Archive for July 10th, 2020

Analysis of an organizational vision

Research visions from organizations in industries other than your own. Find a vision statement that provides an engaging picture for the future of that organization and is detailed enough that external stakeholders can relate to it in a meaningful way. In a paper of 750-1,000 words, address the following:
1.Describe the company and its vison statement.
2.Discuss the attributes that make the vision meaningful.
3.Explain how the vision statement is appropriate for the organization and why the vision statement is appealing to stakeholders on both a cognitive and emotional level.
4.Evaluate whether or not the vision statement encourages organizational change. Provide rationale and examples to support your assessment.
5.Compare and contrast this vision to that of a successful vision in your field, industry, or organization. How do the attributes for a vision in your field or industry differ from those in other fields or industries?


    Analyze and select two types of economic evaluations. Compare the two evaluations, in relation to the factors that may affect the decision to conduct each of the economic evaluations.
    Describe at least two potential ethical and social issues related to program implementation.
    Explain the approach(s) you might take to address these ethical issues.

Javascript slot machine

When the button ‘Run’ is clicked the images from the 3 slots have to change cycle really fast and stop only when the ‘Stop; button is pressed.
Field ‘Score’  has to go up 200 points if two slots are the same and 300 points if all the slots are the same.
Field ‘Score historiek’ has to have the points history Eg:200 — 300
Field ‘Aantal rolls’  should go up by one every time the button roll is pressed.
Game has to stop after 3 rolls.
Button ‘Replay’ resets the game; sets all the fields on 0.

Any Topic

    3 different  topics that research can be done on it ( topics can be in the direction of Tourism, economy, finance, year 2020  )
    Select researchable topic with keeping info on Management Problem & Research Problem  in mind in order to be able to find a suitable topic
    5 scientific articles related to your topic and why these 5 scientific articles

So the jobs is to bring 3 different topics and for each topics 5 scientific articles need to be included ( link can be given ) the 3 topics needs to keep info on Management Problem and a Research Problem

Problem Statement

For this assignment, create a problem statement. Your problem must come from a critical issue that must be addressed, otherwise, negative consequences will occur or continue.  In most cases, scholarly citations within the past 5 years are required to support the problem you will investigate. (I am considering using technology (Games) to improve student learning within Nursing Education).

Articulate a concise problem statement. Include appropriate published or relevant primary sources to document the existence of a problem worthy of doctoral-level research.  Follow these steps:

1. Present the general issue grounded in the research literature that leads to the need for the study.
2. Clearly describe and document the problem prompting the study. Include appropriate published or relevant primary sources to document the existence of a problem worthy of PhD doctoral-level research. 
3. Be sure to consider the following:  What perspective is represented? For example, is the problem an individual level problem, an organizational problem, an industry problem, or a social problem?
4. Consider the theories relevant to predict, explain, and understand the problem.

To identify and articulate a problem, consider the potential negative consequences to the field or stakeholders if the proposed research is never conducted.

Support your assignment with at least five scholarly resources.

Gun Control

Please see attachment

During this course, you will compose an original 1012-page Literature Analysis on a current topic or trend in criminal justice. In preparation for the Literature Analysis, you will submit your topic for approval, along with a preliminary bibliography. Your bibliography must cite at least six (7) scholarly resources that are significant to the topic (current, relevant, credible, and each carries its weight), with a clear and meaningful connection between all the resources. Use the attached template and rubric when completing this assignment.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1.Authors purpose : Write a short paragraph (about 50 words) in which you
state why the author wrote the article. (Was it primarily to inform [give
facts], to interpret, to explore some new theory, or a combination of any or
all of these? Was it to question an older interpretation and offer a new one?
Was it to evaluate the writings of several historians about an event or
movement? Was it to examine aspects of an event or movement not studied
by other historians? Was it to tell a story never told before? Was it for some
other purpose?)
2.Summary of the article: State in about 100 words the points covered in the
article (major facts, themes, interpretations, etc.)
3.If the article and textbook both deal with the subject, state how the
facts and interpretations in the article relate to the facts and
interpretations found in the text. Write no more than 100 words.

scuba chat

I have to make a code for the scuba chat. I have the template for the code and I only need to make a code which control the packets on the physical layer by adding on the template.
The code has to satisty at least 2 requirements out of 4(segmentation and reassembly, medium access control, multi-hop broadcasting, reliable data transfer) to pass the assignment.
In the description, it says that I have to make a simple interface but don’t think about that.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1.Authors purpose : Write a short paragraph (about 50 words) in which you
state why the author wrote the article. (Was it primarily to inform [give
facts], to interpret, to explore some new theory, or a combination of any or
all of these? Was it to question an older interpretation and offer a new one?
Was it to evaluate the writings of several historians about an event or
movement? Was it to examine aspects of an event or movement not studied
by other historians? Was it to tell a story never told before? Was it for some
other purpose?)
2.Summary of the article: State in about 100 words the points covered in the
article (major facts, themes, interpretations, etc.)
3.If the article and textbook both deal with the subject, state how the
facts and interpretations in the article relate to the facts and
interpretations found in the text. Write no more than 100 words.


