Archive for July 10th, 2020


Strategic marketing anticipates both short- and long-term goals. Expanding into the global
market requires the exploration of cultural attributes. You will develop a paper demonstrating a
global perspective to solidify and reflect on marketing concepts used in this course.
Course Objective
Enhance the ability to make ethical decisions which apply to a marketing arena.
1) Save and print the Module 5 Application-Reflection PDF.
2) Create a paper in a Word or text document for your response. Use 12-point Arial or Times
New Roman font. Follow APA (6th editon) format for the paper, title page, references page,
and in-text citations.
3) Develop an introduction and conclusion for your paper.
4) Follow the directions to submit your final Word or text document.
Step 1. List and Identify
Organize a list of the key ideas presented in this course. Apply that knowledge explicitly. Using
the selected company or organization from Module 1, identify the status of its short- and longterm marketing efforts. List segmentation efforts, CRM strategies, and product/service
Step 2. Display the Data
Determine an approach to displaying this data. Use an online visualization tool such as the one
listed on the Learning Objects page.
Step 3. Recommend
Using the data prepared in Step 2 as a rationale, determine a recommendation for or against
global expansion for the company or organization.
Step 4. Prepare
Prepare a report of your findings and recommendation for or against global expansion. Include
what changes would be required to adjust to other cultures, marketing needs, and consumer
relationships. What changes could the company or organization make to its global supply chain
to improve strategic marketing efforts? How can it become more socially responsible and
improve its relationship with marketing intermediaries?
Step 5. Reflect
In a reflection, how does information influence marketing strategies?

Nursing Education

The assignment is to draft two or more research questions. These questions can be either qualitative or quantitative or a mixture of both.

(Focus: The use of Gaming technology to increase student learning outcomes in nursing education in a local community college) This can be from the faculty or student perspective or both!

Qualitative: Research questions must be aligned with the purpose statement.  Qualitative research questions should be open-ended and reflect the nature of the qualitative design (avoid yes/no and closed-ended questions).

Quantitative: Research questions must be aligned with the purpose statement and should include the proposed hypothesis(es). Ensure the research questions and hypothesis(es) are aligned with the purpose statement. The research questions and hypotheses must be directly answerable, specific, and testable based on the data collected.

Hypotheses (Quantitative/Mixed Studies Only)
Both null hypotheses and alternative hypotheses should be stated. Each must directly correspond with a research question.  Hypotheses must be stated in testable, potentially negatable, form with each variable operationalized.  Note: Each hypothesis represents one distinct testable prediction.  Upon testing, each hypothesis must be entirely supported or entirely negated.

Length: 1 page, not including title page (reference page not required)

Your research questions should be directly aligned with the purpose statement.

Choose Any from the list

2. Go into more depth within your chosen social problem. Examine your selected social problem and theorize why your social problem exists in the first place. Which sociological theory do you identify most with as you describe your social problem (see page 15 of your text/figure 1.7 & table 1.2). Why? (100-150 words)
I’d like for us to use our sociological imagination. C. Wright Mills (a famous sociologist) described the sociological imagination as: “the vivid awareness of the relationship between personal experience and the wider society”. Choose one social problem (such as: abortion, bullying, alcoholism, date rape, capital punishment/death penalty, racism, poverty, eating disorders, etc.) and describe, in your ideal society, how you would combat your selected issue to solve it. Describe the experience of those affected by the social problem and how their experience would be shifted through the changes made in your ideal society. (200 words) (15 points)

Wights Mill

2. Go into more depth within your chosen social problem. Examine your selected social problem and theorize why your social problem exists in the first place. Which sociological theory do you identify most with as you describe your social problem (see page 15 of your text/figure 1.7 & table 1.2). Why? (100-150 words)
I’d like for us to use our sociological imagination. C. Wright Mills (a famous sociologist) described the sociological imagination as: “the vivid awareness of the relationship between personal experience and the wider society”. Choose one social problem (such as: abortion, bullying, alcoholism, date rape, capital punishment/death penalty, racism, poverty, eating disorders, etc.) and describe, in your ideal society, how you would combat your selected issue to solve it. Describe the experience of those affected by the social problem and how their experience would be shifted through the changes made in your ideal society. (200 words) (15 points)

Any social problem

2. Go into more depth within your chosen social problem. Examine your selected social problem and theorize why your social problem exists in the first place. Which sociological theory do you identify most with as you describe your social problem (see page 15 of your text/figure 1.7 & table 1.2). Why? (100-150 words)
I’d like for us to use our sociological imagination. C. Wright Mills (a famous sociologist) described the sociological imagination as: “the vivid awareness of the relationship between personal experience and the wider society”. Choose one social problem (such as: abortion, bullying, alcoholism, date rape, capital punishment/death penalty, racism, poverty, eating disorders, etc.) and describe, in your ideal society, how you would combat your selected issue to solve it. Describe the experience of those affected by the social problem and how their experience would be shifted through the changes made in your ideal society. (200 words) (15 points)

