Archive for July 10th, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Where to find the short stories online:

Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” available at

Ernest Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants” available at

Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wall-paper” available at

William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” available at

Louise Erdrich’s “The Shawl” available at

ML Python Project Report + Case Study

-Read the pdf (ML Report and Case Study Guidance and Grading Scheme).
-This is a 5000 words report that consists of two parts (sample report attached).

Part one: ML Project on Python (3000 words)
– Dataset is Telecom_customer_churn.csv
– telecomChurn.ipynb is the actual code used so far (you can work on it further please feel free to add/edit the codes  etc..)
– File “ML Project Presentation and feed back” contains the presentation that was presented to the professors and at the end has the professors feedback in the last slide.
– Sample codes also provided in the file Sample

Part two: Case Study on Spotify (2000 words):
under the pdf: MarrBernardWard_2019_26_Spotify_ArtificialIntelligence


In a 5-7 page thesis driven essay:

Choose one specific time period or art movement covered in class (beginning with the Romantics and ending with contemporary times). First, define and describe the art period/ movement. Secondly, choose two different forms of artistic expression from the following list and discuss how they represent the chosen time period:

-Visual Art (includes any medium discussed in class, such as painting, sculpture, etc.)




Finally, discuss how these works have influenced our post-modern contemporary society.

*You must use 3 separate sources of research in this essay

Wikipedia is not a source of research!!


– Be sure to clearly describe the ideology, history and culture of the specific era you have chosen.

– Introduce the artist, architect, and/or writer of the pieces you have chosen to discuss. (this should include the persons ideology/ philosophy that influenced the work)

-Do not forget to clearly link the ideology and culture of the era/artistic movement with the pieces being discussed. In other words, how are the pieces chosen representative of that period in human history?

-Finally, demonstrate how this time period/artistic movement and the representative pieces chosen have influenced our post-modern society.

Cost of Capital

The president of Dronavation, Inc. has hired you to determine the firm’s cost of debt and cost of equity capital. The stock is currently selling for $40 a share and the dividend per share is expected to be around $2. The company has total liabilities of $16 million and interest expense for the year of $2 million.


The president makes the statement that it will cost $2 per share to use the stockholders’ money, so the cost of equity is equal to 5 percent (2/40). Is this correct? How do you respond?
The president says to you that if the company owes $16 million and has only $2 million in interest, the cost of debt is 12.5 percent ($2 million / $16 million). Is this conclusion correct? Explain.
Based on his calculations, the president recommends the company increase its use of equity financing, because debt costs 12.5 percent, but equity only costs 5 percent. How do you respond?

scuba chat

I will send you the description of the assignment and the codes. The codes are the template and this code is moving on the physical layer. If you need more money to do this on time, I can give you. If you need more time I can give you the time until tomorrow morning.
There are 4 requirements to satisfy, segmentation and reassembly, medium access control, multi-hop broadcasting, reliable data transfer. To pass the assignment, I have to satisfy at least 2. Can you make the code which satisfies 2-3 requirements?
In the description, you can see that we have to make a simple interface, but you don’t need to think about that problem.

Globalization of Korean popular culture (k-pop)

I need a chapter for my thesis that outlines specific relevant theories for the globalization process of k-pop. It needs to use these theories to analyse the globalisation flow and methods. Would be great if there was specific relation to the role of social media, fan accounts and fan internaction/support in how k-pop have broken into the western word and become a global phenomenon in recent years.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assessment Specifics

Your Purpose Statement

Minimum 200 words (successful statements are often longer)
NOTE: Your audience will NOT consist of your classmate or instructor
Answer some of the following questions to determine your audience: Who has a stake in this issue? Who would care about your position on this issue? Who do you think can benefit from hearing your arguments about the issue? Who do you think needs to be made aware of the issue and your viewpoint on it? Who do you think is impacted by the problem or issue that would like to hear that someone is on their side? Who you do you want to persuade or convince of the view or course of action you are advocating?
Following Step 2 in CHAPTER 3, also analyze and specifically describe your Audience, Time, Place, and Purpose of your draft.
Place your Purpose Statement on a page just before the first page of your Analysis draft (If following MLA style, this will be the first page of your draft document; if following APA style, this will be the second page of your draft document, just after the title page).
Your Half Draft

An essay taking a stand and making arguments in support of a view or course of action on the issue, problem, or controversy developed in Writing Project 3.
Clearly focused, debatable, and supportable thesis statement advocating your view on the problem or controversy
Use of evidence from sources, objectively and accurately interpreted, to support your arguments
Effective reasoning that demonstrates how the evidence supports the thesis and the specific arguments being made
A logical organizational structure that clearly and effectively guides readers through the arguments being made
Introductory paragraph and body paragraphs that present and support your arguments, with topic sentences and transitions. (For this half draft, include as many of your arguments as you can develop within the word count restrictions)
Use of evidence from sources; at least 5 quotations and/or paraphrases, clearly discernible from each other and from the writers voice and cited using correct in-text citations
Use of at least 3 relevant and highly credible sources, at least 2 of which come from the Ivy Tech Library databases. (No Print Sources.)
APA or MLA manuscript style, as specified by your instructor, with in-text citations and a References or Works Cited list including ALL sources used. (References or Works Cited list does not count in the minimum word-count requirement)
Observation of the conventions of Standard English
700-900 words (no more, no less) for half draft (the minimum 200 words for your purpose statement is not included in this count)
700-900 words (no more, no less) for the half draft (the minimum 200 words for your purpose statement is not included in this count)

Writing Project 4 Argument Half Draft
Writing Project 4 Argument Half Draft
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEffective purpose statement, minimum 200 words
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeComplete draft
Half draft with introduction including clear thesis statement, and two or more developed body paragraphs700-900 words, no more, no less.
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting (APA or MLA, as assigned by instructor), minimum 3 sources, and minimum 5 quotes/paraphrases
Correct document format in APA or MLA style, as specified by your instructor, including a References page (APA style) or Works Cited page (MLA style) listing at least 3 sources, at least 2 found using the Ivy Tech Virtual Library databases. No print sources. Use of at least 5 paraphrases and/or quotations, cited using correct APA or MLA in-text citations.
5.0 pts
Total Points: 25.0

corona virus

Please describe in detail the COVID-19 financial disruption you have experienced. Examples may include living off-campus housing; a loss of a job due to the relocation, unemployment, underemployment, or the required purchase of technology to support remote instruction. Remember the essay has to be a personal experience. It is asking about the experience.

points to write about in the essay – parents’ loss of a job, rent payment in college, having to purchase new technologies for classes, not being able to access library resources, internship search, and job employment.

Ryan Air

The methodology has to add up with the rest of the report. There is not even one interview used to provide information or answers in the report. So, the methodology doesn’t add up with the whole report. I need to know why the Methodology is written in this way and find a solution to change it in the right way. (see page 4)

Markets, Risks, and Returns

Sky Fly, Inc is considering an investment in two different expansions. The following estimates have been calculated for each project.
X    Y
Initial Investment    15,000    15,000
Annual Rate of Return       
Pessimistic    16%    10%
Most Likely    20%    20%
Optimistic    24%    30%

What is the range of the rates of return for each of the projects?
Which project is less risky? Why?
Which investment would you choose? Why?
What does your investment choice say about your feelings towards risk?
Assume that expansion Y most likely outcome is 21% per year and that all other facts remain the same.  Does this change your investment choice answer?  Why?
What are the ethical considerations that Sky Fly’s managers should observe when deciding between the two projects?