

1- What is the economic miracle Lankov refers to?

2- What was responsible for this economic miracle?

3- What were some of the majors causes of North Korea’s economic decline?

do a paragraph (1/3 page) answer for each question, dont cite the reading.