: The role of Eurozone during the coronavirus crisis

Section 1. (25%) The Eurogroup is debating EU-wide unemployment insurance scheme to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus crisis. o Define the different types of unemployment and discuss which one is the target of such a measure. o Analyze the possible effects of this measure using the concepts delivered in class. Section 2. (25%) The Eurogroup is discussing issuing Bonds to cushion the economic downturn. o In the Eurozone, which institution oversees monetary policy, and which one controls fiscal policy? o The main goal of the European Central Bank is controlling the inflation. Why it is so important? To answer this question: o define aggregate demand and aggregate supply in the long-run and short-run (use graphs), and explain the main effects of rising prices in the economy using the concepts delivered in class. Section 3 (25%) Fiscal and monetary policies o Provide information on fiscal and monetary policies that are being (or are planned to be) implemented as a response to the coronavirus crisis to prevent a fall of aggregate demand. o Provide two examples of fiscal policies in face of an economic crisis and discuss their positive and negative effects on the aggregate demand. Use the concepts of multiplier effect and crowding-out effect delivered in class. This section must include a written explanation. Section 4. (25%) Coronavirus crisis will certainly cause a fall in global trade. o Explain what the expected impact of the fall in international trade on the Eurozone economy might be. Use the AD/AS model and the concepts delivered in unit 8. This section must include a written explanation as well as charts.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

One of the most important skills for students to master is how to study! Using information from the Memory and the Learning chapters in your textbook, discuss the following:

    Often incoming freshmen rely on flashcards and rote repetition as their primary method of studying. What are advantages and disadvantages of this approach?
    If you were to lead a Freshman Seminar for incoming students, what study strategies would you recommend and why? Support your suggestions with citations from the textbook.

1.  Each essay must be at least 400 words.
2.  While meeting the word count is important, it is possible to write an essay that is long enough, but not substantive enough to earn full credit.  The second criteria of a good essay is including a clear and substantial answer to the prompt.  When preparing your essay, ask yourself, Does my essay answer the question or questions being posed?  and Does it clearly answer all parts of the question, using material to support my answer?  When answering the essay question, it is important to use concepts, research, and/or theories from the weeks material to support your thoughts.  A good essay will offer a thoughtful response on the topic being discussed and will demonstrate a good understanding of the topic by using material from the week in your answer. Using anecdotes or personal experiences are not as substantial or scholarly as using research and/or theory to advance discussion. 
3.  A good essay offers something new and fresh.  Avoid simply answering the question with a simple response or reiteration of what the textbook says. Instead, present information in a way that advances thought on the topic and shows a clear understanding of and reflection on the material.  Essay prompts are your opportunity to demonstrate how much you have learned and can apply the topic. This does not mean that you write and write and write, but rather that you present a thought-filled and reflective essay that addresses the question being asked in a way that demonstrates a true depth of understanding of the weeks material. 
4.  A good essay is written in a scholarly way, free of grammatical and spelling errors.  It will also be in current APA format and use both in-text citations and a reference section. Essays are expected to be written in a scholarly way and with research/references to support your views.

ML Python Project Report + Case Study

-Read the pdf (ML Report and Case Study Guidance and Grading Scheme).
-This is a 5000 words report that consists of two parts (sample report attached).

Part one: ML Project on Python (3000 words)
– Dataset is Telecom_customer_churn.csv
– telecomChurn.ipynb is the actual code used so far (you can work on it further please feel free to add/edit the codes  etc..)
– File “ML Project Presentation and feed back” contains the presentation that was presented to the professors and at the end has the professors feedback in the last slide.
– Sample codes also provided in the file Sample

Part two: Case Study on Spotify (2000 words):
under the pdf: MarrBernardWard_2019_26_Spotify_ArtificialIntelligence

Nursing Education

The assignment is to create a purpose of the study by indicating the intent, goal, and rationale for researching the problem addressed in last weeks assignment. 

(My focus is on using Gaming technology to improve student learning outcomes in nursing education at a local community college)

The purpose statement should begin with The purpose of this (quantitative, qualitative, mixed) study is to  Use the following list to create the purpose statement:

Study method
Study design
Target population
Research setting
Sampling frame
Sampling method
Sample size (Justified by scholarly sources and a power analysis for quantitative studies)
Data collection method (including instrumentation)
Data analysis method
Software to be used for analysis
The closing statement as to how the study results may inform educational theory

Length: Approximately 1 page, not including title and reference pages
References: 4 sources
Your purpose is directly aligned with the problem statement.

Want to rewrite (International Marketing Strategy)

Hi, last time I gave you the instructions and I attached an assignment Guldline to you
The task brief is “providing recommendations for Costa in the implementation of their marketing plan”.

After I read your work, I didnt see any paragraph mentioning Costa. Can you rewrite it again. If I have to pay more or do more process pls let me know.

Specific Task Brief
Some scholars have argued that consumer differences will become more heterogeneous due to cultural differences, making it difficult for companies to standardize their strategies across countries (e.g. De Mooij and Hofstede 2002).  However, alternative perspectives suggest that consumer wants, needs and preferences have become globally homogenous, suggesting a global consumer culture (De Mooij 2015), which would require firms to standardize their strategies across international markets.  Your task is to review the academic literature and provide a critical discussion that considers the merits and limitations of these perspectives, and then provide recommendations for Costa in the implementation of their marketing plan.    The discussion should include the following:

A Cover page (not included in the word count)
Table of Contents (not included in the word count)
Introduction (about 15% of the word-count/weighting)
Key debates around the homogeneity/heterogeneity of consumers across cultures (30%)
Key debates around adaptation and standardization (30%)
Conclusions and recommendations (about 25% of the word count/weighting)
Reference List (not included in the word-count; however note that any referencing within the body of the essay is included in the word count)
      Examples: Use examples to illustrate your points throughout the discussion