Archive for July 10th, 2020

Assignment 3 – Four Recruitment Scenarios Final Case Study

Please review the instructions carefully. I had someone on this website write this paper and it is just awful. It was due yesterday and they just completed it.  I can not turn this in. Can you help? Please make sense of this? HELP??

Please use the instructions on the document marked instructions.

is advertising harmful to society

Introduction – background, definition, thesis statement, outline of scope points

Body – 4 paragraphs, topic sentences, supporting sentences, evidence, analysis of evidence

Conclusion. (in this particular order)

Minimum of 6 sources must include these sources:

Brajnik, G., & Gabrielli, S. (2010). A Review of Online Advertising Effects on the User Experience. International Journal of HumanComputer Interaction, 26(10), 971997. doi: 10.1080/10447318.2010.502100

Gustafson, A. (2001). Advertisings Impact on Morality in Society: Influencing Habits and Desires of Consumers. Business and Society Review, 106(3), 201-223.

Kim, B. K., Choi, J., & Wakslak, C. J. (2019). The Image Realism Effect: The Effect of Unrealistic Product Images in Advertising, Journal of Advertising, 48(3), 251-270. doi: 10.1080/00913367.2019.1597787

Van Reijmersdala, E.A., Rozendaalb, E., Sminkc, N., Van Noorta, G., & Buijzenb, M. (2017). Processes and effects of targeted online advertising among children. International Journal of Advertising, 36(3), 396-414.

Bond and stock Valuation

Airnova Inc. has two types of bonds, Bond D and Bond F. Both have 8 percent coupons, make semiannual payments, and are priced at par value. Bond D has 2 years to maturity. Bond F has 15 years to maturity.

Airnova Inc. is considering four different types of stocks. They each have a required return of 20 percent and a dividend of $3.75 for share. Stocks, A, B, and C are expected  to maintain constant growth rates in dividends for the near future of 10 percent, 0 percent, and -5 percent, respectively. Stock D is a growth stock and will increase its dividend by 30 percent for the next four years and then maintain a constant 12 percent growth rate after that.

If interest rates suddenly rise by 2 percent, what is the percentage change in both bonds?
If interest rates suddenly fall by 2 percent, what is the percentage change in both bonds?
What does this tell you about the interest rate risk of longer-term bonds?
What is the dividend yield for each of the four stocks?
What is the expected capital gains yield?
Discuss the relationship among the various returns that you find for each of the stocks.


Using your data set, as well as SPSS software, preform a t-test on any of the means of variables you select. Include dependent variable (s) and independent variable (s) are, as well as the level of measurement for each!
– Describe your output, and interpret the findings in a paragraph, include why the t-test was appropriate to the data you used( that is, how the assumptions of the t-test met). Cite sources

quiz 3

Czech New Wave

How did state ownership of the Czech film industry help filmmakers in the 1960s? 1 point

Why did this change at the end of the 1960s, and how did this effect Czechoslovak filmmakers? 2 points

What were the three main styles of films that characterize Czech New Wave cinema? 1 point

Give an example from any of the clips in the lecture, or from the film Pearls of the Deep that you think exemplifies the Czech New Waves subversive use of humor or absurdity to critique society or the State. 1 point

Italian Auteurism

What were the most popular genres in Italian cinema during the 1960s? 1 point

What stylistic elements characterize the films of Michelangelo Antonioni, and what major themes was he interested in exploring? 1 point

Describe Pasolinis pastiche technique and what it was used for. 1 point

What qualities characterize the films of Fellini after 1960, and give an example of those qualities in the film 8 . 2 points

New German Cinema

What were Heimatfilm and how were they regarded (what was their reputation)? 1 point

What was the difference between the way that the Kuratorium financially supported filmmakers in Germany, and how the FFC financially supported filmmakers in Germany? 1 point