Overview: Write an essay that takes a specific, nuanced position on the topic you researched for Writing Project 3 and that uses rhetorical arguments and other persuasive appeals to convince readers of that position, using evidence found in the sources you collected on that topic.

Objective: To develop your own distinct position on the topic you researched for Writing Project 3; to write an essay in which you both explain that issue to your audience and persuade them to think differently about it or take action on it, using argumentation and other rhetorical strategies.

Medium: An academic essay, minimum 700-900 words for the Half Draft; minimum 1500 words for the Final Draft; both drafts double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman or similar font; formatted and cited according to either APA or MLA style, as specified by your instructor.

Writing the Half Draft (Module 7)
Working Outline

WORKING OUTLINE. After you have a working thesis statement (after completing your initial post in the M07 Discussion: Thesis Statement Workshop), you need to plan out the arguments you will make and evidence you will use to support your thesis statement. To accomplish this, do the following:

Follow Step 5 in CHAPTER 13 of Writing: Ten Core Concepts, which will guide you as you develop claims to support your thesis statement and identify evidence from your sources to support each claim.
Complete the assignment Working Outline in Module 7. This assignment will help you plan out the arguments you will make as well as other elements of your Argument draft, such as introductory and concluding paragraphs and a counterargument.
Working Outline Overview: In your Working Outline, you will present an argument-based thesis statement; arrange and identify claims in support of that thesis statement; identify evidence from your sources to support each claim; identify the source of each specific piece of evidence so you can construct correct citations later; identify at least one important opposing view or argument that you can successfully refute; and write introductory and concluding rationales that help you analyze the rhetorical situation and the impact you want to have on a specific audience of your choice.

Parts of the Working Outline:

Create a working title: This title can change later, but right now it is another way for you to wrap your mind around your overall argument. Remember that your title should indicate the problem, issue, or controversy you are addressing, should imply your stance on that topic, and should try to evoke readers interest in your topic and your thesis. Your title should NOT be the name of the assignment (e.g. Argument, Argument Essay, Project Four, etc.) and should NOT merely reference your topic without also implying your view on that topic (e.g. Gun Control Now! or Gun ControlThe Wrong Solution are both better than just Gun Control).
Develop a working thesis statement: The argument you make must be based on the problem, issue, or controversy you researched and wrote about in Writing Project 3, Annotated Bibliography. To write a working thesis statement, you can begin by selecting one of the thesis statements you wrote for your initial post in the M07 Discussion or by combining a couple of those thesis statements to shape a more complex, interesting, and persuasive thesis. You should then refine that working thesis statement based on new insights youve gained from class discussion so far and your reading of CHAPTERS 11 and 12. If you choose, you may also write a brand new working thesis statement, as long as it is based on the problem, issue, or controversy you researched for WP3. Step 5 in CHAPTER 12 provides additional guidance on writing a working thesis statement, whether you are refining an existing thesis statement or starting a new one. Also, be sure that your thesis statement is a complete sentence and NOT a question.
Write your introductory rationale: Your introductory rationale will help you frame your central argument and confirm the relevance and importance of your thesis. Your introductory rationale should be about a paragraph long. In it, you should establish why your argument is important to the controversy at large and why it is relevant to your specific audience. Who are you gearing your argument towards? Who needs to be convinced of your position, and why? You should be targeting a specific audience that is relevant to your topic, the stance you are taking on the issue, and the working thesis statement you developed. Think carefully about the group or groups who might need to hear your point.
Develop your supporting claims: Briefly identify the claims you may make or reasons you may provide to support your thesis statement. Each supporting claim should be a strong, clear, relevant statement that helps to support, develop, complicate, or elaborate on your working thesis. Step 5 in CHAPTER 12 provides guidance on developing supporting claims for your thesis.
Identify your evidence: For each supporting claim, identify the evidence from your sources you may use to support that claim. Each supporting claim should be supported with at least one piece of evidence but will probably require multiple pieces of evidence. Each piece of evidence must be briefly paraphrased, quoted, or summarized and must include the correct citation for each piece of evidence so that you are prepared to correctly cite your sources in-text and in a Works Cited (MLA) or References list (APA) for your first draft of Writing Project 4. For each piece of evidence, also include explanations, descriptions, and/or discussion about how the evidence relates to a particular supporting claim. Although this can be written informally, it is important to immediately note what you are going to say in your discussion about each source you use to establish the relevance to the claim you have it under, to establish the authority and reliability of each source, and to connect the information to something that you calculate is important to your intended readers. Step 5 in CHAPTER 12 provides additional insights on selecting evidence. NOTE: Although you will begin by identifying evidence found in the sources you found for Writing Project 3, Annotated Bibliography, you may need to find and use additional sources to successfully support your claims.
Develop a counterargument: Identify and accurately paraphrase at least one opposing viewpoint or argument that may be used against your thesis and discuss a line of reasoning you might use to refute that argument or view. Include with this a citation if the viewpoint or argument you are refuting is derived specifically from one of your sources and include a cited paraphrase, quotation, or summary for any evidence you may use to refute it. Step 5 in CHAPTER 12 provides additional insights on identifying and refuting opposing arguments.
Write a concluding rationale: In your concluding rationale, specify what it is your intended audience ought to do with your argument, and make a case that these readers can, in fact, accomplish what you are asking them to dothat they are the right ones to take up this decision or action.
Format of the Working Outline:

Logical organization. Arrange your working title, thesis statement, claims and evidence, and your counterargument in a logical order that should make each claim clear to readers and so that each claim you make builds on the previous claim. Step 6 in CHAPTER 12 will guide you as you make decisions about how to organize your ideas and provides an example of an outline for an Argument essay. CHAPTER 11, pp. 345-348, offers some additional patterns and approaches to organizing your arguments. Samples of working outlines can also be found in Course Resources.
Label the parts. Be sure to use conventions such as labeling, roman numerals, lettering, numbering, and/or bullet points to clearly lay out your outline. Be sure to clearly label each part of your Working Outline (i.e. label your title; working thesis statement; introductory rationale; main supporting claim 1, main supporting claim 2, etc.; supporting evidence for each claim; counterargument(s); and concluding rationale).
In-text documentation. Cite all your evidence in-text, following MLA or APA style (as directed by your instructor) so that you are prepared to correctly cite your sources in-text and in a Works Cited (MLA) or References list (APA) for your first draft of Writing Project 4.
Submitting the Working Outline:

Submit your completed Working Outline as a Word document via the assignment link in Module 7.

Due date:

Click HERE for the Working Outline assignment in Word format.

Assessment Specifics

An outline of the first draft of Writing Project 4: Argument, identifying and logically arranging key elements of the Argument essay, including:

A working title
A working thesis statement taking a stand on the problem, issue, or controversy researched in Writing Project 3, Annotated Bibliography
An introductory rationale and a concluding rationale
Supporting claims backing up or providing reasons in support of the thesis, written in complete sentences.
One or more pieces of evidence from your sources you found for the Annotate Bibliography for each supporting claim, written as paraphrases, quotations, and/or summaries and correctly cited in-text following MLA or APA style (as directed by your instructor)
Brief explanations, descriptions, and/or discussions elaborating how each piece of evidence relates to a supporting claim
At least one counterargument refuting an opposing view or argument, with correct in-text citation of information or evidence from sources, following MLA or APA style (as directed by your instructor)
A logical, coherent arrangement for the arguments you are outlining. See Writing: Ten Core Concepts, CHAPTER 11, pp. 345-348 for ideas on how to arrange your arguments.
Working Outline Rubric
Working Outline Rubric
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWorking Title
Title reflects or suggests position and approach in some way (is more than the simple announcement of a broad topic such as Assisted Suicide or Argument Paper).
2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis Statement
A clear working thesis or main claim written in a complete sentence (not a question). The thesis is a debatable and supportable statement, taking a position on the problem, issue, or controversy researched in Writing Project 3.
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroductory & Concluding Rationale
About a paragraph in length each; introductory rationale analyzes the rhetorical context of the issue, problem, or controversy and points out one or two reasons why the audience should care about this argument. Concluding rationale analyzes desired impact on selected audience.
6.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOutlining & Organizing
Outline is clear and logical and all parts are labeled. Supporting claims are logically and coherently arranged.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence
Evidence is provided for each supporting claim, drawn from sources; includes discussion of how/why each source is credible and how it supports the associated claim.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCounterargument
Identification of at least one important opposing view or argument, fairly represented from source material, as well as a refutation of that opposing view, including reasoning and evidence for the refutation.
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitations
Evidence for claims and counterargument correctly cited in-text, following MLA or APA style (as directed by your instructor).
4.0 pts
Total Points: 30.0