What was the role of TV in supporting the New German Cinema? 1 point

Many New German filmmakers were influenced by the playright Bertolt Brecht what kinds of techniques did filmmakers take from him and why? 1 point

How does the film Ali: Fear Eats the Soul critique German society? Give specific examples from the film to back up your answer (specific scenes or sequences, elements of the film characters, cinematography, etc.) 2 points

Soviet Thaw and Stagnation

How did the film industry change during the thaw period? 1 point

What struggles did filmmakers face during the Stagnation period and how did they deal with/react to them? 1 point

What was the double standard that applied to Auteur filmmakers and films produced in the USSR during the stagnation period and why did this double standard exist? 1 point

Why was Auteur filmmaking distrusted and discouraged in the USSR? 1 point

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Introduction paragraph, 3-5 body paragraphs, conclusion paragraph.
The Rhetorical analysis essay needs to be a rhetorical analysis of one of the six following short essays.

On Dumpster Diving By: Lars Eighner
Victors Hall By: Lydia Millet
My Periodic Table By: Oliver Sacks
Pre-Game By: Dave Zirin


-Discuss an application an application of a t-test to a research question that you would like to answer.
-state a research question that could be appropriately answered using the t-test. Include your independent and dependent variables, levels of measurement for those variables, and a rationale as to why the t-test would be appropriate to answer the question. Discuss how you would address concepts of diversity (e.g. different races, religions, genders etc) as appropriate.
-Cite sources

Social Inequality

Does social inequality inevitably exist naturally or is it a creation by human society and in either case what is its purpose or reason for existence?
Unfortunately for most, we cannot deny the existence of social inequality in pretty much all societies. Is it then possible to decipher whether this is an unavoidable system of nature or a construct developed over time in societies due to human behavior? For either scenario, is there a purpose for its existence? Does social inequality perhaps serve the society in misconstrued ways that benefits said society and justifies its existence? The purpose of this paper is not to debate whether social inequality should exist or not, but rather to attempt to deconstruct the social construct that is inequality and its purpose. This is not an easy question to answer but luckily much exemplary work can be used to help direct us in the right direction.
Sources: (Further sources to be potentially added)
1.    The Forms of Capital by Pierre Bourdieu
This source provides great insight on how capital, society, and social inequality are intertwined and interact with each other
2.    Inconspicuous Consumption and the New Elites by Curried-Hacklett
This source illuminates the contrast between high and low class life in societies
3.    Wretched of the Earth on Violence by Fanon
This source analyzes the causes and effects of colonization and decolonization on social inequality
4.    De Beauvoir Chapter 5
This source portrays the social inequality experienced mostly by woman after the French revolution.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

SWOT alone is not sufficient to fully understand the current situation of a company. There are environmental factors and industry factors that need to be evaluated. Porter’s 5 Forces and PESTLE are very important strategic frameworks.
Because you only used one framework, you are essentially forced to use it to develop your strategy. How would you defend that the best strategic model is strengths/opportunities or weaknesses/threats? You did not discuss the relevance of frameworks and defend your choice.  You should choose one strategy. Diversification of the portfolio and geographic expansion are two very different strategies. SWOT is not sufficient to guide geographic expansion. PESTLE is a critical framework for this strategy.
You did not create a roadmap for your strategy (25 points). You need phases for product development with associated timelines, milestones and measurements.
You did not create an analytics plan (10 points)
You did not create an adaptive plan that reflects external uncertainties and how you could respond  (10 points).

reply to post

responding to other student post

the discuss

The key things you have learned from the other student’s answer,
The professional lessons you can take from considering both your answer and the other students answer, how you can apply these in your professional life, and why these things are important to you professionally, and
The personal lessons you can take from considering both your answer and the other students answer, how you can apply these in your personal life, and why these things are important to you personally.
Each of these three points should be given reasonably equal weighting in your reply post.
When responding to other student posts

Word count for your response(s) to other student posts: 250 words  +/- 10%

Do it as the example